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Alien Capture (Latrothain Warrior Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Christy,Dena

  “You didn’t know what I wasn’t what?”

  “I didn’t know you weren’t from Nova Earth. You looked so lost when I first saw you. It wasn’t until Dr. Avery reprimanded me that I knew you weren’t from this world. I wasn’t privy to the fact that they were going to kill you tomorrow. I knew something was going on, and I snooped in Dr. Avery’s calendar. I saw what they planned to do to you, and I couldn’t let it happen if there was a way I could stop it. I couldn’t pretend that I hadn’t seen you, and that I didn’t know what they planned. My conscience wouldn’t let me.”

  The last screw dropped on the table, and Synn breathed out a sigh. At least that part was over with.

  “He won’t forgive you for what you’ve done.” Dr. Avery had not struck him as the forgiving sort, and the last words he’d spoken to them was to call Miranda a whore. Not exactly the words of a man willing to forgive and forget.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t intend to see him again. It’s not like I loved that job anyway.”

  “Why would you work there if you didn’t like it?” She gave a bitter laugh, and he turned his head to look at her. “Have I said something amusing?”

  “You didn’t learn how this world works from your trip into Dr. Avery’s mind did you? The job was picked for me, and I had no more say in it than I did about my vocation.”

  “Why would they do that? Are you being punished?”

  “Most citizens don’t get choices here, especially women. The caste I was born to is a high one, so at least my limited choice of vocation wasn’t abhorrent to me.” She gave a wave of her hand, and he turned back around. “I need to pull the other pieces out. I’ll try to do it fast, but it will hurt.”

  “Do what you need to.”

  “I’ll get a wet cloth in case there’s blood.” She got up off the sofa and walked out of the room. He watched her go, appreciating the sight of her from the back.

  He would have to repay her somehow. She had no way of making a living now, thanks to helping him. While he was grateful to her for saving his life, it didn’t sit well with him that she’d given up so much to do it.

  She came back, holding a small cloth and went back to her spot behind him.

  “Let’s get this done.” She set the cloth aside and rummaged through the box on the table. She pulled out a pair of metal pinchers with a curved end on one side. “I think the best way to do this is to pull them out fast. I don’t want to go too slow and prolong this for you.”

  He eased his breath out of his chest and forced himself to relax. Tension would make this more painful than it needed to be. Pain lanced through him when she ripped the first anchor from his body. He clenched his jaw to keep the sound of pain inside him. She needed to keep going, and it would be easier for her if she didn’t realize just how much removing the anchors hurt.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t put them in there, so you have nothing to be sorry for. Keep going, Miranda.” He savored the taste of her name on his lips and closed his eyes when she pressed the cloth against the wound in his back.

  The warmth of the cloth soothed the stinging pain. The other three anchors were just as painful as the first, and she followed the same procedure with the cloth as she had with the first one. Her touch was gentle upon his skin, and it soothed him as much as the cloth had.

  “That’s it. I’ll put gauze on the holes for now, and I have ointment that will keep them from getting infected.” She dabbed cream on his back as she spoke. After a few moments she taped small squares of gauze to the wounds. Thankfully the last vestiges of his capture were now out of his body.

  “Thank you.” He turned his body so he faced her. He picked her hands up from where they rested in her lap and held them in his. “You cannot know what you’ve done for me, and I will always be grateful to you.”

  A frown drew her eyebrows together as she looked into his eyes. “That sounded like goodbye.”

  Synn sighed. If he had a choice, if he wasn’t now a fugitive, he would stay with her and explore the emotions she churned inside him. That couldn’t happen. He refused to endanger her further and leaving her now was the best thing he could do for her.

  “It has to be goodbye. I can’t bring any more danger to you.”

  She pulled her hands from his and crossed her arms over her chest. “And how do you expect to pay your way? Do you have chips? What about identification? Do you have a citizen card?”

  “You know I have none of those things.”

  “Where are you going to stay? There is a curfew between eleven in the evening and six in the morning? Is there somewhere you can go so you don’t get picked up for breaking curfew?”

  Synn’s shoulders sagged. Leaving her wouldn’t be as easy as walking out the door, at least it wouldn’t if he wanted to remain free. This world was more complicated than he’d expected. “What do you suggest?”

  “Stay with me a little longer. I have a way to get chips for you, so at least you will have money. We can’t stay here, since it’s the first place they will look for you. My friend Collette is out of town, so we can stay at her apartment for the night.” She pushed her lips into a smile, but there was a hurt lurking in her eyes.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you by suggesting I leave.” He took her hands again, and she didn’t pull away. That was an encouraging sign at least. “I can never repay you for saving my life, and I didn't want to bring any further trouble to you. I don’t want to bring any danger to your friend either. Are you sure she will be safe if we go there?”

  “We’ll be gone before she comes home, and they won’t think to look for us there. It will be fine.” She gave his hands a squeeze and left them where they were.

  Synn’s eyes dropped to her mouth, which looked plump and soft. He’d tasted it while in the lab and he wanted to taste it again. He eased his hands away from her. She hadn’t like his kiss at the lab. It made her feel weird. She wouldn’t welcome his kiss again.

