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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

Page 8

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Camilla felt lulled toward him, and as if she’d moved, the minor space between them was closed, but it was Hunter who sealed it.

  “Thank you for coming,” his deep voice beat.

  A blush reddened her sienna cheeks. “Well, after you practically begged me to come, I guess I had no choice,” she teased.

  Hunter’s dark gaze lightened, and his lips spread into a smirk of a smile.

  “If that’s what it takes to get you here, then so be it.”

  Camilla chuckled. “I was just kidding.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  The flush on her face remained as her cheeks tightened at his insinuation. She studied him as his gaze poured over her, encased in a dominant proclamation. The virile announcement was loaded with branding, and anyone looking on would swear they belonged to one another; except everyone knew Hunter Valentine. He’d been single for as long as single had been a part of the dictionary. And until he made it known otherwise, they would expect that Camilla was someone he was after for merely the chase of it.

  That thought wasn’t far away from Camilla’s mind either. Which is why she couldn’t let this little thing that seemed to be going on between them get up under her skin. Remember the three females that left his apartment. How could she forget? Her mind wouldn’t let her. Besides that, Steven. Thinking about Steven just made her want to regurgitate her lunch, but it got her right together.

  “Sorry about the smoke,” Hunter said, penetrating her thoughts.

  Camilla glanced around again. “It’s not so bad, I guess. I mean, it isn’t real smoke. Smells kind of like candy.”

  Hunter chuckled. “Do you smoke?”

  “No,” Camilla said quickly. “Do you?”

  Hunter eyed her. “Would it bother you if I did?”

  Camilla folded her arms, draping them across her heavy breasts. The strain her limbs caused on her chest made the peek of cleavage practically burst from the opening. Hunter’s gaze traveled down her flesh over the roundness of her bosom. His dick bounced, and inwardly, he cautioned himself. Down, boy.

  “If I’m to be honest, then yes, it would bother me.”

  Hunter raised a brow. “Why?”

  “Because smoking is bad for your health. Surely you’ve seen the cigarette commercials where they—”

  “I didn’t know you cared about my health, Angel…”

  Camilla’s words were caught in her throat. She closed her mouth, then licked her lips, while they held each other’s stares.

  “I mean,” Camilla sighed. She’d only known Hunter for not even seventy-two hours, but what would be the purpose of denying what he said when it was the truth. “Oddly, Mr. Valentine, I do.” She grabbed the knot in his tie and curled her fingers around it, then pulled slightly, turning her face up. Leaning into him, she spoke, “Do you have a problem with that?”

  Hunter’s hands left his pockets and found their way around Camilla’s waist. He drew her so close their heartbeats matched, and their breathing became one. The shift happened so suddenly that Camilla was coupled in his arms before she had a moment to blink, think, or speak her next words. His head leaned closer to hers, and the tips of their noses touched when he spoke.

  “I find it equally strange that I, too, care about your well-being, Angel. Almost as if there is an eternal connection that links us.” His hands roamed up her back, leaving a trail of spiraling heat encompassing her skin. “And for the record, I don’t smoke. I was just yanking your chain.”

  A delectable smile covered Camilla’s face. She felt foolish. He’d baited her, and she’d fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. It made her wonder if he was a man of many games, so she asked.

  “Do you get off on playing with a woman’s mind, Mr. Valentine?”

  His brows furrowed. “That wasn’t my intention.”


  He pulled back slightly. “No, I simply wanted to know if you care.”

  “By playing games and pretending you smoke when you don’t. That’s deceitful.” She put some stank in her attitude.

  Hunter drew back more. “Deceitful? You’re taking it the wrong way. I was merely trying to—”

  Camilla’s laugh cut into Hunter’s explanation. He eyed her curiously then nodded with slow understanding.

  “You’re messing with me,” he said, stating the obvious.

  Camilla laughed harder. “Man, you were like, no – um, I,” she mimicked stuttering and motioning with her hands.

