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Willow's Cry

Page 7

by Beverly Ovalle

  “You’ll never get her here. Grandma is too stubborn.” Levi nodded at Alex’s words.

  “Even if you drove here, she’d have to walk in. She won’t.” Levi added.

  Willow really didn’t want to meet her. She sounded awful.

  “I could meet her.” Lucille looked around the fire. “I could go to the edge of the parking lot. I’d still be close enough to my tree to make it safely there.”

  “You could ask sanctuary from the oaks near there. They will shelter you, give you strength.” Peter’s slow words, sent a smile across Lucille’s face.

  “Have Grandpa bring her. Even losing Aunt Lucille to the forest didn’t stop them from staying married.” Alex shifted. “Do you think it would work?”

  “Sure.” Levi snorted. “I think she stayed married to him to torment him. There is little love lost there.”

  “I don’t know. Surely hate wouldn’t be enough? There has to be love there somewhere.”

  Levi shrugged, looking skeptical.

  Her gut tightened. She hoped Levi was wrong. How horrible of a life that would be.

  Willow couldn’t imagine anyone staying together to just cause harm to another. She could understand why Gaia worried.

  “Then how do we save our home?” Willow really hoped Alex answered. They needed a plan.

  “Let’s eat. Then talk.” Alex headed to the neglected food over the fire. Everyone moved closer to the fire, sitting down on the logs surrounding it.

  Willow followed Alex. She felt better close to him.

  He picked up a bowl, filling it. “Please pass these out, Sweetheart.” He handed her one, kissing her check then picking up another.

  Pleasure filled her at his words and actions. There was nothing sexual about it. Her emotions burst at the honest affection in his voice. She swallowed, smiling back at him. The love for him showing on her face. She didn’t care. She’d happily wear her heart on her sleeve.

  Carefully giving the bowl to his father, Willow helped until everyone received one.

  Snuggling down next to Alex, she tasted the soup. Flavor burst on her tongue. “Oh. This is really good.”

  Alex smiled at her. “Thank you.”

  Levi chuckled. “If he couldn’t cook, he’d starve out here.”

  Willow frowned. “Why?”

  “I live alone. If I couldn’t feed myself, how could I survive?”

  “Hmm. I never realized. I always got my nourishment from my tree.” Willow never tasted human food before. Without her tree she would have to eat. Luckily, Alex could show her.

  The only noise was the clink of spoons around the fire, and the rustle of the wind through the trees. The dryads, fauns, and nymphs of the forest faded back into their trees. Only she, Daphnaie, and Lucille stayed around the fire. Peter sat, merged with his tree, only the faint outline of his body showing through the bark.

  The scraping slowed. Alex set his bowl down. Willow heard him take a deep breath. His phone rang. Alex looked down. Frowning, he answered it.

  “Alex here.”

  Willow watched his face get darker.

  “Jake. What?” The surprise on his face intrigued her. She leaned closer, trying to listen in. “No way.”

  His arm snugged around her waist, pulling her tight to his side. “Do you know how to get here?”

  “Yeah, head to my cabin. Then travel toward the river. The pool of water by the large oak.”

  Willow could hear loud voices, but couldn’t make out the words.

  “She does, huh?” Alex snorted. “Then let her lead you. If she gets lost she has no one to blame but herself.”

  He tapped his phone, closing the conversation down. He looked around the fire, grimacing and glancing at his phone. Alex shook his head.

  Willow hugged him. She could feel the tension in his body. His shoulders loosened in her embrace.

  “So,” Levi nodded toward the phone, “Park business?”

  “No. Family business. Grandmother is on her way here.”


  Absolutely insane. Grandmother hated the outdoors. Making her way here was crazy. Alex shook his head, this really wasn’t going to be good.

  “Fuck.” Levi rose, hands clenched. “This can’t be good.”

  “That is definitely an understatement. My mother hates this place.” Sarah shook her head, a frown creasing her brow.

