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Time to Play

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

“I’m looking into every employee connected to our account. I suspect something will crop up soon,” Cole said.

  “Good.” His friend dealt with security detail. He’d done a tour of service in Iraq, but after a life-threatening injury he’d been pulled out of active duty and had left the service. Callum didn’t ask about his time in a war zone. He knew Cole would rather not talk about what happened over there.

  His friend was still alive, and for that, Callum was thankful.

  “I’m calling it a night. Go and screw your woman. Be on time for the business meeting Monday.” Cole threw down some notes then walked out of the bar. He had a hotel room on the top floor next to Callum’s.

  Grabbing his beer, he made it over toward the bar. The barman gave her another drink. He noticed she took the drink with a smile.

  Sitting down in the seat next to her, he passed the barman his beer bottle.

  “Another,” he said. Callum didn’t ask if the seat was taken. He didn’t care if it was.

  His beer was placed in front of him with the cap pulled off. Callum picked it up and took another sip. Chilled, the way he liked it.

  The woman at his side hadn’t spoken a word. He saw in the mirror, opposite them that she wasn’t paying him any attention. She was swirling an umbrella around in her drink.

  “On my last count you’d shot down three men,” Callum said, facing the bar.

  “None of your business, hotshot. If you think you can have a go then fuck off.”

  Colourful language.

  “Actually, my friend has gone, and I don’t see a need to fill up a table.” He turned his leg so that his brushed against hers.

  “Whatever.” She sipped her drink, wrinkling her nose at the taste. He couldn’t help himself, he chuckled.

  “Such a bad attitude for a little lady.” There was nothing little about her. She was a full woman with a nice rounded ass. He’d seen her ass as she removed her coat. Fuck, his cock pulsed with arousal. She looked good enough to eat and then fuck. Turning all of his attention on the lady at his side, Callum stared at her.

  He’d been right. Gorgeous blue eyes. Wow, she really was a beautiful woman.

  “You’re drooling,” she said.

  “So, you’re a beautiful woman, and I like looking at beautiful things.”

  “I’m not a thing.”

  “No,” he said in agreement. Callum moved in close whispering against her ear. “You’re a living, breathing toy.”

  Her eyes flashed in awareness. She raised her hand as if to slap him. Callum caught her palm, kissing the tender flesh on the inside of her wrist.

  “Now, now, I was only making a comment.”

  “Don’t insult me,” she said.

  “Then tell me why you’re alone on Valentine’s Day.”

  Callum placed a hand on her knee, feeling the smoothness of her skin. His cock was rock hard in his pants. The need he felt for her consumed every breath he took.

  “You really want to know?” she asked.


  She stared at him with a glint in her eyes. “Okay, I caught my boyfriend fucking his secretary. I’m here because I don’t want to deal with his whiny voice today.” The woman at his side raised her glass. “Cheers.”

  He clinked his bottle against hers. “I guess you dressed up like that for him as well. A surprise fuck.”

  Callum knew he’d startled her. He hadn’t been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Everything he’d earned had come out of years of blood, sweat, and tears.

  “Wow, you’ve got a little bite inside you. I’d say your name, but I don’t know it,” she said. He saw the smile playing along her lips.


  “Simone.” She held her hand out toward him.

  He took the hand, kissing her knuckles. “My balls have survived intact.”

  “Congratulations, Callum. You’ve won round one of this battle. What do you intend to do next?” she asked.

  She was teasing him. He knew she was waiting for him to fall. Throughout his life he’d overcome every single challenge thrown at him. This woman was a piece of cake.

  “Well, from the looks of the way you were dressed, I’d say you wanted a good old-fashioned fuck.” He ran his hand up and down her leg. They were covered by the bar. He’d never let any woman feel cheap on his watch.

  Her lips had parted. Her tongue peeked out leaving a trail of moisture along the way. Callum saw her eyes were dilated and her nipples were pressed against the fabric of her black dress. He wanted to tear the dress from her body and fuck her every which way there was. “I think your pussy is dripping wet with the need of a hard cock.”

  “Are you an escort?” she asked.

  “No, just a man looking for a warm woman.” His hand went underneath her dress teasing the top of her thigh. Her legs fell open as she gasped. There was the warmth he’d spotted inside her. “I want to take you to my room and fuck you hard. I want to give you what you want, Simone, and when you go home, you’d leave a happy woman.”

  “No commitment, just a hard, quick fuck.” She moaned as he pressed his palm to her wet slit.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties. The dirty bitch. His cock thickened further. Callum wanted her desperately. A fire had begun in his veins sending all rational thought to his dick.

  “I don’t do commitment, but I do fucking.” Callum grazed her clit. Her pelvis pressed up to meet him.

  He pulled his hand away, sucking the moisture from her pussy off his fingers. “What do you say?” he asked.

  She tasted like warm vanilla on a cold day. Her scent teased the air between them. Simone was such a pretty name. The burning passion beneath her was something else entirely. He’d never met a woman who could keep up with him in the bedroom. The women he’d dated always complained that he used them for his own pleasure. He gave as much as he took.

