No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 18

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Where are you?”

  “Following him closely.”

  “Stay on him, I’m on my way.”

  Hunter ended the call and made a U-turn then dialed Camilla. He hadn’t heard her voice since they’d spoken that morning, and it was now six in the evening. Hunter tried not to bother her, knowing she would be crowded with family and friends during her return. But Hunter couldn’t help himself. He longed for Camilla as if he was in need of a breath of fresh air that eluded him whenever he inhaled. He hit send and waited a beat, but his call went straight to voicemail.

  Hunter grimaced and redialed her but only ended up with the same result. He pushed out a rough breath then decided to let her be. It was probably a long day for her, maybe her phone needed charging. Riding up to The Regency, Hunter’s grimace turned into a full-on scowl when seeing Steven approach The Regency doors. Since the day of their scuffle, Hunter had kept a detective on Steven, knowing at any time he would discover a way to find Camilla. Steven spoke to Robert who looked at Steven questionably as he watched him walk confidently through the rotating doors.

  Hunter pulled up and parked then hopped out of the sports car.

  “Two minutes,” he said to Robert who approached for Hunter’s keys to park the Maserati. With ease, Hunter moved through the door, and immediately, his eyes fixed on Steven.

  Steven stood perched at the receptionist’s desk trying to get information on Camilla’s address. As Hunter approached, he could hear Steven talking to the woman.

  “Camilla Augustina,” he said. “I’m her fiancé, just came in town and wanted to surprise her,” he lied.

  Hunter slipped his hands into his pocket and leaned a shoulder into the counter. Steven glanced over at him, and recognizing him, instantly cursed.

  Hunter nodded. “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “This man is harassing me,” Steven said, turning quickly back to the receptionist. “Call the police, please.”

  The receptionist glanced over at Hunter, and he winked with a smile. The woman returned his warm greeting and took a tiresome eye back to Steven. She didn’t even know Steven, but knew in that moment, he was full of shit.

  “Sir, this man lives in this building. So, if he is harassing you by being here, it would probably be best for you to leave.”

  Steven let out a harsh breath. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I’m afraid I’m not,” the woman said.

  Hunter chuckled. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” he said. “If it’s any consolation I understand. My Camilla is a beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed woman. If I were you, I wouldn’t want to lose her to the likes of a brother like me either. Because here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to put a ring on her finger, and when I do, I won’t call off the wedding because I’m not foolish enough to let go of a catch like her.” An easy grooving laugh trekked from Hunter’s mouth. It was as if Hunter could see visible steam coming out of Steven’s ears.

  “And trust me when I say, she will never want you again. I’m all she needs, now and forever more. Oh, and didn’t you know, you’re violating an order of protection.”

  Steven frowned, and he shortened her name when he spoke, “Camille doesn’t have it in her to do something like that. Not with me. I’m in her heart more than she’s willing to admit right now, but I know the feelings are mutual. That’s what decades of love does to you.”

  “Hmmm, that’s such a shame that you would think so little of Camilla. But it seems like with decades of love, as you call it, you still have no clue who she is.”

  Hunter glanced over at a tall dark skin man approaching with shades across his face and a badge on his hip.

  “Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. This is Detective Shaw.” Hunter held his hand out toward the detective, and Detective Shaw handed Hunter a piece of paper to which Hunter offered over to Steven.

  Steven looked down at it like it was a snake then snatched the paper out of his hand.

  “This is your order of protection, and you’re violating it.” Hunter glanced to Detective Shaw. “Detective.”

  Detective Shaw grabbed Steven by the arm. “Hey, get your hands off me!”

  “I promise if you want to make a show in this lobby I’m all for it,” Detective Shaw said.

  Steven stared at the paper in disbelief, and with slow hesitancy, followed Detective Shaw to the exit.

  “I’ll be in touch,” Detective Shaw said back to Hunter as he and Steven disappeared out of the building.

  Hunter had called her several times and still his call went to voicemail. Now, he was worried. Surely, Camilla wouldn’t leave her phone off this long. Hunter regretted not getting her parents’ phone number, but he could seek it out if need be. He was so busy making sure he had their address because he planned to make good on his threat to come down if Camilla hadn’t returned before Hurricane Jasper arrived. It was ten o’clock at night, and his mind had been so busy with getting her on the phone, Hunter had failed to turn on the news. His phone rang, and he answered immediately.

  “Hunter,” he said.

  “Hey, brother, are you busy?” The voice belonged to Xavier.

  “No, what’s up?”

  “I just knew you were going to tell me you were with Camilla.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you two are inseparable. I was sure you were pussy whipped by now.”

  “Damn straight I am and fuck you all the same.”

  Xavier balled over in laughter.

  “Camilla’s not here. She went down to Florida to bring her parents back before the big storm hit.”

  Xavier’s laughter was doused immediately. “You’re not talking about Hurricane Jasper, are you?”

  “That’s the only storm coming through the Keys, isn’t it?”

  A string of profanity left Xavier’s lips.

  “What?” Hunter’s thick voice drummed with anxiety.

  “Brother, Hurricane Jasper hit earlier today. The weather forecasters got it wrong. Florida’s been on emergency evacuation since around three.”

