No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 15

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “There is something I’ve wanted to ask you, but I’m not sure if you’re up for discussing it.” Camilla sat her fork down and rubbed her lips together. Her eyes fluttered over to Hunter, and he held them with a dynamic stare of his own.

  “What’s on your mind, Angel?”

  Their table quieted as Camilla internally pushed herself to move forward, but something told her that what she wanted to know was a heavy subject for Hunter.

  “Trevor,” she said. Camilla examined his face. Hunter didn’t seem to go still like he did the first time she mentioned Trevor. That gave her a bit of hope that Hunter had warmed up to her.

  “What would you like to know?”

  Hunter pulled his legs up from the relaxed languid position they were stretched out in to rest on his feet beneath the table. So much for warming up.

  “I can tell this is a hard subject for you, and I completely understand if you’d rather not get into it.”

  “Ask me your question, Angel,” he encouraged.

  uHunHCamilla swallowed. “Okay, originally when I asked you said he was your brother, but you changed the subject pretty quickly so…”

  Hunter’s gaze traveled over her face. “He was, my brother.” He cleared his throat, and his voice grew deeper. “He didn’t make it.”

  She saw the solemnness in his eyes, and her heart broke for him.

  “Remember when I told you we were born septuplets?”


  “Trevor was among us. He lived for forty-five days in the NICU before he passed.” Hunter didn’t move as he spoke. “Unfortunately, he didn’t get enough nutrition like the rest of us, and it caused him to have complications that overcame him.”

  “Hunter, I’m so sorry.”

  “Me, too, and you’re right,” he continued. “It’s a hard subject. I always wonder what knowing my little brother would’ve been like. What kind of person he would’ve become, the things he would be invested in, and if I could kick his ass on the basketball court like I do the others.”

  Camilla smiled softly. Hunter was being a good sport trying to bring some light into the conversation.

  “Sometimes, I think I see him in my dreams. He’s never quite clear to me, but I sense that he’s there. Do you think that’s crazy?”

  “Of course not. I believe it’s him.”

  Hunter’s brows rose. “You do?”

  “Sure. I believe in a higher power, and I know from my own personal experiences that God has his way of calming our spirits. May not be in the way we would like it to happen, but He is there nonetheless.”

  Hunter watched Camilla for a long moment. “You know I’ve never told anyone that. My brothers would crack on me, if I did.” He smiled, but it was cut short.

  “I don’t believe that. I know your brothers might be like all brothers on their siblings, but when it comes to Trevor, they might surprise you. Who knows, it’s possible that they’ve met him, too.”

  Hunter’s heart swelled at the idea that Trevor was really visiting him and the possibility that his brothers had interacted with him as well. It gave Hunter the courage to talk to them about it, and right then and there, he knew more than anything that Camilla had been sent to him, too.

  “Thank you, Angel. That means more to me than you know.”

  “Always,” she said, and deciding to lighten the mood, she switched to another topic altogether. “Once upon a time, you asked me what was the one thing I’d long to do or have that I had yet to achieve,” Camilla said. “So now I throw that question back at you. Tell me, Hunter, what does a man who appears to have everything want most in life?”

  Hunter didn’t bat an eye in thought. A smile curved up his lips then he spoke. “Children.”

  To say Camilla was taken by surprise was an understatement. “Children?”

  Hunter nodded. “I’ve always wanted a house full of children. An entire football team with the cheerleaders to match.”

  A slightly horror-stricken look crossed Camilla’s face, and it didn’t slip by Hunter.

  “Don’t look so frightened, Angel. I take it by that look you don’t want children?”

  “Uh— well, it’s not that I don’t want them, uh…”

  Hunter accessed her with a squinting peer and a thorough perusal.

  “Don’t worry about it for now. That comes later.”