  For as long as he could remember he’d had a high sex drive. On the last count he’d orgasmed six times over an eight hour period. He’d kept count.

  He stroked her leg feeling his own arousal building.

  “What do you say, Simone? Spend this Valentine’s on your back with a complete stranger, and come tomorrow you’ll never have to see me again.”

  She grabbed her purse throwing down some money. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Two

  Simone stood up from the bar. Her pulse was pounding once again, only this time it was with arousal and not anger. This man had better live up to his word. She’d never known anyone like him. He’d come to her without snivelling or waiting for her to allow him to sit with her. Callum had simply sat down and waited.

  He placed a hand at her back as they moved over to the elevators. There was no one inside for company. He pressed the button taking him to the top floor. She stood with her bag in her hands and her coat hanging over her arms.

  Callum grabbed her arm and thrust her against the corner of the elevator stall.

  “I can’t wait to fucking taste you,” he said, slamming his lips down on hers. He was so much taller than she, even with the killer heels she wore. Her coat landed on the floor followed by her purse. She sank her fingers into the length of his brown hair. He wore it down to his shoulders. The style should have been messy and out of place in an upscale hotel. He made it work. Everything about him was larger and far more powerful than anything she could have imagined. She didn’t know his last name or what he did for a living. She didn’t care.

  Her pussy was ablaze with what he was doing. So many men always asked if it was okay for them to touch her. She wanted a man to simply take her without waiting for approval. Had Cupid been looking down at her and finally granting her wish? She damn well hoped so. She wanted this so badly. She needed it.

  He lifted her thigh over his hip pressing his hard arousal against her centre. She cried out. He was huge, larger than any cock she’d ever been with before. He grabbed her hands in one of his pressing them against the wall of the stall. Without waiting, with his free han
d he pulled the plunging dress down revealing one of her breasts. He growled then took the nipple between his teeth.

  She moaned at the exquisite torture he performed on her body.

  He let her breast go then kissed a path up to her ear.

  “This stall has a camera. The security men can see you, Simone. Does that make you hot?”

  Yes, goddamn her, it did.

  Simone pressed against him wanting more.

  She liked the thought of people watching. Of knowing they were watching her being taken and getting turned on by it. Simone pressed closer wanting more. He pushed his cock against her core. She knew her juice would leave a wet patch on his pants.

  All too soon he pulled away, putting the dress back in place. Seconds later the door pinged open. There was a couple waiting to get on the elevator. Callum bent down picking up her purse and coat. He took her hand, acknowledging the couple then made his way into the room at the end of the hall.

  Simone stood by his side, her whole body in need of release. He was building her up and wasn’t giving her the orgasm she craved. How was she going to last?

  “Come in to my place, at least for a few weeks.” He opened the door. She didn’t like the fact he looked unaffected by their encounter. The only tell-tale sign was the bulge in his pants. She couldn’t wait to get a look at him.

  He placed her coat and purse on the table next to her door.

  “Business or pleasure,” she asked.

  “Both.” He threw the key card down on the tray then pulled her into his arms. “I don’t want to waste a moment.” Callum grabbed her hand pressing her against the wall. She sank her fingers into his hair as he once again took her lips.

  Simone moaned when he pushed the dress to the floor exposing her. The bra she wore was removed next. She stood before him naked except for the pair of heels she wore. His hands were all over her body.

  Unable to think, her fingers shook as she began to open the buttons of his shirt. Her hands were all over the place. Giving up she tore the shirt open revealing his hard muscled chest. Simone couldn’t get over how much bigger he was than every other man she knew.

  Was he some special super hero or something? Maybe she’d wake up from a cruel dream to discover herself riding a pillow. God, she hoped not.

  She wanted to be fucked hard, fast, and finally leave his room sated.

  His shirt fell to the floor. Next she tore at the belt. Callum pushed her hands out of the way and grabbed a condom from close by. She watched as he pulled his cock out of his open zipper, put the condom in place then he lifted her up in his arms.

  Before she had chance to protest, he pressed the head of his cock at her entrance and thrust home.

  She screamed from the glorious width of him. He was large and thick, scraping along her inner walls. Callum forged his way inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.” He pulled out then rammed his length back inside her. She whimpered holding onto him. The strength in his muscles held her against the wall as he fucked her.

  “Your cunt is so wet,” he said.

  “Do you like talking?” she asked.


  He didn’t ask if she liked him talking. Callum was unlike any man she knew. Who was he? “This is just the beginning, babe. When I’ve come inside you, I’m going to lick every inch of your body.”

  She cried out when he swivelled his hips hitting each wall inside her.

  “Then you’re going to go on your knees and suck my cock until I come down your throat.”

  Again, she moaned at the visual he created.

  Simone held on when his thrusts grew stronger. He held her hips then pounded inside her. She gazed down their bodies to see his slick prick glide inside her pussy.

  “Do you like to watch?” he asked.

  She nodded her head unable to look away. “You’re in for a real treat,” he said, taking her lips in a searing kiss.

  Callum pushed against her. The press of his flesh touched her clit, rubbing her as he fucked her at the same time. “Give me those lips,” he said.

