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Conquered_A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance

Page 12

by Sara Fields

  I felt numb. They were the Vakarrans, my mortal enemy, but now, it seemed as though they were my future. My salvation.

  They hugged me tight, their strength there to pick up my shattered pieces. I cried and sobbed as I felt my hold on my previous life back on Earth slip away. Every single one of them wiped away my tears, telling me everything was going to be alright.

  We sat there together, on the floor, for what felt like hours. Not once did any of them mutter a single word of complaint.

  Steady rocks to lean on as the swirling riptide of emotion consumed me.

  It took some time but finally, I gathered a hold of myself and wiped my tears away.

  Exhaustion hit me like a train. Lifting me up off the floor, they took me from that bedroom into another, with a single, massive bed at the middle.

  The navy blue blankets and fluffy pillows looked soft.

  I wanted to sleep.

  They quickly lifted the covers and put me underneath them, their bodies surrounding me with their warmth, keeping me safe and protected from the dangers of my own mind.

  They didn’t shove me in a cage or leave me alone for a single second. I cuddled closer to them and allowed myself to smile.

  That was the first night they allowed me to sleep in their bed.

  * * *

  The next few days passed by in a blur. All four men began schooling me in their ways, what would be expected of me as soon as they took me out into the general population. Never speak unless spoken to. Always keep my eyes on the floor. Never forget to address any Vakarran with respect and obey any order without question or hesitation.

  They never spoke of what happened after they’d taken me down from the rope. Their words were kind, their touches sure, but gentle. If I hesitated, or disobeyed them in any way, my punishment was always swift, whether one of them would take their belt to my ass or when they would fuck my bottom hole and force me to come, while the rest of them watched.

  My training continued every day until I’d learned their ways of submission. One week blurred into two, then three and at long last, I lost track of how long I’d been gone from Earth. I did well and passed their assessments, and I tried to please them as best I could, but somewhere deep inside me, my rebellion bloomed back to life. It simmered there, like a tiny ember threatening at the edge of a forest.

  I knelt when they told me to, I spread my ass cheeks when they demanded my surrender, and sucked their cocks when they ordered me to. The little fracture in my soul slowly healed and I bided my time in waiting.

  One day, somehow, I’d make my way back to Earth and my sisters. I’d fight back. And I’d win. Someday, I’d find an opportunity.

  I just had to wait for the right moment.

  Zaavyr, Coltan, Jax, and even Aedan were kind. They never struck me in anger or ever hurt me beyond a red, sore backside. I wasn’t sure, but I thought they may care for me. I definitely knew they respected me.

  Ever since that day Aedan had hoisted me up with the rope, they’d kept me sandwiched between them in their bed. Every night, one of them would fuck me and rub his cum all over my skin, the glittery substance soaking into my skin like lotion. I rather liked that. The closer we became, the more and more I heard them speak in my head.

  It was like some sort of special connection between the five of us.

  One evening, I walked into the room when the four of them were debating something and I did my best to bite my tongue. Instead, I knelt down beside Zaavyr and leaned against his legs. He reached down and petted the top of my head.

  It felt so good I could have purred.

  “What do you think, Kira, are you ready to explore life outside our apartment?” Coltan asked, his voice level and calm. Oddly, Jax and Aedan looked especially uneasy.

  Something was up. Did they really mean it? Would they take me out of their chambers?

  “I would like to go out, Masters. If it’s safe for me to do so,” I answered, keeping my eyes level on the floor. I couldn’t help but feel their tension though. It was palpable. The air felt heavy with it.

  I wonder what was going on.

  “I’m not sure if she’s ready to leave here yet,” Aedan countered. “Still, she disobeys sometimes, hesitates a moment too long. We’d have to punish her, and swiftly if that occurred around anyone else, especially Strohass. You know this.”

  Now that the opportunity to get out of their walls had presented itself, I wanted it. I needed to see if I had other options, to explore potential escape routes and get out.

  I knew what I had to do. I had to convince them.

