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Enticing Their Mate

Page 8

by Vella Day

  “Not any longer.” He rolled up his sleeves to show her his unharmed arm.

  “Is that Russ’s blood?”

  “No. It was mine, but I healed.”

  She ran her fingers over his arm. “I wish I could give your secret blood to those women.”

  He cupped her face. “I wish it worked that way, but it doesn’t.”

  As if Sarah needed the comfort, she wrapped her arms around Riley and placed her head on his chest. “I can’t thank you enough for saving me.”

  Jay could think of a few things, including having her between the two of them when she showed Riley some appreciation. “I bet a kiss would go a long way to thanking him,” Jay said.

  “What are you trying to do, kill me?” Riley telepathed.

  “Just helping things along.”

  Thankfully, Sarah couldn’t hear his thoughts or see the grin on his face as her back was to him. Jay wished he could just ask her if she’d be receptive to having him join her and Riley, but if she said no, it would make for a very awkward next few days.

  As she lowered her arms, he noticed her forearm was quite red, and a streak of blood was threatening to drip. “Sarah? You need to bandage that arm.”

  She looked down and swiped away the blood. “Oh, my.”

  “If you tell me where your first aid supplies are, I’ll be happy to patch you up.”

  “Thank you. Just look under the sink in the bathroom.”

  This was his chance to show her how good they could be together. After retrieving the supplies, he returned and found Riley placing a paper napkin on her cut.

  “How about you sit on the sofa?” Jay said. If after he finished tending her wounds, she wanted to thank him properly, this spot would do rather well.


  With as much care as possible, he applied the antiseptic ointment and placed the gauze patch on her arm. While part of him wanted to ask her questions about Statler’s operation, the animal in him only wanted to continue touching her and inhaling her clean scent.

  “What are your plans after we free the women?” he asked.

  She glanced between him and Riley. “I’ll go wherever the FBI sends me.”

  Jay wasn’t sure what he’d hoped she’d say, but that wasn’t it. “I bet it’s hard to move from job to job without setting down roots.” Understanding her needs would help him figure out how to convince her to be their mate.

  She smiled. “I can ask you two the same thing.”

  Jay wanted to be honest. “We do live a lonely life, which is why I try to enjoy every moment I have, especially when I’m with a beautiful woman.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Is that the best pickup line you have?”

  Riley, who’d been standing the whole time, slid onto the chair across from them and stretched out his legs. “You tell him, Sarah. He is so unsophisticated that he doesn’t stand a chance with a woman. Isn’t that right?”

  “What are you trying to do to me?” Jay telepathed, but Riley ignored him.

  “Don’t feel sorry for him, though,” Riley continued. “He gets lucky every once in a while.”

  With a fake pout, she reached out and stroked Jay’s cheek. He clasped her hand to his chest in an attempt to elicit sympathy. “I’m afraid Riley is right. No woman wants me.”

  She punched him with her other hand. “You are full of shit.”

  He grabbed her fist, brought it to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. Her eyes turned dark with lust, and nothing he could do would stop the wolf from fighting for release. “Because I believe in honesty, I need you to know that I want you, Sarah. Real bad.” She glanced over at Riley. “He wants you, too.” It took all of Jay’s control to keep his voice even. “Look at him. See how his eyes have turned a greenish-gold? That means he’s dying to take you again. And just watch the hair on his cheeks as it sprouts and his incisors elongate. That’s his animal waiting to burst.”

  “You’re a real piece of work,” Riley telepathed.

  “You want her again. Don’t deny it.”

  Riley kept his gaze on Sarah. “Perhaps one more time.”

  She stood and slipped off her T-shirt. “I’m hoping you guys can help me forget the hellish day I’ve had.”

  * * *

  Sarah couldn’t believe she’d just taken off her top in front of a virtual stranger, but in her mind, Jay and Riley came as a pair. If Jay was half as good as Riley in bed, this entire nightmare of an undercover job would be worth it.

