No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 17

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she screamed.

  “Tell me,” he said again, driving into her as echoing sounds of penetration flooded the shower stall.

  “Please, Hunter!”

  Camilla’s eyes crossed, and her mouth was caught in an O. Hunter became a savage, driving into her so hard, and expeditiously Camilla’s thighs went numb. They dissipated, moving against each other until their bones liquefied.

  “Tell me,” he growled sucking in a mouthful of her nipples simultaneously.

  “Yes! Yes! Fuck yes, I’ll have your babies!”

  Her toes curled, and she shouted as his plunging thrusts tore into her womb with the blunt force of an electric hammer. Hunter lifted his mouth on a curse then sucked her nipples in again just as his orgasm found momentum.

  “I’m going to come so fucking hard!” Camilla shouted.

  And Hunter clapped into her steadfast like the beat of sticks to a drum. They sang out, with profanity leaving both of their lips as they released together. They were sealed, and their mouths crushed hungrily as their cream interspersed. A euphoric jolt crawled around them, and they were lost in the glow of love.

  Hunter’s chest rose and fell along with Camilla’s, then reluctantly, he removed his mouth from hers but kept her eye on his.

  “Say you meant it,” he said.

  She knew instantly what he referenced.


  He stared, waiting for her refusal.

  “I meant it,” she said, and his heartbeat knocked inside his chest.

  “Angel, please don’t play with me.”

  “I’m not,” she said. “I don’t know how to explain it, Hunter, but all I want is you and whatever you want. But…” she added, “we have to be 50/50 parents because I’m not taking care of a whole kid by myself.”

  He laughed a deep rumbling guffaw, then took hold of her lips and intermixed his tongue with her own. Another moan rooted from Camilla, and before they had a chance to pull apart again, they were rocking once more against the wall.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was like a dream, one that she never wanted to wake from. Camilla strolled out of The Regency with a small rollaway suitcase on wheels. Robert the valet approached her.

  “Good morning, can I get your car, Ms. Augustina?”

  “Yes, thank you, Robert.” She handed him her keys.

  “My pleasure,” he said, strolling away to retrieve her rental.

  Camilla stood in a semi-daze. It was Monday morning, and everything about the weekend had been right. Not only had she spent it relaxing without a care in the world, but the man she’d been with had gotten into her system so much that Camilla had a secret confession with herself. She was in love with Hunter. He’d been nothing but the best, and Camilla almost couldn’t believe her luck. When she informed him she was flying to Florida to drag her parents back to Chicago, he understood, though he wasn’t too happy.

  Reports of Hurricane Jasper had not let up, and he’d not asked but told Camilla, to get back before Wednesday.

  “If you’re not back by 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, I’m catching the first flight out to Florida.”

  “To do what exactly? If I’m not back by then, it’ll be because I haven’t convinced my hardheaded father to come along.”

  “I’ll drag you and your daddy back, it doesn’t make me any difference.”

  Camilla’s mouth had dropped, and she gasped. “You can’t drag my father back. He’s as big as you!”

  Hunter peered at her.

  “Well,” she backtracked, “he runs a close third, anyway,” she said, waving her hand. “My father’s a grown man. You can’t.”

  “I can, and I will.”

  Camilla pursed her lips with a smirk, enjoying his protectiveness while pretending to be offended.

  “Did you take the order of protection out on Steven?”

  Camilla couldn’t fix her face to tell a lie, and she didn’t want to. “Not yet.”

  Hunter didn’t respond but kept a scrutinized gaze on her.

  “I’m doing it Monday before I head to the airport.”

  “Thank you,” he said.

  So here she was on her way to the police station then off to Chicago O’Hare. A car exited the garage and pulled in front of the entrance. Camilla’s eyes glanced to the driver. It was Robert. She frowned then her eyes widened, and her mouth parted on a gasp. She took in the pink salmon Toyota Prius with sour apple chrome rims and her hand flew over her heart.

