No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I noticed and usually I’m not greedy, but this finger food looks so good my mouth is watering.”

  Allison chuckled as she and Camilla admired the display of food. Chopped steak and cheese spiraled into a sliced oven baked bread sat next to mini chicken salad sandwiches. Deviled eggs, and tuna stuffed mini romaine tomatoes were in line moving down the table. Beside them were fresh sushi rolls and grilled eggplant rollups with ricotta pesto. Apple slices, grapes, strawberries, and cherries sat in a crystal mini fruit cup with a whip cream topping in a swirl.

  “I take it by that glazed look in your eye, the food is appealing to you?”

  Camilla turned to Mrs. Valentine. “It all looks so delicious.” Camilla noted the apron on Mrs. Valentine. She’d seen it outside, but now her interest was more piqued. “Did you cook this yourself?”

  The gracious smile on Mrs. Valentine’s face was beaming. “I did.”

  “Wow,” both Camilla and Allison said.

  “If you’d like to have a seat, my boys will serve you ladies.”

  Camilla’s and Allison’s brows rose, and they turned to look at the men who stood in a solid formation with hands behind their backs and aprons now around their waists. The bare chests they’d displayed outside had been covered in dark T-shirts and a lingering smirk sat in the corner of Hunter’s lips.

  “Oh, sure thing,” Camilla said. She strolled to a seat at the extended dining table, and before she could sit, Hunter was there adjusting her chair. Camilla’s eyes rode his thick arms and toned biceps and tried with strength not to ogle him in front of Mrs. Valentine. The smirk was still on his mouth, and a longing of some kind was trapped in his gaze.

  “For you,” he said in an offer for her to get comfortable.

  “Thank you.” Camilla’s hand slipped down his shoulder, giving Hunter a light squeeze. She took her seat but hadn’t missed the buzz crawling through the center of her palm from their brief touch.

  After readjusting her chair, Hunter returned to the lunch spread and added a little bit of everything that Mrs. Valentine had to offer to Camilla’s plate. Xavier, and Lance followed suit, with Lance fixing Allison plate, and Xavier his mother’s. As the women waited for their lunch at the table, Camilla took a sip of her water to try and quench the sudden thirst she had, but it didn’t seem to do much good. She lifted the glass to her lips again when Mrs. Valentine’s crossed her legs at the ankles and linked her fingers.

  “So, which one of you are going to give me grandbabies first,” she asked.

  A spray of water flew from Camilla’s lips, and horrified, she covered her mouth and choked back the rest.

  “Oh, dear, are you all right?” Mrs. Valentine asked, handing a crispy folded napkin to Camilla.

  Hurriedly, Camilla dabbed her mouth and wiped down her hand and the splotches on her dress.

  “Mother, you don’t start off a conversation with who’s going to give you grandbabies,” Hunter said.

  Xavier laughed, but Lance dropped his head and grimaced. He didn’t even know Allison. Why would his mother be so desperate for grandchildren that she would ask her that?

  “Well what should I start with? I already know her.”

  Camilla was taken aback by that comment.

  “How do you know her when you’ve just met her, Ma?” Lance’s easy-grooving voice asked.

  “Well, I don’t know Allison, yet, but there’s only a matter of time for that. I know Camilla. Hunter talks about her all the time.”

  Camilla curved her head to glance up at Hunter who stood next to her holding a plate. He sat it down in front of her and rested a warm palm on her shoulder.

  “Forgive my mother, she anxiously wants grandchildren and thinks she knows you through the few conversations we’ve had.”

  “Few?” Mrs. Valentine said. She eyed Camilla. “I’ve talked to my son four times this week, and in each conversation, he’s brought you up. And to be truthful, I didn’t say anything about grandbabies then. He adores the softness in your eyes, your humanitarian character, and your beautiful smile.”

  “Mother,” Hunter said.

  Mrs. Valentine ignored him and leaned in to whisper, but everyone still heard her as they were all tuned in to the conversation. “You make life easy for him. Even when he’s having an odd day at VFC Energy, it doesn’t agitate him the way it used to do. You make him whole, Camilla, nothing ruins his day anymore because he looks forward to getting home to you.” Mrs. Valentine peered at Hunter then went back to Camilla. “He told me as much. I’m not making this up.”

