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One Last Risk (Oak Grove Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Stopper, Nancy

  He’d first spotted her talking to Clyde earlier. He didn’t approach right away. Instead, he’d leaned against a light pole and watched her for a moment. She had a gracious personality and people were drawn to her. She was in her element. She fit into Oak Grove, and his life, really well.

  She wore a tight pair of jeans that hugged her ass, reminding him how it felt when he’d held her in his arms the other night—how his hands sank into her soft curves. Her sweater highlighted her thin waist and perfectly-sized breasts. He’d felt his groin tighten. The mere sight of her shouldn’t produce that reaction, but something about Sarah was different.

  Her eyes sparkled. There was a happiness in them that hadn’t been there when he first met her a couple of weeks ago. He’d thought she was beautiful before, but with the spirit and life he saw today, she was breathtaking. He could look at her every day and she would continue to surprise him. He found himself counting the minutes until they could be together.

  After leaving her house horny and unsatisfied Thursday night, yesterday had been excruciating. A full day on duty had barely tempered it. Now knowing they’d be alone all night, he again felt the tightening in his groin. He willed his body to relax before he embarrassed himself and Sarah by sporting a raging erection on the dance floor.

  Everything about the festival had been perfect, except for seeing Rachel. He didn’t know what to make of her, but he knew that everything was not okay. As soon as he could grab Joey, they would talk about Rachel. She and Joey had a close relationship and if anyone could get Rachel to talk, and size up Shane at the same time, it was Joey.

  Lucas escorted Sarah, his arm tight around her waist, to the dance floor. The temporary wood slats quickly filled with couples and young people enjoying the spirited atmosphere and the live music. As the band announced a new song, he stepped away from her and bowed dramatically. “May I have this dance?”

  She placed her hand in his. “I’d love to.”

  She smiled as she came easily into his arms, her soft curves pressed against him. Her features were relaxed, her eyes soft. Right then, he vowed to do everything in his power to make her happy every day from now on.

  The band kicked up the beat with “Snapback” by Old Dominion, an upbeat number meant for swinging hips and swaying bodies. He spun her around. Her entire body moved with the thumping beat of the music, her hands waving above her head. She swayed her shoulders and hips to the song. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was unbelievably sexy, and she was with him. As they danced, several men eyed Sarah, scanning up her body. Lucas moved closer to her and placed his hands on her waist, moving with her, the back-and-forth of their hips mimicking making love. She was with him. The other guys could just look elsewhere.

  If someone had asked six months ago if he’d be here, dancing with the most beautiful woman in town, he’d have laughed in their face. But as she gave herself over to the music, happiness swept through him. He hadn’t gone looking for her—and had almost missed the opportunity when he did meet her—but he was here now, and he wouldn’t let another chance pass him by.

  She turned her back to him and settled her hips against his. His hands crept to her waist and they moved together. He knew he wouldn’t last long dancing like that. Thankfully, the song ended and she stepped away from him.

  After a few introductory words by the band, they continued their set with a slower ballad. Lucas spun Sarah in a circle and drew her into his arms. Lucas laced his fingers with hers and drew her against his chest. Right where he wanted her, wrapped up in his arms, the heat of her breath tickling his neck. He pressed his hips against hers and wove her arms around his neck. His hands stroked her wrists, pulling her even closer, and she tilted her head back to meet his gaze.

  They swayed back and forth, barely moving as the gentle strains guided them. Her warmth, the color on her cheeks, and her hand brushing over his produced a flickering ember in his heart. He didn’t know he could feel this way. Until Sarah.

  She must have sensed a shift, because she lifted her head and looked him in the eye. She didn’t need to say anything. He was moving too fast. She wasn’t ready. Hell, he hadn’t been until right this moment. The realization rocked him to his core, but surprisingly, it didn’t scare him. Instead, he was excited about the prospect of a future with Sarah. He just needed to be patient and wait for her to catch up with his runaway feelings.

  He whispered in her ear. “Are you having fun?”

