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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

Page 12

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Well I’m saying it again.”

  She giggled. “Thank you, handsome.”

  Hunter arched a sexy brow and wiggled them, making Camilla laugh. They moved to the dance floor, and the slow drag of the beat gave Hunter the opportunity to lift her hand and rotate her slowly as they moved.

  Camilla didn’t miss the virile way his eyes pierced her, and when he pulled Camilla in for a sway, she didn’t miss the log in his pants that brushed against her crotch. She shuddered. Hunter’s grazing palm slipped down her arms and outlined her waist. There they twisted their hips in a wine dance that sent an avalanche of heat coursing around them. Hunter felt like he’d struck gold. Everyone didn’t get to live out their dreams. And the same went for finding a true soul mate. But this thing between them felt too natural to dismiss. He wanted to know everything about Camilla; her dreams and aspirations, her hopes and fears.

  Hunter twirled her around then quickly pulled her completely against him again. “Tell me, Camilla, what is the one thing you’ve always wanted to do or see that you have yet to?”

  A breathtaking smile covered her face, causing Hunter’s heart to lug in his chest. “That’s easy,” she said. “But I don’t know if now’s the time to get into it.”

  Hunter regarded her longer. “Tell me,” he prodded.

  Camilla giggled. “So, demanding,” she said jokingly.

  “It’s in my DNA, so it’ll be something for you to get used to.”

  Camilla’s brow rose. “You say that as if we’ll be seeing more of each other.”

  “Won’t we?”

  Their conversation quieted as they both thought it over. Finally, Camilla smirked with a blush and dropped her face. When she looked back at him, soulful dark eyes watched back. She took in a breath and then spoke.

  “I want to climb Mount Everest.”

  His thick brows rose, and Camilla couldn’t hold in her laugh long enough to keep up the pretense.

  “I’m just kidding. While I would like to climb a mountain, my first love would be to open a nonprofit business. A chain of hotels. They would be extended stay hotels and only open to the homeless.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened. “I’m listening,” he said intrigued by where this was going.

  “So, in my head, I have this perfect plan,” she continued as they danced in each other’s arms. “Basically, everything would be documented as for who was staying, age, nationality, etcetera. The homeless who are able-bodied men or women would have to work off their stay by cleaning rooms and keeping the grounds of the establishment clean. Meals would be provided, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And there would be a playground area for the kids.” Camilla paused then moved on.

  “I would also like to have a foundation to partner with that could help them get into the workforce and make a better life for themselves. The homeless that aren’t able-bodied wouldn’t have to clean, but if they can live without assistance then they would be responsible for allowing the clean-up crew to come in. This would be people in wheelchairs or that sort of thing.”

  Camilla’s eyes bubbled as she spoke, and Hunter knew this was a passion of hers.

  “The way I see it, there are hundreds even thousands, depending on which city you live in, of homeless people on the streets. The government doesn’t want them there, the residents don’t want them there, but no one is proactively helping. What better way to lend a helping hand in an area that desperately needs it? There are charities and non-profits for everything you can think of, but when it comes to the homeless, they’re considered bottom of the barrel citizens, and though people say they care, their actions don’t show it.”

  Camilla observed Hunter’s amorous stare.

  “That’s not what you were expecting to hear, I guess.”

  He took his eyes to her lips. “No,” he said. “Not at all. Maybe a luxury vacation in Sweden or Venice in the summer but never this.”

  “Those things would be nice, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to something I yearn to do, the nonprofit would be it. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  “You haven’t disappointed me at all.”

  It was an infrequency for Hunter to lose his verbiage, but he was in such awe with Camilla that he could hardly keep up with the words he wanted to say.

  “It’s beautiful,” he said. “You’re beautiful, and I have a feeling I’ll never meet anyone like you again.”

  Camilla blushed. “Thank you, but I’m not that different than you if you think about it. You’re doing something environmentally for the human race and so am I,” she paused, “possibly in the near future.”