  Hunter dropped back down to eye level with her, and as she laughed his thick fingers danced at her sides, tickling her sensitive skin through the thin fabric of her dress. Her laugh picked up, and she fell over in Hunter’s arms. He enjoyed the spread of her mouth and lighting of her face. She smelled of warm vanilla and jasmine, and her skin was soft to the touch. Without pause, he nuzzled his nose between her neck and chin, inhaling her natural sweet scent. It tickled his nostrils, making them flare and sending a buzz feed over his skin.

  Camilla jumped quickly away from him and held out her hands to stop his attack. “Hey!”

  “Oh, you’ve started, now you can’t finish, huh?”

  “I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine.”

  “Is that what you were doing?”

  “Yes!” She said as he broke through her barrier to stand right in front of her. Camilla’s hands slipped up his chest, and her butt bumped into the bar. “Ah!” she squealed with a turn to find out what was behind her.

  The patrons sitting alongside glanced at them then went back to their drinks. The bartender held a smile as he watched them much like some of the others in the room.

  “Mr. Valentine, can I get you and your lady friend here a drink?”

  Hunter kept his gaze on Camilla. “Would you like something to drink, Angel?”

  “I could use a little something. What would you suggest?”

  “You may like their Between the Sheets cocktail, but they also make a killer margarita.”

  “And what will you have,” she asked.

  “I’m up next, so I’ll chill until my set is over.”


  “If you get lonely, don’t fret, I’ll be back before you miss me.”

  Camilla put on her sister girl voice again and braced her hands against her thick hips. “I’d have to like you to miss you.”

  Hunter released her and planted his hands on both sides of the bar, locking her in as he leaned toward her lips. “I was hoping by now you might,” his thick voice drummed.

  Camilla ignored the turbulence of her nerves and kept up her pretense.

  “I’ve only known you,” she snapped her fingers, “that long, why would I like you so suddenly?”

  Hunter’s tongue traveled across his teeth, and he sucked air between them. “Because I like you. And when you know, you know.”

  Camilla’s eyes faltered to his lips, and another quiver ran the course of her body. “You don’t even know me,” she said, her voice dropping the sister girl tone and driving into a sultry one. “What could you possibly like?”

  Hunter didn’t have to think long. He answered that question right away.

  “You go after what you want in life. Letting nothing hold you back. You uprooted your way of living in Florida, the only life you’ve known and took a chance on your elevation by moving here. I’m sure you had doubts about possible failure, but you didn’t let that deter your decision.” He paused, and his stare roamed over her face. “You uplift your sisters. They’re no blood relation to you and yet you love them all the same. Your sole reason for joining Alpha Kappa Alpha derived from wanting to uplift. That makes you beautiful inside and out.”

  He paused once more and removed one hand from the bar to trail his fingers alongside her neck and chin. “Besides those things, your face lights up when you smile. Bright enough to alleviate a dark room. You’re silly, playful, and a pleasure to be around. That makes me like you, Angel, more than I probably should.”

  Hunter glanced over at t
he bartender. “She’ll have a skinny margarita.” His eyes fell back to Camilla. “I want to start her off with something that will go down warm and slow. I wouldn’t want to overwhelm her with something so strong on her first try.”

  Camilla swallowed, and she wondered if he was speaking about something else entirely. Damn, she wanted to kiss him. His lips were so painstakingly close that it struck a nerve not to. The fact was Camilla liked him, too, but God, it couldn’t be this easy, could it? No man on this earth had ever wooed her like Hunter. But here she was fighting the temptation to stick out her tongue and lick his mouth. A glass slid down the bar, and Hunter caught it in his palm.

  “Merci,” he said, thanking the bartender in French.

  Hunter handed the glass over to Camilla, and she took a long hard sip, one that gave her courage. She moved within the cocoon of his sheltered position and twirled around, sticking a hip out.

