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Toxic Girl

Page 16

by Chantal Fernando

  “All right,” she says. “How did you sleep?”

  I wince. “I’ve had better.”

  “I told you to sleep on the bed!” she growls, hands on her hips.

  “I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”

  She gives me a look that says she clearly doesn’t understand the difference. The banging commences again.

  “Shit, I have to answer it. The neighbours will complain,” she says, walking to the door and opening it. “What the hell do you want, drunko?” I hear her say.

  “I need to talk to her,” he says, his voice hoarse.

  “Well, she doesn’t want to see you. So take a hint,” she says, full of attitude.

  “For fuck’s sake, London, move aside,” he growls, losing his patience with her. I hear them both speaking to each other in low voices; then they both walk into the living room.

  “Why are you sleeping on the couch?” he asks, seeing me lying there.

  I shrug, attempting nonchalance. “I thought I’d let you have the bed at home in case you wanted to bring one of your exes back.”

  “You have got to be kidding me!” he growls. “I went to a bar with Leah. Dylan showed up, and we had drinks together. That was it!”

  “You shouldn’t have gone out in the first place! You were angry, so I came to apologise and take you home; instead, you were sitting there next to her! And you know how I feel about her. You know! And you didn’t give a shit!” I say angrily, standing up beside the couch.

  “Babe,” he says, pausing for a moment. “I’m sorry you see it that way, but that’s not how it was at all.”

  “How did she even know you were there?” I ask him.

  Silence. “Dylan called me when I was there.”

  “Why the fuck is she still calling you?” I yell.

  He runs his hands down his face. “I rang her to yell at her over the stunt she pulled. She didn’t answer, but then she called me back when I was at the bar. I mentioned I was there; she then just showed up.”

  I laugh but there’s no humour in it. “So that’s your apology? You fucked up, Grayson. Your words say one thing, but your actions clearly say something else. How would you feel if I walked out of the house because I was angry, and then went to a bar and had drinks with my ex?”

  His expression darkens, the air in the room getting tenser by the second. “She means nothing to me. That’s why I don’t see it as you do, but you’re right. I shouldn’t have even spoken to her,” he says, eyes not leaving mine. “You have no competition, babe, no one. I don’t even look at women like that anymore. Fuck, you’re all I see. All I want. I just wish that you could see that too.”

  “If I’m feeling insecure, don’t you think some of that is on you? By doing shit like this?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. I’m not even wearing a bra.

  London walks over to me with a bottle of water and some crackers. “Thanks,” I tell her. Grayson’s face drops even further. He normally does these things for me.

  “When are you coming home?” he asks.

  “I don’t know,” I tell him. He stands in front of me, pushing an errant lock of hair behind my ear.

  “Please come home so we can talk,” he says softly so only I can hear him.

  “I’m sorry about how I reacted over the money thing. I don’t want to have to ask you for money, to rely on you. And you shouldn’t have spoken to Aiden for me, but still I know that you were looking out for me, even though you didn’t go about it the right way,” I say. “But what you did afterwards… I don’t think I should have to deal with that. The next time we fight, are you going to do that again? I don’t know now. And I don’t know if I can believe you anymore.”

  “I fucked up, babe--let me make it up to you. I was just… hurt. What’s mine is yours, always. You think you would have to ask me for money? I would give you a damn bank card, whatever you wanted. You wouldn’t have to ask me for anything—it’s not like that between us. At least, I thought it wasn’t. I know you like to be independent, and I get that. It’s just seeing you—sick in the mornings, then uni, then work—working your ass off. How do you think I feel about that? When I have the means to give you an easier life. You’re carrying my baby, and I want the two of you healthy. So try and look at it from my point of view. I’m just trying to take care of my family the best I can.”

  I close my eyes. “I know you’re trying. I know that.”

  “I’m sorry for being a caveman; I won’t make your decisions for you again. At least, I’ll try not to,” he says, looking a little sheepish. “You can always call me out on it if I do, like you’re doing right now.”

  I hate how charming he is. “I’ll be home in a few days.”

  He stills. “A few days? What? I don’t want to wait that long without you.”

  I sigh, feeling so damn tired.

  “I’m so sorry, babe, you don’t need this stress,” he says, picking me up and lying me back down on the couch. “You rest. I’ll come and see you tomorrow.” He kisses me on my nose. “I love you.”

