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An Invitation: Alayna's Training

Page 6

by Jennifer Cole

  Alayna had shot her a sideways glance. She'd known her sister was teasing and appreciative for Alayna's foresight, but she was familiar with her sister's tone of voice. Dane Reese would have his hands full. Alayna's only hope was that her café would still be standing at the end of the month.

  “You know, maybe this will be good for both of us,” Alayna had said.

  “How?” Ari had rolled onto her side, propping her head on her hand.

  “Like you said, we haven't been away from each other in ten years. Not since Mom and Dad died.”

  “We're sisters, Al. We should stick together.”

  “And we're best friends. But we're also individuals, and I don't think it's a terrible thing for us to see what else is out there for us.”

  Ari had waggled her cerulean brows. “You mean some hot, sexy Dom that pushes all your buttons and gives you screaming orgasms?”

  Alayna had laughed. “That would be nice.”

  After she had finished packing and shooed Ari out of her room, Alayna had crawled into bed. When she should have been asleep, she'd tossed and turned, replaying the conversation she'd shared with Dane that afternoon. It had bothered her that Logan Abram was Dane's partner in training but had not made an appearance during her meeting. Not once while she was in the mansion did he make his presence known.

  From the moment she'd made the initial call and spoken to Dane, she had asked herself over and over, why? Why did she suddenly have the urge to explore a lifestyle she knew nothing about? Though her research filled her mind with as many questions as it answered, she wondered why this was something she had such a burning desire to tap into. Could she honestly see herself submitting sexual control to a complete stranger just to get closer to…

  As she lay awake staring up at the ceiling, Alayna came clean with herself. The only reason she'd even considered accepting Dane's offer was to find out more about Logan. It was as simple as that.

  Alayna's deep sigh echoed in the interior of the limo. Keegan's eyes met hers in the rearview. Her cheeks filled with heat at the thought of him hearing her.

  She and Keegan rode in relative silence for the rest of the half-hour trek to the mansion. The car then turned left and passed through an iron archway. The heavy bars on the gate closed once they entered.

  Unlike the day before, today Alayna took in the lush greenery lining the sides of the long driveway. Tall trees shaded the paved drive from the bright sun overhead. To her left, the trees appeared dense like a forest. On the right, the vibrant green of a well-manicured lawn stretched as far as her eye could see. It was truly beautiful.

  Inching closer to the passenger side door, Alayna glanced out the window in time to see the roof of the mansion come into sight. The structure was impressive, and she found herself curious of its history. Yesterday Dane offered her a tour of the grounds; perhaps today she'd take him up on it.

  Keegan pulled the limousine around and came to a stop in front of the house. He exited the car and came around to open the door for her, as he had the day before.

  “Welcome back, Alayna.” Dane called from the front porch as she stepped from the car into the sunshine.

  As he had the day before, he extended his hand to her, and she went to him.

  “Let's go to my office to discuss your schedule. Keegan will see to your things,” he said, escorting her into the house.

  Despite the doubts in the back of her mind as they passed into the entrance, Alayna took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.

  Watch out, Logan Abram. I am going to knock your dominant socks off.

  * * *

  From the shadows in the living room, Logan watched Dane disappear down the hall with Alayna at his side. As she walked, the blue jeans she wore emphasized the sexy curves of her hips and roundness of her ass. Her hair was down, just the way he liked it, and the tight curls bounced with each step she took. He wondered what her locks would feel like skimming across his abdomen, or better yet, wrapped around his cock. The snug pale yellow T-shirt she wore accentuated her full breasts, drawing his attention to the flash of cleavage visible in the V in the front. He wanted to pin her against the wall and give in to his craving to taste her flesh upon his tongue.

  Logan felt his blood pressure rise. Just the woman's presence in his home pushed his buttons. It was so much easier seeing her in her own element. When he went to her restaurant for lunch, he could drink in his fill and then leave with enough memories of her to sustain him until the next day. It wasn't perfect, but it worked for him. He didn't deserve any more from her. It made no difference that he was attracted to her and wanted her as his own. She would never be his. That was how it had to be.

