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Star Wars - Missed Chance

Page 4

by Michael A. Stackpole

  “It is a little late for that.” Captain Nootka came walking over with two Republic officers in tow. “Helping us escape will lead Barris to figure out who you were, and you will be branded a Rebel.”

  “I don’t think so. Barris is in plenty of trouble himself.” Corran smiled broadly. “I once worked with Kirtan Loor, the Imperial Intelligence agent heading in to Garqi. This beard and dye job wouldn’t have fooled him, so I had to move. That’s the reason this whole operation got put together and involved you and your friends, Dynba. I would have kept you out of it, but I couldn’t.”

  She shook her head. “You may think that, Corran, and may even want to believe it, but I think you couldn’t leave us behind to face Barris’ wrath if you weren’t around to moderate him.”

  Maybe you’re right, Dynba, but there is no true way of knowing. He nodded slowly. “Loor isn’t the brightest of Imperial agents, but he can solve a case when it’s handed to him in a package, and the package I left behind neatly implicates Mosh Barris in treason and Eamon Yzalli’s murder. I should be clear.”

  One of the New Republic officers pointed at the X-wing. “That fighter just burned down four TIEs?”

  Nootka tapped Corran on the shoulder. “He had the kills, Captain Dromath.”

  The other Rebel whistled. “They never got through your shields.” Corran shrugged. “Recharging shields is easier than finding paint to match.”

  The first officer nodded. “Look, Horn, I heard you say you don’t want anything to do with the Rebellion or New Republic, but we need fighters like you.”

  “I’m not a joiner, Captain.” Corran shook his head, then frowned down at Whistler when the droid jeered. “All I want is to be left alone. Vour fight isn’t my fight.”

  Dromath shrugged. “Perhaps not, but you’re smart enough to know the Empire won’t leave you alone. You will fight them, just as you did in getting these folks out of Garqi. If you have to fight them, doing so with allies is a lot better than doing it alone.”

  “He’s right, Corran.” Dynba reached out and gave Corran’s left hand a squeeze. “The New Republic needs you.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Not an easy decision to make, true.” Dromath smiled. “Think about this, though — orders came through letting us know Rogue Squadron is being reformed and brought back to active duty. Any pilots who think they’re good enough to join are encouraged to apply. From what Nootka said, you’re good enough to at least look into it.”

  Whistler squawked derisively.

  Corran rapped a knuckle on the droid’s dome. “I’m better than that, and you know it. I could be one of the hottest pilots they’ve got. Of course, I’d need a new R2 unit.”

  The droid’s blatted reply prompted laughter from everyone. Corran suddenly realized, as he heard their voices all mix together, that he’d not heard good, honest laughter in all the time he’d been on the run and in service on Garqi. Among the Imperials and their citizenry there was always something held back, a hedge against self betrayal. People couldn’t let themselves go for fear someone might think ill of them and report them to the authorities.

  He thought for a moment. He knew all he really wanted was to be left alone, but Dromath had been right — the Empire would never leave him alone. Even if they were not there directly, even if Loor wasn’t hot on his trail, the Empire’s shadow would touch him except in places where it could not survive.

  Among the Rebels.

  In the New Republic.

  “As being left alone isn’t an option, I guess I might as well chose the folks with whom I have to co-exist.” Corran slowly smiled and extended his hand to Captain Dromath. “If I heard you correctly, I think Whistler and I just might have an interest in joining Rogue


  “It won’t be easy, Mister Horn.”

  “From what I’ve heard, Captain, it wouldn’t be Rogue Squadron if joining was easy. But easy I don’t want.” Corran winked at Nootka and smiled at Dynba. “Remember, I’ve just left a backwater world where my droid led a Rebel cell and I helped evacuate enemies of the state, all the while plotting to bring down the military prefect. After that, the only place I’ll find enough excitement to suit Whistler here is with the folks who have two Death Star kills to their credit. If I were willing to settle for anything less, I’d be joining the Imperial Navy and thinking it was a good career move.”

  It occurred to Barris, as guards dragged him toward the interrogation chamber, that his ears had been as deaf to Dynba Tesc’s protests of ignorance as Loor’s would be to his. It struck him as ironic that his descent had begun when he had done nothing on a world far away, and it would end because he knew nothing on a world far away. He sought to share this insight with the men beside him, but it would only leave his throat disguised as hesitant laughter, punctuated by sobs.

  And, somehow, he knew they understood.

  Roleplaying Game Statistics

  Corran Horn

  Type: Fugitive Pilot


  Blaster 5D, brawling parry 4D+2, dodge 5D, melee combat 4D


  Bureaucracy 4D, bureaucracy: Imperial 6D+1, law enforcement: Corellian Security Force 6D, planetary systems 6D+2, streetwise 7D+1, value 5D, willpower 4D+2


  Astrogation 4D+1, communications 5D, sensors 4D+2, starfighter piloting 5D, starfighter piloting: X-wing 6D+2, starship gunnery 6D+2, starship shields 6D


  Command 5D+2, con 6D+2, forgery 4D, persuasion 5D+2, search 5D, sneak 6D+1


  Brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 4D+2, stamina 5D


  Computer programming/repair 4D, droid programming 4D+2, droid repair 5D, first aid 4D, security 6D, starfighter repair 3D+2

  This character is Force-sensitive.

