Time to Play

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Time to Play Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She’d been teasing him all morning. He had seen the way she moved her dress up her thighs. Simone needed to be taught a lesson. Some men were not right to tease. He certainly wasn’t one of them.

  Her fingers pushed the suit jacket he wore down his arms. He didn’t let her go, and the jacket remained in place.

  He knew he needed to stop. Just a second more, a minute longer of her lips on his and he’d be able to leave.

  She lifted one of her thighs over his hip. His cock pressed to her core through his pants. Shit, she was hot and wet. He felt her heat through his clothing.

  Her cries brought him out of the trance he was in. Cole kissed her one final time on the lips then pulled away. “Don’t mess with all the men you see.” He pulled away and went back to the couch.

  He ran a hand over his face wondering how he was going to survive the rest of his life with only that small taste.

  Chapter Nine

  Callum saw the strain between Simone and Cole when they met him at the restaurant for dinner. She looked gorgeous in the pale pink summer dress while Cole looked every bit the bodyguard.

  Neither stared at the other. Simone’s hand shook when she took a sip of water. The waiter came to take their order, and Callum reached over to stroke her hand. They were maintaining their sudden, loving relationship for the public eye. She smiled at him then gazed down at her menu.

  The waiter clocked the gesture and began writing before they even started ordering.

  “I’ll have the steak, medium rare, with the potatoes and hollandaise sauce,” Cole said, handing back the menu.

  “Same here. Simone, what would you like?”

  “I’ll have the lobster starter followed by the chicken salad with extra dressing.” She closed the menu then gave it back without smiling. The waiter moved away, and Simone snatched her hand back.

  “What is going on between you two?” Callum asked.

  “Nothing,” Simone said, checking her nails.

  “I kissed her because she’d spent the whole morning teasing me with her body. I simply gave her a warning about teasing the wrong kind of man.”

  “Did you kiss him back?” Callum turned back to her. He noted the flush to her cheeks. Not only had she kissed him back, she’d liked every second of it.

  “We’re not exclusive, Callum. We were supposed to be strangers. One meeting without any looking back.”

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t play,” he said.

  She glared at him. “I’m going to find out who’s stealing your money, and then I’m moving on. I want nothing to do with you or this. I want a quiet life. You can’t give me that.”

  The waiter came back, and Callum used the excuse to touch her again.

  “Here is your lobster starter, Miss. Do you gentlemen want a starter as well?” the waiter asked.

  Cole and Callum shook their heads watching as Simone ate the food in front of her. Callum couldn’t think of a single time when he’d taken a woman to dinner and she’d eaten with such hunger.

  “Stop watching me,” she said, without looking up.

  “What makes you think we’re looking at you?” Callum asked.

  She looked up then. “See, I told you, you were looking.” Simone smiled.

  Once she was finished the waiter brought out their other food. Callum couldn’t help but appreciate her healthy appetite. When the meal was finished she excused herself to go to the bathroom. The moment she was out of earshot, Callum turned his attention to his friend.

  “So what exactly happened?” he asked.

  “She was being a little tease.”

  “You liked it,” Callum said. He knew what her lips were like. They were addictive and hard to give up.

  “I don’t think she’ll be teasing me anytime soon. She doesn’t want us, Callum.”


  “I know what you’re trying to do. I’m not sharing with you anymore. It is not fair to the woman. Simone may be different, but she wants love and a normal relationship like they all do.”

  Callum sat back listening to the argument his friend gave. “You really do believe that.”

  “Of course I do. I know what I’m talking about. I’m going to bring the car around. I’ll see you outside in a few minutes.”

  He hated it when his friend created a divide between them. Callum knew he did it on purpose to make himself come across to the press as the bodyguard and not the business partner.

  Simone came back several minutes later. He saw the way she noticed the empty seat.

  “He’s gone to get the car.”

  She sat down in her seat. “I gathered he had.”

  He heard her let out a sigh glancing around at all the other customers eating. “This is a lot of fuss for us,” she said.

  “No, it’s not.”

  She didn’t argue with him. “When will you have the paperwork ready for me to go over?” she asked.

  “Tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Why? Looking forward to getting rid of us?” He leaned back in his chair watching her. Every time she turned this way or that, he remembered the way she’d thrashed her head from side to side as he pounded inside her tight pussy. She was such a responsive woman. He wanted to see that side of her more often. From the look on Cole’s face, his friend desired the same response from her as well.

  “I want my own life back. The sooner I get this crap out of the way, the better I’ll feel.”

  Callum signalled the waiter for the bill. He signed the check taking out his card to pay for lunch. Simone remained silent while he did so.

  “You have no plans to spend any more time with me?” Callum asked.

  “You’re a hottie, but I want my life away from the cameras.”

  “What about your father?”

  “He can go and screw himself for all I care.”

  She stood up to leave when the waiter approached the table. Callum went to her, taking her hand in his as they walked away. “I’m going to need to get used to this,” she said.


