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Maid to Order

Page 7

by Penny Birch

  On the Sunday morning I deliberately dropped a tray of dirty plates and bowls, smashing two and making a mess of milk and cereal on the restaurant floor, right in front of her. The room was full of guests, but I could imagine her taking me up to my chalet for a sound spanking where they wouldn’t hear. At least, that was what I was angling for, but all I got was a sharp telling off before being made to clean up the mess. Scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees in front of all the guests while she stood over me with her hands on her hips left me feeling submissive and in need of more, but there was none to be had.

  I spent the rest of the morning working, and just being in my uniform and doing menial tasks was getting to me. I hoped Mr Hegedus would catch me and deal with me then and there. Unfortunately he seemed to have disappeared, but when I went out into the yards to throw away the rubbish I’d collected from the rooms I found Stefan. He was smoking a solitary cigarette, seated on a damaged chair we’d thrown out. Mrs Hegedus was in the kitchen, but all I had to do was shut the back door and we were alone. I knew he’d enjoyed the party and was no innocent, but it still took me ten minutes of flirting before I could pop the question. ‘You spanked Annabelle at the party, didn’t you? I bet it was fun. Would you like to spank me?’

  My cheeks were hot for my own boldness, but he played it cool, looking me up and down with his face set in an expression of amusement, even disdain. I broke before he answered, starting to babble. ‘Don’t you think it would be a good idea? I mean, you’re supposed to be in charge of me, and so, you should discipline me, maybe? I’d like that, Stefan.’

  Still he failed to answer, now openly amused by the state I’d got myself into.

  ‘Well? Please, Stefan, you’re not being very fair! You’d love to spank me, wouldn’t you?’

  At last he answered. ‘Vilmos said you were a slut. Come on then, over my knee, and when I’ve warmed your bottom you can suck my cock.’

  There was no passion in his voice, just humour, as if my urgent need for a spanking was funny and that I should come to him inevitable. I went down anyway, trying to make the most of my resentment and humiliation as I got into place across his knee. He tucked up my uniform skirt and took down my knickers without preamble, again as if stripping a young woman’s bottom for spanking was merely a casual amusement. For me it was anything but casual, and I was already trembling as I lifted my hips. He began to spank, clumsily, slapping me hard across my cheeks to make me gasp and kick at the sudden pain.

  ‘Have you been a naughty girl then?’ he asked, and his voice was thick with contempt.

  I didn’t answer, but for a choking sob for the humiliation of being spanked by a man who was only doing it because he thought it was funny and it meant he’d get his cock sucked. To him I was just a little pervert, a little English pervert who needed her bottom smacked to get off, so unlike him with his simple, masculine needs.

  ‘Enough,’ he said suddenly and it had stopped. ‘Get down on my cock.’

  ‘You’ve hardly started!’ I protested.

  ‘You girls take for ever. I want my cock sucked first. Then I’ll finish you off.’

  ‘You’re a bastard, do you know that?’ I told him, but he was already moving me down onto my knees.

  I went, kneeling on the dirty concrete of the yard with my bare red bottom sticking out behind as he unzipped. He was already half stiff, so he obviously hadn’t been completely indifferent to having my bare bottom to smack, with a small pink cock head sticking out from a thick foreskin. I took him in, sucking quite eagerly despite my ill feelings for the way he was treating me, or maybe because of them.

  He was soon hard, and I was wondering if it might be nice to masturbate while I sucked. It was nice to be bare-bottom at his feet with his cock in my mouth, even if I would have preferred a proper spanking first, but there was going to be no difficulty coming over a combination of his cock and his callous attitude. I began to suck harder, the temptation to slip my hand between my thighs rising rapidly.

  ‘Vilmos is right, you are a slut,’ he drawled. ‘And a fucking good cock-sucker. Plenty of practice, I expect?’

  I was going to answer, but he caught me by my ponytail and began to wank into my mouth, with just my lips pursed around his knob. ‘Suck it,’ he demanded. ‘I’m going to spunk in your face.’