  Xavier whistled. “At least I know now to tell Dad if this ever happens to me,” he said.

  Mrs. Valentine glanced at her son. “Why, your father will just tell me. None of you can hide this type of information from your mother. So just hush.”

  “Speaking of my father, where is he?” Hunter asked, trying to change the subject.

  “He’s at a golf tournament, so you’ll just have to deal with me for now.” Mrs. Valentine put a wide smile on her face. “Now, where was I?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Hunter and Camilla stood in the foyer of his parents’ home with no words between them. Camilla shifted her weight, giving one foot more pressure than the other. She cleared her throat and licked her bottom lip. Mrs. Valentine had spilled all the beans, and she wondered what to make of the sudden information. Hunter had clearly poured out his heart to his mom, but he had yet to do it to her, so what gives?

  “If you’re ready to run for the hills,” Hunter said, “forget about it. I can’t let you go now.”

  Camilla’s eyes jumped in surprise, and a smile, then a giggle eased from her mouth. Hunter stepped closer. “Please accept my apologies for my mother. She can be a bit overbearing at times.”

  Camilla swallowed. “Well, if I ever need to know how you feel, I’ll just call her and find out,” she half-joked.

  Hunter grinned, but it didn’t lift his face. “You won’t need to call her. I’ll make sure to tell you myself.”

  “When do you think that’ll start happening?”

  “On the level that I’ve informed my mother, now. It happens from here forth.” He exhaled a rushing wind of breath. “Camilla, I’ve never been with a woman like you before. One that is caring, strong-minded, intelligent, self-sufficient, beautiful, and invigorating.” He reached out to caress her chin. “You’re everything I’ve never had, and I’d like for you to stick around if you don’t mind.”

  Camilla blushed, and her heartbeat rocked. “I feel the same way, Hunter.” She exhaled an easy breath. “I’ve got to be honest, when I first met you, I judged you by the headlines and whispers I’d heard about the infamous Hunter Valentine.”

  “Those things are never true,” he teased.

  Camilla giggled. “Sure,” she said, her voice soft and smooth. “What I’ve come to find is a charismatic, strong, professional, very handsome guy, and being with you has awakened parts of me I’ve never known, sexually or intellectually.” A slow grin spread his lips. “And I’d love to stick around,” she finished.

  Hunter gripped her chin and pulled her to his crushing mouth that sealed against her lips in a rapture of passion. A shield of rippling warmth poured over them, and Camilla quivered as their arms tied around one another.

  “Mmmm,” Camilla moaned, and in that moment, she couldn’t find a care to give about making out in his parents’ home. Their tongues mixed as a pleasurable wave ran the course of their limbs, festering a plantation of springing nerves on their skin.

  When they slowed, it was Hunter who spoke first.

  “I’d love to take this back to my place, but there is something I want to show you first.”

  Camilla kissed his sweet lips again. “Okay, when do we leave?”

  Hunter’s hand slipped down her arm, his fingers linking with hers. “We go now,” he said.

  The two didn’t waste time saying their goodbyes, and Allison didn’t mind being left behind. She wasn’t done with Lance yet anyw
ay, that much was obvious as the two sat so close in the family room you’d think at any second Allison would be in his lap.

  Inside the Maserati, Hunter powered the sports vehicle and pulled out of the estate, heading uptown to a venue he’d rented out.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”


  “How did I know you were going to say that?”

  Hunter chuckled. “Because you know me now.”

  They held smiles on one another as the statement rang with some truth. There was always much to be discovered between the both of them, but they were confident enough with the information they had.

  The sports vehicle turned into an underground parking garage and Hunter parked next to a set of double doors. They slipped out, and Camilla strolled to the trunk as Hunter lifted it and pulled out a bag.

  “You’ve been shopping?” she asked, staring at the Old Navy bag.

  “I needed to pick a few things up we’ll need for where we’re going.”