  “Please. I want to, Masters,” I begged, keeping my voice soft and submissive.

  Zaavyr sat back and his hand left the top of my scalp. None of them said a word. I had to try harder.

  “Let me prove myself,” I whispered. “Please.”

  They were silent for a long time.

  Finally, Jax moved from his chair, reaching forward and lifting my chin to meet my gaze. He studied me, and I did my best to hide my thoughts, my need to rebel and escape when I had the chance. I took a shaky breath before he sat back and released my chin.

  “I won’t abide by this unless she is tested first, with someone we trust who won’t demand maximum discipline if she makes a mistake,” he said.

  The men traded looks, their expressions brooding in nature. I bit my lip, feeling uneasy.

  “What about Raythe? He could bring his human along. She could watch and observe to see if Kira is ready, give her advice about how to handle herself out in public,” Zaavyr suggested. The rest of them exchanged glances. “I can go and see if he’s busy and wouldn’t mind helping us out for a little while.”

  “I think that would be a good idea,” Coltan added. His look toward me softened and I smiled in his direction.

  “Let’s do this now, then,” Zaavyr said and the rest of the men looked pleased.

  “Kira. I want you to wait here. Move to the center of the carpet and kneel, your heels under your ass, the backs of your hands on your knees. Wait for us to come back. Move and you’ll be punished, instead of just tested. Do you understand?” Aedan said, his voice dark.

  “Yes, Master,” I replied, keeping my voice soft.

  “If you disobey us in the presence of our comrade, you will not be allowed to go out in public with us,” Jax warned and I nodded, keeping my eyes downward.

  I would submit. No matter what it took.

  I did what he asked and moved to the center of the room, kneeling down and taking his instructions to heart. I stared at the floor, remembering who I was, what I was and what I aimed to live for.

  Coltan stayed behind while the others left the room. I could feel his gaze and I felt my heart hammer faster in my chest. I didn’t say anything but took the time to reflect. I knew I was expected to remain silent.

  Coltan was the one I’d grown closest to. He was kind and on multiple occasions had allowed me to speak freely. I hadn’t wanted to in the beginning, but I was starting to trust him. Zaavyr was the leader, calm, calculating but I respected him as he respected me. I was still figuring Jax out, but I appreciated his dark energy and his intelligence. He was never one to rush into things and always thought things through before reacting. Even Aedan had grown on me. He was the strictest of the four and didn’t hesitate to punish me harshly, but in every instance, I understood why. Despite his firm hand and my constantly sore ass, he was doing it to protect me, to teach me.

  In terms of Vakarrans, they had surprised me. They weren’t like all those stories I’d heard. They never abused me in any way. It made me question everything, even when I didn’t want to.

  I bit my lip.

  “Coltan?” I ventured.

  “Yes, Kira?”

  “Will it be safe for me out there?”

  “It will be, as long as you obey. And remember, you are not allowed to refer to us by name, ever, outside of this apartment,” he warned.

  “I remember, Master,” I whispered softly.

>   “Good girl,” he said, and my heart fluttered in response.


  A few minutes later, the door slid open and I counted the footsteps that echoed against the metal floor of the hallway. There were a few extra pairs of feet. The time to test my submission had come.

  I fought against the urge to raise my head. I wanted to, but I didn’t.

  I had to pass their test.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Coltan rise from the couch. He knelt behind me and placed a warm palm on my shoulder. He pressed me down gently, holding me in place as I knelt on the floor. I breathed a shaky burst of air when something dropped in front of my face.

  At first, I thought it was a blindfold, but as it descended lower, I realized it wasn’t. A black ball pressed between my lips, leather splitting my teeth and I struggled to take it and not fight. The gag opened my mouth to an obscene extent as I felt him tie it behind my head. I felt the drool begin to collect at the sides of my lips and I moaned with mortification.

  But I didn’t fight.

  My mind did though. I glared at the floor. My chest rose and fell with measured breaths. I calmed myself as quickly as I could.

