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Accidentally Falling for the Tycoon (Whirlwind Romance Series)

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by Shadonna Richards

  Copyright © 2012 Shadonna Richards

  All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  Thank you, God for all my blessings. To my cherished son and husband for your unconditional love. With gratitude to my family and friends for your endless support. To Solomon, Jermaine, Merdella, Nesitta, Godwin, Monica, and Percell. To my editor M.M. for always being brilliant.

  To Sean, Charms, Judy, Yvonne, and Fenn.


  The #1 Bestselling Romantic Comedy by Shadonna Richards

  "Author Shadonna Richards has an "unexpected" bestseller on her hands with this unheralded romantic comedy....An Unexpected Bride has sold 10,000 copies in its first three months..." -KINDLE NATION DAILY

  "Shadonna Richards is a wonderful author!...It's a sweet and romantic story that will

  sweep you off your feet." - REVIEWS BY MOLLY

  “This sweet and humorous romance is sure to keep you entertained as well as have you giggling” – TWEEZLEREADS

  "I would recommend this book to fans of chick-lit and light romance or anyone looking for a book to curl up with on a rainy afternoon." -HANDS AND HOME


  An Unexpected Bride

  The Jilted Bride

  The Matchmaker Bride

  His Island Bride

  An Unexpected Baby

  The Bride Series (Novels 1-5)


  Accidentally Flirting with the CEO

  Accidentally Married to the Billionaire

  Accidentally Falling for the Tycoon


  You just never know when or where true love can strike.

  Heartbroken Jen Anne Somers wasn’t looking for Mr. Right—but he turned up in her flower shop, buying roses—for another woman. He’s hot but she quickly dismisses him. It seems as if all the good men are taken.

  Blake Harrington was quite content being single and free until his eyes captured beautiful down-to-earth Jen, the new store clerk at The Special Gift Flower Shop. He wants to make his move but he’d rather not say who the flowers are for—that would ruin his little secret. Can true love blossom in the most unexpected places?

  “Every cloud has a silver lining”—Proverb

  Jen Anne Somers finished placing flowers on the display shelf of The Special Gift Flower Shop. Though she loved her new job, it wasn’t exactly her chosen field. However, she was grateful to find employment in the tough economy. She didn’t know how she would come up with the full rent this month, but she was going to take it one day at a time—or one worry at a time. After her ex walked out of her life…things got pretty rough. She was going to make a new beginning.

  “So glad you could help out, Jen,” Mr. Myers, the store owner said as he hobbled from the back, carrying boxes of ornaments.

  “Oh, no worries, Mr. Myers. It’s my pleasure.” Jen took the boxes from him and placed them on the counter.

  Being in The Special Gift flower shop was a blessing—the silver lining in her dark clouds of recent disappointments. Jen had just been through a horrible break-up with her ex. Taking a break from men and finding herself was the best gift she could give to herself right now—time. Not just any time, but “me” time. Working at the flower shop was a special treat because of its location which was a five minute walk from the beach. She enjoyed the scenery and the sound of the ocean waves. It was perfect.

  She had lost her job in the same week as the break-up. She figured this was probably time to really stop and smell the roses, so to speak. What a good way to get out of a slump—to be surrounded by beauty and the pretty scents of nature. For the first time in her life she could finally relax on the job and not have to worry about filling quotas or dealing with office politics or working ungodly overtime hours. Maybe this was what she needed. She felt like a person for once, not a work machine. Maybe it was time for a career change to something less stressful.

  Just then the door chime sounded and when Jen looked up to see who her first customer would be, her heart stopped.

  The tall, handsome stranger who walked through the doors of the gift shop caught her off guard. She’d seen good-looking men before, but he was—stunning! His dark, sexy eyes were captivating. The tall man looked ravishing in his dark, expensive-looking suit with his silver tie.

  Stop gaping at him, fool! Concentrate.

  The very way he stood looking at the display shelf, his hands shoved in the pockets of his tailored pants, oozed confidence. As he scrutinized the floral arrangement on the shelf, Jen checked him out surreptitiously. When he took his hand out of his pocket she noted there was no ring on his ring finger. Okay. But he didn’t give off the unattached vibe. A guy like that must be taken. Certainly can’t be footloose or fiancé free.

  Jen, focus.

  What was with her all of a sudden? This wasn’t like her. It was just that she’d never met anyone like him before. Not that she had much experience in her thirty years. She’d spent most of it as a wall flower. Her ex was the closest she’d come to a real relationship.

  “Hi, um…can I help you?” Jen’s timid voice slid out from her throat.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m looking for a special…” Mr. Handsome paused when their eyes locked for a moment. An awkward moment.

  “Gift?” she finished for him.

  He seemed a bit distracted for a moment. Did she have something on her face? Jen began to feel self-conscious to the max. She stole a discreet glance at the mirror by the display case to make sure.