  “I can’t believe you went inside Old Navy without causing a riot.”

  Hunter laughed. “I didn’t. I sent my assistant.”

  “Ah ha, that makes more sense.”

  Hunter closed the hood and dropped the keys into his pocket then grabbed Camilla’s hand.

  “Let’s go.”

  The double doors opened as they approached, and they walked through two more sets of doors before coming to a huge open space. Camilla gasped and looked over at Hunter in surprise.

  “Oh my God!” she screeched with laughter cruising from her throat. In front of her was a wall that rose so high Camilla had to take a step back just to follow it to the top. Whipping her head around, she stared at him. “Rock climbing!?”

  “You see, Angel, the way I perceive it is, if you’re going to climb a mountain, you should probably practice first. This wall is two hundred and forty-one feet high. It’s the tallest in the world from my research. Mount Everest is staggering twenty-nine thousand feet high. This wall doesn’t come close to that, but if you’re going to climb like a pro, you’ve got to start somewhere.”

  Camilla laughed hard and slinked into his chest, wrapping her arms around him. Hunter’s embrace was soft, warm and stimulating, and the bag in his hand bumped her butt.

  “How did you know I wouldn’t come dressed to climb a wall,” she asked, thinking about the bag in his hand.

  “I didn’t, but I like to be prepared. I always take the initiative.”

  That was something Camilla had noticed as well. An instructor traipsed toward them. “Good evening, Mr. Valentine.”

  Camilla pulled from Hunter’s strong hold and turned to the guide.

  “You must be Ms. Camilla Augustina,” the instructor said.

  “Yes,” Camilla responded with a smile in her voice.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I hear you’re into climbing.”

  Camilla giggled. “You could say that.” She slipped a hand up Hunter’s chest.

  “If you follow me, I’ll show you to the changing room, then we can get started.”

  They moved through the building with Camilla gaping at the huge wall. They changed, and the instructor helped them correctly secure their equipment then they got started. Hunter stood behind Camilla as she perched a foot on one of the wall’s rocks and reached to grab the other. His gaze combed over the back of her thighs as her legs stretched and her ass puckered toward him. Hunter wasn’t trying to gape at her, but he was a man, one who wanted Camilla every moment of the day. He saw himself move forward and bite down a mouth full of ass and had to internally calm his carnal urge for the sake of becoming a cave man.

  Camilla moved up the wall with structured strength and a bit of agility. It turned Hunter on to watch her ascend, and if he hadn’t figured it before right then, Camilla became his queen. She paused for a second, and Hunter thought she fought to hold her grip. But in reality, she was looking for him, and when she didn’t see him beside her, Camilla glanced down.

  “Are you going to stand there and watch me, or are you coming up?”

  “I’m not sure. The view of you from here has me awestruck.”

  Camilla laughed. “Come up, baby, I need you.”

  She didn’t have to tell him twice. Hunter climbed the wall with the tenacity of a skilled mountaineer with muscles bulging with each stretch of his limbs. When he reached her, instead of pausing on either side of Camilla, he paused on top of her. With each of his legs meeting the rock right beneath her foot. His closeness came with a pocket of heat that padded over Camilla’s skin in a rushing landslide.

  “You were saying you needed me,” his intoxicating voice drummed. “How’s this? Too close, or?”

  Camilla pulled in a slow breath then tossed a glance over her shoulder to meet up with his punching gaze. “Perfect,” she said almost in a purr, and there on the wall, they kissed with a passionate fervor that sent a flame shooting through them both. Hunter’s dick hardened, and the extensive limb pushed against her derriere, causing Camilla to moan in return.

  When their lips parted, Hunter gave a massive effort to calm himself, but it failed. “If you want to get to the top,” he said his voice raspy, “then we should probably keep going.”

  In a brazen move, Camilla managed to twist herself in a way where she released the rock in her hand then held on to his shoulder and instead of her toes piercing the rock below, now, the heel of her foot did as she faced Hunter. His eyes dimmed at her bravery.

  “I want to get to the top,” her sultry voice pulled. “But not of this wall.”