  I felt Coltan’s fingers drift through my hair before he gripped it tightly and pulled, hard. I whimpered quietly as pain lanced my scalp. He dragged me up to my feet. He turned me to face him and I could see the hardness in his eyes, but also the reluctance he had hidden within. Aedan came up behind me and I shivered.

  Sandwiched between the two of them, I shuddered, not knowing what was to come.

  Aedan took my wrists and held them together behind my back, thrusting my breasts forward toward Coltan.

  My scalp burned and my eyes watered.

  Jax handed Coltan something, but I couldn’t turn my head enough to see what it was. His hand reached toward my hard, pointed nipples and took one in between his thumb and forefinger. He pinched hard and I cringed, but I didn’t make a sound.

  He removed his fingers and replaced it with a clamp of some kind. I shrieked, my nipples pinched between what felt like steel teeth. He quickly repeated the treatment on my other breast and I couldn’t help but cry out once more. My breasts throbbed, the pain sharp at first, but gradually, it ebbed away.

  My breathing was ragged.

  Aedan reached between my legs, his chuckle hot against my throat.

  “Fucking soaked. Like I expected,” he said loudly, and I blushed hotly.

  Aedan took charge then, taking the grip on my hair from Coltan and wrenched my head to the side, directly toward the captive audience watching them dominate me.

  I froze.

  I knew that face, those almond eyes. Her pretty dark hair.

  My blood ran cold, and my mouth struggled around the gag.


  I had to keep calm. It had to be a coincidence, a strange twist of fate that we had ended up at the same Vakarran station, in the same room, both slaves to their alien will. Our gazes met, and I saw her nod just the slightest amount, letting me know she remembered me too. I dropped my eyes just as quickly. I couldn’t let my captors see my emotion or let them know that Nadia was a friend from my past.

  Stay calm. Keep breathing.

  Aedan’s fingers dragged up and down my wet slit. My bottom clenched and he pressed his hand upward, gripping my pussy with his palm from behind. Jesus, that felt good.

  At once, he let go and Coltan moved to the side. Aedan took my shoulder and pushed me down, while he kicked my legs further and further apart. His palm pressed down on my lower back, so much so that my fingers touched the floor. Coltan then gripped my ass cheeks and spread them, showing Nadia and her Vakarran mate quite the view.

  My pussy clenched hard. I knew they could see my wetness. I knew they could see my tight little asshole. On display like I was, I trembled with embarrassment and a rising sense of desire.

  “Your human responds to pain. That is an admirable quality to have. My human reacts especially well to a spanking. Have you tried such things with yours?” the stranger asked.

  “Kira needs a firmer hand. Would you like to show Raythe how we punish you?” Aedan replied.

  I shivered, not moving yet.

  “If it pleases you, Master,” I replied.

  “On your knees then. Remove my belt and hand it to me. I like it when your ass is striped with my mark,” Zaavyr ordered. Inwardly, my nerves were electrified, but I obeyed. Aedan released his hold on me and I knelt in front of Zaavyr.

  I reached forward and slipped the leather through its clasp. I pulled, and it slid easily through the loops of his pants. When I had it in my hands, I bowed my head and lifted my hands up. My bottom clenched and I waited nervously.

  I felt my pussy drip with moisture.

  “You see, Kira here needs a firm ass whipping every now and then to remind her that she isn’t in charge. She likes to protest sometimes but wait till you see the state of her pretty little cunt after I’m through,” Zaavyr said and I shivered.

  “Go bend over the couch. Face your head in Raythe’s direction. I want him to be able to see your face each time this belt hits you,” he added. I scrambled to obey. I looked up for a scant second and saw the stranger Raythe watching me.

  “I’ve never tried the belt with Nadia. I’m intrigued,” Raythe said, his eyes searching mine then. I remembered to drop my gaze then, biting my bottom lip with my teeth.

  I heard the swish of the belt sliding through the air before it slapped against my ass and I couldn’t help but tense in anticipation. Zaavyr’s punishment was swift, but steady and as he fell into a rhythm, I did too.