  “The extra attention.”

  He nodded, understanding what she meant. Cole was in the car waiting for them outside the restaurant. Callum acknowledged the man on duty then helped Simone into the back of the car.

  “Will you take me to my apartment please?” she asked.

  “That is my next stop.” She moved as close to the window as was possible. Callum smiled feeling the heat radiating from her.

  Her lack of response wouldn’t last that long. The woman who’d been with him on Friday was still there inside her. That woman couldn’t last long without the intimacy they shared. Callum found himself looking forward to the moment the other side of Simone came through.

  They pulled up outside of her apartment building. Cole stayed inside the car. The press were still around, and Simone hid against Callum’s body. He helped her up to her room.

  “They are being ridiculous,” she said.

  “You’re big news and a gorgeous woman.”

  “Whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The moment they got to her door, she closed it behind her. Callum knew she was trying to get away from the chaos he’d caused her life. He walked down the steps and got back inside the car.


  Cole had never felt the need to follow the women around that Callum dated. However, Simone brought out a side to him he didn’t understand. Women had hated them after being shared. Callum usually grew bored with the same woman over and over. The last woman they’d shared had ended in disaster.

  His friend climbed in beside him then pulled away from the street.

  “What did you do about the cameras?”

  “I placed the device to mess with the signal. This is not a personal feed. It is like someone is broadcasting the footage from her bedroom to the outside world.” Cole didn’t like to think of who else could be watching her. The way she’d let go while masturbating had been so intense and pleasurable, he’d almost come in his own pants.

out her father while you’re searching. I wouldn’t put it past that bastard to use his daughter for some kind of leverage.” Cole watched his friend stroke his lip. Callum was doing some serious thinking.

  “What do you have on your mind?”

  “What if this is another ploy from Malcolm?” Callum said.

  “How do you mean?” Cole worked the bends as the other man spoke up.

  “I don’t think Simone is working for her father. She can’t stand the man. However, what if the money that is being taken is a way to distract us?”

  “You mean Malcolm is distracting us from a hostile takeover bid?” Cole asked.

  “He’s got the funds and resources to try to take us over. It could work if our energy is distracted by theft.”

  Cole didn’t like it. “I’ll see if there have been any changes in our market value. The best way to take us over is to pull our stock ratings down and show we’re unreliable.”

  “Yeah, Malcolm has held a grudge against us ever since we took over that publishing firm a few years ago. Ever since then, he’s been breathing down our neck to try to get it back,” Callum said.

  “I guess screwing his daughter isn’t going to help our cause,” Cole said.

  “So, you’ve thought about screwing her?”

  “Don’t start, Callum. You and I both know she’s an attractive woman.”

  The kiss they’d shared had been hot but only a kiss. Cole knew if he got his hands on her for good then the fire they’d build would be earth-shattering.

  “I’ll go into the office tomorrow morning. I’ll make sure our stocks and shares are still at a reasonable price, and I’ll also get our acquisitions department to look into any competition bids on some of our enterprises.”

  “In the meantime, I get to baby sit Simone,” Cole said, sighing.

  “Do you really think that’s a hard task?”

  “Not at all.”

  Once they were home Cole made his way through to his security room. He ran a quick check over Simone and saw she was in bed, sleeping. She looked peaceful in sleep, innocent and vulnerable.

  Cole took more time to linger over the figure he kept for their business. His friend always teased him about being paranoid. If Malcolm Allusifa was making his move against their company then Cole wanted to be ready for it.

  He knew why the older guy had a grudge out against them. It had nothing to do with business and everything to do with jealousy.

  Three years back they’d been at a charity function sponsoring poverty-stricken kids. Callum and Cole took a bigger interest in underprivileged children as they’d grown up with virtually nothing. Malcolm had been at the same function but hadn’t given a dime. On his arm that night was a sweet little singer who was in her early twenties. She’d looked bored and fed up with Malcolm. When the older man left to go and talk, Callum had gotten talking to her, and then one thing led to another. Callum and Cole took her home, showing her what the excitement was about with two men. She’d been a little wild cat in the sack. Three days later the whole story appeared in a newspaper. When they talked to the singer and asked her why she’d aired out their dirty laundry, the woman explained that Malcolm blackmailed her. If she didn’t kiss and tell, then her music career was finished. Once the story did the rounds a time or two, her career had been over. No one liked a tattle-tale, especially in their world. Cole shook his head. Could this be the main reason Malcolm was after destroying their companies?

  How would he react when he found out about Callum sleeping with his daughter? Cole didn’t want to think about it. He knew something bad was going to happen. He only hoped they were prepared for all the crap.

  Chapter Ten

  The knock at the door no longer fazed her. Simone was ready for Cole, and she’d dressed appropriately in a knee length denim skirt and plunging shirt which showed off her breasts. She opened the door with her jacket over her arm. “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “You dressed properly.”