  Just from the email exchanges and their short conversation in his hotel room, Jay seemed more analytic and kind, whereas Riley was passionate and hot-headed, which meant the two together would be an ideal combination. In a week, they’d all go their separate ways, but for the time she had left in Canada, she wanted to experience the thrill and excitement they could bring her.

  As Riley stared at her, she detected a slow simmer building inside him, but she couldn’t tell the source. Oh, shit. Given he had been such a control freak when they’d made love, perhaps he wasn’t the type to share.

  She stepped over to him and ran a hand down his chest. “I don’t want you to think I make love with just anyone. What we experienced this afternoon was off the charts great.”

  Riley leaned closer, pushing her internal temperature upward. “If you’re asking if I’m okay with you being with both of us, the answer is yes—but only if it’s with Jay.”

  Could he read her mind? “That’s what I want.”

  Jay moaned then came up behind her and pressed his chest to her back. “Let us love you and show you how good we can be together.”

  She twisted around to face him. “As long as I can return the favor.”

  He growled, swooped her up in his arms, and strode down the hallway. “Which way?”

  No man had ever carried her before, and although he had surprised her when he lifted her, she found she loved being in his arms and held tightly against his chest. “Last door on the right.”

  Once inside her bedroom, Jay set her down and turned her toward him. “Have you ever had two men at once?”

  She was so turned on right now that he caught her off guard with his abrupt question. Sarah knew her cheeks wore a slight blush, but she wouldn’t shy away from his question. Honesty was best. “A few times, but none were memorable. You should know I’m thirty-two years old and I like sex. I hope that doesn’t put you off.”

  His eyes brightened, and his scruff darkened. “Not at all. It makes it all the more fun and interesting.”

  Everything seemed to be going just the way she wanted. Lightly running her hands down his muscular arms, she leaned in close. “Since I’ve had such a tragic day, how about letting me take care of you both first?” Using Russ’s attack was lame, but one she hoped they’d buy. Torturing them first would be a huge thrill.

  Jay cupped her face. “Anything you want.”

  “Anything?” She’d never met a man who would let her be in control for long. These two wouldn’t be an exception.

  “Yes.” His breathing increased and his hair sprouted on the back of his hands and neck, which was a polite way of saying no chance in hell.

  Riley stepped behind her, palmed her breasts, leaned over, and then whispered in her ear. “The longer you take, the rougher I’ll be.”

  She loved it rough and dirty. “In that case, it might take me hours to get you two naked.”

  He pinched her nipples through the bra. “You have no idea how you’re testing my resolve.”

  She loved the way Riley made her feel so wanted. “Oh, yeah?”

  He pushed the bra above her tits, cupped her shoulders, and leaned her back. “Let’s see if we can drive Jay crazy. What do you say, baby?”

  She loved the idea. “I’m game.”

  Jay’s teeth elongated. Some men were so easy. “Holy fuck, you’re perfect.”

  She was about as far from perfect as the earth was from the moon, but why spoil it by telling him so. Sarah lifted her chest even higher, and when his lips la
tched onto her nipple, she planted her hands on his head. Holy shifters!

  Each tug and lick sent pinpricks of delight all over her body, but if she let Jay continue to lavish his attention on her breasts, she’d be the first to break. She huffed out a breath. “I need to get you two naked. You promised.” Sort of.

  Jay stepped back and Riley released her. “Help yourself. I’m all yours,” Jay said.

  This might be the only opportunity she had to savor these two men, and she wanted to make the most of the time she had. “How about you both take off your shoes?”

  Faster than either of them could shift, their boots tumbled across the room, followed by their socks. She tugged her bra back down over her tits for more comfort, but then decided she could tease them better if she removed it all together.

  As soon as her fingers reached behind her, Riley was there. “Let me help.”

  “You only get to take off this one item.”

  Riley leaned over and gently bit her shoulder. “Telling a werewolf what he can and can’t do could be dangerous.”

  She laughed. A playful Riley was a real treat. “I’ll be careful.” Once he unhooked her bra, he slipped the strap down her arms and tossed it on the floor next to Jay. Riley’s fingers set her skin on fire.