  Tossing a glance over her shoulder, she crooned, “You didn’t say anything about liking my physical attributes.”

  Hunter’s simmering stare darkened, and he took a bold step toward her. His pelvis grazed her derriere as his hands slipped down her waist and covered her hips. He felt her quiver and her body torched to the heat of his palms. She was so soft that his fingers could melt into her; so, they did, digging at her curvy hips. Leaning closer, Hunter pulled her, giving her buttocks a grinding bounce into his front.

  When the lights dimmed further, Hunter cursed. He knew that was his cue to get backstage. And just as he’d thought about capturing Camilla’s mouth, he heard the soft-spoken voice of the owner on stage.

  “Good evening,” she crooned.

  Hunter rotated Camilla around to face him. “I’ve got to head back.” His voice was detrimentally dark. “But I’ll return to finish this.” Hunter pulled her face toward his and kissed her lips hotly then released her before she could take in a complete breath.

  She watched him stride purposefully away and imagined what the magnificence of his ass looked like underneath his pants. A riot of chills swirled around Camilla as she thought about the brick pressed tightly against her ample bottom. Damn. Hunter had her hot and bothered. She took another swig of her skinny margarita. As the vibrating sound of a saxophone surrounded the room, Camilla’s phone also rang. She removed the clutch under her arm and opened it to fish around. When her hand grasped it, Camilla retrieved the phone and answered it without looking at the screen.


  “Well hello, I’m calling to speak with Camilla Augustina. Is she there?”

  Camilla smirked at her friend Corinne. “Ha, ha, very funny.”

  “Oh, so this is Camilla. Hmmm, I couldn’t tell by the throaty bedroom voice. You know we’ve never had phone sex before, so I just needed to make sure I had the right number.”

  Camilla rolled her eyes. “Here you go.”

  “So, who’s the voice for, Steven?”

  Camilla frowned. “Can you give me a little more credit than that?”

  “I would if my best friend didn’t keep secrets from me. Nowadays, I don’t know what’s going on. I guess now that you’ve moved on, I need to look for another friend. Such a travesty.”

  “Pouring the theatrics on a little thick, aren’t you?”


  Camilla sighed. “Okay, what secrets are you talking about,” she asked as the overtone of the saxophone scurried down her spine. Damn, he was good.

  “First of all, are you in the car or something, what’s that music in the background?”

  “I’m at a club.”

  “Going to the club without me. You there with your new bestie?”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think we were sleeping together the way you sound. And secondly, how am I not supposed to go to the club with you when we live in two different cities?”

  Corinne paused. “I guess you’ve made your point.”

  Camilla rolled her eyes. “Sometimes, I never know what to expect from you.”

  “Ha! I could say the same for you. So, if the sexy voice isn’t for Steven, then it must be for your new boyfriend.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The one flirting with you on national television.”

  “National television? Corinne, what are you talking about?”

  “The almighty Hunter Valentine. I saw your news segment. As did everyone else in the country.”

  Camilla’s mouth dropped then closed. “What do you mean everyone else in the country?”

  “You actually sound surprised. Honey, you know Hunter is a worldwide sensation, don’t you? Doing a story on him is one thing but a live interview is another completely. Your segment is running the airwaves practically on repeat. The whole United States of America is waiting to see your live broadcast at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. To be fair, half of the population is excited about his partnership with Toyota and the charging stations he’s implementing. They’re already calling him the environmentalist.” Corinne chuckled. “The other half though,” Corinne whistled, “just want another chance at seeing his gorgeousness on their TV screen.”

  Camilla was speechless. Her segments at her news station in Florida rarely made national headlines if at all.

  “Congratulations, you’re a celebrity anchor now. Don’t be surprised when you start getting calls from all the top names in news asking you to join their team.”

  Still Camilla was flabbergasted as Corinne’s revelations soared through her mind.

  “Now answer my question. Is that voice for Hunter?”