  Hunter’s heart leaped in his chest, and he stood to his feet.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Xavier!” He roared.

  “Man, I know how much you’re into her. I wouldn’t play with you on this.”

  Instantly, Hunter’s soul felt crushed. He’d just met and fallen in love with the woman he planned to marry and raise a family with. It would be a sick joke to lose her before their life could even begin. A plethora of emotions swept through him; pain ricocheted through his chest and weakness tried to cripple him. He almost fell to his knees, but Camilla needed his help, and come hell or Mount Everest, Hunter was going to get her.

  “Power up the jet,” he said. “We’re going to Florida.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The Boeing 747 VIP private jet was halfway to Florida when it came upon heavy turbulence.

  “You know you’re one crazy SOB, right?”

  Hunter turned to Xavier.

  “What does that make you?”

  “Same,” Xavier said. “For all the trouble you’re going through, you better love this girl.”

  “I do.”

  Xavier stared at his brother.

  “And she’s going to be my wife.”

  Xavier’s brows arched. He wanted to call Hunter out on a lie but considering their current situation it was thoroughly possible that he was telling the truth.

  “Wait, how long have you known her?”

  “Long enough.”

  Hunter waited for another rebuttal, but Xavier gave none. The aircraft hit another patch of hard turbulence, and the pilot came across the loudspeakers.

  “We’re going to land now. Our current location is Hialeah, Florida. It’s about twenty-five minutes to Miami by car. This is as close as I can get you without killing us all.”

  Xavier cursed a million times and cut his eyes at Hunter. “I better be the best man,” he said.

Hunter smirked. “Deal.”

  They buckled their seats and prepared for a not-so-smooth landing. The cabin shook, and they said a silent prayer as the jet fought the winds to get to the ground. It was a rough twenty-minute descent, but once there, the pilot came over the speaker again.

  “We will have to stay put until the storm passes. Good luck, Hunter.”

  Hunter unbuckled his belt and stood to his feet. With persistence, he pulled on an overhead coat and left the Boeing 747 with Xavier right behind him.

  “Where are you going?” Hunter asked Xavier.

  “You didn’t think I came all this way to watch you walk out into a storm and possibly never come back, did you?”

  Hunter reached over, and the men slapped hands then pulled each other in. Without another word, they left the jet and stepped out into harsh winds and rain. Like men on a mission, they trekked to a small station that housed the hangars. Hunter pulled back on the door, but it was locked. With a strong fist, he beat against the door’s frame. There was no movement inside, so Hunter knocked again. He looked over at Xavier then over to a BMW parked in the empty lot.

  “It’ll take us three hours to walk on a normal day. On this day, about five.” Xavier mentioned.

  Hunter cursed then rammed his fist against the door again. In five hours who knows what could have happened to Camilla. His stomach churned, and his gut tightened as he thought of losing her to the storm. With no other options in sight, Hunter slapped Xavier’s shoulder with a backhand.

  “Come on!” He said, infuriated.

  The wind continued to whip around them, and the wetness from the blizzard would make their clothes feel like weights the longer they journeyed on foot.

  “Hello!” A voice yelled behind them.

  Hunter and Xavier turned around sharply, and relief flooded them both at the sight of the man standing at the door. They trudged back, and the Asian man allowed them entry.

  “Do you have a car?” Hunter said as water dripped from him.

  “You can’t drive. It’s too dangerous. I have a shelter in the back.”

  “Listen to me,” Hunter said. “I’ll pay you triple whatever your BMW is worth if you just give me the keys right now.”

  The man’s eyes lurched. “What, do you have a death wish?”

  “If that’s what it takes,” he said.

  Camilla sat on a barrel inside her parents’ underground shelter. The storm had seemed to go on forever, and sleep had evaded her while everyone else was knocked out in dreamland. The thunder and tussling of wind didn’t seem so bad at first until a loud popping sound made her think the house was falling over. The foundation it sat on shook, and the walls groaned within. Camilla’s tension mounted, and a crash could be heard above. Her thoughts stirred, and she wondered if it was the mirror that hung on the living room wall, but Camilla didn’t have much time to dwell on it when the house shook again, and another dragging groan edged through the floorboards.

  “The storm is going to uproot us at any minute,” she said to only herself. Camilla bit down on her jaw and shut her eyes tight, but she couldn’t sit still. Camilla needed motion to help shake off her fear. She moved from the barrel to pace the floor. Trying to take her mind off Hurricane Jasper, she removed the stick from her back pocket. Looking down at it, Camilla released a huge breath, and her mind pitched in a storm of its own. She put it back in her pocket then returned to the barrel, hoping and praying to God they would make it out of this alive.

  Another loud crackling sounded throughout the house, like lightning spinning from the sky. It roused Camilla and the others. In a chair, Bernard glanced around then released a long breath.

  “Is everyone okay?” He asked, his voice strained with anxiety.

  Sharon stretched, and she and Corinne responded in unison, “We’re okay.”

  Bernard stood and walked over to Camilla. “And how about you?”