  With her eyes fixed on his, she nodded. “Very much.”

  The end of the first ballad continued straight into another, and he didn’t let her go. She lowered her lashes and resettled her head on his chest. With one arm wrapped protectively around her, her grabbed her hand and tucked it between their bodies. They swayed as one and everyone else melted away. It was just the two of them on the dance floor, wrapped up in each other, where no guilt and grief lived, where no troubles chased them.

  The song ended too soon and the band kicked off a series of faster numbers. As much as he enjoyed watching her body in motion, he didn’t want to let go of her yet. “How about we sit this one out?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They headed toward the picnic tables, arms wrapped around each other, and ran right into Joey.

  “Hey, guys. Great band, huh? I’m thinking about putting them on retainer when I expand the restaurant next year.”

  “They’ll be perfect. When’s your target end date?”

  “By Memorial Day. Biggest party weekend of the summer and I’m going to be part of it.”

  “Can’t wait. We’ll be there.”

  Lucas was surprised at how easily, how comfortably, he spoke for the both of them. Just another sign of how deep his feelings ran.

  Joey turned his attention to Sarah. “You must be a miracle worker. I don’t know what you did to this guy, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him dance like that.”

  “Is that right?” Sarah turned a surprised look up at Lucas.

  He nudged her. Until now, he hadn’t wanted to lead a woman on, to let her think there was a future between them when he’d sworn to live the rest of his life as a bachelor. Little did he know he was just waiting for Sarah to come into his life. “I was saving all my moves for you.”

  The smile she spared Lucas made every awkward moment worth it. Remembering his earlier encounter, though, he frowned and turned back to Joey. “I saw Rachel earlier.”

  Joey raised his eyebrows. “Really? She didn’t come by. She said she would work the booth today, but she texted me this morning and bailed.”

  “She was with a guy.”

  Joey shot another surprised look at Lucas.

  “…and I didn’t like him. Not one bit.”

  “What do you think is going on with her?” Joey asked.

  He didn’t know for sure, but something was up with that boyfriend of hers. Lucas wanted to wipe the sneer off Shane’s face. What was most concerning was the way Shane had hung on to Rachel like he wasn’t letting her go. “I don’t know, but I intend to find out.”

  Joey placed his hand on Lucas’s arm. “Hold off on that, big brother. I know you mean well, but if you go at her with both barrels, she’s going to withdraw even more. Let me talk to her and see if I can figure out what’s going on with her.”

  “I guess. If anyone can get through to her, it’s you. I just don’t like it. She didn’t seem at all like herself, and Shane acted like she belonged to him. Like she had to have his permission to do anything.”

  “Oh, man. I guess I hadn’t realized she had gotten to this point. I’ll talk to her. See what I can do.”


  Lucas and Joey stood silent for a moment. Sarah looked from Lucas to Joey and then back to Lucas.

  “What?” Sarah asked.

  Joey looked to Sarah, and then back to Lucas. “So, is she coming to dinner tomorrow?”

  Lucas stiffened. Leave it to Joey to address the elephant in the room, or in the park, as it were. His bro
ther had no filter. He’d wanted to invite Sarah over to meet his parents and have dinner with the family, but he didn’t want to scare her off. But now that Joey had opened the door, Lucas planned to walk right through it.

  “I hadn’t had an opportunity to ask her yet, bonehead.” Lucas turned to Sarah. “I’d love for you to come to dinner tomorrow afternoon at my parents’ house. This lughead will be there, which might be reason enough to beg off, but I’d love you to come.”

  Joey laughed. “Yeah, if you come, you can watch me mop up the basketball court with this guy’s sorry butt.”

  Sarah laughed and snuggled into Lucas’s side. “How can I refuse such an attractive offer?”

  Lucas wrapped his arm tighter around Sarah’s waist. She fit into his life as easily as she fit tucked against his body.

  Joey looked off over Lucas’s shoulder. Lucas turned to see a curvy redhead in a tight mini-skirt and crop top staring at Joey. Joey threw her a wink and she rewarded him with a playful wave.