  “You’re right. We are alike in so many ways. Let me ask you, is this something you’d rather do on your own, or do you mind if I send you some contacts that might help you get started?”

  Camilla’s eyes widened. “Why would I mind?”

  Hunter tilted his head slightly to the side. “Some women want to do things on their own, and fear if they have a helping hand it makes them unable to call their success accomplishments.”

  Camilla shook her head. “That’s not me. Besides, this nonprofit is not about me. Getting it off the ground is the best thing that could happen to our homeless community.”

  “You’re truly inspirational right now, you know that?”

  Camilla giggled. “And you’re truly charming, Mr. Valentine.”

  The beat changed just as Hunter pulled Camilla in. He wrapped her in a snug embrace, and again, their hips moved together as they observed one another.

  “Come home with me,” he said.

  Camilla’s body heated more, and a pathway of festering nerves coursed down her vertebrae.

  “Please,” he begged.

  His baritone voice scrubbed against her skin, making her nipples immediately recede. The harder they became, the more she shivered, and an intense pulsing coursed from her pussy.

  “I… um…”

  Hunter captured her lips, his tongue deep diving into her mouth. A rushing surge of scattered chills covered Camilla again, and when Hunter moaned a deep, thunderous growl, Camilla knew she was finished.

  Hunter’s hands sank into her back; his fingers riding the highway of her flesh down to her derriere. He was careful about his intentions, sinking a handful of her ass into his massive palm. The move was so meticulously snatching that one of his fingers nearly plunged into the crack of her ass, causing a delicious agony to rock against her core.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as her hands explored his biceps, shoulders, and thick column that was his neck.

  He almost lifted her right there, drawing Camilla so close that she felt every sexual need there was to feel. A drip coaxed from her pussy, and when the music changed again, she pulled back, albeit slowly.

  They panted, nearly out of breath as they took each other in. Camilla’s brain was fried. Could she go home with him? Should she?

  Taking a minor step back, she spoke, “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

  Before Hunter could reply, Camilla was gone. Running for the hills as if staying any longer would obscure her natural will.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Camilla pushed open the door of the bathroom and quickly shuffled to the sink. She took her hands through her hair and shook off a shiver. Looking at her reflection, questions flooded her brain. Did she really want to be one of those women who leave first thing in the morning after having a late-night rendezvous with a nameless guy in an emotionless romp? Camilla let out a breath.

  Hunter was none of those things. Everything about him was moving, and within herself Camilla knew she wanted him. Sexually and everything else. Oh my God, Camilla. For a second, her thoughts shifted to Steven and the ass he’d made of her, but Camilla shook that memory, too. There wasn’t anything wrong with having fun with Hunter. They were two consenting adults. To hell with Steven. She didn’t owe him a thing, and this one time, she didn’t feel like overthinking it.

  The door to the restroom opened, and Corinne sashayed inside. Camill
a watched her friend strut to the stall of each bathroom door to check if there were any occupants inhabiting them. Once she’d finished her assessment, Corinne sauntered over to Camilla. Standing next to her friend, Corinne crossed her arms and leaned a shoulder into Camilla’s shoulder.

  “It happened, didn’t it?” Corrine asked.

  Camilla took her hands through her mane again.

  “Go on, you can tell me.”

  Camilla smirked and bit down on her lip. “Hell yeah, it happened. On the dance floor.”

  “I told you,” Corinne said in a sharp victory whisper.

  “That’s why you sought me out? To tell me you told me?”

  “It’s not the only reason.”

  Camilla took her eyes back to the mirror. “Well?”

  “I came to make sure you were okay.”


  “So, are you?”

  “What does it look like?”

  Corinne tinkered out a laugh. “Looks like Mr. Hunter Valentine may be getting lucky tonight. If that flushed look and those swollen nipples are any indication.”