  Force Points: 3

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), datapad, pilot’s uniform and gear, R2 droid (Whistler), X-wing fighter

  Capsule: Corran Horn is a gifted starfighter pilot hiding from Imperial agents. He is apparently wanted for some crimes committed shortly before he deserted the Corellian Security Force under mysterious circumstances. Right now Corran’s greatest fear is that Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor will find and recognize the former CorSec pilot. Oddly enough, Loor used to be an Imperial Intelligence liaison with CorSec — few know for certain the relationship between Loor and Corran, but it is suspected Loor might have ordered Corran’s death for some knowledge of an Imperial cover-up.

  After deserting CorSec. Corran managed to inveigle himself into the Imperial administration on Garqi. The ever-absent Governor Tadrin had his military prefect replaced, and a disguised Corran assumed the place of the prefect’s personal aide. Eamon Yzalli, in the confusion. Corran’s false identity was further reinforced by seemingly legitimate datawork forged by his friend and former supervisor, Gil Bastra. It was the perfect way for Corran to lie low on a galactic backwater while keeping track of local Imperial activity. It also allowed him to subtilely manipulate newly appointed Prefect Mosh Barris into softening his strategies for controlling the local populace.

  All this time Corran had his X-wing fighter hidden away in an abandoned vehicle shed on the remote outskirts of Pesktda, Garqi’s capital city and starport. Being a pilot in love with speed and his starship however, Corran could not resist sneaking away from the prefect’s offices and flying his X-wing. His night flights baffled the prefect (who assumed it was some renegade Rebel come to stir things up on Garqi) and kindled a spirit of hope and rebellion in the more liberal-minded students at Garqi Agricultural University. But a flight mishap grounded Corran’s X-wing — Corran’s faithful R2 unit Whistler began repairs, and finally got essential replacement parts through Corran’s grand deception of Prefect Barris.

  After leaving Garqi. Corran thought he’d continue moving from one system to another, hiding from
his nemesis Kirtan Loor and keeping his head down. But his love of starfighters won out, and he took an opportunity to join the New Republic — and test his skill for a chance at joining Rogue Squadron.


  Type: Industrial Automaton R2 Astromech Droid



  Law enforcement 6D+2, planetary systems 4D


  Astrogation 6D, space transports 3D, starfighter piloting 3D, starship shields 3D




  Computer programming/repair (5D+2, security 6D, starfighter repair 5D*

  *Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt starship repairs while in flight.

  Equipped With:

  •Three wheeled legs (one retractable)

  •Retractable heavy grasper arm (lifting skill at 2D)

  •Retractable fine work grasper arm

  •Extendable 0.3 meter long video sensor (360-degree rotation)

  •Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D damage, 0.3 meter range)

  •Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 meter range)

  •Video display screen

  •Holographic projector/recorder

  •Fire extinguisher

  •Acoustic signaler

  •Small (20 cm. by 8 cm.) internal “cargo” area

  •Some additional small tools and equipment

  Move: 5

  Size: 1 meter tall

  Capsule: Whistler is a spunky little R2 droid whose current master is Corran Horn, with whom he worked and flew while the pilot served in the Corellian Security Force. The loyal droid has a strong sense of conscience, if a droid could even be said to have one. Whistler often tries to inflict his sense of what’s right and dutiful onto his master, who ignores the droid when suitable. Both droid and master share a love for flight — Whistler is most content when he’s speeding along with Corran, performing his flight duties and keeping the X-wing at it’s optimum performance level.

  Whistler is very faithful, and devotes his programming to his master. He’s had some extra programming to aid Corran in his law enforcement duties with CorSec, and is particularly proficient in manipulating computer systems (also known in some circles as slicing). The willful little droid obeys his master, but, when left by himself, often pursues his own interests. Whistler is particularly fond of the New Republic, as he has heard stories of a brave R2 unit among that fledgling government which has helped the Rebels unite against the Empire.

  Prefect Mosh Barris

  Type: Imperial Prefect


  Blaster 6D, blaster artillery 5D+2, brawling parry 4D, dodge 6D+, grenade 5D+2, vehicle blasters 5D


  Bureaucracy 6D, intimidation 4D, law enforcement: Imperial 5D, planetary systems 5D+2, survival 5D, tactics: ground assault tactics 5D


  Communications 4D, ground vehicle operation 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 4D


  Command 5D+2, investigation 4D, persuasion 3D+2, search 4D, sneak 4D


  Brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 4D+2


  Armor repair 3D, computer programming/repair 3D, first aid 4D, repulsorlift repair 4D+2

  Force Points: 1

  Dark Side Points: 1

  Character Points: 3

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Comlink, datapad

  Capsule: Mosh Barris started out as a colonel in the Imperial Army, and was well-known for his concern for his troops and his efficient operations. However, his failure to fully take advantage of some situations and a tendency to order retreats to save his troopers did not sit well in the eyes of his superiors. His complaints that the faceless Imperial stormtroopers were no better than his army troopers annoyed his superiors. Barris’ vehement and loudly voiced dissatisfaction with Imperial military administration soon won him the first of many powerless diplomatic posts on backwater worlds.