  Her implication was blatant, and Hunter gave her fair warning.

  “This is going to be a wild ride to the bottom, you may want to hold on.”

  Camilla’s face lit up with a smile, and quickly, she tossed her arms around his neck. Hunter let go of the wall just as his thick arms of muscle roped around her waist. She screamed as he pushed off the giant rock and they descended to the ground. The harness they wore made them spring, up and down, back and forth in a twirl, and Camilla laughed up a storm of giggles as the thrill tickled every bone inside of her. When they finally regained their bearings, Camilla propped against him, and they kissed. It took them all of ten minutes to change and leave the underground dome. In no time, they were back at The Regency, and the entire ride had been revitalizing with Camilla reaching into Hunter’s lap and grabbing a handful of his dick.

  She stroked him all the way there, which was probably how they arrived so quickly. Inside the elevator, she jumped into his arms, and they sucked in each other’s mouths, completely taken. When the door dinged, and Hunter stepped out, Camilla pulled her mouth away slowly.

  “I was thinking,” she said. “Would you like to come to my place this time?”

  Hunter stopped walking, and a mischievous smile lit up his lips. “I have the privilege of seeing your spot now?”

  Camilla laughed. “Mmhmm,” she said.

  “Well shit, woman, I thought you’d never ask.”

  Camilla giggled as Hunter stepped back into the elevator with Camilla still wrapped around him.

  “Wait,” she said, “where are you going?”

  “You said—”

  “I know.” She gave him a coy look. “I live on this floor.”

  Hunter’s brows furrowed. “Angel, there’s only one other apartment on this floor, and—”

  “It belongs to me,” she said, finishing his sentence.


  Camilla nudged her nose into his neck to hide her smirking face.

  “Give me your key,” Hunter said. “I don’t believe you.”

  Aghast, Camilla pulled back from him. “Oh, now you don’t believe me?”

  “Hell no. There’s no way you’ve been sleeping seconds from me without my knowledge.”

  “All right.”

  Camilla wiggled out of his hands and jumped to her feet. She gripped his palm and pulled him back off the elevator and sauntered up to the door. Diggi
ng in her purse, Camilla removed her key and stuck it in the lock. Hunter watched closely to see if it would turn or if she would back out at the last minute.

  Her hand jiggled, and the lock clicked. She pushed the door, and it swung open. She sashayed inside then pivoted around and held out her arms as his mouth dropped.

  “Tada!” she said.

  “Son of a bitch,” he swore.

  Camilla giggled. “Hey!”

  “I’m not calling you a son of a bitch, I’m just...”

  Camilla chuckled. “I guess.”

  “I knew it.”

  “Knew what?

  “This whole time you were an international spy.”

  Camilla fell out in a heap of giggles, and Hunter scooped her up, shutting the door simultaneously with his foot.

  “Ah!” she screamed as he bit down on her neck and walked dominantly to the master bath.

  They were stripped and inside the heated shower within seconds, clawing at each other in nefarious mating calls. She was in his arms when Hunter entered her vagina, driving into her folds with deep diving plunges. He gripped her butt cheeks in his palms, spreading them as he propelled inside her.

  “Oh!” she moaned out. Her arms were tied around his mountainous shoulders as Hunter plunged in and out of her heated core. “Fuck!” She screamed. And that’s exactly what they did.

  Hunter’s mouth sank against her throat, where he sucked her while blasting Camilla with temerarious strokes.


  She clung to him, wrapped in desire that tingled her body and ignited her skin. She tightened her pussy muscles, and it didn’t slow his thrusts but only propelled him into overdrive.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God! Hunter!”

  He turned from the spray of water then pushed her back into the shower wall and fucked her so unremitting and barbaric she shouted one languorous scream.

  “I want you to come all over this dick, Angel,” he said. “Have my babies,” he prodded.

  “Ah! Oooh!” she screamed.

  “Say you will.”

  He folded Camilla, pushing her legs so far, her knees met the wall. His hands braced against the back of her thighs and Hunter rocked into her pussy on a dangerous excursion.


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