  “Look, I have an idea. It’s not perfect, but it is the best I came up with. Do you want to hear it?” Alex pulled Willow into his lap. He needed closer contact. With her in his arms, he’d have the courage to do anything to protect her and her home. This idea tore his guts apart thinking of it, but it should work. He’d done all the research he could. He’d reached out for help and even Kane agreed it might be their only chance.

  Everyone nodded.

  “If it will save your father, definitely.”

  “I know this land is our family’s, but you know what Grandmother wants to do. She wants to destroy it.” His arms tightened around Willow. He couldn’t let her lose the only home she ever remembered. “If an endangered species was found, she’d be unable to do a damn thing. There are laws.”

  Levi laughed. “We’d have to have one first.”

  “I can arrange to do so.” Gaia stepped into the circle of light.

  “You don’t have to. They’re already here.” Alex grinned, but inside he was grimacing. He needed his family on board, needed to present a united front to his grandmother. “But if I step forward, it means we’ll have scientists and naturalists coming here. It won’t be private anymore. With the ones here, it wouldn’t surprise me if the government annexed it into the park, taking it away. Unless we have an alternative.”

  “What endangered species are here?” Levi raised his brows. “And how did they get here?”

  Alex shrugged. “Who knows? But they are here and thriving.” He raised his hand. “One is a flying squirrel. I’ve already consulted with an expert and he verified it. He’s willing to keep quiet as long he can study them.”

  “Can you trust him?” Levi frowned.

  Alex laughed. “Yeah. It’s Kane.”

  Levi snorted. “I should have known.”

  “Who’s Kane?” Willow looked up into his face.

  “He’s our cousin.” Alex slid her off his lap, standing and pulling her up.

  “You mean her lapdog.” Levi’s grin lit up his face. “Or so she thinks.”

  “He’ll do whatever my mother wants.” Sarah frowned. “He always has. He’s her favorite for a reason.”

  “No, no, he won’t.” Alex shook his head. “He’s been cataloging the endangered species with me.”

  “Our cousin, the renaissance man.” Levi snorted.

  “There’s more than one?” Gaia moved toward him, ignoring Levi.

  “Yes, two is a bat. They migrated here a few years ago. Three is a bee. Maybe more, but we’ve identified those for sure.”

  Silence reigned around the fire.

  “Is it enough to save us?” Lucille spoke in a low whisper. “Truly?”

  “It will make it harder to keep out the government…” The knot in Alex’s gut loosened. No one thought it was a bad idea. Thank God. But more people on this land wasn’t perfect. He’d prefer it if the threat was gone without bringing the government into the picture.

  “But the tradeoff will be worth it.” Satisfaction oozed from Levi’s voice.

  Alex nodded. He thought so too.

  “You might be right.” Sarah squeezed Lucille’s hand.

  “I hope so. With Kane on our side, I sure hope so.” Alex dropped Willow’s hand to pace. His anxiety rose.

  “Let’s clean up. Nothing can be done until we confront her.” Levi’s practical voice stopped his useless pacing.

  “Right.” Alex collected the bowls, placing them in the bucket, now empty of soup.

  Butterflies swirled in his stomach, his hands, clammy. He felt like a damn teenage girl waiting for her first crush. He looked around the
fire, straightening his shoulders. Daphnaie and Willow snuggled together with a sleeping bag under them and another around their shoulders. His mother and aunt whispered together, sitting next to each other, arms encircling each other. This, this was worth everything his Grandmother would throw at them.

  Alex looked around. Gaia was nowhere in sight. If she had objections, she didn’t voice them. Grabbing the bucket, he headed to the river. The churning in his gut didn’t dissipate. Until he knew this area was safe, he would be uneasy. Kane had better come through on his promises.

  Kneeling down, he scrubbed the dishes. Ice cold water flowed over his hands. The soothing rhythm calmed him down. The wind whispering, lifting the edges of his hair in a light breeze. Taking a deep breath, surrounded by the soothing noises of nature, Alex relaxed, letting the unseen hands calm him down.

  Arms snaked around his waist. Supple breasts pressed against his back. “How are you?”

