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Maid to Order

Page 5

by Penny Birch

  Several of the men I’d met at earlier parties were there, and also some of the girls, as well as others I didn’t know. Melody’s twin sister, Harmony, was sitting with Annabelle, their house slave, and at another table was Amber Oakley, with her girlfriend Kay. I was too busy to talk, but smiled for everybody, all the while wondering how to get the best out of the game. There were plenty of options, but by the time lunch was over I’d come up with one so good I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Mr Hegedus noticed, grinning through his moustache as he approached me.

  ‘I’m glad you enjoy your work, Jemima, and may I say how very pretty you look. Now, run along and change into your other uniform. And you are to wear knickers, yes? Because if you don’t have any on, how are we supposed to pull them down so baby gets a hot botty, yes?’

  He laughed at his own humour and sent me on my way with a pinch. It wasn’t the first, as the men had soon realised I could be touched and there probably wasn’t a single one who hadn’t given me a pat at the very least, while I’d been squeezed, slapped, pinched and even had my cheeks held open while I’d been serving. All the attention had left me hot and flustered; I was high on being their maid and what it meant to be used as a plaything, by so many men and so casually.

  If Melody hadn’t already brought me off I’d have treated myself to a sneaky frig in the shower, and as it was I enjoyed soaping myself and posing in the mirror as I dressed, all the while thinking about the way the men had handled me and what I had coming. I was also thinking about Melody and what she’d done to me; being so firm and yet so caring as she made me suckle and masturbated me. She’d seemed to know exactly how I felt, and exactly what to do about it, getting rid of all my bad feelings and replacing them with excitement and mischief. Perhaps rather too much mischief.

  I couldn’t resist making it worse, seeking her out for some advice on Amber’s coming spanking the moment I came back to the main part of the hotel. She was talking to Mr Todmorden, who Pippa had worked for in her year off, but excused herself when I signalled to her.

  ‘Is everything all right?’ she asked.

  ‘Fine. I was just wondering who to chose for Amber. What really gets to her?’

  Melody gave a soft laugh, her eyes shining with pleasure as we cast our eyes over the men. Lunch had broken up, but many of them were still at their tables, drinking coffee or spirits, or loitering in the reception area. Of the thirty or so we could see more than twenty. I carried on as Melody pondered our choice.

  ‘Protheroe always gropes us. Or there’s Enos, who’s gross but he doesn’t spank very hard. Or maybe Mr Judd? He doesn’t look much, but he’s a real perve. Penny hates it when she gets it from him ... well, you know what I mean.’

  I nodded my understanding and went back to scanning the men. Even by Morris’s standards they were a right set of dirty old gits, and any one would have done the trick.

  ‘How about having her passed around?’ I suggested.

  ‘It’s got to be one on one,’ Melody told me. ‘Otherwise the game takes too long. Anyway, the thing about Amber is that once she’s been given a good spanking she won’t be able to stop herself. If she gets passed around at least she has the excuse of playing the game, but this way she loses her dignity completely.’

  I couldn’t help but laugh and she returned a wicked grin for my sense of humour.

  ‘OK, let’s look at it another way. You’re domme, so who would you hate to get it from the most?’

  ‘Amber, of course,’ she answered without a moment of hesitation. ‘And we can’t have her spank herself, even though it would be quite funny. Go for Judd ... no, Protheroe. If he’s on form he’ll make her talk about it. You know, make her ask to have her knickers pulled down and that sort of thing. She hates that.’


  I kissed her and moved on. The party proper wasn’t due to start for a while, but everybody was plainly in the mood, including Amber. She’d taken Kay over her knee and was dishing out a hairbrush spanking, ostensibly for flirting with Harmony, but really just showing off. Nearly all the men were watching; most from a respectful distance, some trying to get close, while a little queue had begun to form at one side. Protheroe was quite close to me, looking flabbier than ever, his bald patch larger and his face redder. A bead of sweat had formed at one temple, probably more from watching Kay get it than the heat of the day. As he moved to get a better view of her bum he lifted his massive fleshy buttocks from the chair, grunting as he shifted and I saw that his trouser seat was caught between his cheeks; a grotesque detail I really could have done without. The thought of being spanked by him was deeply humiliating, even for me. For Amber, who was pretty much one hundred percent lesbian and a domme, it would be torture, especially if Melody was right and the treatment left her needing more.