  Chapter Twelve

  The dynamic range of the saxophone elevated, pulling Camilla’s attention. Transfixed, Camilla tuned Corinne out as the frequency serenaded her eardrums. The cluster of vibrations wrapped around her, comforting her soul on a spiritual level. She swayed unknowingly as her body responded to the perfect notes and balance of the instrument. Hunter really knew what he was doing, and Camilla wondered if she could get an encore privately.

  Her eyes snapped open. It was then that Camilla even realized she’d closed them. The music lured her, speaking to her psyche so easily that she’d removed herself from the chair and slow danced alone. The phone was in her hand, and her arms wrapped around her body. Even Camilla’s thoughts had ventured off, and now she was wondering if she were in control of herself at all.

  “Hello!” Corinne screeched from the handset in her palm. “Camilla!?”

  Camilla pulled the phone back to her ear. “Yeah, I’m here,” she said.

  “Girl, I have been calling your name for five full minutes! What happened?”

  When Camilla spoke, her voice was straightforward and disoriented.

  “I’m surprised you hadn’t hung up then.”

  “I was about to, but I could still hear the music in the background, so I knew the phone was connected. Girl, talk to me, are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” Camilla stared at the stage, as if waiting for Hunter to appear from behind the curtain. “I’m fine.”

  “So, what just happened?”

  “Something caught my attention. My bad.”

  Corinne became quiet.

  “Listen, I’ll call you back, Corinne.”

  “Wait, are we still having a girl’s weekend or what? At least answer that question since I can’t seem to get any others answered.”

  “Um, yeah, sure.”

  “You don’t sound so sure. When you call me back, I’ll ask again. But if you take too long, I’m calling you.”

  “Yes, Mother Dearest,” Camilla said sarcastically.

  “Mmhmm, bye.”

  Corinne disconnected the call, and Camilla dropped the phone inside her handbag. Instead of reclaiming her seat, she grabbed her clutch and strolled to the bar.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked.


  “Straight past those tables to the left. There’s a short hallway, ladies’ room is on your right.”


sauntered through the tables, catching the eye of every man she passed. Her focus couldn’t pay them any mind since the thing she needed most right then was some clarity. As she pushed through the double doors of the ladies’ room, Camilla sighed and strolled up to the sink. She dropped her clutch on the counter and turned the faucet on, slipping her hands under the monsoon of chilly water. Bending over, she sent a cold splash of water over her face then grabbed a paper towel and blotted it dry. Since she only wore light foundation, the rinse didn’t do much to change her appearance, but being cautious, Camilla reapplied the foundation and added a coat of her Burberry lipstick.

  “Get it together, girl,” she spoke to herself.

  Taking another long look at the image, Camilla reclaimed her clutch and left the ladies’ room. The music had taken a different turn as Rihanna’s voice now filled the speakers. Camilla took her eyes over the place and spotted Hunter standing near a separate bar in the furthest corner of the room. In front of him, a female with long caramel legs and high heels stood. Her baby doll dress was nowhere near her knees. Camilla paused at the bar next to her and slipped her derriere onto one of the stools in front of it.

  “Would you like another skinny margarita,” the bartender asked.

  Camilla took her gaze back to Hunter and the woman, unsure if she needed the light mixed drink or something heavy.

  “Yes, please,” she responded, taking her attention to the bartender.

  “Coming right up.”


  Camilla glanced back at them and found Hunter laughing out loud. His charming features were elevated, and he shook his head as if whatever the woman said made his day. The woman turned slightly, with a smile also covering her face. Camilla’s eyes passed the woman’s hair that draped over her shoulders to the middle of her back and she zoomed in on her side profile. She was the same woman Camilla had seen leaving his apartment with two other women. She was the one who had told him she’d be waiting. Knowing this sent a knot of jealousy through Camilla. It was odd since Camilla had no right to be invidious.


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