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Maid to Order

Page 18

by Penny Birch

  ‘Penny, please,’ she said at last.

  Penny responded with a sympathetic smile and patted her lap. Amber went to her, and I could see the shaking of her fingers as she laid herself into position across her friend’s knee with her full bottom bulging out the back of her jodhpurs, so tight I could see the outline of her knickers beneath. Penny tried to be gentle, starting off with a few playful pats to the seat of Amber’s jodhpurs, only for Mel to interrupt.

  ‘Do it properly, Penny, harder, and get her bare, because if you don’t somebody else will.’

  ‘The rules do say bare bottom,’ Harmony added.

  Penny hesitated, her hand lifted in mid smack, then gave a little shrug.

  ‘Sorry, Amber,’ she said and her thumbs had gone into her friend’s waistband.

  I could see Amber’s flesh trembling as she was stripped, her smart jodhpurs pushed down, knickers and all, to leave her full, pale bottom bare to the room, with just a hint of honey-coloured pussy hair showing between her thighs. Mel’s face had set in an evil smirk as Penny began to spank once more, harder now, to make Amber’s bottom quiver and show off teasing glimpses of the tight brown star between her cheeks.

  Amber tried to control herself, but as the pink flush spread slowly across her bottom you could tell it was getting to her. First she’d began to toss her head a little, then to kick one foot up and down, while her breathing was getting deeper and a little ragged. Penny stopped as soon as she reasonably could, but as Amber stood up I could see that her face was flushed, the skin of her face cheeks much the same colour as those of her bottom.

  ‘Who’s next?’ Mel demanded. ‘How about me?’

  Amber shook her head and quickly covered herself. The glance she turned around the room showed that she was a step closer to panic. I could understand why, when it was going to take an hour to get her properly spanked, and I knew full well the state that would leave her in.

  ‘We’re going to have to choose for you,’ Mel warned.

  ‘Annabelle,’ Amber said suddenly.

  ‘My slave?’ Mel echoed, her voice rich with sadistic contempt. ‘You want to be spanked by my slave? How very appropriate! Go on then, Annabelle, smack her fat arse for her.’

  ‘Yes, Mistress,’ Annabelle responded.

  Amber stood limp in the centre of the room until Annabelle had seated herself in the spanking chair, her naked body and the collar around her neck incongruous as she patted her lap.

  ‘Over my knee, please, Miss Amber.’

  For the second time Amber got into spanking position, and for the second time her jodhpurs and the big white panties beneath were pulled down to bare her bottom to the room. Annabelle spanked hard and well, setting Amber’s legs kicking and bringing a rosy glow to her bottom. But she was very methodical about it, spanking for spanking’s sake without any of the little humiliations the men would have used, or Mel for that matter. Morris was grinning as he watched, and after a while clapped his hands together in satisfaction.

  ‘I can see this is going to take a while,’ he said, ‘so let’s get on with the game. Who’s next?’

  ‘Jemima,’ Mel said without hesitation. ‘She hasn’t had a go yet.’

  ‘How true,’ Morris answered. ‘Jemima, who would you like to pick for you?’

  ‘Amber?’ I suggested, hoping to provide her at least a moment’s relief.

  ‘She’s busy.’

  ‘Penny then.’

  Penny gave me a sympathetic glance as she walked up to Morris’s table, where the hat stood at the exact centre. Like Amber, I couldn’t but help glance around the room as she pushed her hand in among the pieces of paper, knowing that in a few seconds one of the men or women was going to have me across their knee, and that I had little say in the matter.

  ‘Mr Judd,’ Penny announced.

  My heart sank. I’d been hoping for a girl, or at least one of the Razorback boys, not the balding, middle-aged Judd. I still managed a curtsey, and as I started towards him Mel spoke up.

  ‘Hang on, let Amber choose hers and we can do them face to face.’

  Amber had already stood up, holding her jodhpurs and panties halfway up. Her bottom was quite red and she looked a little dizzy as she once more inspection the eager faces around her.

  ‘Pick one for me, Penny,’ she said.

  Penny dipped her hand into the hat.

  ‘Senor Juan Márquez y Lucientes.’