  Then again, she could be pretty cruel herself. She had Kay’s dress up, showing off a pair of see-through panties framed in stockings and suspenders, with a lot of very pink bum cheek sticking out from either leg hole. Poor Kay was shaking badly and gasping at every smack of the hairbrush, which must have stung like anything. Amber wasn’t finished either, pausing to rub Kay’s bottom and then sliding a thumb down the back of her knickers. Kay gave a sharp intake of breath as she realised she was to be done bare; then her knickers had been pulled down and she was showing everything behind, her pussy half hidden by a puff of dark gold hair and her tiny brown bumhole peeping out from between her cheeks.

  A murmur of approval ran through the room at Kay’s exposure and several of the men crowded closer. Amber went back to work with the hairbrush, applying hard slaps to one cheek at a time and to a steady rhythm. Kay couldn’t cope at all; gasping and pleading as she was spanked, with her legs kicking up and down and her tawny hair tossing wildly as she struggled. Amber kept her grip, apparently without effort, her expression stern but also amused, until Kay’s bottom was a rich glowing red all over. Only then did she finally stop.

  The men began to crowd round immediately, before Kay had even had a chance to pull her knickers up, no doubt asking if they could have a turn. My tummy was fluttering and I felt badly in need of a drink, so I went out to the bar, where Annabelle was helping Chris. He had to be the only man in the hotel who missed seeing Kay spanked, and I couldn’t help but tease him.

  ‘You missed a great show there, Chris. Amber Oakley spanked her girlfriend, on the bare.’

  He shrugged.

  ‘I’d rather watch you get it still in your panties.’

  It wasn’t the answer I’d been expecting and I couldn’t think of a comeback, so came around behind the bar to get a beer from the fridge, deliberately bending to let him see my froufrous. He watched, not bothering to hide his attention.

  ‘Now that,’ he said, ‘is worth watching. Long legs, that’s the thing, and the panties still up.’


  He just grinned and I walked away, deliberately wiggling my bottom and wondering if he was quite as straight as I’d first thought. A lot of men were coming out of the restaurant and one of them gave me an order before I could sneak away, leaving me serving behind the bar. I got stuck there, and it was quite a while before I managed to get away and see what was going on.

  Morris, the perfect host as always, had managed to persuade Amber to join Melody in dishing out punishment to those men who preferred to take it, or liked both. It wasn’t really my thing, because while there is a certain satisfaction in watching them get what they love to dish out it just feels wrong. If men are going to spank me, or even enjoy watching me punished, I like them to keep their authority and I do like the humiliation of knowing that I’m the one who gets it and they don’t. One who definitely didn’t was Mr Todmorden, and I went to sit on his lap, allowing him to feel me through my panties as I sipped my beer.

  ‘Is Hudson around?’ he asked after a moment.

  ‘New York,’ I told him. ‘I wanted to go and join him, but I got sent here instead.’

  ‘Ah, ha,’ he remarked a
nd his fondling grew a little firmer.

  I stuck my bottom out, enjoying the attention. He was fatter than Mr Protheroe, and just as dirty, but fatherly, which was something I badly needed at that moment. Just being cuddled by him had suddenly brought me close to tears, but I swallowed the lump in my throat, determined to enjoy what he was doing to my bum and ignore my fragile emotions.

  ‘And no Pippa?’ he asked.

  ‘She’s up at uni, and she’s spending most of the summer in Australia,’ I told him, although I was surprised he didn’t know.

  ‘That’s a pity,’ he went on. ‘I do enjoy the little shows you give together. I suppose you always used to do that sort of thing?’

  ‘Sometimes,’ I admitted, thinking of how it felt to lie across Pippa’s knee as she spanked me. ‘Quite a lot, actually.’

  ‘Your own sister, tut tut.’

  He patted my bottom and I found myself blushing.

  ‘Perhaps you even deserve a little spanking?’ he suggested.