  “Can’t be,” she whispered.

  Robert exited the vehicle, leaving the door open. He motioned to the car. “Your Prius awaits, Ms. Augustina.”

  “Robert,” she said, “there must be some mistake. I don’t own—this isn’t my car.”

  “Yes, it is,” Robert said as a fact, “courtesy of Mr. Valentine.”

  She was stunned, and completely turned around. She released the handle on her luggage, and her hands flew to her mouth. She tiptoed to the car, and Robert took the initiative of putting her suitcase in the trunk while Camilla got a glimpse at its interior.

  “Oh my God,” her muffled voice said. “I can’t believe this.” Camilla trailed to the back of the vehicle, getting a look at the sour apple license plate. A bright smile covered her face, and she continued her perusal, strolling out into the street then around the fender.

  “Congratulations,” Robert said. “She’s a beauty.”

  Still flabbergasted, Camilla slipped into the driver’s seat and closed the door. She powered down the window and waved at Robert.

  “Thank you!” she said.

  “You’re more than welcome, Ms. Augustina.”

  Camilla gazed around the interior and sat her cell phone in the clip perched on the dashboard.

  “Siri, call Hunter.”

  “Calling Hunter.”

  The phone rang three times, and for a second, Camilla thought she would go to voicemail until his smooth baritone voice filled the line.

  “Good morning, Angel.”

  “Good morning,” she said with a smile in her voice. “Babe, did you buy me a car?”

  There was silence on the line.


  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I can’t believe you bought me a car!” Her smile was wide now, and she burst into a fit of animation. “I don’t know if I can take this from you.”

  Camilla drove to the police station with Hunter on speakerphone.

  “The car is in your name. You own it. So, if you don’t want it, then you’ll have to sell it.”

  Camilla gasped. “I could never do that!”

  “Then keep it.”

  “But… but…” her mind whirled. She was excited but feeling nervous about accepting such a large gift. “Hunter…” she droned.

  “Angel, I’m in the middle of a board meeting, but keeping the wheels is up to you. I won’t feel bad if you give it away.”

  Camilla pursed her lips. “Like I’d ever do that, and I’m so sorry for interrupting, you should’ve let the call go to voicemail.”


  Camilla blushed, and butterflies waved through her stomach.

  “Well, I hope it goes well. Call me when you leave for the day.”

  “Have a safe flight and come home to me,” he said.

  Camilla blushed again. “I will.”

  The phone became quiet as they both relished in the love that bloomed inside them for one another.

  “I’m missing you already,” he said. “See you soon.”

  “Yeah, see you.”

  Camilla ended the call and squealed with a hard blush. Once again, she took her eyes around the vehicle then parked at the station and pulled herself together.

  “Okay, Camilla, just go in and get this over with.”

  Much to her chagrin, Camilla left the brand-new Toyota Prius in the parking lot then went inside and filled out the necessary pape

  Four hours and forty minutes later Camilla arrived at Miami International Airport. She exited the aircraft still on a cloud from the wonderful surprise Hunter had given her. It wasn’t until she heard a squeal, that Camilla snapped out of her fog and caught Corinne running toward her. The women did a tap dance around each other then pulled in for a hug.

  Corinne took a good look at Camilla, and her mouth stayed open showing all thirty-two teeth in her mouth.

  “What?” Camilla asked.

  “Girl, look at you! It’s only been what, two weeks, and Hunter’s got you glowing and shit.”

  Camilla tossed her head back and laughed. “Shut up!”

  “He does!”

  Camilla glanced down at herself, unable to hide the beam on her face.

  “She doesn’t even deny it,” Corinne stated. “You guys are hot together. Just wait until the media gets a hold of this.”

  “Oh my God, we’ve been doing such a good job keeping it under wraps.”

  “I can tell because it hasn’t made it to TMZ yet. You guys are for sure hiding. Well come on, let’s get out of here. Tell me about it on the way to brunch.”