  Jay bent over, picked it up, and inhaled deeply. “I love your scent.” His voice sounded close to a growl.

  She thought he was just being nice, but his nails seemed to grow right before her eyes, and swirls of lust stabbed her belly. He wanted her. Testing their control might not be in her best interest, so she stepped away from both of them. “How about you two stand next to each other and close your eyes?”

  Riley moved in front of her and clasped her shoulders. “You have a lot to learn about us. If we did as you asked, we wouldn’t be able to keep in human form.”

  Riley had shown a lot of restraint in the storage closet. “Are you afraid of losing control?” she asked.

  Jay’s eyes were hooded as he approached. “Hell yeah. No telling what we’d do once we let our animal loose.” He looked over at Riley. “I think we’ve let her have enough fun. Now, it’s our turn.”

  She planted her hands on her hips. “Not until I’ve stripped you. Then you two can have at me.”

  Jay cracked up. “We’re going to have a good time with you, Sarah Osmond.”

  No more than she was with them.

  Chapter Eleven

  To Sarah’s delight, Riley backed up, but when he started to unbutton his shirt, she raced over to him and swatted away his hands. “Uh-huh. That’s my job.”

  “Then hurry. I’m burning for you.”

  She worked to suppress a smile at his words. As she eased the next button through the loop, Jay snuck behind her and cupped her breasts. “I can’t get my fill of these.”

  “Hold on. They’ll still be there in a minute.” Without warning, Jay dropped to his knees behind her and tugged down her shorts. “Whoa. I never said anything about removing my clothes.” Jay tapped her leg. With the material down at her ankles, she didn’t have much choice but to step out of them.

  “We took a vote. We won,” Jay said, and this time she did smile.

  “Okay, but no playing around yet. I’m not finished with Riley.”

  “Take your time,” Jay said. “I plan to.”

  He nipped her ass and she jerked. “Easy there.”

  Hooking his thumbs in her waistband, he lowered her panties and her pussy nearly convulsed with need. This intense reaction had to be a carry over from this morning’s romp. She’d never been this turned on before and was having a hard time concentrating.

  Her need drove her to finish undoing Riley’s shirt faster than she’d planned. As she reached up to slip the material off his shoulders, he lifted her by the waist and carried her straight-armed to the bed. She marveled at his strength especially since she was no lightweight.

  Riley tugged off her panties. “You’re ours and we decide how we want things done.”

  His command took her breath away. In truth, Sarah was perfectly fine with them taking the lead, but she didn’t want to appear to be someone who easily gave into their demands.

  Naked, she stretched out on the bed. As they stripped before her, she was treated to double eye candy. Their abs and broad shoulders looked as if Michelangelo himself had chiseled their bodies then polished them to perfection. While she’d seen Riley mostly naked, watching him in all his glory brought a lump to her throat. As for Jay, his rigid cock seemed even bigger than Riley’s ginormous one, and had her pussy in a tizzy.

  “Holy crap, guys. I’m not sure both of you will fit.” She could see that she hadn’t thought this through.

  Jay crawled onto the bed. “Don’t worry. We’ll try to contain ourselves until you’re ready.”

  She appreciated the sentiment, but now she was having second thoughts—that was until Jay spread open her legs and slid onto his stomach. The first lick had her clutching the spread and fighting for control. Her sensitive nub was slightly swollen from earlier in the day, but the bite of pain brought on a strong need, making her want them more.

  “Don’t hog her, Jay.” Riley knelt on the bed and dragged the top half of her body toward him. “Need me some tits and lips.”

  She shook her head. He was such a guy. The first tug on her nipple had her combusting with pleasure. She’d wanted to suck on their cocks to drive them crazy, but they seemed to have other plans. Tongues licked and teeth nipped. Damn men must have communicated because just as one let up the pressure, the other would pick up the slack. Between the two of them, she was embarrassingly close to a climax.

