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The Killertrine Storm

Page 14

by Doctor Who

  One Krillitane alone was unable to support the weight of Broken Wing, and they immediately lost altitude, sweeping dangerously close to the floor. At the last possible second, she let go of her burden and swung back


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  towards the ceiling to regroup, her task accomplished. Broken Wing hit the ground lightly on all fours, alert and sniffing for Henk's distinctive scent.

  Henk had already recognised his imminent danger and fled towards the cloisters as soon as he'd fired his weapon. There was no longer any point kidding himself. This whole deal had gone belly-up, and he wasn't going to stick around while those vile monsters picked at its carcass.

  'It's higher than you'd think, isn't it?' observed the Doctor, looking through the window they'd just broken and across the snow-covered Cathedral roof. 'And we're not even at the top.'

  Emily was good with heights, but she knew her limits. There is no way we're going to get down there without breaking our necks. If we slip, that's it.'

  Then we shall carry you,' Toch'Lu offered.

  'What did she just say?' Emily glared at the Doctor, pretty certain she'd understood exactly what Toch'Lu was planning.

  'Whatever you do, don't let go,' advised the Doctor, allowing Toch'Lu to wrap her arms around him. Emily and Darke exchanged worried glances, as bony Krillitane fingers took hold of them and lifted them from their feet. Suddenly they were flying, swooping away from the Cathedral and into the snowstorm.

  The ride was exhilarating. Snowflakes and the bitter, icy wind bit against the Doctor's skin, but he welcomed 188


  the winter storm that would surely enable them to pass beyond the city walls unnoticed. The Doctor looked back and was satisfied that Emily and Darke were close behind, though the Captain did not look at all happy.

  Then the sky fell in.

  A blinding white light flooded across the dawn sky, accompanied by a blast of superheated air and a pressure wave that sent the fugitives tumbling towards the river. As Toch'Lu struggled to regain control, the Doctor caught a glimpse of a deep-space frigate dropping belly first through the storm clouds, directly over the Cathedral. The ship's retro-thrusters beat down on full power, slowing its descent to a halt mere metres above the Cathedral tower. Snow melted away from the vast roof in an instant from the intense heat.

  The ship hovered for a moment, its size making it look like an airborne reflection of the Cathedral itself, then a flicker of light flashed on the underside of the hull. A hatch opened, from which tiny figures spilled out and onto the tower, crawling fluidly over the ancient stone.

  Krillitanes. Dozens of them.

  The Doctor looked on in horror. His gamble hadn't paid off, and now they were in serious trouble.

  Inside the Cathedral, all hell had broken loose.

  The pitched battle between Broken Wing's supporters and Henk's people was suddenly thrown into disarray as the windows that ran along the length of the Cathedral shattered spectacularly inwards, too weak to withstand


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  the shockwave pushed out by the Krillitane frigate's retro-thrusters.

  The deafening howl of straining engines bounced off the Cathedral walls, an echoing cacophony that sent those Krillitanes that were airborne crashing to the floor, writhing in pain and unable to avoid the shards of glass that rained upon them like a million daggers.

  In the cloisters, Broken Wing stumbled into a wall, clutching at his head to protect it from the noise. Henk couldn't believe his luck as he watched the Krillitane collapse to the floor. The damn thing had almost had him cornered. Whatever was happening, it had at least saved him from this particular fate.

  Blinking in the harsh light, Henk scrambled across to the edge of the cloisters and peered upwards. 'What in the name of... Who the hell's that?'

  Henk watched as the ship veered away towards the south, no doubt about to touch down in the open area between the Cathedral and the Castle. That cut him off from his planned escape route, via the boathouse and the river. He'd have to make his way out through the city instead.

  Grateful that the hideous noise had abated, he wondered why the pilot had seen fit to make such a spectacular arrival, but then a groan from the floor alerted him that Broken Wing was beginning to recover his senses. It must have been the pitch of the engines that had floored him, realised Henk.

  No time to waste on making grand plans. He needed a diversion and a bolthole. Then he heard angry shouts, 190

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  and fists banging against a door, and he remembered the delegates were still locked away in the Chapter House. Henk sprinted over and wrenched the brace from its housing. The doors swung open and he dived into the rush of delegates as they spilled out into the cloisters, pushing them out of the way, desperate to put as many of them between himself and Broken Wing as possible. The room was a mess. A few windows on the Cathedral side were now little more than gaping holes, and the floor was littered with glass. The Octulans were still in their pressurised bubble, quivering with fear. Their travelpods had been knocked aside during the panic. Henk couldn't care less. It was every man, or blob, for himself. And if the bubble still had power, then so did the other tech in the room, which meant Henk still had an ace up his sleeve.

  Broken Wing staggered to his feet and shook his head to clear it. He looked up at the Cathedral tower, keen eyes picking out the grey and brown skins of Krillitane, pouring into the gaping windows at the top. The Esteemed Father's death squad.

  He could only hope that, by now, Toch'Lu would be moving away from the city, to safety. He would confront the death squad, hold them here for as long as possible, then there was still a chance she might make it. But first he wanted Henk, and the terrified screaming coming from the opposite side of the cloisters told the Krillitane where to find him.