  He ran his fingers through his mane and continued.

  “Uh, yes. The most beautiful floral arrangement you have. Money is no object.”

  “Oh, um…well sure.”

  Jen tried desperately to calm the butterflies that let loose in her stomach. “Well, let’s see,” she said as she led him over to the special occasion section. “What’s the special occasion?”

  She couldn’t help but catch the sweet scent of his aftershave. He smelled delicious. Stop it, Jen. He’s a customer, remember? It’s the Special Gift Flower Shop—not the Special Gift Flirting Shop.

  “Well,” he said, hesitating for a moment. “I’m actually buying for someone special.”

  “Oh?” How sweet, she thought. For his mom, probably.

  “Yes, her name is Rose,” he continued.

  Jen felt her stomach tumble to the floor.

  “Oh?” She caught her tone quickly and tried to perk up again. Why on earth had she thought there was a spark? She really needed to focus. Was she that desperate to feel desired again after rejection from her ex?

  As Jen surreptitiously observed Mr. Handsome’s physique and mannerisms, she couldn’t help but think to herself, Rose was one lucky woman! She wished she had a man buying her the most expensive bouquet of flowers today. She smiled and sheepishly led him over to the exotic display case where there were the most beautiful floral arrangements in the store.

  “You’re new here,” he commented. Was it a question or an observation?

  “Oh, yes. I just started this week. I’m in between jobs right now.”


  Jen felt like biting on her lip. Why had she divul
ged so much to this total stranger? There was something about him that made it feel so natural to talk to him. He gave off that aura.

  What a strange question to ask. Was it that obvious? “I guess I give off the new sales girl vibe, do I?”

  “Oh, no. Nothing like that. You’re very professional. Some people forget to smile when they’re on the job, especially working in customer service. I mean here you are in between jobs which I would never have known, by the way, and yet you gave me the biggest smile I’ve seen in days.”

  “Oh, my gosh, now I’m all flustered. No one’s ever said that before. I mean I don’t really notice it.”

  “Keep up that beautiful smile.”

  “I will. I guess it’s just something I can’t help. I mean, my mom always raised me to believe that every job is important, whether cleaning the streets or running the country. Every person has value.”

  “That’s true.” He smiled, his deep, sexy voice slid out like smooth honey.

  From the corner of her eyes she caught him glancing at her, a grin on his face. Jen felt her insides tingle until she remembered he might be hot, charming, and caring but…he was somebody else’s man. She quickly wiped the smile off her face and regained her professional composure.

  “Rose must be someone real special.”

  “She is.” He wiped his brow and ran his fingers through his dark, smooth locks of hair and grinned to himself. His dimpled grin was so adorable. Gosh, Rose was lucky. He was tanned, had gorgeous facial features and broad strong looking shoulders. She wouldn’t be surprised if he worked out regularly at the gym. He towered over her. She guessed he must be at least six feet two inches. “Getting back to my asking you if you were new. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just…come here often.”

  “Oh?” It was Jen’s turn to be surprised.


  “You buy Rose quite a lot of flowers. How sweet. Are you two getting married?”

  He grinned. “Oh, no.”

  Jen didn’t know what to make of it. Just then another customer rang the door chime as she entered, an older lady carrying a rather large brown handbag. She started to peruse flowers on the other side of the store.

  Unfortunately, their conversation was cut short. Which was probably for the best. She did not look at taken men, even if they were unmarried. Was he living with Rose? Stop it, Jen. He’s just a customer. It’s none of your business. Still, she didn’t see any harm in appreciating a gorgeous guy when she saw one, especially one who obviously had a gift of making even strangers feel warm inside. He definitely had something. A special gift when it came to making friends.

  After she’d rung up his transaction she asked him if he wanted any message on the card. He told her yes, “To the most beautiful woman in the world.” His voice was deep, low and seductive.

  Jen felt light inside. Was that a tinge of jealousy? She felt terrible for feeling this way about a woman she didn’t know. She was happy for her. It was a good jealousy. The I-hope-to-be-as-lucky-as-her-one-day kind of jealousy. She truly meant them well.

  How sweet of him, she thought. Her ex never did anything like that for her. Rose was very lucky indeed, she thought again.


  “He was that hot?” Kelsia leaned forward, gaping at her friend Jen as they sat down at a table at Starbucks.

  “Seriously. So I guess there are good guys out there. Just not in my path,” Jen chuckled as she lifted her coffee cup to her lips. She’d just finished her shift at The Special Gift Flower shop.

  “Come on, you never know…he could be available.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “What makes you say that?”


  “Because what?”

  “Well, for starters he was buying flowers for a woman named Rose.” Jen cocked her brow.

  “Did you ask him if Rose was his wife?”