  Camilla’s eyes lurched, and she glanced down quickly at her breasts. Sure enough, they were puffed, and it didn’t take an examination to know her nipples were stiff.

  “What am I going to do, Corinne? This isn’t funny.”

  Corinne frowned. “What else is there to do?”

  Camilla gave her friend a frank expression.

  “If you’re asking me a serious question, I say go do the nasty.” Corinne laughed, and Camilla’s cheeks filled with heat. Seeing her friend distressed, Corinne became serious. “Okay, look, ask yourself a few questions. I know you don’t want to appear easy or like any of the greedy bimbos I’m sure he’s had. So, do you like him?”

  “I wouldn’t be on this date if I didn’t.”

  “Okay, do you think he’s only after you for some ass?”

  Camilla opened her mouth, but with incomplete thoughts, she paused. “I don’t know. How am I supposed to know that?”

  “Okay, scratch that question, but answer this. Would you care if he did?”

  Camilla took a spell to respond.

  “Be real with me here.”

  “Maybe, just a little.”

  Corinne sighed. “What do you want, Camilla?”

  Camilla looked back at her reflection, but there was no question about what she wanted. With acquiescence, Camilla fixed a few strands of hair that were out of place and washed her hands. After drying them, she glanced at Corinne.

  “Let’s go,” she said, reining in her resolve.

  The two ladies exited the restroom and strolled back to their seats where Hunter and Xavier stood enveloped in a conversation.

  “I hope we didn’t keep you fellas waiting too long,” Camilla said.

  With a smile, Corinne added. “Yeah, that would be a shame.”

  The men eyed the women.

  “Actually, I was just telling Xavier how much of a bore he was,” Hunter said.

  They laughed, and Corinne responded, “I don’t’ believe that.”

  “Your food’s cold,” Hunter said to Camilla.

  “Well, I’m not hungry for food,” she implied in a deep flirtatious voice.

  Hunter’s lids dropped, and his eyes darkened like molasses. For a split second, he acknowledged Xavier.

  “You two will be all right getting home, won’t you?”

  Camilla felt a thrill crawl down her back.

  “For sure,” Xavier responded, “as long as Corinne doesn’t mind keeping me company longer.”

  “I don’t,” Corinne responded.

  “In that case…” Hunter reached for Camilla’s trench then closed in on Camilla and brushed the tips of his fingers across her chin. “Angel,” he said.

  Camilla blushed and twirled around allowing Hunter to help her inside her jacket.

  “Till we meet again,” Hunter said to Corinne and Xavier.

  They took their leave, and Camilla reminded herself to breathe. This was what she wanted. Everything would be okay.

  She had underestimated the nerves in her psyche. Sitting next to Hunter put Camilla so on edge that every now and again she’d shift in her seat. The last person she was with sexually was her fiancé, and it felt like decades since she’d been with anyone else. Jesus, get a grip, Camilla. She tried, but it didn’t work out so well. Camilla stared out the window, giving Hunter almost no contact.

  “Are you okay?” his thick voice grooved.

  She turned her attention to him and swallowed quickly then nodded a response.

  “Are you sure?” Hunter glanced down at the space between the two and the way Camilla had almost drawn up.

  She exhaled. “I… I don’t know,” she finally admitted.

  “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

  His voice was easy and relaxing. Camilla sank against her seat.

  “Honestly, it’s not you that’s making me feel crazy.” She paused and thought it over. “Well, it is you, but not directly, indirectly if you know what I mean.” Camilla sighed. She was rambling, and sure Hunter didn’t know what she was talking about.

  He reached for a champagne glass and filled it to the rim, then handed it over to Camilla. She accepted it, taking it down faster than she’d ever swallowed anything. Hunter arched a brow and refilled her glass.

  “Thank you.” She sipped on that one and watched as Hunter filled a glass of his own.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Camilla scooted over until their thighs brushed, and Hunter draped his arm across the top of the seat. Camilla took down the rest of her champagne then looked up at Hunter.