  But now she was in his space. His domain. He watched her scan the entryway. It was almost as if she was searching for something. He wondered if it was him she sought. He was torn at the sight of her walking through the corridor of his home. He wanted nothing more than to see her, but he didn't want her here. This was his place of escape from the outside world, from her. And now she'd invaded it.

  Her constant presence would challenge his ability to tamp his need to dominate and claim her—or any woman, for that matter. It was something he'd spent years suppressing, burying deeper and deeper each year. The D/s lifestyle was not his to live anymore. He continually tried to convince himself it was no longer who he was, tried to reason that the lifestyle he'd once enjoyed so much was nothing more than learned behavior, an indulgence, and not some primal and natural instinct that was part of his genetic makeup.

  He refused to give in to Dane's attempt at forcing him to face his demons. Neither would he turn tail and flee his own home. He could control himself and his buried Dom and reside under the same roof as Alayna for the next four weeks. He would just have to ensure their paths didn't cross at any time during that period.

  Earlier that morning he'd obtained a copy of the training schedule Dane had devised for Alayna. During the times of day allotted for her training, Logan would be free to wander the mansion. Shendah kept to a strict schedule around meals, so he didn't need to worry about that. The difficulty would come when Alayna was given free time. That would take more finesse. To some it may have appeared Logan would be a prisoner in his own home, but it would only be for thirty days. This would be a test of his determination.

  Damn Dane for interfering. His friend should have just minded his own business. Though Dane felt Logan was merely existing rather than living his life, Logan was fine with it and saw no reason it should change.

  “It's only thirty days,” he mumbled to himself. Surely he could get through the next month without incident. He was a Dom, after all—or at least he used to be. He could do it. When Alayna went back to her life and he his, it would be proof enough to Dane that Logan had things under control.

  The sound of Keegan coming through the front door with Alayna's bags brought Logan from his dimly lit hiding place to intercept him.

  Before the other man reached the landing, Logan cleared his throat. “Where are you taking those?” He nodded toward Alayna's bags.

  “Guestroom four,” Keegan replied and stepped forward.

  “Take them to my suite,” Logan said.

  After learning of Alayna's commitment to the training contract, Logan had decided to give her his suite. Though the guest rooms on the top floor were functional, he wanted her surrounded by his possessions, sleeping in his bed. In his deluded rationale, he thought it would bring him a sense of closeness with her. She deserved to be pampered and cherished like the treasure she was. He could at least give her that much by providing her the luxury of his suite, with minimal risk of compromising his vow or riling his inner Dom.

  “Your suite?” Keegan asked. “Dane's orders were room four.”

  “My orders supersede Dane's, Keegan.” When the younger man still hesitated, Logan's irritation grew. “For the duration of her stay, Alayna will use my suite.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest when he caught the smirk on Keegan's face. “Something o
n your mind?”

  “Yes, a couple of things,” Keegan replied. “First, I'd ask why, but I doubt even you know that. And second, a little more fiber in your diet will help with that.”

  The last statement confused Logan. “Help with what?”

  “Help you work out whatever's up your ass.” Keegan laughed.

  “You are going to pay for that.” Logan growled.

  “Yeah, I sort of figured.” Keegan chuckled. “That's what made it all the more fun to say. So, you want a go at me on the basketball court out back or in the ring downstairs?”

  “Basement,” Logan replied and blew out a breath. There'd be less chance of running into Alayna if he was down in the gym. Keegan spent a couple of hours each day in the gym, but despite being eight years Keegan's senior, Logan didn't have any trouble keeping up with the younger, stronger man when they decided to take each other on in a sports-related challenge.

  “I'll take these to your suite. Where are you going to stay?”

  “I'll take room four,” he answered. “I'll get my stuff out of my suite before Dane finishes with Alayna.”