  I shook my head urgently, not because I didn’t want it, but because I would either have to clean up at the tap in the yard and risk getting my uniform wet, or run back through the kitchen and past Mrs Hegedus with my face dripping spunk. He just laughed and tightened his grip, forcing me to attend to his knob as he tugged furiously at his shaft. I jerked back, determined to make him let me swallow.

  It was exactly the wrong thing to do. His cock erupted at the instant it left my mouth, catching me full in the face with a long, thick streamer of spunk. Most of it went in my eye and I was immediately snatching at my face, only to get the second spurt in my hair and down my ear. The third went over my lips and into my mouth as he tightened his grip and shoved his cock back in, still wanking, only to let go and pull my head down hard, jamming his erection down my throat as he finished off.

  ‘Filthy!’ he grunted.

  My eyes were popping before he let go, and I was almost sick on his cock, but managed to swallow it and came up gasping. He’d soiled my face and hair, filled my mouth with spunk, and I needed to get it out of my eye before I could even think about anything else, except calling him every name I could think off. He just laughed, and harder still as I took off my panties, the only piece of clean cloth I could find, to wipe my eye.

  ‘You’re a pig, Stefan!’

  ‘You are the pig, Jemima, with your little round pink arse and your upturned nose, a pig who needs a spanking to get her kicks. That is you, Jemima.’

  I was trying to get at a piece of spunk right in the corner of my eye and didn’t answer. He watched, now smirking, then spoke again as I finished cleaning up. ‘Now wipe my cock.’

  ‘Do it yourself!’ I snapped and threw my soiled panties at him.

  They went in his face, which was funny, but he didn’t seem to care, sniffing the crotch before finding a clean bit to wipe himself.

  ‘Your cunt smells strong,’ he said. ‘I like a horny girl. Back over my knee then, and I’ll give you what you need.’

  I almost told him to fuck off, but my bum was hot and my mouth full of the taste of cock, while there was no denying he’d got to me.

  ‘OK, but ...’ I began, and stopped as the kitchen door swung open.

  I thought we were about to be caught by Mrs Hegedus, so when I saw Penny my first reaction was relief, followed by blazing embarrassment. Stefan had my panties wrapped around his cock and my skirt was still up at the back, so that it looked as if he’d been wanking in them while I showed off my bum, making her blush and stammer an apology before disappearing rapidly back inside.

  ‘Who was that?’ he demanded.

  ‘My aunt,’ I told him. ‘Look, I’d better go.’

  He shrugged.

  ‘Another time then.’

  Determined not to give him the satisfaction of knowing how badly he’d got to me, although he seemed to have a fair idea anyway, I didn’t answer. A hasty adjustment to my skirt and I followed, ignoring a highly suspicious look from Mrs Hegedus as I ran through the kitchen. I caught up with Penny in reception, where she took one look at me and began to dig in her handbag.

  ‘Honestly, Jemima,’ she said, shaking her head in despair as she began to dab at my face with a tissue.

  ‘I thought I’d cleaned up,’ I told her, trying not to sound sulky and failing miserably.

  ‘It’s in your hair! Where’s your room?’

  I took her, walking around the front of the hotel to avoid the main areas, only to find several guests sitting outside where we had some tables overlooking the sea.

  ‘So is he your new boyfriend?’ she asked as we reached the chalets.

  ‘No,’ I admitted. ‘That’s Stefan, the head waite

  She gave a little sigh but left it at that, changing the topic of conversation.

  ‘I spoke to your mum. She seems happy. I’m sorry about ... what happened.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I answered, suddenly on the verge of tears.

  She saw and quickly changed tack once again. ‘I thought you might like to go out for lunch?’

  ‘I’m supposed to be working. Wednesday’s my day off.’

  ‘Perhaps if I speak to the manager?’

  ‘He’s not here at the moment, and I know his wife wouldn’t let me off.’

  We’d reached my chalet and we spent a few minutes tidying up. She seemed preoccupied, and I was sure she’d heard about the party, and would disapprove, even though she sometimes went herself. Sure enough, the moment I was ready she told me she had something to talk to me about and suggested we walk up to the downs.

  ‘What about my work?’ I queried.

  ‘I’m sure they can spare you for ten minutes,’ she answered. ‘And anyway, I’d far rather you came back with me.’

  ‘What about my job?’