  Since then Barris has wallowed in a pool of self-pity — the ambition and motivation which brought him fame on the battlefield withered to be replaced by sarcasm and petty scheming. No matter how discontent he became. Barris felt he was powerless to change his situation. Any actions he took were predestined to fail through his pessimistic attitude.

  Barris’ latest assignment was to replace the military prefect of Garqi. Officially. Garqi’s prefect is in charge of ruling Pesktda, Garqi’s capital city and starport. However, Prefect Barris runs all of Garqi in the absence of Governor Tadrin, who always seems to be off in the Core Worlds lamenting the crumbling state of the Empire and drowning his sorrows on some resort world. While the governor squanders his family fortune. Barris plots his petty schemes and issues his minor edicts. Barris is fond of creating elaborate plots for proving himself in the vain attempt to earn some misplaced promotion. Unfortunately, not all of his plots are firmly grounded in reality, and he is easily led astray by misinformation and misperceptions. Barris places much of his confidence in Eamon Yzalli the personal aide who so faithfully served his predecessor (or so the prefect believes).

  Barris is no longer the fit soldier he used to be. His inactive lifestyle has added some weight to his features, and his petty scheming and worrying has prematurely aged him. Barris rarely goes anywhere without a glass filled with some spirit, and he cherishes each sip as he enjoys whatever pleasures he can as an Imperial bureaucrat.

  Dynba Tesc

  Type: University Student



  Business 4D, streetwise 4D, willpower 4D+2


  Beast riding 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 4D


  Con 4D+2, investigation 3D+2, sneak 4D+2



  Computer programming/repair 5D+2, droid programming 4D, repulsorlift repair 4D

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 5

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Datapad

  Capsule: Dynba Tesc is a final-year student at Garqi Ag University studying computer automation and droid-operated combine systems.

  She is an eager young student who bores easily — she has been searching for something much more exciting than droid-operated combine systems to channel her energies.

  When the night-time X-wing sightings began, Dynba’s attention turned to the hope that the New Republic would liberate Garqi from the Empire. Unfortunately, most of the populace didn’t really care, although they were mostly concerned this mystery X-wing would bring more Imperial regulation and taxation into their lives. Dynba saw this as proof that New Republic agents were on Garqi, so she and several friends she met on the university comnet began sowing the seeds of resistance — implanting computer systems with anti-imperial slogans and pro-New Republic messages.

  Although Dynba is attached to Garqi as her homeworld, she’s slowly realizing that it’s a boring backwater planet far from the excitement of the New Republic and the Empire. She longs to play a greater part in the galaxy, and has very romanticized notions of joining the ranks of the New Republic, meeting some handsome starship pilot, and defeating the Empire. Dynba’s aspirations aren’t very realistic, but she is still young and idealistic.


  Type: Terrestrial

  Temperature: Temperate

  Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)

  Hydrosphere: Moderate

  Gravity: Standard

  Terrain: Plains, ocean, hills

  Length of Day: 29 standard hours

  Length of Year: 388 local days

  Sapient Species: Humans

  Starport: Standard class

  Population: 800,000

  Planet Function: Agricultural colony

  Government: Imperial governor

  Tech Level: Space

r Exports: Foodstuffs

  Major Imports: Mid technology, metals

  Capsule: Garqi is a very average, very unimportant agricultural world which supplies foodstuffs to it’s neighbors in a remote and insignificant corner of the Outer Rim Territories. The colony is officially ruled by an Imperial governor, but Governor Tadrin is seldom there. He entrusts the planet to the military prefect, while he attends to business (or more than likely, is prematurely mourning the downfall of the Empire) on some Core world resort.

  The current prefect, Mosh Barris, is in charge of running affairs within Garqi’s capital city, Pesktda, and it’s nearby starport. Until recently, the Garqi natives have been rather docile, rather peacefully maintaining the agricultural droids and immense combines which plant and harvest crops from the planet’s rolling plains. Most inhabitants are concentrated in Pesktda, where they maintain the harvester droids, carry out droll agricultural experiments, and run various agricultural companies. The only institute of higher learning is Garqi Agricultural University, although occasionally young natives find passage off the planet to more exciting parts of the galaxy with free-traders stopping over in the starport.

  But the arrival of a mysterious X-wing flying over the planet at night has stirred several students from Garqi Ag University into believing that the new Republic has come to this galactic backwater. Prefect Barris has so far done a good job of keeping the populace in line with Imperial policies and his own demented ideas of law — he hopes to stop hope for the New Republic from spreading to a greater portion of the population. Why the New Republic would be concerned about a backwater agricultural world with no strategic importance is beyond his comprehension.

  Game information created by Peter Schweighofer based on Michael Stackpole’s “Missed Chance.”

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 (08-1995)


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