  She kissed as he fucked her hard against the wall. Her back hit the hard panes of wood. She didn’t care.

  He fucked her hard, and her clit pulsed. Callum was building the orgasm inside her with each of his thrusts and rubs. She couldn’t think.

  One moment she was being fucked against a wall, and in the next she heard his growl and was catapulted into bliss.


  Callum watched her come apart. There was nothing rehearsed or fake in the way she gave herself over to the pleasure. She looked so fucking hot. His cock pulsed inside the condom. He could already feel himself getting ready for round two.

  She took some deep breaths then opened her eyes.

  He felt a little sad when he didn’t see any other reaction than satiety. She cupped his cheek then pressed her lips to his ear. “Is that all you’ve got?” she asked.

  Smiling, he let her down gently. She still wore those killer heels.

  “Keep them on,” he said, when she went to remove them. He wondered if she’d refuse his request. She kept them on. Callum removed the condom, wrapping it up and throwing it in the trash. His cock lay between his thighs, flaccid for now. Callum tucked his cock back into his pants. He liked her being naked while he was still dressed. He knew it wouldn’t be long before he was ready once again.

  “Do you want a drink?” he asked, moving his way toward the bar.

  “Water, if you have it.” She went toward the window overlooking the city. They were too far up for anyone to see her naked.

  “Do you miss your boyfriend?” he asked.

  “Ex-boyfriend, Callum. I don’t believe in cheating.”

  He came back to her carrying a glass of plain water. In his own glass was beer with lemonade added.

  She didn’t say anything else. Her gaze was cast over the city.

  “You’re not impressed by my room?” he asked.

  “I don’t care about your room, Callum. I’m here for the sex.” She sipped her drink without looking at him.

  Callum took the time to look at her. Most women would try to find some attachment between them. They were both free souls coming together. Simone wasn’t doing anything but drinking her water and waiting. He moved behind her, trapping her against the glass and his hard body.

  “Do you see anything you like?” he asked. He ran a hand down her raven hair. The length was silky. The clip she’d had in her hair had fallen out during their fuck against the wall. The length fell to the curve of her ass. He licked his lips wondering what it would be like to have that length wrapped around his fist as he fucked her from behind. Or to sink his fingers into the length as she sucked his cock. There were so many options and so little time.

  “This is just a city, Callum. Nothing special about a city.”

  He ran a finger down her arm watching her nipples harden in their reflections. Her body caught his attention. She had a nice rounded stomach and full, spankable ass. She was not self conscious. She wasn’t trying to cover her body from his view. Simone was happy in her skin, and he found it a turn-on to finally see a woman happy with herself.

  Moving his hand around her body, he cupped one of her tits in his hand. The weight filled his hand. She looked sexy as her head fell back onto his shoulder. One of his hands had his drink. He used the other to play with her body.

  “Do you like being my toy?” he asked, running his hand down to her mound. She was neatly trimmed. He wondered if she went bare at any time.

  “Providing you give me what I want, I don’t care what you do,” she said.

  Her eyes closed when he eased a finger between her glistening pussy lips. She was soft to the touch. Dripping wet from her orgasm. He wondered how she’d look with his seed mixed in with her own release.

  “We’re strangers, Simone. No one will ever know what happened here.”

  “I know.” She opened her legs wider. The heels she wore made it easier for her to open. He w
atched in the reflection as he teased her clit. The little nub looked swollen with need. The drink in his hand was hindering his play time.

  “Hold this,” he said, handing her the glass.

  Simone took the glass from him. Callum opened the lips of her pussy, taking a good look at her reflection. He wanted his tongue inside her and to taste all that warm cream he saw coming from her.

  Callum moved further down pressing the tips of two fingers inside her cunt. Her moan echoed off the walls. Once she had two fingers inside her, he added a third, watching her take all of him. His cock thickened inside his pants.

  He took the glasses from her hands then placed them on the floor.

  Next, he removed his own pants until he stood behind her naked. Grabbing another condom, he placed it over his stiff cock. He pressed on Simone’s back, making her ease forward against the glass. Her ass was in the air with her cunt on display. Callum eased the tip of his dick along her slit, feeling her shiver with each move. When he bumped her clit, she cried out in pleasure.

  In one single thrust, he pressed inside her tight cunt, feeling her walls grip him like a fist. With her hands against the glass of the window, he pressed his length inside her cunt. Holding her hips, he pulled out then slammed inside.

  “I want to hear your screams, Simone. I want to hear you beg for my cock.”

  Callum pounded inside her sweetness without letting her breathe. It was hard and exactly what he needed.


  Cole sat at the computer. He heard the moans and screams coming from his friend’s room. Earlier in the day, Cole had logged into the hotel’s security footage. He loved his friend like a brother and would do everything he could to protect him. The money leaving Callum’s bank account along with the few threats he’d received left Cole with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  He’d seen Callum get into the elevator with the black-haired woman. He’d also seen the show he’d put on for him. Did Callum know he’d be watching from the security cameras? Cole had sound to go with the images. When he heard what he’d said to the woman, he’d known Callum was aware he’d be watching. What was his friend trying to do? Set him up. They had shared women in the past, but that was years ago.


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