  The Tradesman stood up, beaming. Amber gave him a look of utter despair and hung her head. Judd had already pulled a chair forward, next to the spanking chair, so that as Amber and I laid ourselves across our men’s laps we were face to face. I could see the look in her eyes as the tradesman began to fondle her bottom; deep humiliation undercut by a helpless acceptance of what was going to happen to her. I tried a smile, but she’d shut her eyes as her jodhpurs and panties were peeled off her bottom once again.

  ‘There’s not much point in pulling them up, really, is there, Amber?’ Mel remarked, causing a ripple of laughter.

  ‘Oh yes there is!’ Mr Judd responded. ‘Because if the girls don’t pull their knickers up, then the boys can’t take them down again. Isn’t that right, poppet?’

  ‘Yes,’ I sighed.

  He’d began to stroke my bottom through the seat of my dress even though it was so short my knickers showed anyway.

  ‘Yes,’ he went on, ‘but what happens first? Come on, poppet, what happens to naughty little girls before their knickers come down.’

  ‘Their skirts come up,’ I told him, knowing full well what he wanted to hear.

  ‘That’s right,’ he went on. ‘Skirts up and knickers down, that’s the drill.’

  He’d suited action to word, raising my summer dress onto my back as he spoke, but he paused with my knickers halfway down.

  ‘And what do we say?’ he demanded.

  ‘Um ...,’ I began, no longer sure what he was on about.

  ‘We say “thank you”, don’t we?’ he chided. ‘We say “thank you” to the nice man who’s taken the time and trouble to discipline us, don’t we?’

  ‘Thank you,’ I answered.

  ‘Properly,’ he demanded. ‘Come on, poppet, you can do better than that!’

  I shook my head, choking with humiliation for what he was making me do.

  ‘Thank you, Mr Judd,’ I managed, and then I’d broken. ‘Thank you for giving me a spanking. Thank you for taking my knickers down and for giving me a spanking, sir.’

  ‘That’s better!’ he said happily, and my knickers had been peeled off my bottom, leaving me showing it all behind and ready for my punishment.

  Amber was already getting hers, sobbing and biting her lip as the Tradesman applied his hand to her bottom. I could see the helpless pleasure rising in her face, but she was still fighting. Not me, I was already lost, all the feelings I’d had building up in me since Melody had first hauled me upstairs rushing back as Mr Judd set to work. He was every bit as rude with me as I’d expected, pausing every few smacks to grope my bum, first weighing my cheeks in his hand as if I was a piece of prime steak, then holding them wide to inspect my bumhole and show me off to the entire room, lastly cupping a hand under my pussy to rub me as he went back to spanking with the other.

  I thought he was going to make me come, and I couldn’t help myself, sticking up my bottom to his hand and wriggling my hips to encourage him. It was just so rude, to be spanked by a dirty old man in front of a huge audience, and to show how utterly incapable I was of resisting him would have been perfection. I thought he’d like it too, getting his kicks out of bringing me off across his lap, but he was a bigger bastard than I’d guessed. When my muscles had begun to contract and I was gasping in ecstasy, trying to kiss Amber and begging him to spank me harder, he stopped.

  ‘I do declare you are enjoying it!’ he said. ‘Now that won’t do at all, will it?’

  ‘Carry on,’ I sighed. ‘Make me come!’

  ‘Uh, uh!’ he chuckled. ‘Oh no you don’t. Into the
corner with you, young lady, and keep those hands on your head and off that sloppy little cunt of yours.’

  He’d helped me to my feet as he spoke, leaving me with no option to do as I was told, going to the corner to stand with my bare red bum on display and my hands on my head. That didn’t stop me watching the spanking though, or fantasising about what I was going to get; although whatever they did to me it couldn’t be as bad as what Amber was already suffering. The Tradesman had finished with her and had simply passed her on to the next man, not even bothering to ask her opinion. She was too far gone to resist, meekly draping herself across his lap and sticking her bottom up for his attention.