  He bounded across the garden, jaws snapping at any 191

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  of the aliens that happened to stumble into his path, through the doors into the Chapter House. Broken Wing slid to a standstill and hissed. There was Henk, climbing onto a raised platform, laughing for reasons best known to himself. The Krillitane hissed again and crept forward, glass crackling under his long feet.

  'Come on, then.' Henk waved, a victorious smile on his face, secure in the knowledge that the stage's force wall was activated and in full working order. He was quite safe from this stupid animal. Tasty Mister Henk. Come on.'

  Broken Wing tensed his muscles, ready to pounce. Then a voice stopped him dead.

  'Brother Myina, disgraced First Minister and consort to the treacherous Toch'Lu, how wonderful to see you again. It's been too long.'

  Standing on the threshold of the Chapter House was a Krillitane, wingless, taller and broader than Broken Wing by some measure, and with the bearing of a leader.

  Broken Wing hissed, lips drawing back, baring his fangs. 'You.'



  hat was too close. Do you think they spotted us?' _ Emily Twondered.

  The Doctor was watching the ship through the telescopic site he'd taken from Emily's rifle. 'I shouldn't have thought so. Until they broke through the cloud cover they wouldn't have been able to see a thing, and they'd have been far too focused on pulling off their big arrival to worry about us. I'd guess they targeted the coordinates you sent them and went for it. Shock and Awe.'

  'You're not kidding,' she replied.

  The dishevelled group had gone to ground in an area of scrubby woodland just south of the Castle, where they watched as the Krillitane frigate settled on its landing gear.


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  Darke was horrified to see more dreadful creatures pouring out of the giant metal monster, swarming into the Cathedral. 'When they don't find what they're looking for, they'll be certain to search the city.

  The people are defenceless. It will be a bloodbath.' His
face hardened.

  He was not going to allow this to happen. 'I have to get back to the Castle, mobilise my troops and evacuate the city. The southern gate is not far from here.'

  'Sounds like a plan, Captain. I'm coming with you. Emily, go back to your ship, get out of here. This isn't your fight.'

  'Not my fight?' she protested. 'Doctor, all of this is my fault. It's my responsibility. And I'm not leaving you again.'

  The Doctor sighed. 'All right. Blimey. Just keep close, OK? And don't go all heroic on me.' He gave her a smile, knowing there was no point in making an argument of it.

  Toch'Lu was a short distance away, deep in conversation with her Brood. She brushed foreheads with each of them in turn, and the Doctor realised they were sharing a final moment together, saying their last goodbyes.

  One by one, the Krillitanes took to the air, leaving Toch'Lu standing alone, head bowed. Then, with a shake of her wings, she reformed into the shape of a generic human female, a peasant girl, and walked back to join the others.

  I have sent them to the Calabrian ship, with 194

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  instructions to leave this planet and never return,' she said simply.

  'You're not going with them?' asked the Doctor quietly.

  'I cannot. If I remain with them, then the lives of my children will never be safe.' Toch'Lu looked towards the imposing Cathedral, calm and determined. 'My consort remains within that place. I would join him. Brother Myina was right, we cannot run from our destiny for ever.'

  The Doctor surveyed his troops. 'Right, then. Four of us, far too many of them. Pretty much business as usual. Lead the way, mon Capitan.'

  After all the strange adventures of the last few days, Captain Darke was almost glad to be returning to an endeavour he knew so well, but had thought he'd left behind him long ago - preparing for war.

  As they passed through the southern gate, he ordered the guards to forget about manning their posts and follow him. There was little point protecting the Castle against marauders when a greater threat was already well within the city walls. He needed every man who could bear arms.

  When they reached the main building, the Captain's presence immediately lifted the spirits of the garrison, who had been milling about in a state of confusion, unsure what to do about the lights in the sky that had surely been the wrath of God.



  Butcher was one of the first to approach him, on the verge of panic.

  'Captain, we've been up the tower, sir. The Cathedral is overrun with monstrosities, perversions of God's creatures. Is this the End of Days, sir?'

  Darke barely understood what was happening himself, but he decided to keep things simple for his men, who had not had the benefit of the Doctor's company. This is not God's work, nor the Devil's. These are creatures from far shores, Dog-heads from the East in the employ of the Empress Matilda, who is intent on taking this city from King Stephen.'

  Two opposing forces fighting for the throne,' the Doctor murmured quietly to Toch'Lu. 'Sound familiar?'

  'We must evacuate the city,' the Captain ordered. Take half of the men and form them into groups of six, then fan outwards from the Cathedral. Clear every building. I want every man, woman and child beyond those city walls. Tell them to find cover, keep warm and stay hidden. Then regroup and head back to the city. Be prepared for a fight.'

  'Yes, sir. You can count on me, sir.' Butcher hurried away, calmed by Darke's authority and determined to carry out his orders to the letter.

  Darke turned back to the Doctor 'We have forty men at our disposal. I take it we march on the Cathedral?' he asked.

  The Doctor nodded. They'll have had time to do a thorough search by now. It won't be long before they make a start on the city.

