Time to Play

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Time to Play Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She watched him swallow. “You’re not wearing any panties?”

  “I did tell you yesterday. I never wear them. I hate the feel of them against my body.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

  Simone saw the tenting of his pants. Unable to stop herself, she lifted her denim skirt, flashing her bare pussy to him. “See.”

  Callum walked through the door while she was holding her skirt to her stomach. He dropped the pile of paperwork, his mouth opening.

  Both men’s eyes were on her. She felt a great power surge inside her. They were both looking at her as if she was something to eat. A great feast for them to snack on.

  She put her skirt down. “Can I have those boxer shorts?” she asked.

  Cole moved out of the sitting room in the direction of his room. Callum began picking up pieces of paper.

  “Are you okay if I take a swim first?” she asked, innocently.

  They were so easy to tease.

  “Sure,” Callum said. Cole came back throwing a pair of boxers through the air. They were plain black. She pulled them up under her skirt. Each man before her was sporting a huge erection.

  Pulling off her shirt, she stood before them in a sheer lace bra and the boxers. “I’ll see you guys in a few minutes.”

  She wandered out to the pool, her whole body bursting with her arousal. She knew her pussy was dripping wet. Her need for both men was growing with every passing second.


  Callum stared after her. “Do I even want to know what that was about?”

  “I asked if she didn’t have any underwear on. She proved a point.” Cole was flicking through the sports channels. Callum left his friend with the boner and went inside the office, placing the box of papers on top of the desk. Callum walked to the window to see her swimming on her back. Licking his lips, he knew what it felt like to have every square inch of her body wrapped around his own.

  His cock thickened in his pants. He wasn’t waiting any longer. It had been five days since their time together. The time felt closer to weeks and months. He let himself onto the veranda then moved to the edge of the pool. She swam closer to the side, smiling up at him. “Are you coming to join me?” she asked. Her gaze dropped down to the bulge of his pants. She licked her lips once again. His vision was once again filled with the image of her mouth wrapped around his dick.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to Cole?” he asked, removing his shirt.

  “He doubted me about my underwear. I was merely showing him that I didn’t lie.”

  She moved to the centre of the pool. Callum pushed his pants down standing before her in his own boxer briefs.

  In one smooth dive he was under the water. He caught her around the waist and pulled her down. They both broke the surface together. Simone was coughing and laughing, throwing water at him.

  “Cole is not a man to be played with or teased.” Callum knew there was a fire inside his friend. If she pushed Cole too much, he would snap, and Simone would bear the brunt of the consequences.

  She moved up close, her arms circling his neck. He liked how natural she was around him. She wasn’t afraid of touching him or being touched. “And you think I’m not?”

  “You’re a woman, Simone. Most women are delicate creatures who liked to be played with.”

  “That is a sexist assumption, Mr. Gallagher. I’m surprised women on your staff haven’t sued you.”

  She nibbled his neck stopping him from responding to her comment. “I’m a very good employer.”

  “I bet you are. For future reference,” she said against his ear. “I’m not like other women. I love to fuck and to tease. You should have learned that lesson last Friday.”

  Her other hand snaked down his front grabbing his dick in her palm. Callum moaned from her tight grip. She moved away, swimming in the opposite direction. He caught up with her in quick time, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her under the walk way so no one could see them. Callum trapped her against the wall.

  He pressed his cock between her thighs, and Simone wrapped her legs around his waist. Both of them moaned from the contact.

  “I know you’re not like other women,” he said, pushing the boxer briefs she wore up her leg. Cole was a large man, and the boxers were not the best fitting on Simone. He pressed a hand against her pussy. Even with the water around them he felt her slick wetness around his fingers.

  She whimpered. The sounds filled his head with such sweet images.

  “You’re like a never-ending flame, Simone. No matter how many times you stoke it or try to cover the flame, it won’t die out.”

  Simone pushed his boxer shorts down his hips. Her hand moved between them to grip his length.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  He rubbed her clit feeling her shake under his touch.

  “I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready. You an’ me, Simone, are compatible.”

  “We’re not. I just want you to fuck me. Take this ache away, Callum.”

  Callum shoved her hand away then pressed the tip of his cock inside her cunt. She cried out when he slammed inside her. Without waiting for her to grow accustomed to his length, he pulled out then fucked her hard.

  He removed her bra exposing her tits to his lips. Callum bit down on each red plump breast.

  Her moans were loud enough for him to hear. He thought about Cole hearing her cries of pleasure. The arousal hit him right between the eyes. If Cole could hear her, what would the other man be thinking? The thought of his friend watching Simone come apart sent Callum over the edge. Grabbing her hips in his large hands, he pounded inside her pussy. He felt her walls tighten around him. The wet heat of her naked pussy stroked his own bare cock.

  He’d forgotten the condom.

  Without a care in the world, Callum fucked her against the pool wall underneath the shade of the bridge over the top.

  Her fingers sank into the hair at the nape of his neck. Her lips covered his own, nipping and biting.

  “Please, make me come,” she said.