  It hurt, the implement leaving a line of fire across my skin with every strike, but I knew he wasn’t punishing me. Each lash had a certain sort of tenderness behind it, meant to hurt just a little, but arouse me so much more. And it did. Each slap of the belt jiggled my bottom and my clit throbbed to life. I could almost feel my juices rolling down my thighs.

  I arched my back and lifted my ass for more. My muscles quaked and trembled, as my body ricocheted between the intoxicating worlds of pleasure and pain.

  I wondered if I could orgasm from this alone.

  “Spread your legs,” Zaavyr commanded, and I didn’t hesitate to obey.

  I wanted more. Needed more. I just wanted to please him so that he would give it to me. I shook with my need but stayed as still as I could. The belt whipped me once and then again as my hips rolled back.

  The leather swished and I arched, only this time, the flat of the implement connected with my pussy and I squealed, unable to process if it hurt or was exactly what I wanted.

  Again, it hit me. Again, I shuddered.

  Over and over, it slapped my needy clit and I gave in. I pushed back and opened my legs wider and was rewarded with a quick succession of spanks to my pussy. I felt myself rising higher and higher, closer and closer to release as my eyes began to roll back in my head.

  The last three were harder than ever and I screamed as I descended into chaos and delirious passion. My blood pounded through my veins as white-hot pleasure sliced through me. I trembled with it and moaned around the gag, well aware my spit was gathering beneath my cheeks.

  I heard the belt drop to the floor.

  “See how wet she is now?”

  Zaavyr spread my thighs, showing Raythe the wicked condition of my body.

  I shivered and moaned softly, unable to stop the wanton pleasure holding my body in its vise. Without warning, Zaavyr lifted me up off of the couch and turned me toward him. Jax moved behind me and held me steady in the air so that Zaavyr could impale me on his cock.

  It was huge, and my pussy struggled to accommodate him at first, but I wanted it so much that I didn’t care. He gripped me around the waist and all I knew was his cock in between my legs, my body suspended in the air. His shaft pressed deeper into me than ever and I screamed with pleasure around the gag.

  He bounced me up and down and my cunt clutched him with fervor. Jax pressed up against my b
ack and I vaguely heard his zipper come undone.

  My ass cheeks were spread, and my back hole lubricated.

  Holy shit, he couldn’t mean to. Would he?

  Was I about to get fucked by two men at once?

  My temperature surged, my blood practically boiling underneath my skin at the prospect of being taken by two men at once. I hadn’t even realized I could want such a thing, but in that moment, I knew I needed it.

  I moaned, unable to say anything. I rocked my hips back a little, trying to let them know with my body that I wanted it. I felt Jax’s cock spear between my cheeks and my breath hitched in excitement.

  The head of his cock, slickened with lubricant, pressed against my asshole and I groaned with need. Slowly, he breached my tight hole and I keened, the gag muffling much of my sounds. They didn’t stop, their hands holding me tight between them as they took both my holes, using me, fucking me.

  I loved it.

  Jax stretched my naughtiest hole and I panted, the pain and burning sensation overwhelming until he was fully seated inside me. Two cocks stretching me, filling me to the brim and I felt like that alone was enough to make me lose my mind.

  Then they started to move.

  Their cocks stroked my insides and I shuddered with passion. Lifted in the air and straddled between Jax and Zaavyr, there was nothing more I could want in that single moment. Except, I needed to come.

  I felt feverish with passion, every single nerve in my body on fire and blazing hotter than ever. My pussy clenched hard and I arched back, taking both cocks as deep inside me as I could. At first, they moved slowly, teasing me to the edge, there and back again over and over.

  When I thought I couldn’t take any more of their teasing ways, they moved faster, harder, slamming into me with fervor. Sounds of wet fucking filled the air and my world tore apart into tiny little pieces.

  “Come now,” Zaavyr commanded.

  I screamed. I came, I shuddered with the intensity of it all and I silently begged for more. They fucked me hard and my pussy ached, but I didn’t care. This was the most incredible sex I had ever had.


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