  “You don’t mind if I have more, do you?”

  He regarded her. “If you want more, I’ll give you more.”

  He refilled her glass and watched her take it halfway just as the limo pulled to The Regency entrance and parked. Hunter glimpsed down at her hand and saw it tremble.


  She looked over at him.

  “You don’t need to get drunk to spend a night with me. If you’ve changed your mind, I won’t be offended. You’re allowed to change your mind.”

  Camilla stared at him then dropped her head.

  “Hunter, I’m so sorry.”

  He lifted her chin. “Let me walk you to your door.”

  She nodded, and they exited the limo and strolled inside. Standing at the bank of elevators, Hunter folded his hands behind his back as they stood side by side. The doors opened, and Hunter waited for her to enter.

  She glanced over at him. “I’ll catch the next one.”

  Hunter stared at her face. “I’m not leaving you in the lobby while I ride up. So, you can get on without me, or we can go up together.”

  Camilla nodded then stepped into the elevator. Hunter moved in behind her, and they rode to the fifth floor where Camilla exited.

  “Hunter, again, I’m sorry to be so indecisive,” she said before stepping off. “It’s just, I haven’t been with anyone since my…” she paused, and Hunter held her attention. “I’ve been with a single person for the last decade or two, so it’s not easy for me.”

  Hunter nodded once. “I understand, and I would like to see you again if that’s possible.”

  Camilla didn’t know why she was surprised. All Hunter had shown was that he was a pretty standup guy, but all the same, it did amaze her. Most men would probably run and never look back if they were in the same situation. Camilla’s forehead creased, and the doors to the elevator threatened to move if she didn’t hurry and exit.

  “You want to see me again,” she asked for clarification.


  Camilla hesitated. “Okay… I’ll call you.”

  Hunter smiled. “I’ll look forward to it, Angel.”

  She stepped outside the elevator and watched him as the doors closed. The numbers over the top ticked as he ascended to their floor, and Camilla wondered if she’d just made a mistake

  Chapter Nineteen

  She paced the stretch of the hallway, musing over stormy thoughts. What are you doing? She didn’t know. Her mind traveled to Corinne, and the words she’d spoken shortly before they left the restroom.

  “What do you want, Camilla?”

  Camilla stopped pacing and sulked. She wanted to be with Hunter, but not just physically. If that’s all he wanted, Camilla would be more hurt than she was willing to admit. But he asked to see you again. But it could be all for the chase. You have one life to live. What’s the worst that could happen? Camilla shut her eyes and fought with ironclad strength to clear her musings.

  After another long moment, she went back to the elevator and rode up to the top floor. When the doors opened, Camilla stuck her head out then exited quietly. Her footfalls were soft as she padded down the hallway, stopping just in front of her door, but she didn’t move to go inside. Instead, her feet turned, and she strolled a little ways to stand in front of Hunter’s door. Camilla’s heart rocked as she faced the wooden barrier and blew out a staggering breath. If she knocked on his door, Camilla better be damn sure of it this time.

  Without giving herself time to consider it, Camilla turned and walked away. Her hand dove into her clutch, desperately looking for the keys as her speed increased and she made a fast escape. It was the soft unlocking click of his door combined with a current of wind that moved past her down the hallway that let Camilla know he was there.

  “Don’t leave.”

  The depth in Hunter’s voice caused a crusade of heated chills to fall down her form. She stood right next to her door but not facing it, so in hindsight she just appeared to be merely running away but not fast enough. The floorboard of the carpeted corridor didn’t make a sound, but still Camilla could feel him getting closer. The heat from his aura was like a compelling wave that connected them whenever they were near. When one of his thick hands slid up Camilla’s arm to her shoulder, followed by the other, Camilla’s eyes closed, and she carefully pulled in an elongated breath before releasing it in much the same manner.

  Gently, Hunter drew her into the sanctuary of his broad chest, and when her shoulders brushed across his skin, she trembled.


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