  The women trailed out of the airport and got inside Allison’s Mazda and made their way across town. The weather in Miami was unmistakably different than Chicago’s, with humid temperatures—the state’s signature for sunny weather.

  “There was a bit of turbulence on the plane,” Camilla said, taking note of the gloomy skies. “When I checked the weather, it said cloudy with a chance of rain. So then why does it look like the sky will fall at any moment?”

  “Most times they get it right, but sometimes, they don’t.” Corinne shrugged, thinking nothing of it. “Where do you want to eat?”

  “Let’s go to Tongue and Cheek.”

  Corinne wiggled her brows with a smirk. “You’re in the mood for chicken and waffles, huh?”

  “More than you know.”

  “We’re right around the corner.”

  “You must have known I’d want some.”

  “I knew you would want to be in the area your parents live.”

  Camilla nodded, and Corinne parked. They left the Mazda and found a seat inside, getting comfortable. Camilla lifted her nose to the air and moaned as she took a whiff of the hot food that lingered.

  “Did you eat before you left?”

  “I had a croissant and a cup of cappuccino for breakfast.”

  A server strolled to their table, and Camilla happily gave her order without looking at the menu.

  “Make that a double,” Corinne chimed, getting the chicken and waffles. Once the waitress sailed away to place their orders, Corrinne said, “So, tell me what’s happened since I’ve been gone. It’s felt like a lifetime.”

  “Corinne.” Camilla sighed and glanced toward the windows in thought. The palm trees swayed as if a storm was brewing, but Camilla brought her focus back to the conversation. “Hunter is wonderful. I don’t know if I should be scared or relieved that God has given me a second chance at this relationship thing.”

  “It’s all right to be scared, girl. Trust me, when it comes to men, it’s hard sometimes to believe you have a good one with countless bad apples in the bunch.”

  Camilla nodded. “Especially with the reputation Hunter has, but there is something else.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Is it possible to get pregnant within a few weeks? It takes longer before you know, right?”

  Corinne’s eyes bugged out, and a chill fled down her skin. “Oh my God!”

  “Ssssh!” Camilla said, shushing her friend. “Can you answer my question first before you get all crazy?”

  Corinne began to hyperventilate. “Okay.” She blew out a deep breath. “Um, let me think about this.”

  Camilla nodded with a knot in her throat.

  “Um, I don’t know,” Corinne answered.

  Deflated, Camilla pushed out a long breath. “That’s no help, Corinne.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, but tell me why do you think you may be pregnant? Have you taken a test?”

  “No,” she whined.

  “Then why?”

  “The first time we had sex we didn’t use protection the entire night. And trust me, it was a long night.”

  Corinne nodded and smiled. “Okay, so when did you start using protection?”

  Camilla avoided eye contact.


  “We never did, okay?”

  Another gasp fled from Corinne. “Damn, Camilla, you’ve never been this reckless.”

  “I knoooow, oh my God, what am I going to do! My cycle comes around every month on the same day like clockwork. I am not, nor have I ever been one of those girls whose cycle switches up. We’ve just entered a new month with no cycle in sight!” Camilla bit her fingertips. “And I can smell food.”

  Corinne frowned. “I can smell food, too, hell we’re in a restaurant.”

  “No, I could smell the food before you pulled into the parking lot.”

  Corinne’s eyes lurched, and she covered her mouth with one hand and sat back against her seat. “Oh my,” she said.

  “Corinne, you’re scaring me to death!”

  “Okay, this is what we’ll do. Let’s go to the dollar store and get you a pregnancy test.”

  Camilla nodded, and Corinne pushed her chair back and stood. Camilla reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “After we eat,” she said.