  It was all I could do to nod, giving in to him. He eased me into position, not over his knee as I’d expectedly, but cuddled into him with my thighs cocked wide across his, my uniform skirt puffed up to show off my bottom and the seat of my froufrous spread to the room. My face was against his shoulder and I put my arms around him, clinging tight for comfort as his hands found my bottom. Suddenly I needed it desperately, not for the sex, but for the comfort of being held while I was punished.

  ‘Spank me, Lucius,’ I whispered. ‘Spank me properly.’

  ‘I intend to,’ he assured me, ‘but I think we’d better pop your panties down first, don’t you?’


  He hadn’t waited for me to agree, but had eased my froufrous down as he spoke, baring my open bottom to the room. I knew an awful lot of people were watching, and exactly what they could see, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was my bottom smacked while I was cuddled, and as his big, powerful hands closed on my cheeks I gave in to my tears. He held me open for a moment, making very sure I knew my bumhole was stretched wide for inspection and then began to spank, a cheek at a time, cupping each and slapping upwards to make them bounce and jiggle.

  I clung on tight, the tears streaming down my face, abandoned to my punishment. He knew how to handle me, maybe even knew what I was going through, letting me sob my heart out as he attended to my bottom, until at last the warmth in my cheeks had begun to grow again. I began to want to come, imagining my pussy on show to the entire room as I was casually masturbated to orgasm by the man who’d spanked me and held me. He had other ideas, pausing to kiss my forehead, still holding my hot bottom as he spoke.

  ‘Would you like to continue in my room, perhaps over a bottle of something?’

  ‘Yes, please.’

  He gave me a last pat, then pulled up my panties. Only as I sat up on his lap did I realise that a crowd had gathered to watch my spanking; eight men, including Stefan. They could all see I’d been crying, and it was that and not the display I’d been making of my bottom which had me blushing as Lucius helped me to my feet. He took my hand, leading me through the semi-circle of men towards the door. Two of them clapped, another gave me a pinch and my blushes had grown hotter at the thought of them all knowing more or less what was about to happen to me once Lucius had got me in his room. I was ready for it too, maybe a harder spanking and then down on his cock to suck him off, or perhaps a fucking with me bottom up and his belly resting on my smacked cheeks, always a lovely rude position to be in. Unfortunately Morris headed us off as we entered reception.

  ‘Not just yet, Lucius, if you wouldn’t mind. Jemima has to choose the first official spanking of the day. After that you can do what you like with her.’

  Lucius began to protest, but Morris had already taken him by the arm, to lead both of us back into the dining.

  ‘I think we’d better make it now,’ he said, glancing to where Melody was riding a man across the room and using her school cane like a riding crop to flick at his buttocks. ‘Er, Mel darling, if you wouldn’t mind?’

  Melody glanced up, pulled hard on the man’s tie, which she’d been using for reins, and stood up.

  ‘You, stay,’ she addressed the man. ‘Sorry, Morris. I’m ready when you are.’

  She’d adjusted her dress as she spoke and stood back a little, looking absolutely magnificent; her full, firm figure sheathed in scarlet silk, the strength in her face tempered by amusement, the cane in one hand. Her arms were folded across her chest, lifting her breasts a little and I remembered how it had felt to be made to suckle her, with one big, dark globe pressed to my mouth as she masturbated me. I smiled and she gave an answering grin as Morris began to speak.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, as most of you know my parties always involve a little game. Tonight’s game is very simple, but I think it will prove amusing. After each girl has been spanked she will have the right to choose who goes next, and who does the spanking. But to ensure that everybody gets a fair share nobody can be chosen twice for the spanker. Any girl may decline, but only if she is prepared to take six of the cane from my dear wife. Once she has been caned she is out of the game. We finish when everybody present has dished out a spanking or been eliminated, and the winner is the girl to be chosen most often. Who receives a bonus of five hundred pounds for the evening. It that clear?’

  It was clear to me, and might have sounded simple, but I could tell it had been carefully thought out and probably by Mel. Kay was whispering urgently into Amber’s ear and I knew that if any man, but for one or two particular friends, was chosen to spank her she would decline. With thirty-nine men and just eight girls, or nine if Mrs Hegedus was included, which didn’t seem likely, Kay was going to end up being caned by Melody. I could just imagine how Amber would feel about that, but it was nothing to what would happen to her, because when I chose her she’d have a straight choice, to go over Mr Protheroe’s knee or to be caned, and either way it would be in front of Kay.