  I look over at London who is sitting on the kitchen bench, staring. “Did you just watch that whole show?” I ask her.

  “Yep,” she says, chewing.

  “What are you eating?” I ask her.

  “Popcorn,” she says, grinning.

  “You’re a weirdo,” I say.

  “It’s like a TV sitcom. The Grayson and Paris show.”

  “You’re an ass,” I say, sinking into the couch, getting comfy. “When’s Aiden coming over? I need to talk to him about my job,” I tell her.

  “He’ll be here this afternoon,” she says. “You know, I do have a guest room; there’s just no bed in there. I feel bad; you look uncomfortable. Could you please take the room? I’d feel a hell of a lot better.”

  “Well, as long as you feel better,” I say dryly.

  As it turns out, we didn’t need to worry. Grayson had a brand new bed and mattress delivered to her house the very next morning.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Two days pass before I go back home. Grayson and I spoke on the phone, but he respected my wishes for space. As I walk into the house, I see one of the spare room doors open. Curious, I go inside and gasp at what I see. The walls are painted yellow, and there is a white cot in the corner. A white chest of drawers, mini table and chairs and a giant pillow decorate the room.

  “What do you think?” he asks from behind me.

  “You painted the room? And went baby shopping?” I ask, my voice rising in surprise.

  “I got the basic things. I didn’t really want to get anything without you, but I wanted to surprise you—to show you that I’m committed to this family. I’ll take you to get everything else, the clothes, toys, bedding... I hope you like it,” he says. When I’m quiet, he continues, “I kept the receipts so you can change it if you don’t.”

  “I love everything, Grayson,” I say, turning around and throwing my arms around him. “I love the room.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, sounding worried. I frame his face with my hands.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Do you forgive me?” he asks, kissing my jaw. “I won’t ever walk away from you again. I’ll stay home and let you yell at me all you want,” he says, lip twitching at his own comment.

  “I forgive you, and I love you,” I say kissing his lips. I pull my face back. “Do you forgive me for being a stubborn b—”

  “Babe, I forgave you the second after I walked out of the house,” he says, lifting me into his arms. He carries me to the bed, and gently lays me down. “I need to be inside you.”

  “I want you too,” I whisper against his lips.

  “No more time away, Paris. If you want to be mad at me, be mad at me here, where I can see you. Okay? No more running,” he says as he undresses me. “I’m never going to let you slip through my fingers.”

  “Okay,” I agree breathlessly, pulling his mouth back to mine.

  Feels good to be home.


  “You don’t work here anymore,” Aiden says, grinning at me crookedly.

  “Excuse me! You said I had a permanent job here,” I reply, leaning against the bar.

  He laughs. “What brings you by?”

  “I compromised with Grayson, and said I will work here two shifts a week. That’s fair, I think,” I tell him. “I’ll stay at uni for as long as I can. Then I will finish my degree online after I have the baby.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” he says, smiling approvingly.

  “Are you sure that’s okay? I pretty much just chose my own work schedule,” I tell him, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s fine. I hired another part-time girl, so just let me know what days you want, and she can do the others,” he says, winking at me.

  “Pretty sure that’s favouritism,” I say, laughing.

  “Perks of being the boss,” he says, pouring me a juice and sliding it over to me.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking a sip. He pours his own drink, a beer. “So, you ready to be an uncle?” I ask.

  He spits out his beer. “The fuck you say?”

  I burst out laughing at his scared expression. “Uncle Aiden. You’re one of my good friends, and you’re dating my sister; it’s only logical.”

  He shakes his head at me, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Uncle Aiden it is.”

  “I’ve seen you with Bella, remember. You’re amazing with kids,” I tell him. He blushes, and I laugh even harder.

  “I wanted to say thank you,” I say, looking up at him as my laughter subsides.

  “For what?”

  “For what? For everything! Giving me a job, being here when I need someone. And now you’ve taken on my sister. Seriously—you’re my hero.”

  He grins impishly. “Don’t get all fan girl on me, Paris.”

  “Oh, please, I haven’t even heard your emo music,” I say, referring to his old band.

  He laughs. “It was pretty emo.”

  I lean over the counter and kiss him on the cheek. “I choose to work Mondays and Wednesdays. I’ll see you then.”

  He wipes his cheek and nods.


  “You’re having a baby!” Anaya screams, not for the first time.