  A smirk crept across her lips, and Corinne reclaimed her chair. They ate their food in near silence with the hum of the restaurant’s television in the background. Both were in their own thoughts—Corinne knowing Camilla wasn’t a fan of kids and unable to detect how she would truly feel if she were pregnant. On the other side of the table, Camilla ate unhurriedly, as she wondered the same. Would she be excited, dreadful, or in despair? The thoughts almost drove her crazy until she couldn’t take it anymore. With half of her meal still on her plate, Camilla sat her fork down and stood.

  “Come on, you’re barely touching your food anyway.”

  “Same as you,” Corinne added. The ladies left money on the table and cleared the threshold. The door chimed as they left, and the winds seemed to be harsher outside.

  “The meteorologist didn’t say anything about harsh winds,” Corinne mentioned.

  They climbed into her car and drove to the nearest dollar store. Inside Camilla purchased the test then asked for a restroom.

  “We don’t usually let customers use the bathroom. It’s for employees only,” the clerk said. The woman glanced down at the test Camilla had just purchased. “However, because I feel this may be an emergency, I’ll let you use it this time.”

  “Thank you so much,” Camilla and Corinne chimed.

  Inside the lavatory, Camilla paced back and forth, and she counted down the minutes it would take for the test to give her the necessary information.

  “Come on, come on,” she chanted. Camilla grabbed the examination and still there were no results. “Okay, calm down, Camilla, it’s only been a few seconds.” She paced again with the stick in her hand, but the blaring sound of an alarm commandeered her heartbeat, causing her to fly out of the bathroom.

  “What’s going on!?” She said, rushing down the aisle to Corinne.

  Corinne, the manager, and associate, watched the news as a breaking report strolled across the screen. Hurricane Jasper was moving faster than the state of Florida had anticipated, and for all the people in Miami, it was time to take cover. A sharp gasp left Camilla.

  “Oh my God!”

  The alarm sailed throughout the town, and the manager grabbed Camilla by the arm.

  “Come on, ladies, we’ve got to take shelter.”

  “No!” Camilla wiggled out of the manager's arm. “I’ve got to get to my parents!”

  “There’s no time, you’ll be risking your life if you leave the building.”

  Corinne sucked in a deep breath. She’d known when her parents moved to Tenness
ee three years ago that she should’ve gone with them.

  “Come on, if we’re going, we’re going now!”

  Corinne and Camilla ran through the double doors, and the manager locked it behind them. The winds howled with ferocity as they jumped in the Mazda and fled down the boulevard in a blur. Camilla dialed her parents. Her mom answered on the first ring.

  “Baby!” Her mother shrieked. “Thank God you’re not here yet. Listen, don’t come to Florida, it looks like this hurricane fooled us all because it’s on its way. Don’t worry about us, your father and I are taking refuge in the shelter.”

  “I am here!”


  “I’m with Corinne, Mom, we’re two minutes away from you!”

  “Oh my God! Bernard! Bernaaard!” Her mother yelled. When her father approached, Camilla could hear him in the background.

  “Camilla is here. She’s on her way!”

  “I’m pulling into the driveway, open the door.”

  Camilla removed the seat belt as Corinne skidded into the driveway of the two-bedroom art deco styled home. “They jumped out and ran to the door just as Bernard unbolted the lock with his wife standing idly by his side. Camilla ran into his arms, and Corinne followed.

  “I wish you wouldn’t have come,” his thick voice boomed. Bernard glanced at the item in Camilla’s hand, and realizing she was still holding the test, Camilla stuffed it into her back pocket without giving it a glance.

  “I was trying to get you all out of here before this,” she said. “The storm is a week early!”

  “Come on, it’s too late for that now.”

  Bernard locked the door, and the foursome went to the fallout shelter where they took cover from Hurricane Jasper.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Hunter drove his Maserati down the boulevard with his mind in a daze about the princess cut diamond he’d just had handcrafted by his jeweler. His phone rang, pulling him from a trance, and he turned a corner and answered through his Bluetooth.

  “Hunter,” he said.

  “He’s on the move. Looks like he’s headed to The Regency.”


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