  The tension drained from him. In its place, flames licked his groin. The nimble fingers teasing the edges of his zipper set his body on fire. Desire winding through his soul.

  “Come here, you.” Alex grasped her arms, pulling her to face him. He slid her across his lap, sitting back, surrounding her with his arms. Her smooth skin shivered beneath the rough calluses of his fingertips. His hands grasped and slid, cupping her ass. Her clothing melted away, leaving her bare to his gaze.

  “Do you think it will work?” Willow gazed into his eyes, her green gaze piercing his soul.

  “I think so. If it doesn’t, I will find a way.” His eyes roamed the bounty before him. He licked his lips, watching her breasts peak, a flush rising beneath her skin.

  His nostrils flared. He tightened his hands, grasping his every dream come true. His heart raced. Alex took a deep breath, trying to expand the band clutching his lungs. Her smile the only thing easing it.

  “I can’t lose you.” His voice hoarse to his own ears.

  “Gaia said I was bound to you. You can’t lose me.”

  “Fuck.” Alex buried his head against her. Pulling Willow close, pillowing her head beneath his chin. Gaia better not have lied. Nothing meant as much as Willow did to him. Not even the mountain and glen.

  Soft arms wrapped around his neck. Her shifting against him brought other thoughts to mind. Her hard nipples scraped his chest. Warm wetness met his delving fingers.

  “I need you.” Willow’s warm breath blew against his ear, sending a shiver down his spin.

  He chuckled. “I’ll deny you nothing, Sweetheart.”

  He sprawled forward, spreading her beneath him. His hard as wood dick seeking sanctuary in her tight, warm depth. “Crap.”

  Willow giggled, the sound bringing a smile to his face.

  “Let me.” She reached down, unzipping his pants. Hands slid in, pulling his eager cock out, guiding his way.

  “Ahh.” All he wanted, now, was to be balls deep inside the most fascinating woman he’d ever met. He swallowed the knot forming in his throat. “You feel so good.”

  Willow’s feet pushed his pants down. Her wiggles drove him wild. Her smooth legs wrapped around him, heels digging into his butt. Arms around his chest, fingers burrowed deep enough to draw blood.

  Alex thrust wildly, wallowing in happiness. Each slide drawing more moisture from Willow to ease his way.

  Her back arched, head thrown back, offering up her breasts.

  Alex took the invitation up, diving down, starving for her taste, and the feel of her hard nipples against his tongue.

  Quiet reigned, the only sound the slap of skin, moans and groans they couldn’t stop. Echoed by the water slapping quietly against the shore.

  His pants wrapped around his ankles, getting in his way. He kicked them off. Willow had managed to get them down, but he didn’t need them in his way. He pulled her close, tilting her hips up.

  Her gasp music to his ears.

  He crouched, pulling her hips tight against his, pounding into her. Water tickled his toes, an additional sensation. It crept up his feet to his ankles. Probably he should have moved further from the shore. The water sprites must be at it again. It didn’t matter. The warmed water rose, supporting his balls, creeping along the ground, swirling around Willow.

  “I think the sprites are back. Want to move?” His voice was hoarse to his own ears. He didn’t care, but maybe she did.


  Thank God. It might have killed him to pull out of her. Her breathiness sparked a darker fire in him. He rammed harder, watching her breasts bounce. Her moans were all for him.

  His balls tightened, the water massaging them, engulfing them. The warmth spurred him on. He’d swear a mouth teased him. His vigorous movements splashed water up, over Willow. He watched it roll down, swirling around her belly, running around the mounds of her breasts.

  His mouth followed, licking the same path, but diverging, sucking her rosy nipples, feeling them rise to his tongue. He couldn’t pound hard enough, get deep enough. He wanted Willow inside him, part of him. Joined together until they were one.

  Her sheath squeezed. Her nails bit deeper into his back. He swelled, engorged and they cried out together. Liquid warmth surrounded him while he shot stream after stream into Willow.


  Tingles spread throughout her body. Alex covered her, still buried deep and throbbing inside her. Dampness spilled from between her legs. Her breasts mashed against his chest. Her arms held him close. Willow wanted to crawl inside him, wanted him as close as could be.