  Camilla eyed the gray hairs on her daddy’s head and in his mustache and beard. She smiled softly. “I’m alive,” she said. “Nervous, but still alive.”

  Bernard nodded. “I thought it was over for a minute. It had gotten so quiet.”

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  Bernard paused for a long while before speaking again. “Do you want to talk about it?” he said, referencing the pregnancy test she’d held when she ran through his front door.

  Camilla swallowed just as a loud bang from the basement’s door rapped in succession.

  “Oh my God!” Camilla said, and they all rose to their feet.

  It sounded like the door would rip off at any moment.

  “Come over here!” Bernard said, gathering his family. “Stay in this corner, no matter what.” The women huddled in the corner of the room, and Bernard walked toward the door.

  “What are you doing?” Sharon asked.

  “I’m checking things out, stay put.”


  Bernard kept walking.

  “Daddy!” Camilla shouted.

  But he wouldn’t listen. In a desperate flee, Camilla ran across the room and grabbed Bernard’s arm just as the door was ripped open. Bernard covered Camilla as her mother and Corinne screamed. After seconds of no strong wind hauling them away, both Bernard and Camilla slowly glanced upward.

  Staring down at them with the will of a determined man, Hunter Valentine abided breathing like he had run a marathon. His broad shoulders rose and fell, and quickly, he dropped to his knees and held a hand out to help them.

  “Hunter!?” Camilla screeched. “What— what’re— are you crazy!?”

  Camilla reached for his hand, and he hauled her out of the shelter into his arms. “Hell yeah, I’m crazy. Crazy about you.”

  Camilla’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in a gasp. She had so many questions, but none of them seemed relevant right now. While she and Hunter stared each other down, Xavier helped pull the others from the basement.

  “The storm has moved west,” Hunter said. “What’s left in its wake is the thunder I’m sure you heard. He saw the lingering questions in her eyes, but Camilla was so speechless that they stayed lodged in her throat. “I couldn’t stay away knowing you were here. I love you too much, and I need you to marry me.” A tear fell from Hunter’s eyes. “You said you’d have my babies,” he added, and Camilla laughed with tears of her own falling from her eyes.

  “You’re a fool!” She said. “You could’ve been killed!” She pounded his chest once with a closed fist.

  “I don’t care. It’s not my death that I fear; it’s yours.”

  Camilla’s chest rocked as she cried harder in his arms. The two held each other, and Hunter pressed hot kisses against her face, neck and lips. He removed the princess cut diamond. It wasn’t in a box or in some fashionable display. It just sat on the tip of his fingers, casting a sharp bling that sparkled like the sun.

  “Oh my God, you’re serious!”

  “I would never play with a situation such as this. Tell me,” he said. “Please.”

  Astonished, Camilla cried harder, and she nodded frantically. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

  Hunter pulled her in for a kiss, but Camilla stopped him with a hand to his chest. “There’s something else.”


  Camilla blushed then dropped her face, and Hunter lifted it back to his smoldering stare.

  “Tell me.”

  Camilla opened her mouth to speak, then hesitated. “I’m… pregnant.”

  A flurry of chills encompassed them both, and Hunter’s eyes lurched as everyone around them gasped. Camilla removed the test from her pocket and handed it over to Hunter.

  Hunter glanced down at it but didn’t reach for it not wanting to let Camilla go. More tears ran from his eyes, and he sank his mouth into hers, completely taking her breath away.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” she answered with streaming tears.

  “Can we get out of here?”


  Although they both said it, neither of them made a move. Instead, Hunter kept her pinned to him as they were raptured in the heat of another pulse-stinging kiss.

  The End

  Did you enjoy No Holds Barred? Subscribe to my newsletter or join my Facebook Group to get updates from me, the author! You can also pre-order the next installment featuring Xavier Valentine and Corinne Thomas: A Risqué Engagement.

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  Note from the Author

  Thank you so much for reading No Holds Barred, In the Heart of a Valentine, book one. I hope you enjoyed Hunter and Camilla’s story! Reviews are the lifeblood of independent writers. The more reviews we get, the more Amazon and others promote the book. If you want to see more books by me, Stephanie Nicole Norris, a review would let me know that you’re enjoying the series. If you liked the book, I ask you to write a review on, Goodreads or wherever you go for your book information. Thank you so much. Doing so means a lot to me.

  XOXO - Stephanie

  Catch me at Atlanta Kickback 2018! With me will be my Falling for a Rose and In the Heart of a Valentine series!

  Other Books by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Contemporary Romance

  Everything I Always Wanted (A Friends to Lovers Romance)

  Safe with Me (Falling for a Rose Book One)

  Enough (Falling for a Rose Book Two)

  Only If You Dare (Falling for a Rose Book Three)

  Fever (Falling for a Rose Book Four)

  A Lifetime with You (Falling for a Rose Book Five)

  She said Yes (Falling for a Rose Holiday Edition Book Six)

  Mine (Falling for a Rose Book Seven)

  The Sweetest Surrender (Falling for a Rose Book Eight)

  Romantic Suspense Thrillers

  Beautiful Assassin

  Beautiful Assassin 2 Revelations

  Mistaken Identity

  Trouble in Paradise


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