  Camilla had been distracted the rest of their meal. Much like him, when she’d asked the question Camilla didn’t expect that response. She almost regretted her inquiry and his comment about it coming later, what did that mean? Last week’s sexcapade rewound in her mind. They hadn’t used a condom in the heat of the moment, all five or six times throughout the night and in the shower the next morning. Camilla didn’t know how to chastise herself. Being with Hunter felt perfect so although her actions were reckless, she didn’t care.

  Camilla cleared her throat and her mind long enough to send a text message to Allison.

  Hey Allison, I know it’s late, so I’ll just cut right to the chase. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?

  Send. It took about three full minutes before Allison responded.

  It depends, are you asking me out on a date because I don’t go both ways.

  A burst of laughter shot from Camilla, and she shook her head in disbelief while her fingers tapped the screen in a dance.

  Ha, ha, very funny. Actually, I’m having lunch with Hunter tomorrow at his parents’ home, and I’m inviting you to come along. You know Lance will probably be there.

  Mentioning Lance must have given Allison spirit fingers because this time she texted back within seconds.

  You should’ve started the conversation with that. Count me in.

  Camilla chuckled again.

  Be ready at noon.

  Inside her apartment, Camilla sat with her laptop open on the bed and her legs folded underneath her. As much as she wanted to go knock on Hunter’s door and let him ravish her, she needed the rest, so she could feel and look her best tomorrow. Being with Hunter would just make her feel like sleeping the day away, so she opted to stay put.

  As her eyes traveled over the screen, Camilla frowned. Throughout the week she’d been keeping up with news reports in Florida that said Hurricane Jasper was headed for the Keys. There were three potential paths Hurricane Jasper could take and two of them cut straight through her old neighborhood where her parents lived. The governor was already saying if Hurricane Jasper came close to hitting the mainland, as predicted, he would declare a state of emergency.

  That was the one thing about the sunshine state. For as beautiful as it was, there was never a winter season that went by when a hurricane didn’t threaten to wipe out the masses. Picking up her phone, Camilla dialed her parents. The phone rang twice before it was answered.

  “Hello, baby, is everything all right?” Sharon Augustina asked with worry tones in her voice.

  “Everything is fine, Mom, I’m sorry to call so late.”

  “Oh, you gave me quite a scare there.” Sharon paused. “What has you up at 1 a.m.?”

  “Hurricane Jasper.”

  “Oh, don’t you go worrying about us, you know we’ve got the fallout shelter if we need to take cover.”

  “The fallout shelter won’t hold against Hurricane Jasper. It’s in need of serious updating, and this is a category five storm we’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, well, we have a little time before finding out if it will hit us or not.”

  “Next weekend, Mother. Are you and Dad going to wait until it’s on the mainland?”

  “Where should we go?”

  “Is that a serious question?”

  “Listen, baby, your father and I don’t want to intrude on what you’ve got going on in Chicago.”

  “Is that another serious statement?”

  Sharon paused, and Camilla cut in. “Because I’m certain if it were me, you would be very outspoken about me leaving.”

  Sharon sighed. “You’re right. I’ll talk to your fathe

  “No, I’ll talk to him.”

  He’s sleeping right now, and you know he gets grumpy if you wake him up, and he hasn’t had his eight hours.”

  “I don’t need to talk to him right now. I’m taking a trip down there, and both of you are coming back with me. Corinne doesn’t know it yet, but so is she.”

  “Oh, baby.”

  “It’ll be Monday. I have a few things this weekend to take care of but when I get there, you might as well have your bags packed.”

  “You know your father will never be swayed into leaving.”

  “He will if it’s me swaying him. Daddy never could refuse his little girl, so I’ll put it on thick if I need to. You just have the bags packed and ready.”

  Sharon chuckled a bit. “I will.”

  “Thank you, Momma.”

  “I love you, baby. Get some rest. Makes no sense worrying about something that’s happening in the future, tonight.”

  “I’m going now. Good night, Momma. Love you, too.”