  “We should go then.” He stood and turned away. Once they got to her friend’s apartment, he would fight the attraction drawing him to her. It was stronger than anything he’d felt before, but she didn’t feel the same. He would do his best to keep his distance from her.

  He glanced over at her as they walked to the apartment door. She handed the satchel to him and slung her purse over her shoulder. Her mouth turned down as she took a sweeping glance around the room.

  “What’s wrong?” He took the bag from her and slipped the strap over his shoulder.

  “Just a feeling, like I won’t see this place again. It doesn’t matter.” She pulled open the apartment door and walked out into the hall.

  He could see that it mattered, but what could he say? He would find a way to make up to her all she’d sacrificed for his sake.

  * * *

  Leaving her apartment was harder than she thought it would be. She’d been there since she’d left her mother’s home when she’d passed away. Now she could never go back. That refrain had repeated in her head during the half hour it had taken to get to Collette’s apartment. At least Synn had not spoken while the car had driven them to Collette’s. She couldn’t pretend that everything was going to be fine. Not right now, anyway.

  They made it inside Collette’s apartment with time to spare. At least we won’t be caught in the curfew’s net.

  “Why don’t you go into the living room and I’ll see about finding us something to eat. You must be hungry.” She turned and hurried to the kitchen before he said anything.

  She sagged against the counter, with her hands braced on the smooth marble top. She’d saved him from murder, and couldn’t regret that. It hadn’t been as simple as she envisioned. It was foolish of her to think that she could let him out and that would be the extent of her involvement. What was she going to do now?

  The full impact of what she’d done hit her and her body trembled. Her legs dissolved beneath her, and her butt landed on the floor. What am I going to do?

  Her b
ody drifted to the left until she rested against the cupboards and she drew her legs in toward her. She had no job, no place to live now, and probably they would be hunted if they stepped out of Collette’s apartment.

  Obey, don’t make waves and do what you’re told were lessons her mother had drummed into her head from the time she was a little girl. She knew no other way to live, and now she’d plunged herself into chaos. Nothing had prepared her for a life on the run from the authorities.

  Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Sitting on the floor shaking would not help her, and it would not help Synn. He knew nothing about this world, and it was up to her to help him. Freeing him had come with the responsibility of making sure he stayed alive, and she couldn’t forget that. She forced herself up to her feet.

  Once he was away and safe, then she could have a nervous breakdown over what she had done, but not before. Her head hung down when she thought about not seeing him again. She was fooling herself by thinking she would have save anyone in that situation. Perhaps she would have, but she didn’t think she had that much courage in her. What he stirred in her was stronger than the fear of disobedience and her need for self preservation combined. Now he was going to leave her as quickly as he’d come into it. He’d made it clear that he didn’t want to endanger her any more.


  She squeezed her eyes shut. The temptation in his deep voice, so full of concern for her, made her want to do things to him and with him.

  “I’ll be out in a minute.” She moved, opening cupboards and drawers, all the while facing away from him. If she stayed busy, she could resist what she wanted, which was to touch him, kiss him. The kiss they’d share in the lab didn’t count, since it was a ruse to fool Carl and he’d done it in Dr. Avery’s form. She’d been aroused and repulsed at the same time.

  His hands landed gently on her shoulders, and she stilled her activity. The warmth from his hands seeped into her flesh and it would be so easy to drift back and rest against the wall of his chest. She remained upright, but did nothing to shake off his touch. A confusion of feelings churned inside her and she needed a moment to collect herself. Once she did that she could face him and pretend that everything was fine.

  He turned her around, and she looked down at the floor. He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up so she could see the concern in his navy eyes.

  She squeezed her lips together so he couldn’t see them trembling. Don’t fall apart, not now. He couldn’t see how scared she was to face what her life would become. He owed her nothing, and she didn’t want him to feel obliged to her.

  “What’s wrong.” His eyes searched her face, and she forced her lips to twist into a bright smile. That smile was her shield, and it hid her feelings from the world when she plastered it on her face.

  “Nothing.” Even the bright note in her voice sounded fake, but he didn’t know her. Maybe it would fool him? “I’m fine. Go back into the living room and I’ll get us something to eat.”

  “Come into the other room and talk to me.”

  A lump grew in her throat, and she swallowed but it refused to shrink. His gentle kindness was undoing her.

  “But the food…”

  “I’m not interested in food. I want to know what you are thinking.” He turned her toward the door and put a gentle hand on the small of her back to guide her to the living room. It looked like she had little choice but to do what he wanted. He led her to the sofa, and she sank down on it while he sat down beside her.

  “What’s wrong?” The quiet concern in his deep voice undid her. The full impact of what she would face once he was gone hit her and a tremor started in her limbs until her whole body shook.

  “I don’t know why I’m being like this.” She clasped her hands in her lap and squeezed her fingers together until her knuckles turned white. She had to keep it together, he didn’t deserved to be landed with a fearful basket case.

  “You’ve been through a stressful experience, and it’s bound to affect you. Once I leave and you get back to your normal life, things will settle inside you.”