  I was surprised she’d given in so easily, but I remembered what Mel had said about her needing an excuse to show her submissive side. It seemed to be true, but there was no mistaking the misery and shame in her face as she was dealt with, despite her obvious excitement. She was crying too, for all that her pussy was juicing nicely, making me want to rescue her, to bury my face between her beautiful big cheeks and lick her better, and to spank her myself.

  Not that I was likely to get my turn for a quite a while. They really set to work on her punishment, every one of them determined to get his fill of her lovely bum and to show off to the rest. Before long she’d been made to take off her boots and jodhpurs, but they left her with her panties in order to add to her humiliation. They were pulled up and down, knotted around her ankles, taken right off, stuck in her mouth, put back on again, pulled up tight between her cheeks, pulled down again, and finally stuck up her pussy by Monty Hartle, and all the while with her bottom being spanked and spanked and spanked.

  Her tits had been out for quite a while before Monty got to her, but he was the one who took her bra and blouse off, to leave her nude with just a wisp of damp white cotton showing between her thighs where she’d been stuffed. By then she barely seemed to know what she was doing, unsteady on her feet. And after Fat Jeff had spanked her and put a finger up her bum, she was crawling on all fours from man to man with her cunt on display, the hole stuffed with her wadded panties.

  The game continued, girl after girl obliged to go over the knee; Penny and Annabelle and Harmony and the others, bottoms bared and smacked, one by one until at last it was my turn again. Mel chose for me and I got Lucius, who made me straddle his lap with my bum to the room so that my pussy was spread over the bulge of his cock while he spanked me. I’d have happily let him fuck me, in front of all of them, and I was left wanting more, far more. But most of all, I wanted to be the centre of attention.

  Amber was maybe two-thirds of the way through her punishment, rolled up on a table in nappy changing position, which has to be the most humiliating way to spank a girl there is – nothing hidden at all, and ideal for any man who wants to slip a cock in once she’s done. I didn’t know the man who was spanking her, and I don’t think she did, but her mouth was open in ecstasy and she was masturbating as he slapped at her cheeks. Mel was watching, her face alight with cruel pleasure, and paying no attention at all to the table with the hat on it. Nor was Morris, busy roasting Penny’s bottom on the far side of the room, and the opportunity was too good to resist.

  Nobody even noticed what I was doing, much less tried to stop me. I reached the hat just as Amber came, gasping and sobbing her way through an orgasm with tears streaming down her face, even as she rubbed her cunt and wriggled in pleasure for the smacks being applied to her bottom. Everybody was watching, even Morris, who looked well pleased and was fingering Penny’s bumhole in a casual fashion as he watched Amber disgrace herself. It even took them a moment to realise what was going on when I spoke up. ‘Hey, look. All these pieces of paper say Amber. Melody cheated!’

  I had to repeat myself, a lot louder, before they really began to take notice. Heads began to turn, one by one, including Morris’s. His finger was still up Penny’s bottom, but his expression changed from amusement to annoyance. The last person to notice was the man spanking Amber, so that for a few seconds the only sound in the room was the slap of his hand on her cheeks and her soft, panting responses. When he stopped there was absolute silence. Every other pair of eyes in the room fixed on me; my own met the full glare of Melody’s fury.

  ‘You cheated, Mel,’ I insisted. ‘You ought to be passed around, not Amber.’

  ‘Oh, you think so do you?’ she answered, indifferent to the justice of my accusation.

  ‘Yes,’ I managed, digging myself in deeper. ‘You should, and not just for spanking either. A good caning from Amber would do you the world of good. Then ... then you can suck Mr Enos off in front of everybody.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Mr Enos agreed, but he was the only one who spoke up.

  Melody was shaking her head slowly from side to side as she began to walk forward, and from the look in her eyes I knew that unless the others held her back physically, I was for it; maybe even for what she’d threatened earlier. I panicked and ran, out of the door and across reception, followed by her bellow of rage and Fat Jeff’s gleeful, high-pitched yell.

  ‘Game on, boys!’

  I went through the door at full speed, sprinting across the car park and up the hill, but without the slightest idea of where I was going, because the truth was that I didn’t want to escape. My panic was already giving way to that weird mixture of fear and excitement that drives my need. I wanted to be caught and to get what was coming to me, from the Razorback boys, from Morris and Mel, and from Karay. Maybe I didn’t have my mask and tail on, but the hunt was for real and I knew there’d be no mercy. I didn’t expect any, but if they wanted me they were going to have to catch me first.