  They ended the call, and Camilla thought about calling to threaten Corinne with being kidnapped if she refused to leave. But the thought didn’t last long; instead, it switched to Hunter and the many times he’d stolen her breath with a solitary kiss. She was in a relationship for fifteen years and never had she felt so treasured and taken care of like with Hunter. What did that say about Steven? Camilla wasn’t sure if that meant he sucked that bad or if the two of them were never meant to be. Because in the timeframe Camilla had been with Hunter, she’d quietly fell in love with him. His gentle caresses at times were soothing, and when he became a fierce lover, it was all-consuming. The intellect he bestowed was almost sexier than when he stared her down with a smoldering gaze. Almost.

  Camilla closed her laptop and rolled to her belly, stuffing her face into the pillow, and before another thought took root, she was sleeping like a baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I’m glad I re-thought the first outfit I changed into,” Allison said.

  Camilla glanced at her friend as she followed the GPS to Hunter’s parent’s estate. “What did you have on at first?”

  “An off the shoulder sweater dress. It stopped mid-thigh and looked a little hoochie.” Allison scanned Camilla’s attire. “That was the right move considering you’re over here dressed like FLOTUS.”

  Camilla cracked a smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.”

  With her hair neatly slicked back and pinned on top of her head, Camilla sat in the passenger seat with her legs crossed in a black knee length long sleeved dress. It hugged her waist and flared over her hips, keeping her curves hidden and giving her a Mary Poppins look. Her jewelry was light and simple, wearing diamond studded earrings, a thin 10 karat gold necklace with a small diamond that sat as a charm. There were no rings on her fingers, and her arms held a shea butter glow as if she’d moisturized in it.

  “You may want to put your coat back on. We’re coming up to our destination.”

  There was a hint of excitement and fear in Allison’s voice. Camilla looked her over. “You’re not nervous, are you?”

  Allison peered at Camilla then quickly took her eyes back to the road. “Yes, I am nervous. Unlike you, this will be my first time meeting Lance, and if he’s as gorgeous in person as he is in pictures and on TV, stick a fork in me, I’m done.”

  Camilla laughed as the GPS informed them their destination was on the right. Both ladies took their attention to the large castle-like estate.

  “My God in Heaven,” Allison said, clutching her pearls. “Who lives in this place?”

  “Apparently, Hunter’s parents do.”

  “Do you think they all lived here at some point?”

  “Hmm, maybe. Let’s go find out.”

  Allison pulled into the circular driveway then parked, and both ladies checked themselves once more then left the car for the front door. Allison reached to ring the doorbell when Camilla grabbed her hand.

  Allison looked sharply over at her. “What?”

  “Listen,” Camilla said, putting her finger up to her lips in a hush. Allison and Camilla held perfectly still and laughter from the side of the home drift toward them. Allison frowned.

  “What would they be doing outside as cold as it is?”

  Instead of answering, Camilla left the porch and headed toward the voices. Allison scurried to catch up with her, and the closer they became, the more they could make out voices. One definitely belonged to Hunter, and the others were unknown. They passed several rose bushes outside as they traipsed over a manicured lawn. Camilla wondered how the bushes were blooming when the weather was still frigid.

  They cut up to a brick pathway that announced their attendance from the click of their heels. Hunter was in a mid-air leap with a basketball rotating off the tip of his fingers. He came down hard, slamming the ball through the net. It swished as he dropped to his feet. His chest was bare, his shoulders broad and strong with melanin popping skin that shined as if he had moisturized in butter himself.

  “Damn,” Allison said. She shut her mouth tight after saying it, realizing just then that they were within hearing distance.

  Three pairs of eyes turned their way. Lance, Hunter, and Xavier Valentine. Neither of the men wore a shirt but they were all in sweatpants. Hunter’s gray, Xavier’s navy blue, and Lance’s maroon. A smile so strong it could light the city spread across Hunter’s face.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said, walking away from the bouncing ball. He strolled up to Camilla and eased his strong arms around her waist. Glancing over at Allison, he nodded as a signature salute.

  “What are you doing outside like this?” Camilla asked. “You’re going to catch pneumonia.”