  A laugh bubbled up inside her and spilled out. There was a hysterical edge to it, and she leaned forward and buried her face in her hands. Even with him gone, she would never have a normal life again.

  “Miranda, tell me what to do.”

  She was sure he thought she’d gone crazy, and was possibly freaking him out, but she couldn’t help herself. The weight of what she’d done broke her apart inside and she didn’t know how to put herself back together. She didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want him to think that she regretted saving him because that was not the problem.

  “I don’t know what to do now.” Tears clogged her throat, and when she looked up at him his image wavered for a moment. She wanted to be strong, to stave off falling apart until after he was safely away, but seeing the concern for her in his face couldn’t keep her emotions at bay.

  “What do I need to do? I want to help you but I don’t know how. Tell me what you need.” He stroked a tear off her cheek with his thumb, and she knew what she needed from him.

  “Hold me.” As soon as the whispered command was out of her mouth he moved to obey with a swiftness that told her he’d held himself back before.

  He scooped her onto his lap and she snaked her arms around his neck. His body was solid and warm against her. The motion of his hands running in slow circles on her back soothed her. Breathing was her sole focus as she nestled her face against the warm skin at the base of his neck. He could be her anchor right now, and he had so much strength that she tried to tap into it, to take some for herself. Once he was gone, she would need all the strength she could muster.

  The trembling subsided, and she eased back so she could look at his face. His eyes were dark and velvety, his lashes thick and black, and something else stirred inside her.

  “Can you tell me what’s wrong now?”

  “I don’t want to burden you with it. I’m fine now.” That false smile pushed her cheeks apart, and she stayed where she was.

  “Why are you frightened?” He wouldn't let it go, and the smile eased off her face. It wasn’t fooling him, and he wouldn't let her keep what was bothering her inside. The consequences of what she’d done were hers to deal with, not his, but he wouldn't stop asking until she talked to him.

  “Contrary to what you’ve known about me so far, I’m not the kind of woman who rescues strange men prison.” She gave a self-deprecating laugh as she wiped her palms over her wet cheeks. If she’d been used to disobedience, she would not have fallen apart so easily. “If there is a consistent theme in my life, it’s obedience and self preservation. Bad things happen to people who aren’t good citizens, and I’ve done everything I can to be a good citizen.”

  “And by saving me you are no longer a good citizen?”

  “The people who held you captive would not think so. I don’t want you to think that I regret doing what I’ve done. It wasn’t right what they planned to do to you, and I would do the same thing again if faced with the same situation. I’m lost at them moment, and will have to forge a new path.” She downplayed the seriousness of the situation she was in. He was not responsible for her, and she had gotten herself into this and dealing with the aftermath would be hers to do.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Kiss me.” The thought had lurked in her mind since she’d calmed down, but did she have to blurt it out like that? She was in his lap, and he was so close, but she could have been a little more subtle about suggesting it. His brows drew together in a puzzled frown, and she forced a laugh. “I’m just kidding. You don’t have to kiss me.”

  “I don’t understand.” He kept his arms loosely around her waist. At least he wasn’t shoving her away as if she was a leper, which was encouraging. “At the lab you said my touch made you feel weird. Why would you want to kiss me if that’s true?”

  “You looked like my boss, and I f
ind him to be a creepy little man. I found you touching me as him to be a little disconcerting.” Why had she opened this whole can of worms? She hadn’t thought he would want to analyze it. Why couldn’t he have just kissed her instead of making her think about her reasons for asking. “Like I said, I was only joking. I don’t even know if you’re single. You probably have a wife on your home world. It was silly of me to say anything. You don’t have to kiss me.”

  “I have no mate on my home world and I know I don’t have to kiss you.” Disappointment lanced through her and her shoulders sagged. At least he hadn’t sugar coated it. She shifted on his lap, and his hands came up to clasp her arms. “I want to.”

  He hands moved up to her head, and he threaded his fingers in her hair and cup the back of her skull. Her heart picked up its pace as he leaned in, and her eyes drifted shut when he put his mouth on hers. His lips were soft as he moved them on hers, and she slid her arms up his neck to bury her fingers into his short silky hair. She closed the distance between them and pressed her breasts against the solid wall of muscle that was his chest. This was happening, he was kissing her and it was glorious.

  He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. His tongue probed the entrance of her mouth, and she opened for him. She savored the taste of him, which was unlike anything she’d ever known. The feel of his body, the taste of his tongue, and his scent in her nostrils made her want more. She wanted all of him. If he was going to leave her soon, she wanted to experience what it was like to be loved by him.

  She pulled back and her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him, bringing her hand around to touch his cheek.

  “Was that what you needed?”

  “Yes, but it’s stirred up something inside me. I want you to make love to me.”

  She looked deeply in his eyes. Asking for something she wanted wasn’t her normal mode of operation. Things happened to her, she didn’t make things happen. It took all the courage she had to overcome the fear that he would reject her to ask him for what she wanted. And she wanted him and had done so from the moment she’d walked into the lab and put her hand on him.


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