  ‘Never mind your job. You can stay with me, and I’m sure we can find you something better nearby, something where you won’t be risking your entire future.’

  ‘You know about the party then?’

  ‘Yes, Amber told me, and I know that Morris owns the hotel, and that there were a lot of new men here. We’ve talked about this before, Jemima. It’s bad enough you attending parties at Morris’s house, but at least they’re discreet ...’

  ‘You go as well, and you spank me. Don’t be a hypocrite.’

  ‘Not often, and there’s one big difference: I don’t get paid.’

  ‘What, nothing?’

  ‘Yes, nothing. But that’s not important, because if we did get exposed they’d all assume I got paid anyway and I couldn’t really prove otherwise. What matters is that the papers would paint you as a prostitute.’

  ‘What’s wrong with that?’

  ‘Please be sensible, Jemima. It’s not about right and wrong, it’s about how people react. The tabloids will always print whatever they think will sell the most papers. They’re not interested in morality. They only pretend to be because it allows them to sound shocked, and they’re definitely not interested in presenting a balanced viewpoint. Sales are all important to them, and that means presenting everything in the worst possible light, purely for the sake of sensation. They’re sure to go for you as well. You’re young, you’re photogenic, you’re from a privileged background, the ideal person to incite lust and envy in their readership, unless you were a celebrity that is, in which case they’d have a field day.’

  I knew she was right, but she shouldn’t have been. All I’d done was enjoy myself and make a lot of men very happy, and if society was going to judge that as wrong then it was society that needed to change its ways. It wasn’t my fault anyway.

  ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ I answered, avoiding the issue. ‘Anyway, Morris looks after his girls.’

  Penny drew a heavy sigh.

  ‘Look, Jemima, don’t put too much faith in Morris Rathwell. Yes, he does look after his girls, and that’s the problem. If everything went horribly wrong, do you think he would look after you?’

  ‘Yes, he would,’ I told her, and to my surprise she agreed.

  ‘Exactly, and that is want he wants, for you to be dependent on him, to be one of his girls. You’ve met Annabelle, haven’t you? She used to have a successful career.’

  ‘She’s where she wants to be.’

  ‘Do you want to be in the same place, with a ring through your sex lips for their lead and a tattoo on your belly marking you as their property?’

  ‘Maybe,’ I answered, but I couldn’t keep the sulky tone out of my voice.

  ‘Morris is a dominant man,’ she went on. ‘He does have morals, but they’re not conventional ones. If you’re his girl he’ll look after you, but he’d cheerfully wreck your career to get you. He’s a sexist too, because he very definitely believes a woman’s place is in the home. Even Melody.’

  She’d sat down on the bank where the trees ended and paused to touch a tiny yellow flower where it poked up among the short grass; not to pick it but simply to admire the petals, then went on. ‘Maybe that’s really what you want, and it’s not my place to stop you, but I do think you should slow down a bit. You’re taking a terrible risk, with university, with your career, your whole life. At the very least you should be careful until after university. Morris is wealthy, he doesn’t have to worry any more. If he gets exposed he can laugh it off, but you can’t. Another thing, you can be very sure he’s set up the hotel so that he doesn’t have to take the consequences. For all I know he’s planning the whole thing on the assumption that it will get exposed and closed down, and you ending up as his new plaything is part of the scheme. I wouldn’t put it past him.’

  ‘I suppose so, maybe ... I got sent here because Danielle convinced my dad I should work during my year off. Mr Hegedus is Danielle’s uncle, and I think Morris told him to take me on.’

  ‘That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. So is there a connection between Danielle and Morris?’

  ‘I don’t know. I wish I did. I think maybe she gets spanked, or even goes to Morris’s parties.’

  ‘Not that I know of, but I hardly ever go myself. What makes you think that, anyway?’

  ‘She ... she spanked me,’ I admitted. ‘And believe me, she knew what she was doing. She even threatened to do it in front of Summer!’

  Penny winced, clearly understanding how I’d felt, which made it so much easier to go on as I sat down beside her.

  ‘And she was tormenting me over having my knickers pulled down, and she knew it was making me horny, and she was playing with my bum. She’s done it before, and probably been given it too.’