  Hunter’s smile broadened, and his structured manly jaw only highlighted the grin.

  “You think this is funny?”

  “Nah, I just like it when you act as if you care about me.”

  Camilla put her hands on her hips. “Who says I’m acting? I do care about you. Is that what you think, that I’m playing a role?”

  Hunter licked his bottom lip, and his eyes dropped to hers. “No, ma’am.”

  Exasperated, Camilla peered at him, and she wondered if this was one of those games he played just to see how much she did care about him.

  “Are you messing with me?”


  Camilla rolled her eyes.

  “Get used to it.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to get used to it.”

  “But I like messing with you.”

  Camilla pursed her lips, and Hunter sank his mouth into hers. She thawed immediately, the frigid weather around them no longer a factor.

  “Ahem,” Allison said, clearing her throat. She still couldn’t believe Camilla was dating Hunter. After all the “you’re overreacting” speeches Camilla had given her, now they were actually a couple. And from the looks of things, hot and heavy in love. She wondered if they knew it yet and decided this time she would mind her business. Especially since, she only had a limited spell with Lance. She took her eyes to him, not mistaking him for Xavier.

  Although there had been no introduction, Allison knew the chocolate bar with braided locks now standing with the ball in his hands was Lance.

  “Hello,” Allison said, taking the initiative.

  “Why hello. What’s your name, beauty?”

  Allison’s cheeks stung with heat at his compliment.

  “I’m Allison Sullivan.” She held her hand out, and Lance approached her, crushing the ball against his waist.

  He held out his free hand, and a kernel of electricity spread through their fingers the moment they touched. Its sting made them lock eyes, and a smirk of a smile tinted Allison’s lips.

  “That’s a lovely name. Welcome to our childhood home, Allison. I was trying to show my brother here who’s got more game.”

  Xavier guffawed behind Lance as he sat perched on a wooden bench.

  “You shouldn’t tell the lady lies if you mean to make a good impression, young one,” Hunter said. Hunter glanced to Allison. “In all actuality, I was putting a merciful beat down on him. You caught the end of it when you strolled up.”

  “That was one dunk,” Lance defended. Xavier laughed with a deeper guffaw.

  A screen door to the back entry rocked against the frame. Seconds passed when a voice rang out.

  “You all come on in now. It’s cold out here and lunch is ready.”

  The men turned to their mother’s voice, and the women followed their gaze. When Mrs. Valentine spotted Camilla wrapped in Hunter’s embrace, a gleam in her eyes sparkled, and the warm sensation made Camilla breathe a bit easier. Mrs. Valentine had an apron around her waist, a long-sleeve sweater that was rolled to her elbows, and skinny jeans fashioned on her legs. Mrs. Valentine’s eyes traveled to Allison, standing mere inches in front of Lance. That only seemed to further lighten her brown eyes.

  “I didn’t know our company had arrived,” her voice sang.

  “We were coming right in,” Hunter said. He looked back at Camilla. “You ready?” He released her long enough to step to her side and drape an arm around her shoulder.


  Hunter pressed a kiss against her forehead, and they strolled up to Mrs. Valentine. “Mother, this is Camilla Augustina.”

  “How are you?” Camilla said, sticking her hands in Mrs. Valentine’s before Hunter could finish the introduction.

  “I’m fine, dear, and so happy to finally meet you.”

  Camilla peered at Hunter then took her eyes back to Mrs. Valentine. “Finally?” she asked.

  A warm smile eased across Mrs. Valentine’s face. With their hands still connected, Mrs. Valentine pulled Camilla forward and intertwined her arm in Camilla’s, taking her completely away from Hunter.

  “We can talk about that inside,” Mrs. Valentine said, patting her hand.

  They strolled toward the entry with the others in tow to settle in for what would be an elaborate lunch and conversation.

  Elaborate was an understatement when describing the spread of food on the dining room table.

  “This house is huge,” Allison said in a whisper as she leaned close to Camilla’s ear so only she could hear.


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