  Keegan nodded. “See you in an hour?”

  “Sounds good.”

  With her room assignment taken care of, Logan needed to find Shendah to ensure his suite was ready for Alayna's arrival. Then he and Rick were going to have a little discussion about Alayna's training.

  * * *

  After reviewing and signing the contract, Alayna relaxed in the comfy wingback chair in Dane's office. Though the experience she was about to embark on made her belly quiver with nervous excitement, she was prepared to give it everything inside her in order to be the kind of woman Logan would be attracted to.

  “So, you're ready to get started, Alayna?” Dane asked, smiling from the other side of the desk.

  Alayna returned his smile and nodded. She was more than ready to do what she needed to make Logan Abram take notice of her.

  “Excellent. Then it's time to meet the Dominant I've chosen for you,” he said and reached for the telephone on the corner of the desk. “Shendah,” he said into the receiver. “Please ask Rick to come to my office. Thank you.” Placing the handle back in the cradle, he turned his attention back to her. “Rick is about to finish his training, and I believe he will be a worthy Dom to assist you. He is an astute student and is anxious to begin working with you.”

  Alayna hoped Dane couldn't read the disappointment in her expression. She had hoped Logan would have been chosen as her master. It was from him that she truly wished to learn the art of submission. To appease her feelings of discomfiture, she reasoned her training had to start somewhere. Rick had a position to carry out, and she had a willingness to learn everything he could teach her. Surely they'd be able to work together through her journey.

  When a knock sounded at the door, Dane welcomed the caller in. He rose and moved around the desk to stand beside her chair.

  “Rick, this is Alayna. Alayna, Rick.”

  The man that entered was the same man she had observed in a session the day before. Feeling a little more than nervous now, Alayna rose to her feet and accepted Rick's outstretched hand.

  Rick stood over six feet tall, but despite his broad shoulders, he was lean. His flaming red hair was trimmed close to his head. The green of his eyes was bright and friendly. Alayna returned his warm smile.

  “It's nice to meet you,” he said.

  Though he portrayed an easygoing manner, Alayna could immediately tell that—sexually speaking—there was no chemistry between them. Her heart maintained a steady rhythm in her chest, whereas when Logan was around, it beat an erratic tattoo. Her palms were dry, and there were no butterflies in her belly. She wondered how it would affect her training. Wouldn't she need to feel some physical attraction toward her master in order to reap the full benefits of their sessions?

  “And you,” she agreed. Though the urge was strong to add, By the way, I've seen you in action, she refrained from doing so. Instead she said, “So you've been selected to take me on.”

  “Dane and I have spoken, and it's a challenge I'm more than prepared for.” He winked.

  “Then the two of you will begin today,” Dane interjected. “Alayna, you read through the expected rules?”

  “The protocols were in the information packet. I read it over last night and again this morning,” Alayna assured him.

  “So you understand no intercourse will occur between the two of you. The goal for the time being is for you, Alayna, to master control over your own body. Consider this a journey of discovery of yourself. You must know who you are in order for your master to successfully fulfill your needs.”

  Alayna saw Rick nod, his expression having gone from open and affable to a more restrained and focused mien. She gave her own nod.

  “Rick will assist you in learning various methods of self-gratification,” he continued. “This may require he demonstrate how he wants you to touch yourself, and he will touch you to assist in how to reach climax.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “Very well,” Dane said. “Alayna, Keegan will show you to your room, and you will have one hour to settle in and unpack your things. Rick, you'll prepare playroom six, as it is equipped with everything necessary to teach masturbation techniques. There is a bed, a comfortable chair, various toys and lubricants. In an hour you can get Alayna. You have a copy of her schedule for this week, correct?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I have faith that you're in good hands with Rick, Alayna,” Dane said as they walked toward the door. “I will be available to you if you should need me at any time, all right?”

  “Thank you,” she said. “If you are confident with Rick's abilities, then I am too.”