  She reached out to give my hand a squeeze, encouraging me to continue.

  ‘And she knows Morris, because she used to be Dad’s secretary and they’ve worked together. I’d tell Dad if it didn’t mean giving myself away about the spanking parties and stuff. Maybe ... you would? I mean, do it for me?’

  She looked horrified. ‘I can’t do that, Jemima.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it’s immoral, that’s why not, and also hypocritical. You and I enjoy being spanked, why shouldn’t Danielle?’

  ‘Yes, but she pretends she’s so innocent, and she was a real bitch about it!’

  ‘That’s not the point, and anyway, who’s to say your dad doesn’t know?’

  I made a face. It wasn’t something I liked to think about, but I could just imagine the embarrassment of Penny telling Dad about Danielle only to find out he did it with her and had known all along. And, far worse, if Danielle guessed I was behind it and told him about me.

  ‘Maybe you’re right,’ I admitted.

  She didn’t reply for a long time, biting her lip and staring out to sea, only to suck her breath in and start talking again.

  ‘It’s not easy to say this, Jemima, but I think it might be for the best to accept what’s happened between your parents. Kate’s happier than she’s been in a long time, and ...’

  ‘I can’t just let that bitch Danielle take over!’

  ‘Maybe it would be best to make up with Danielle?’

  ‘No way!’

  She went silent, standing once more and starting to walk slowly up the hill. I followed, knowing she hadn’t given up and determined to change the subject.

  ‘Did Amber tell you that I set Mel up for a spanking from her?’

  Penny laughed. ‘Yes. That the first thing she told me when she rang.’

  ‘Mel got me back though. She paddled me so hard I was bruised for over a week, and she made me give this Russian guy a blow job while she did me, and ... and something worse.’

  ‘I can imagine. I know what Mel’s like.’

  I managed a shy grin, not willing to admit just now utterly Mel had humiliated me, or how much I’d enjoye
d it. We carried on walking in silence, each alone with our own thoughts, up along the gently winding chalk track beside the cliff to where we could look back over the valley. The hotel and chalets seemed like a toy village, very small against the green, and I could see into the yard where Stefan had spanked me and made me suck him off.

  ‘I ... I wasn’t posing for him,’ I said, suddenly eager to explain. ‘I was trying to get a decent spanking and ... and it all got a bit out of hand.’

  ‘Doesn’t Mr Hegedus spank you? I know he goes to Morris’s parties.’

  ‘Only once. His wife doesn’t like him paying too much attention to me unless it’s a game or something at a party.’

  ‘What about her? She looks terrifying.’

  ‘I don’t think she’s interested.’

  ‘No? That’s a pity. So ... did you get it?’

  ‘Only a few smacks, then he wanted his blowjob. He’s no good at it anyway. It’s not his thing.’

  She didn’t answer, but I could tell what she was thinking. It had been a while since she’d done me, before my last term, and it’s always hard to pick up where you left off, even when you’ve been so intimate.

  ‘You can ... if you want?’ I offered, and was surprised at the yearning in my voice.

  She just nodded and took my hand, leading me away from the cliff towards where a straggle of thorn trees had grown up, twisted by the wind. It wasn’t the best place, but the down was empty but for a couple far ahead of us and walking in the opposite direction. We’d soon found a place, where an old rabbit burrow had collapsed to leave a little hollow of chalky earth with a lip just the right height to sit down on. I’d put on new knickers in the chalet and was going to wriggle out of them to make it easier for her, but she shook a finger at me. ‘Uh, uh, it’s best if I do that. Come here. Stand in front of me and put your hands on your head.’

  I obeyed, melting into the familiar routine as she tucked up my skirt and pulled down my knickers, leaving me showing at back and front with the air cool on my bum cheeks and tummy. She leant forward a little to kiss my pussy. Turned me around and did the same to my cheeks. Then took me gently down into position across her knee. I closed my eyes, all my bad feelings already melting away as her hand settled on my bottom. She began to spank me, gently, so very different to the way Stefan had done it. Where he had swatted crudely at my cheeks, she was an artist, patting and rubbing, making sure no part of my bottom was spared and increasing the strength of her smacks only gradually.


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