  When I finally risked a glance behind me it was to find my pursuers spilling out from the hotel. A few were coming for me, a hundred yards or more down the slope, but most had stopped to get their gear, and were clustered around the Razorback Jeep or Morris’s car. I ran on, heedless of the rules, taking the bank where I ought to have stopped, before bursting out onto the open downs with my legs burning and my lungs feeling as if they were about to burst. Another hundred yards and I turned again, to find Annabelle coming over the bank, stark naked. The others were still someway behind.

  For a moment I thought they might have put her out for extra sport, but she was coming right at me and she looked determined. I made for the clumps of thorn and bramble inland of the cliff, dodging among them in the hope she’d loose sight of me and wishing my dress wasn’t quite such a brilliant scarlet. Twice I thought I’d lost her, and twice she got a sight of me, calling out to the others that I was headed up the valley. I was cursing her as I ran, and she was gaining too, just yards behind me as I reached the fence that divided the public land from the fields.

  It was barbed wire, four strands high, but the fence posts were thick and strong. I vaulted, clean and easy until my dress snagged, tearing wide and spilling me into the lush grass. A squelch and a sudden earthy reek told me that wasn’t all I’d gone in, adding a dress covered in cowpat to my worries, but I didn’t dare stop. Annabelle was right behind me but lost her nerve at the fence. I was laughing as I sprinted away across the field, only to stop dead in my tracks as I realised why she’d backed off, and it wasn’t because she was in the nude, or scared of catching herself on the barbed wire.

  The mess I’d gone in wasn’t a cowpat, not exactly a cowpat, at least to judge what was swinging between the hind legs of the huge, reddish brown animal in front of me; not an udder, but a truly gigantic pair of testicles. Even as I realised it was a bull I heard Annabelle’s voice from behind me.

  ‘Come on, big boy, how about some nice fresh grass?’

  She was holding it out in one hand as she called to the bull, which had noticed, his huge head turning slowly to look at us out of great brown eyes. I ran, not towards Annabelle, but down the field, praying that bulls really were colour blind and that the stories about them going for red weren’t true. Behind me I could hear her laughter, then the bellow of the bull and she’d changed her tune, urging me to run. I d
idn’t need telling and I was suddenly certain that bulls could not only see red, but that it drove them wild as well. My dress was off in seconds, leaving me in nothing but shoes and panties as I fled on, making the gate at the bottom of the field and hurling myself across it before I dared look back.

  The bull was with Annabelle, munching contentedly on the grass she was feeding it, while my dress lay halfway between us, a limp, dirty rag showing red against the green of the grass. I yelled out to tell her she was a mad bitch, at which she gave the bull a pat on his head and disappeared among the bushes. She would be coming for me, I was sure, either that or she’d gone back to tell the others where I was. If I moved towards the cliffs they’d get me. I was in a country lane in nothing but my shoes and big white panties, but not big enough to conceal the fact that I’d recently been spanked.

  I was still panting for breath as I tried to work out what they’d do, but it wasn’t obvious. Morris was an old hand at hunting girls, and the Razorback boys spent their free time playing war games. They’d break the rules, now that I had, and they were better dressed for a chase as well as not having to bother about being seen. Not that I really care who sees me topless; that and my speed were my only advantages. So I made for the main road, cautious, but intending to wait until there were no cars visible, before sprinting to where I could get back into the other side of the hotel grounds.

  Nobody saw me, leaving me smiling for the thrill of my streak as I once more returned to safe ground. It was only a couple of hundred yards to the hotel, and I could have come in the back and rejoined those who’d stayed inside, so that when the frustrated hunters finally returned they’d find me happily bent over the knee of one of their less adventurous fellows. The only problem was Melody, who’d then have free rein to do with me as she pleased, whereas if the Razorback boys caught me she’d have to wait her turn. Not that I’d escape either way, but at least I’d get fucked first, which would make her treatment easier to take.


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