  In the hall she spied Keegan standing, patiently awaiting direction. Rick excused himself.

  “Keegan, please show our new submissive to her room, and then she will be in Master Rick's charge,” Dane said.

  “Sir, Master Logan has changed this submissive's room assignment,” Keegan said.

  The quickening of her pulse at the sound of Logan's name brought on a slight wave of light-headedness until other parts of her body caught up. He's here. Warmth spread from her lower belly throughout her frame. The tips of her fingers and toes tingled. Her nipples became hard buttons, pressing against her bra.

  As one of the owners, shouldn't he have a hand in her scheduling, or at the very least formally meet a new client? Or maybe because she was a submissive, she wasn't his department. Perhaps Master Logan saw to the training of Doms. Maybe slaves were beneath him.

  Maybe you're thinking too much.

  “Reason?” Dane said.

  “Master Logan indicated there was a problem with room four, sir,” Keegan replied with a hint of a grin. “Said something about a window in need of repair.”

  The two men shared a glance for a moment before Dane answered. “All right. See this submissive to her room. I will speak with Logan.”

  “Very well, sir,” Keegan said and gestured for Alayna to precede him. “This way.”

  Keegan and Dane's exchange made Alayna curious, but she knew her training had now begun and she was expected to follow the rules of a submissive. She certainly wasn't in a position to ask questions or speak without permission now. She would be given “free” time with Rick after her sessions to talk about what she'd learned. Now, with her training underway, she would simply have to wait for that time.

  Keegan led her through the main level of the house, past the dining area, living room, and front door, and finally down a long corridor. Two closed doors faced one another at the end of the hall.

  “You will be staying on the left,” Keegan said beside her.

  Stopping in front of the ornate wooden door, Keegan reached for the crystal knob, turned it, and pushed the door open.

  Alayna walked in, and Logan's smell assaulted her senses. She glanced around at a room that looked nothing like the guest rooms she'd seen the day before. This ro
om was breathtaking, decorated in beautiful antiques. As she looked around, she spied a pair of men's leather loafers and a pair of stark white sneakers neatly placed along the wall beside the door. She recognized the shoes, along with a jacket hanging on a hook off to one side. This was his room.

  Keegan placed her bags on the parson's bench under one window and turned to her. “Should you need anything, please ask.”

  “Thank you.”

  With that, he left her alone, closing the door as he exited the room.

  The room was masculine, from the tasteful black and white photographs of nude women hanging on the walls, to the color scheme. The fluffy comforter was a dark, liquid chocolate color, and cream-colored satin pillows were propped up invitingly along the headboard of the sleigh bed.

  The stands on either side of the bed, as well as the two dressers and a matching armoire, were antiques, Alayna was certain. The entire house thus far was an antiquarian's paradise.

  Dane had told her Logan was the one who loved old things, that he thought the man had been born in the wrong era. Alayna had never really been into antiques, but being in Logan's room, viewing his possessions, and knowing how much he loved them, she found herself developing an appreciation.

  Several vases of fresh flowers were interspersed around the room. The vibrant blooms looked out of place in the midst of all the masculinity. The beautiful, fragrant arrangements didn't fit in with the manly decor. Why had Logan given her his room? There was nothing wrong with the guest rooms on the top floor; she would have been comfortable in one of them. Was it possible he had left the flowers for her? Perhaps that meant he was interested in her after all. Warmth blossomed deep in her belly and spread throughout her body, and she found herself smiling.

  Realizing she'd taken nearly half an hour exploring her new living space, Alayna decided she'd better get her things unpacked and prepare for Rick's arrival. With her suitcase open, she glanced over at one of the armoires, wondering if there was room to set her clothes. When she opened several drawers, she found them empty. In the bathroom, as she sought places to store her toiletries, she found men's items in the linen closet. Out front was a bottle of cologne. After setting her own things alongside the others, she reached for the bottle and twisted off the cap. Lifting the bottle to her nose, she inhaled the familiar scent—his scent.


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