  “Don’t go getting any ideas,” Paul mutters from next to her.

  “Shut up, Paul,” she replies, pulling out her phone and writing a list of things she wants to buy me.

  “She doesn’t even have a bump yet! And you want to go shopping already?” he asks, looking at her like she’s crazy.

  “So?” Anaya says, rolling her eyes. “How are you feeling?” she asks, turning her attention to me.

  “I’m okay, a bit of nausea but nothing I can’t handle,” I tell her. Grayson chuckles, probably remembering my ‘I’m going to die’ comments.

  “I think I’m still in shock,” she says, pulling me in for a hug. “I’m always here if you need me.”

  “I know and thank you,” I tell her, feeling emotional at the show of support.

  “Don’t worry everyone. I’m here!” London calls out as she walks into the house.

  “What is that?” I ask her, eyeing the very large cake in her hands.

  “Well, since we’re celebrating,” she says, placing the cake down on the table in front of us.

  It has ’Congratulations’ written in white icing, with a picture of a sperm underneath. There is a speech bubble above the sperm that says ‘I won.’ She is such a weirdo. I shake my head at her, hug her, and thank her. Then I hug Aiden, until Grayson pulls me away and sits me on his lap. Leah and Jake come over, along with Grayson’s other friends, Daniel and Nathan. Diamond shows up too, telling me how happy she was that I turned down the offer. Grayson stares at me after that, wanting an explanation.

  “They wanted me to dance at an event for ten grand,” I say.

  “No way in hell,” he growls, face turning stormy.

  “I know,” I say. “I said no. I have a baby to think about now, and I want him or her to be proud of me.”

  His eyes soften. “You’re going to be an amazing mother, Paris.”

  “And a MILF!” London calls out, eavesdropping on our conversation.

  Grayson laughs. “And a MILF,” he says into my ear.

  I slap his chest. “You’re lucky I love you.”

  His expression turns serious. “Don’t I know it.”

  His lips come down on mine, and all of our friends cheer.

  Who would ever think that I would get a happy ending?


  “Don’t even think about trying to name her Edinburgh or Dublin or something,” Grayson says to me as he stares down at our perfect bundle of joy. His parents just left after visiting. They weren’t too thrilled with us when they found out, but I can tell they fell in love with her just as much as we have.

  “What?” I ask, laughing.

  “Paris, London… That’s as far as the names of places go,” he says, kissing our daughter’s nose.

  I laugh harder. “I had no plan of naming her … Edinburgh or something,” I manage to get out.

  “Good,” he stares down at her in wonder. His eyes are the softest I’ve ever seen them. He’s in love with her. It’s the most beautiful thing to see. I take a picture of them with my camera, capturing the moment. “What do you want to name her?”

  “I want to give her my mother’s name as her middle name, so Ivy Kate. What do you think?” I ask.

  A smile spreads across his lips. “It’s perfect. Ivy,” he says softly. I look down at our daughter. She has Grayson’s dark hair and eyes, but my features. Her little pink lips open as she starts to cry.

  “I think our princess is hungry,” he says, gently putting her in my lap. “She’s so perfect, Paris. She’s just…”

  “I know,” I whisper. I start to breast feed her, humming as she drinks. Grayson bends down and kissed me on the top of my head.

  “After she finishes drinking, I’ll take her so you can sleep,” he says, smiling down at us.

  I smile in return. “That would be perfect.”

  “Thank you for giving me her. For giving me you. I’m going to be the best father. I promise,” he says.

  “I know you will,” I tell him.

  And I do know it.

  Because he cares enough to try to be--and that’s all that I can ask for.

  The End

  About the Author

  New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is twenty seven years old and lives in Western Australia.

  Her published novels include four books in the Resisting Love series – Chase, Kade, Ryder and James; the New York Times Bestselling novel Maybe This Time and its follow up, This Time Around. Look out for her upcoming release Toxic Girl, set to be published on April 14th 2014.

  When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

  Toxic Girl is her seventh novel.

  For other books by Chantal Fernando please check out:

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  Published April 2014

  Cover design copyright © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

  Edited by Hot Tree Editing

  Proofreading by Jenny Sims

  TOXIC GIRL is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portray
ed in this book are either from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders, The authors acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Copyright © 2014 CHANTAL FERNANDO

  ISBN-13: 978-1497550537

  ISBN-10: 149755053X

  All rights reserved.




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