  Morris had dealt with a couple of questions, establishing that all girls were expected to go bare bottom; that no spanking could exceed five minutes in length and that men could take it if they preferred, but would still be eliminated.

  ‘Is that everything?’ he continued. ‘Good. Our popular manager, Mr Hegedus, had to spank little Jemima at lunchtime, so that will count as our opening sally, which leaves Jemima with the chance to choose the next victim. Jemima.’

  I stepped forward, curtsied and turned to Morris.

  ‘Thank you, Mr Rathwell. OK, the first girl to be spanked will be ...’

  I paused, grinning as my eyes flicked across the seven young women I could choose between. Some looked keen, others worried, but only one knew that nobody would dare put her forward to have her bottom smacked, or so she thought.

  ‘Melody Rathwell,’ I announced.

  There was an immediate susurration of noise; gasps, whispers, giggles. Melody made to speak, her eyes blazing as they met mine, but there was no doubt at all that I had the right to choose her. The next question was who should do it; perhaps Mr Protheroe, the fate she had intended for Amber. Or I could do it myself if I dared, but there was really only one choice.

  ‘To be spanked,’ I began. ‘By ... Miss Amber Oakley.’

  Amber had been looking fairly fed up until I’d nominated Melody, then hopeful, and now her face lit up in delight. She stood up, smiling as she addressed me. ‘Thank you, Jemima. And may I just say that you could not have made a more appropriate choice, because if there is one person in this room who really, really deserves a smacked bottom it is Mel. Come along, Melody, over my knee.’

  Her voice was firm, full of authority, but also of sadistic glee. She stepped forward and pulled out a chair from under one of the tables, positioning it in an open space to ensure that everybody got a good view. Melody was struggling not to pout as she too came forward, and as she reached Amber she threw me another filthy glance and mouthed two words: you wait. I gave her a cheeky wave. Now I was really going
to get it, not playfully, but properly, which was exactly what I wanted. Meanwhile, I could enjoy the show.

  Amber had sat down on the chair, her knees extended, her body straight, her expression stern; creating an image of dominant womanhood, spoilt only slightly by the way her mouth kept flickering into an impish smile. She looked Melody up and down, then nodded in approval.

  ‘You look very pretty, Melody,’ she said. ‘And I see you came ready for a spanking, which was sensible. You don’t have anything on under that dress, do you?’

  Tight-lipped with fury, Mel shook her head, then mumbled something about her panty line. Amber’s eyebrows rose a fraction and her voice was loud and clear as she spoke. ‘You were worried the men might see the outline of your panties in such a tight dress? I’m afraid they’re going to see a lot more than that. Hands on your head, and let’s have that dress up.’

  Melody hesitated; made to say something but thought better of it. Her hands went to her head, very slowly. Amber nodded. ‘Good girl. After all, Morris did say bare-bottom, didn’t he? What did Morris say?’

  ‘He ... he said all girls had to go bare-bottom.’

  ‘Yes, he did, didn’t he?’

  As Amber spoke she had leant forward, to take hold of the hem of Melody’s dress and tug it up. She was magnificent: her thighs long and muscular, her bottom full and heavy, the dark cheeks tucked well under and spreading from a tight waist that exaggerated how big she was.

  ‘Very pretty,’ Amber remarked as she reached out to stroke the curve of Melody’s bottom and weigh one heavy cheek in her hand, ‘firm too. You should be spanked more often, Mel. A lovely bottom like yours needs to be given plenty of air, and plenty of attention.’

  She gave the cheek she’d been fondling a gentle pat, then sat back, now smiling openly. Melody did her best to look calm and composed, but one leg had begun to tremble slightly and I could just imagine what was going on in her head. Amber was taking her time and I wondered if she was trying to make Melody break and ask for it, but then she spoke again. ‘In fact, you have a beautiful figure in every way, so it would be a shame not to give all these gentlemen the full benefit, wouldn’t it? I don’t suppose most of them have even seen your breasts, have they?’


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