  Pressing a hand between them, he stroked the nub of her clitoris. Within seconds she shattered around him. Her screams urging him on to completion. He slammed inside her then pulled out at the last moment. She reached down pumping his seed into the water. Callum pressed his head against her breast as his orgasm took control of him. She pumped his cock until he could stand it no more.

  He gazed up into her eyes. They were glazed over.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “What for?” He couldn’t catch his breath.

  “For pulling out. I’m not on anything.” He cupped her cheek, then kissed her lips. There were no words needed.

  Part of him had wanted to explode inside her body. To claim her as his own. He knew it was unfair to put her in such a position, but he couldn’t help it. Simone Allusifa may not know it yet, but she was his woman, whether she liked it or not.


  Cole heard them in the pool. He stood near the open door when the first of Simone’s aroused cries fell across his ears. His cock thickened even further. The view of her pussy and now the sound of her orgasm were too much. He walked through to his bedroom, closed the door and went through to the bathroom.

  He turned the cold shower on, removed his clothing, then climbed into the stall. The blast of icy cold water did nothing to stop the heat building inside his cock. Taking hold of the length, he began to masturbate.

  The memory of her pussy and her sounds drove him to the edge of bliss. However, he wasn’t catapulted over it. He was held back. Then he flashed to the memory of her with the vibrator and dildo. That image alone sent him hurtling into orgasm.

  When he came down from his arousal, Cole was still unsatisfied. His fist was little to no relief compared to the bliss he’d find inside her body.

  Cleaning off his semen, he finished showering then went to get re-dressed. He didn’t like the effect Simone was havi
ng on him. She was beginning to mean more to him in the last five days than any other woman throughout his life.

  He didn’t like being unsure of himself. The feeling of the unknown left him terrified.

  Cole hoped his friend was done with her soon. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

  Chapter Eleven

  Two weeks later

  “That’s it, I can’t stand anymore,” Simone said, going through to the main office in Callum and Cole’s condo.

  “What’s the matter?” Callum asked. She paused to take her fill of his hot hunky body. Since their moment in the pool nothing else had happened. She’d been concentrating on the financial reports she’d filled up and tried to account for every single cent that had gone missing. So far she couldn’t find a single figure out of place. Sitting over a desk for eight hours a day was killing her libido. By the end of each day she wanted to go home and get into bed. Sex was the last thought on her mind. However, there were little moments like now when she looked at his body and recalled the strength behind each thrust of his cock.

  Even with the hard work, the teasing still continued. Cole tried to stay away from her. She knew he did and didn’t like it.

  “The press. It has been two weeks, Callum. I thought a new story would be hitting the news.”

  “They’re still camped outside her apartment?” he asked Cole.

  “Every day without fail.”

  “I can’t deal with this. So, I’ve packed a bag and decided I’m staying here until all this is over.”

  Simone dropped the bag on the floor then folded her arms over her chest. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  Callum stared at the case then at her. “What? Do I have a problem with you staying here?” He moved closer, his arms going around her waist. “Baby, you’re closer for a lot more fun.”

  Two weeks without sex and her body melted instantly against him. She closed her eyes trying to gain her composure. How did he do it?

  “What do you say, Cole? Do you want a houseguest?” She tensed when Cole didn’t answer right away.

  “It would be lovely to have her.” Simone turned in time to see Cole disappearing out of the door.

  “He wants you,” Callum said next to her ear.

  “Why aren’t you being all possessive?”

  “Because there are still some things you don’t know about me, sweetheart, but all in good time.” He kissed her neck, moving away.

  He went to his desk as she moved to hers. She looked at him wondering what he was thinking.

  “I don’t cheat,” she said.

  “What?” Callum turned to look at her.

  Simone didn’t know where those words had come from. She felt like she needed to come clean to him about it.

  “I’ve never cheated on a guy who I’ve been exclusive with. I kissed Cole because you and I were strangers.”

  “I’m not sleeping with any other woman, Simone.”

  She licked her lips. “Good. I’m clean. I mean, the last guy I was with was a complete scum bag, but I got tested. I’m clean.”

  “Are you worried about my health?” Callum folded his arms staring at her. For the first time in her life, Simone was uncomfortable. Callum didn’t ask for permission to do anything. He took. He took her kisses and touched her when he wanted. There was no flirting or waiting period. Callum did whatever the hell he wanted to do.

  “We had sex in the pool without a condom. I appreciate you pulling out, b-but, I need to know if you’re clean.” She turned her attention to the file on her desk. None of the words made sense to her.

  “I think you should have asked me before now. We had sex two weeks ago. I’m clean.”


  She opened the file, and her hand shook, which startled her. Callum closed the file on her desk, resting on her desk. His hand reached out to caress her neck. This is where he took her world and made her yearn for more. The small touches he gave were starting to mean more to her than she ever expected.

  He moved behind her chair, pushing the hair off her neck and moving down to cup her breasts in each of his hands. She moaned pressing her chest against his touch.