  “Well, folks. That’s my… I’m off. You guys have fun. Nice to meet you, Sarah. See y’all tomorrow.”

  Joey jogged toward the redhead, wrapping his arm around her waist and leading her to a dark corner of the dance floor. Lucas laughed.

  “I like your brother.” They watched Joey wrap himself around the redhead with very little space between them.

  “Yeah, for all our bluster, he’s a really good guy. He’d have my back the minute I asked, and sometimes even when I don’t.”

  “So, about Sunday dinner…”

  “I’m so sorry Joey put you on the spot. He shouldn’t have done that, but I guess I’m not surprised. That’s typical Joey. You don’t have to come. I’ll completely understand.” Was he ready to introduce her to his family? More importantly, was she ready to deal with the loud, rowdy Bennetts?

  Sarah lowered her eyes, not looking at his face. “Do you not want me to come?”

  He tucked his finger under Sarah’s chin, raising it up and forcing her to look at him. “I want you to come. I’d love to show you off and introduce you to my family. They can be overwhelming, though, especially if you meet everyone at once at dinner. So, what you have is an open invitation to dinner. Whenever you’re ready. I won’t stop asking, but I won’t pressure you.”

  “I’m saying yes now.”

  His heart leapt. He was surprised how happy her simple response made him. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I didn’t know if you wanted me with you, since Joey asked, but I’d love to come.”

  Lucas wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his body. Lowering his head to her ear, he whispered, “I want you any way I can get you.”

  She gasped but didn’t turn away.

  “So, do you want something to drink or maybe another dance?”

  She shook her head slowly, her tongue darting out and slicking over her lower lip. Light reflected off the moisture and he itched to replace her tongue with his own. “No...”

  “What would you like then?”

  She leaned up toward him. “You.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  LUCAS DIDN’T NEED further prompting. He grabbed Sarah’s hand and together, they ran across the street and made it to his truck without further interruption. For that, he was thankful. The town festival had been a lot to handle. Maybe because he’d been with Sarah and for the first time realized exactly what she meant to him, or maybe because they were finally going to be together, alone, when they got to Sarah’s house. He couldn’t read anything in her look when she gazed up at him. Was she overwhelmed and just ready for some alone time, or was she ready to take this next step in their relationship?

  He lifted her into the truck and squeezed her hips as he slid her onto the seat. She threw him a shy smile, one full of promise. Not here, not now. He slammed the door, putting the barrier between them, and leaned back. His erection pulsed, demanding release. He couldn’t take her in the truck, no matter what the ache in his jeans wanted. But God, he wanted to. With a little slide here, and a shift there, he could be inside her in record time. But he respected her too much for a quickie in his truck. What they were about to share should be in her bed, with Sarah’s hair spread across the pillow, her body open to receive him.

  He brushed his hands on his jeans and circled the truck to the driver’s side. When he pulled out of the lot and onto the street, his tires screeched, just another sign of his impatience to get her home. He kept his hand on Sarah’s thigh for the short ride to her house. He had to touch her. The entire day, everything they’d done had led to this moment. Hell, everything in the past few weeks had led to the two of them, being together. And after all the time they’d spent around the knowing gaze of the good residents of Oak Grove, he wasn’t about to waste a minute alone with her.

  After he’d parked outside her house, he hopped out of the truck and rounded the front. He normally extended his hand to her, helped her down, but tonight, that wasn’t enough. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her from the truck, sliding her soft, pliant body down his. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and she grazed his cock. She gasped. Exactly what he wanted. She was as aroused as he was.

  “See what you do to me?” he whispered to her.

  When her feet hit the ground, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. A deep, claiming kiss that that told her she was his, and he was hers. Her lips were soft and giving beneath his. He teased with his tongue, begging for entry, until she opened for him. The sweet but tart flavor of the beer mingled with buffalo wings would be one he’d forever associate with Sarah.

  If he could do nothing more than stand here and make out with her for the rest of his life, he would die a happy man. But he wanted more. He wanted everything.