  “Yep, come on. Let’s try to beat the rush hour press camping outside my door.” She locked her door then followed Cole down the stairs. The shoes she wore clicked with every step she took.

  “It has only been a few days since you came out with your relationship.”

  “Yeah, and the days feel like months.”

  Simone made her way to reception. She stopped at the front desk to collect yesterday’s mail. After the dinner and the events of the last day, she’d been too exhausted to claim it.

  The daily newspaper caught her eye. She noticed the picture of her and Callum at the restaurant. When she went to grab the paper, Cole stopped her. “You don’t need to read that trash.”

  “I don’t?”

  “No. It will only upset you.”

  She glared at him then pushed him aside. The headline was about her weight. Simone had known it wouldn’t be long before they started bringing her fuller figure into the picture. The derogatory headline made her chuckle.

  “Callum falls for the fuller woman, or is this the latest scam of Gallagher and Turner?” She read the headline aloud chuckling.

  “You’re not bothered by what has been written?” Cole asked.

  “Baby, I’ve been called worse in high-school. I’ve learned to love my curves. Besides, exercise is not for me.” She leaned against the counter as the new lady on the desk passed her the mail. Cole leaned in close to whisper into her ear.

  “I don’t know. There is something good about getting all sweaty during a workout.”

  She tensed feeling the shiver work down the line of her body. Turning to look at him, Simone struggled under the need to press her body against his own. He had warned her about teasing him, and now he was teasing her instead.

  “There is only one type of sweating I like to do, and that is flat on my back with my legs in the air. Or on my knees.” She leaned in closer pressing a finger down the seam of his shirt. “Or when I’m on top. That is the kind of exercise I like. The pleasurable kind.”

  She turned away. “We better get to Callum before he starts getting all possessive.” Simone led the way outside, sliding her sunglasses up her nose so the press couldn’t see her anger. Two seconds in front of the press was all it took to bring her anger to the fore. Cole grabbed her arm leading her to the back of his car. She got inside the back. When he pulled away several miles down the road, he stopped for her to get into the front.

  Their journey was the same as before. “I warned you about teasing me,” Cole said when they stopped at some traffic lights.

  “Then I’m warning you about teasing me, Cole. Don’t do it. I’m not like most women. I love sex, and I do not see a problem with me going out and finding someone to fuck.”

  “You think you’re a big girl?”

  “I know I’m a big girl. I also know I can handle myself.” Simone’s cell phone began ringing. She pulled it out of the pocket and saw her mother’s number flashing at her. Letting out a groan, she flipped the phone.

  “Hello, Mom.”

  “Have you seen the morning paper?”

  “Yes, I’ve seen it.”

  “What is going on, Simone Allusifa? I do not like these vultures telling me about my daughter’s love life.”

  Simone rubbed her temple. “I’m dating Callum Gallagher, and no, it is not completely serious. We’re exclusive and seeing where it is going.”

  She was conscious of Cole listening to her conversation.

  “Your father doesn’t like this. He’s been in touch, and you know he never gets in touch.”

  “Has there been a story about you two?” she asked.

  Her mother sighed over the line. “They will always bring up our past, Simone. Your father wants to speak to you regarding this man.”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what my father wants. He’s been out of my life for most of it. He can continue playing the sperm donor for all I care.”


  “No, Mom, listen. He is a controlling bastard. If I want t
o date this guy then I’m going to date this guy. I’m twenty-five and can do whatever the hell I want.”

  “I love you, honey.”

  “I know you do. Please, don’t start trying to make him into father of the year. We both know Malcolm is not that guy.” She listened to her mother speak a few more of her concerns before she hung up the phone.

  Cole pulled into the parking lot under the condo. “Trouble at home?”

  “My mother is worrying about me. Malcolm is interfering and probably making out she is a bad parent. They always fight like this. I can’t believe how he’s trying to take over my life. When they got a divorce he didn’t want to have anything to do with me. He kept my brother while my mom took me to live with her. Now he thinks he can control my life. I’m not accepting it.”

  She put her phone away then waited for Cole to open her door.

  “Fair enough.”

  They went up together in the elevator. Callum wasn’t there, and Cole took his usual position on the couch. Simone went through to the office and saw there were no papers. The sun was shining on the pool making the water glint at her.

  “Why don’t I have my papers?” she asked, shouting back to Cole.

  “Callum is bringing them back this afternoon.”

  She shook her head. It was supposed to be serious, and yet, they still hadn’t brought her the paperwork. Shaking her head, Simone decided not to worry about it. They wanted her to sort through this. In the back of her mind she was a little concerned. What if she couldn’t prove it wasn’t her taking the money?

  Don’t think like that.

  Going out of the office she went back to the sitting room. Cole was watching a game of football. “May I borrow a pair of boxer shorts?” she asked.

  “What? Why?” He turned to look at her.

  “I’m going to take a swim in the pool. I don’t have any underwear on besides a bra, so may I borrow a pair of boxer shorts?”


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