  “No. He didn’t wear a wedding band. Besides, I was too chicken. When I asked if it was for his mother, he said no. Then I told him Rose was a lucky woman. And he agreed. So I just left it at that.”

  “Girl, you give up way too easily. I would’ve come straight out and asked him if he was single.”


  “What? If he was as hot as you said he was.”

  “He was. Oh, trust me on that one.” Jen swallowed hard. She had a lot more on her mind than men.

  “So how is the job hunting coming along?” Kelsia grilled her friend.

  “Rough as usual. But I’m so glad to be working right now even if it’s only minimum wage. And Mr. Myers is so sweet. He pretty much lets me get on with my job unlike working at the firm…”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I hate office politics. Trust me, you’re not missing much by working by yourself in a flower shop, smiling at customers and helping them pick out pretty flowers.”

  A warm smile touched the corner of Jen’s lips as she lifted her steaming cup of coffee to her lips to take another sip. The thought of Mr. Gorgeous and Mysterious whirled through her mind again. That was soon replaced by a cool dose of reality. She was still looking for a job in her field that could pay her full rent. She was pretty much living off the last of her savings while she searched online tirelessly for an opening in her field, marketing. It was hard when you were laid off, or fired because the boss was a real jerk and wanted to hire his step-daughter to replace you instead of keep you on and pay you what you were worth. That was the last time she would work for a family owned small business. Well, not counting the flower shop, of course.

  She’d thought about going back to school to complete her master’s degree and then opening up her own agency but where would she come up with the money? A student loan was out of the question. She’d already racked up enough debt to last her a lifetime and then some.

  Jen felt her migraine creeping back. She was thinking too much again. Stop over-thinking, Jen. You can’t worry about what you can’t control. It’s not worth it.


  Blake Harrington walked through the sliding doors of the Mercy Street Women’s Hospital carrying the flowers for Rose. He had only thirty minutes to spend with her this afternoon since he had an important client meeting coming up. Here he was delivering flowers to Rose when his thoughts were on the pretty sales clerk at the flower shop. He knocked on the door of Room 106 on the fourth floor and saw Rose asleep on the bed.

  He placed the floral arrangements on the counter beside all the others he had brought for her when the nurse walked in.

  “Those are beautiful flowers, Blake. You really outdid yourself this time. Rose is lucky.”

  “Oh, no. I’m the lucky one. She’s been a great family friend. I’d do anything for her.”

  The nurse smiled and hung another intravenous medication for Rose before leaving the room.

  Blake went over to the bed and kissed Rose on the forehead. She had on a beautiful red scarf tied on her head and wore a matching dressing gown.

  Rose responded to his kiss and opened up her eyes. “Oh, darling. You’re back again.”

  “You know I can’t keep away from you, Rose. I’ll be here every day until you’re sick of me.”

  Rose gave a weak laugh. “The doctor says I could be out of the hospital by the end of the week.”

  “That’s great news, Rose.”

  “I know.”

  “Just let me know if you need anything at all. Anything.”

  “Blake, you’ve done more than enough. I really appreciate it, hon. But, really. I’m okay. You know me. I’m one tough cookie.”

  “You’re a sweet cookie, Rose. You deserve the best in life.”

  “So do you, sugar. Now what’s on your mind?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You seem a little distracted. Your words are here but your mind’s somewhere else.

  Blake, I’ve known you way too long.”

  Blake didn’t want to mention Jen to Rose. It would be wrong. What could he say? He didn’t realize that it was
that obvious. Rose was always a mind reader.

  “It’s nothing. Just business. I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut our time short today.”

  “Ooh, sounds really important. Don’t tell me. You’re doing another one of your hostile takeovers.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “No, you’re too much of a gentleman with the women to admit that. But I know you’re a

  real tiger in the boardroom. You’re only thirty-two and you own, what? Six businesses? You certainly do have a rep in the business world.”

  “Don’t believe everything you read in those tabloids.”

  “I believe every single word, sugar. That’s how I keep myself entertained,” she said, grinning.

  Blake tilted his head back and laughed.

  “Blake, you’re not cheating on me are you?”


  “You know. With another woman?”

  “Do I seem like the cheating type?”

  “You’re right. What was I thinking,” she teased him as she playfully punched his arm.

  “I love getting all the attention from you, Blake. You’re a good man. You know that?”

  “You’re a good woman, Rose. Now, hurry up and get better so you can get out of here fast.”

  It was Rose’s turn to laugh.

  “You know, Blake, I was just kidding about that cheating stuff.”

  “I know.”

  “Now tell me, sugar. What’s really on your mind? Who is she? I’ve seen you come in here before with business on your mind but you have a special glow to your face. Like you’ve just met Miss Universe or something?”

  Blake wasn’t a man who was easily intimidated but Rose could easily be his mother. He sighed and shook his head.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “I’m listening, sugar!”



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