  Sarah leaned into his chest, her breasts heaving as she blew out a few harsh breaths. He nibbled down her soft cheek to her jaw, nuzzling the skin behind her ear.

  She groaned and the ache in his crotch grew—he’d have to remember that spot for later if it caused that kind of reaction now. For now, they were standing out in front of her house, his truck door wide open, for God and the neighbors to see.

  Sarah shivered.

  And then there was that. He’d been so focused on getting Sarah into his arms, he hadn’t even thought about her standing in the cool night air without a jacket. Right now, the wrong head was in charge and he had to fix that, pronto. “It’s cold out here. Let’s get you inside.”

  The seductive look in her eye said maybe there was more to her shiver than just the cold. She grabbed his hand and dragged him up the steps. When they reached the front door, she fumbled with her wallet and dropped the key.

  Lucas laughed. They were both a little nervous. Not nervous, exactly. Anxious. Excited. This moment was significant, and he wanted to slow time down and appreciate each second. He took the key from her and brushed his fingers over her hand.

  She gasped. Yep, she was a bit jumpy.

  He chuckled then unlocked the door and ushered Sarah into the house.

  As soon as Lucas turned the deadbolt, Sarah pulled him against her body and slid her mouth over his. The keys dropped from his hand. He cupped her face and tilted her head to deepen the kiss. She clung to him, her fingers fisting in his shirt before she moved her hands around his back, tugging his shirt from his jeans on the way. When she smoothed her hands on his bare back, steamy whispers danced up his spine. Everywhere her fingers skimmed, his flesh quivered and burned hot.

  He had to touch her. He slipped his hands inside her sweater, his palms melting against her smooth skin. He pulled back slightly, wanting—no needing—more of her. He forced his hands to brush lightly across her bare belly.

  She moaned.

  God, what that sound did to him. He caressed up her belly until he skimmed the supple skin beneath her bra. He cupped her breast, a perfect fit in his palm. Sliding his thumb up, he brushed over her nipple, pinching it until it pebbled.

  She thumped her head on his chest.

/>   “You are so sexy.” His voice was weak, his breathing ragged.

  The thickness of his erection became unbearable behind his zipper. He needed to get her beneath him, feel her come apart with him, to make love to her. “Damn.”

  “You’re staying, right?”

  “Are you sure?” As much as he wanted her, this had be at her pace. As hard as it would be, he’d go home to another cold shower if she wasn’t ready.

  Her beautiful blue eyes were filled with desire. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  He kissed her lips, once then again, over and over, until his lungs burned.

  But he kept kissing her, tasting her. He couldn’t get enough. She fed his soul. Eventually, she placed her hands on his chest, urging him to stop. He lowered his forehead to hers, their ragged breaths mingling between them.

  Lucas opened his mouth to speak, but she smothered his words with her lips. She sighed and whispered against his mouth, “You’re too good to be true.”

  Before he could kiss her again, she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall. Damn, she was in as much a hurry as he was. As she dragged him into her room, an ethereal glow surrounded her from the moonlight streaming through the window. She looked like an angel. His angel. He closed the distance between them, cupped her cheeks and lowered his mouth to hers.

  Sarah laced her fingers with his and tugged them toward the bed. They sank onto the soft mattress together with him on top, right where he wanted to be. He broke the kiss only to remove her sweater. She helped him as they threw the garment to the floor.

  He sucked in a breath, staring at her full breasts and flat stomach leading down to the place he longed to be. Her creamy skin invited him to touch. He stroked reverently over her belly, the place that had cared for and grown her beautiful daughter. He kissed it gently and raised his eyes to her.

  He groaned. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Shirt. Off. Now,” she gasped between breaths.

  So much for slow. He sat up and tossed aside his T-shirt. When he moved to settle over her, she stopped him. Her warm touch heated his already hot skin, a light sheen of sweat breaking out across his chest. Her eyes deepened to the color of midnight, and he kept his gaze locked on hers as he kissed her again.


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