  Sarah might have succeeded in holding on had Jay not slipped a finger into her wet hole at the same time he nabbed her clit. As she was shooting upward toward ecstasy, Riley dragged his lush lips between her breasts straight up across her chin and drew her lower lip between his teeth. His fingers pinched and rolled her nipples, and the intense pleasure burned in a good way.

  She clutched the back of Jay’s head with one hand and grabbed a fistful of Riley’s hair with the other. Stars formed behind her lids as her orgasm swooped in.

  On cue, both men sat back, as if to let her regain some composure. “Wow, that was incredible, although I really wanted to do that to you both first. Sorry I didn’t last longer,” she said.

  Jay dragged himself next to her until his lips were inches from hers. “Don’t worry about us. It’s all about pleasuring you.”

  At a loss for words, she reached out and twisted toward him. As she wrapped her arms around Jay, Riley climbed onto the bed and spooned behind her, slipping his cock between her legs.

  “Oooh,” she said tightening her thighs to keep a good hold.

  “Careful,” he growled.

  He slid a hand between her arm and body and cupped her breast. When he pinched a nipple, heat raced straight to her core. Being sandwiched between two wonderfully talented men made her pulse race, and while their touches were beyond her wildest dreams, she wanted the sensations, too. As she dragged a palm down Jay’s rather thick stubble, enjoying the bristled texture, he twisted his head and slightly bit her palm. Oh, my, but his teeth were sharp.

  As if the two had choreographed it, Jay rolled onto his back and pulled her on top, while Riley scooted behind, and then wedged his dick between her legs again.

  “Why don’t you entertain Jay while I take care of that sweet ass of yours,” Riley said.

  The thought of sucking on Jay’s cock while Riley widened her back hole had her dripping. “I’d love nothing more.”

  Jay elbowed his way toward the head of the bed to give her better access to his cock. “Please don’t judge me if I’m weak. You do something to every cell in my body,” Jay said.

  Both men were able to make her feel as if she was the only one for them. “I’ll be careful.”

  “No, you need to be fast. I’m serious. I’m so fucking on edge and I want you more than words can express.”

  If his eyes hadn
’t been swirls of gold and his body didn’t keep switching between human and almost animal, she would have thought it was just another come-on line.

  Riley moved off the bed. “Need a condom. You don’t have any lube do you?”

  “That would be a no.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll use your natural lubrication.”

  Without Riley’s distracting presence for a moment, she grabbed Jay’s cock and leaned over. When she dragged her tongue along his length, he snatched a hunk of her hair, tugged, and growled. “What you do to me.”

  She loved how sensitive both of her men were. Both of my men? Sarah wanted to live in the moment and not think about where this could lead.

  As she drew Jay deep into her mouth, Riley returned and immediately slipped two fingers into her slick opening and then wiggled them around, causing a riot of wild need to course through her. She clamped down on his fingers to keep him there, and electric bolts sizzled across her body. Here Jay thought he was the one who wouldn’t last. Sarah was even weaker.

  Riley withdrew his fingers and dragged them between her butt cheeks. On instinct, she squeezed her ass tight.

  He tapped her rear. “None of that. You have to relax or I won’t be able to get my cannon into your delicious ass.”

  Hearing him call his cock a cannon made her chuckle.

  “You think that’s funny?”

  She had to be honest. “Yes.”

  “You just wait and see.” He rimmed the outside of her puckered hole with his lubricated finger, slowly lulling her into almost forgetting about what was to come.

  Jay tightened his grip on her hair. Oh, crap. She’d been so into what Riley was doing that she’d forgotten about poor Jay. “Sorry, I was distracted.”

  “That’s okay. I needed that moment to catch my breath.”

  Which meant he needed time to return to his fully human form. Appreciating that, Sarah refocused on loving his hard dick. She pumped her fist up and down as she sucked on his length, swirling her tongue around his wide girth, while enjoying his tangy flavor. The harder he held her hair, the tighter and deeper she drew him in.

  Jay then stiffened and growled. “Enough. I need your pussy now.”


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