  The best you can do is set up a


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  defensive perimeter along Lich Street and Bishops Street, stop the Krillitanes from breaking through for long enough to complete the evacuation.'

  'You will need to arm yourselves, of course,' Darke observed.

  While Emily's padded armour looked sound, the strange, simple garb of the Doctor would offer no protection in the heat of battle.

  'I'm afraid this is where we part company, Captain. We'll be fighting on a different front.'

  For a moment Darke didn't understand, and then he realised the Doctor planned to accompany Toch'Lu and return to the Cathedral.

  The selfless bravery of this man was astounding. Then good fortune to you, Doctor. My lady.'

  The Captain bowed and took his leave. They watched him go, rallying the troops as he went.

  'And then there were three,' said Emily, softly.

  'Bow before your leader,' the newcomer demanded, a chilly disdain in his voice.

  'Never,' Broken Wing spat back. In a blur of rage, he hurled himself at his sworn enemy, but the Esteemed Father was stronger, faster, stepping neatly to one side and striking a crashing blow to Broken Wing's skull. Dazed, the Krillitane staggered and fell.

  The Esteemed Father was on him in an instant, digging his claws into the scruff of Broken Wing's neck, making sure he drew blood. 'Do not dare to disobey me again,' he whispered, and released his grip.


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  From the safety of the stage, Henk watched unhappily as a dozen more Krillitanes, again wingless and as muscular as the first, hurried into the room, fanning out and encircling the dazed Broken Wing, ensuring he had no means of escape. They ignored Henk completely, and he realised with some relief that they seemed to have no interest in him whatsoever.

  Another Krillitane entered, slighter in build than any of the others, with thin flexible fingers and a more bulbous snout. Henk decided it must be some kind of specialised tracker. Febron's science had been right on the money.

  The tracker approached its leader deferentially. 'Esteemed Father, we have completed our search of the building. We found four bodies, members of the traitor's Brood, along with a group of humanoids.

  There was evidence of a conflict between them, but we can find no sign of the traitor.'

  The Esteemed Father's nostrils flared as he digested this information. Then widen the search beyond the walls of this temple.

  Rip every fetid dwelling in this outpost apart, if you have to. Just find her.' He watched the tracker slip away, and returned his attention to their captive, observing the fugitive's scarred and battered body, the bent and broken wing that hung limply behind the Krillitane's back. A member of the new generation of airborne upstarts who considered themselves the natural successors to his throne, whether he was ready to relinquish it or not. The years have not been kind, 198

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  have they, Brother Myina? Or are your injuries the result of some domestic dispute?'

  Broken Wing curled his lip, wondering if he might have another opportunity to tear out his enemy's throat with his teeth before his personal guard could react. 'If you are going to kill me, then do it now before I have to endure any more of your insufferable pomposity.'

  'Myina the Orator.' The Esteemed Father laughed. 'How we miss your presence on the Council. It has always been a matter of great sorrow to us that you chose to side with our cousin. You were a powerful and respected First Minister. You could regain that position, if you were to tell us where the traitor is hiding.'

  'You're wasting your time, Esteemed Father,' Broken Wing laughed, his words loaded with sarcasm. 'She was never even here.

  Our group was separated, months ago. The four younglings and I were ensnared by traders and sold on. The Brood Mother escaped. I don't know where to, but she's beyond your pitiful reach.'

  'I think not,' sniffed the Esteemed Father. 'Her filthy scent is all over you. We shall find her, whether or not you provide us with assistance.'

  'Ahem,' Henk coughed. 'Perhaps I can be of service?'

  Safe as he felt
for now, protected by his force wall, Henk knew he couldn't stay behind it for ever. If it were possible to broker a deal with this obviously important Krillitane, he might even get out of this in one piece.

  The Esteemed Father turned, as if noticing Henk for the first time.


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  'Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lozla Nataniel Henk, and—'

  'I know who you are,' the Krillitane leader hissed.

  Henk bowed in mock humbleness. 'My reputation precedes me.'

  'Your reputation is built on exploitation and murder, and your crimes against the Krillitanes will not go unpunished. I have had agents scouring the galaxy, searching for Sister Toch'Lu and her cabal of conspirators. Once my agents discovered you had enslaved them, all we had to do was find you.' The Esteemed Father pointed a finely manicured claw at Henk. 'Execute him.'

  A Krillitane immediately broke ranks and sprang towards the stage. With a bolt of energy, the force wall repelled the creature, hurling it backwards across the floor. It lay still where it fell, smoke drifting slowly from the corpse.

  'Oh, dear. Do you think he'll recover?' Henk's face was a mask of compassion. 'I am terribly sorry about that. The stage is protected by a force wall, you see. I can't believe I forgot to mention it.' He had taken the precaution of increasing the defence level to full power as soon as he'd reached the controls.

  Hissing, the Esteemed Father stalked to the foot of the stage, eyes blazing with hatred for this puny being.

  Henk continued with rather more confidence than he felt.

  Fortunately, empty bravado was his stock in trade. 'Now, as I understand it, you're looking for the female. Toeclaw?'



  Toch'Lu,' the Krillitane spat back, angered by the mispronunciation.


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