  “You should never be afraid to ask me anything, Simone. Also, I would never put you in any danger.” He kissed her neck, nibbling on her pulse.

  One of his hands moved further down to cup her pussy through the pants she wore. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. If he pressed tight enough, she’d leave a wet patch from the arousal dripping from her pussy.

  “I look forward to having you here, Simone. You have no idea how much I do.” He kissed her neck running a finger up and down her covered slit. “When you’re ready for more come and get me. I’ll be in the exercise room.”

  Callum moved away toward the door. He turned at the last minute. “Tonight we have a function to go to. There is a new artist that I’ve sponsored, and his work is on display. I’ve arranged for a dress to be brought here for you.”


  He mentioned the place then turned to leave. She knew her brother was going to be at the function. Daniel loved art. Simone knew her brother would try to speak to her. She hoped her father wouldn’t be attending. The last person she wanted to see was the man who fathered her.

  She went through the file seeing none of the words or numbers on the page. After three hours of work with no breakthrough she went to the kitchen to grab some coffee. Cole stood at the counter. He glanced up at her.

  Simone looked away and felt his gaze on her as she passed.

  “Are you going to that art function tonight?” she asked.

  “Callum is going, and I am attending.”

  “Is the artist any good?”

  “He does nude pictures along with other pieces. I think his nudes are better than the landscapes. I like looking at naked women.”

  She didn’t rise to the bait. This was how their conversations had been going. Teasing each other with words and suggestions. Neither of them moving to the next step. Even if she wanted to, Simone knew she wouldn’t cheat on Callum. Teasing and flirting were fine though.

  “You’re not going to give me a snippy retort?” he asked.

  “First, I’m not snippy, and second, I prefer looking at naked men. I don’t see a problem with that.”

  She poured herself a coffee then moved over to him to take a bite of his sandwich. “Besides, I’m with Callum.”

  “I heard,” Cole said.


  Cole chuckled. Her pussy tightened at the sound. He leaned down, and his cheek grazed her own. “You’re not exactly quiet when you come, baby.”

  Simone felt the heat fill her cheeks. He always made her feel embarrassed, and she didn’t understand why.

  “What can I say, Cole? I like to do more than listen to get me off.” She pressed her body against him. “But whatever floats your boat, as the saying goes.” Simone left him alone, going through to the office.

  The teasing needed to stop. She knew it was only a matter of time before their teasing came to a stop; otherwise she’d break her only cardinal rule. Cheating. The chemistry between them was undeniable. Simone knew she wanted Cole. She’d never come between two friends no matter how much her pussy wanted both men.


  Cole watched her go with a smile. She was the first woman he’d been able to tease without her growing offended over what he said. It was a refreshing combination that he felt more addicted to each day she came near him. Callum walked around the corner sporting a grin.

  “What has gotten you so cheery?” Cole asked.


  “You were listening to us again?”

  He knew his friend spent a great deal of time watching his and Simone’s interaction. Cole didn’t see the attraction in what they were doing. Teasing and innocent flirting weren’t anything deadly.

  “You have no idea how much you both want each other. I think it is cute.”

  He wanted to deny every word tha
t Callum spoke, but Cole knew it was true. Teasing and innocent flirting weren’t really happening. The attraction was building between them and had been for some time. Each day it got a little dirtier or the touches became more daring.

  “Nothing is going to happen, Callum. I told you I wouldn’t share another woman with you.”

  “What if it wasn’t just about the sex?” Callum said, leaning against the counter.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Simone is not like any other woman we’ve taken. She’s different.”

  He knew she was different; it was one of the reasons it made her so intriguing. “Why don’t you tell me what you want, Callum?”

  “Have you ever thought of settling down with one woman? To stop playing the field in the hope that she can satisfy every craving.”

  Cole had thought about it non-stop. When he was at war in Iraq all he wanted to do was go home and wrap his arms around a nice warm woman. Playing the field had grown tiring for him some time ago.

  “Do you really think you could settle for one woman?” Cole asked.

  “I’m not as heartless as you think, Cole.”

  “You play with women like they’re toys.”

  “So did you once. If you can change, so can I.”

  Cole didn’t argue with his friend. “I’ve got work to do.”

  Cole brushed past his friend going through to the office. Simone was hunched over the computer, her raven hair cascading around her. She didn’t have any idea how much he wanted her. Did she think it was a game between them?

  She looked up giving him a smile. “Are you ready for round two?” she asked.

  “You couldn’t handle me, baby.”

  “I think you’d be surprised.” Simone lowered her head, running her pen along the page. Callum walked in several minutes later going to his own desk. Cole took his seat staring at the blank screen of his computer.

  Every now and again his gaze would stray to the woman opposite him. How much longer could he deny himself? Simone was getting under his skin, and it was becoming increasingly hard not to let lose the beast inside him. He wanted her. It had been months since he’d fucked a woman.

  He knew the moment he lost himself in Simone, he wouldn’t be able to walk away. There were women you fucked and walked away from. Then there were women you fucked, made love to, and stayed with until the end of the night.


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