  “I never want to move.” Alex’s deep groan put a smile on her face.

  “Me either.”

  “Woo hoo! Alex, where’d you go?”

  Willow dropped her head to the ground. Alex’s mother at least gave them warning to get dressed.

  He groaned. “I hate my family.”

  She giggled. “No, you don’t.”

  “Yes, yes, I really do.” He groaned, moving.

  Willow shivered, his length slipping from her, leaving her aching and empty. Biting her lip, she arched, his lips nibbling her neck, heading south. She wanted wrap around Alex, immerse herself in him. Stay joined with him forever. He made her feel better than being in her tree ever did. She belonged with him. Tendrils of emotions wrapped between them. Alex and Willow. Willow and Alex. Forever.

  Alex exhaled, his breath across her nipple making her shiver. A lick of his tongue hardened it. Her sex clenched wanting him back inside.

  “Alex, please.”

  His grin quirked. A quick shake of his head, a nip to her other nipple and he pulled back. “If we don’t get up, my mother will be here shortly. Can’t you hear her stomping around?”

  Willow sighed, dropping her arms to the ground. Little licks caught her attention. She slapped her hand into the water.

  “Stop it. No one invited you.”

  Alex frowned, pulling on his pants. “What are you talking about?”

  Willow stood, her body covered once more in her leaves, blending them so they resembled clothing. “The water sprites. They can’t resist coming to play, but their bad manners show when they join others without asking.”

  Alex gave a wicked grin. “Water sprites? So, someone really massaged me while we were making love?” The twinkle in his eye belied the innocent look he pasted on his face.

  “Don’t act like you didn’t know about them. Where were you being massaged?” Willow frowned. She wasn’t sure she wanted to share Alex anymore, even with the water sprites. Though they added an extra element that excited her. She watched a dark red stain his cheeks. A grin tugged at her lips. She really wanted to know now. “Where?” Water sprites were unpredictable and usually only followed their own rules.

  “Er, my feet, and well, my balls. It felt like they were being licked and massaged.”

  Willow snickered. “Water sprites. They’re shameless.”

  Alex shook his head. “Well, I don’t really want to share you.”

  “Welcome to my world.” Willow rolled her
eyes. She didn’t think anything would stop them. “You need to get back. Your family is waiting.”

  “They can wait. So, water sprites.” Alex cheeks tinted red.

  Willow quirked her lips, trying not to laugh. “You know when you’d come here to swim, you felt them. I watched you.”

  “Oh, good lord, you saw me?”

  She snickered. “Yes. But I never gathered the courage to join you.”

  Alex eyes gleamed. “So, did you like what you saw?”

  Willow shook her head, ignoring the question. Time to get back to the matter at hand. “Let’s go before your mother comes.”

  Alex grabbed the bowls he’d been cleaning when she arrived. He glanced down.

  Willow wondered how he managed to get the dishes gleaming.

  “Thanks.” Alex looked around, shrugging, and gathered the now clean dishes back into the bucket.

  “Who are you thanking?” Willow frowned.

  “I’m assuming the water sprites were the ones who cleaned the dishes while we were otherwise occupied.” Alex tipped them toward her, and winked.

  “Probably as an apology.” She snorted.

  “I’ll accept it.” Alex laughed, pulling Willow against him. “Even if it speeds up our return to all the unwanted company.”

  “That’s your family.”


  Willow shook her head, hiding her grin. “Let’s see what they want.”

  Alex started forward then stopped. He quickly dressed. “What kinds of sprites and nymphs are there?”

  “Lots. What difference does it make?”

  He blew out a breath. “I just wondered.”

  Willow tugged his arm, pulling him slowly toward the makeshift camp where they’d left everyone. “You asked for a reason.”

  “I swear I hear the wind talking to me. If I concentrate, I can always hear it. Most of the time, I don’t really notice it. But it’s always there. Sometimes more insistent than others. It guides me when someone needs help. It warns me of danger.” Alex shook his head. “It really sounds stupid. Never mind.”


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