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Time to Play

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  For some reason, he knew Simone was the woman he’d stay with until the end of the night. She was independent, and Cole knew she was waiting for the right guy to take her. Simone wanted to be taken. It was clear in the way she was with Callum. The moment the guy started fumbling around, she was out of there.

  He felt Callum watching him. Cole turned to stare at his friend. He watched as the other guy stood up then walked over to Simone. Callum would start by playing with her hair or caressing her neck. Each move was made with the intention of playing. Simone didn’t protest. The touches were accepted without any reprimand. Cole knew he was right about her. Simone wanted a man to claim her, not to mess around asking questions.

  The knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Leaving the other two alone, he answered the door. A harassed looking woman held a box.

  “Hi, I’m supposed to be dropping these off for Callum Gallagher.”

  Cole saw the name of a fashion boutique and smiled. His friend enjoyed dressing women. He knew Callum would have gone all out for Simone. With her dark red lips and raven black hair, she’d be a dream to dress with that figure of hers.

  “Do you need me to sign for anything?” Cole asked.

  “Nope. Just tell Callum to send a large tip to Sophie, and she’ll handle the rest.” The woman handed over the box then left.

  Cole felt an urge to look inside. What kind of dress would Callum buy for Simone? Not wanting to spoil the surprise, he placed the package on the couch then went back into the office. Tonight he would see her in the beauty of the outfit. He couldn’t wait as he knew it would be without any underwear underneath.

  Chapter Twelve

  The guest bedroom was a dream. Simone couldn’t have asked for a better place to stay. When she’d woken up that morning and looked outside to see if there were still press, she’d been shocked at how many there were still waiting for her. Whatever news was surrounding her must be good for them to be waiting after all this time. The fight to get through the hustle and bustle had been wearing thin. Packing a bag had been the most logical thing to do.

  Callum wasn’t showing any signs of being bored with her just yet. Until he kicked her out, cheated on her, or sent her on her merry way, she’d be staying with him. Brushing her wet curls she opened the box laid on her bed. Cole had been the one to show her to the guest room. He’d placed the box on the bed. She recognised the ladies’ boutique on the box. The gowns were always expensive and of the highest quality.

  She revealed the red silk dress. Putting the brush down, she pulled the dress up by the thin straps. Looking at the design it had a low bodice that would show off the top of her breasts. The silk went in at the waist and moulded to each curve.

  Underneath the dress was a lacy red bra with no straps.

  On the opposite side there was a pair of red sandals with straps that went around the ankle. The outfit would be in the thousand dollar range. Shaking her head at the extravagance, she dried her body then covered every inch in moisturiser for a silky finish. Her mother must have had some sense to send her to public school. Living out of the public eye away in the country had been a blessing. Two weeks with the world watching and Simone was ready to tear her hair out.

  Using the hair dryer available, she tamed her black locks as much as possible. She hated sitting for any length of time in the chair at the hairdressers and preferred to keep her hair a reasonable length.

  Simone remembered the way her mother would spend hours in front of the roaring fire combing out her hair while they watched television. The time they spent together had been worth the pain of a few knots or two throughout her hair.

  Pulling herself out of her thoughts, Simone finished with her hair, placed the bra on, then put the red dress on. The zipper at the back needed pulling up. She put the shoes on before applying her make-up. When she was done, she didn’t bother to look in the mirror. She left the bedroom and knocked on the first door she came to.

  Cole opened the door while buttoning up the cufflinks on his jacket.

  “Could you zip me?” she asked, presenting him with her back.

  His fingers grazed her skin making her gasp. The small touch was enough to make her pussy wet. Cole placed his hand on her hips. “You look stunning.”

  “You haven’t seen me all properly yet.”

  “If you look anything like the back, I know you’re going to look stunning.”

  He always knew how to say the right thing. Smiling, she turned back to him.

  “I stand corrected. You do look more stunning from the front than from the back.”

  Simone began walking toward the sitting room. Cole caught up with her pressing her back against the wall.

  “What’s the matter, Cole?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just want a few moments to look at you without all those flashing cameras.”

  Simone stood waiting for him to look his fill.

  “Callum has exquisite taste,” he said.

  “I’m pleased you think so.”

  “I may have to get our artist friend to draw you.”

  “What is the artist’s name?”


  “Never heard of him.”

  “I’ll see if you remember him in the nude section.” Cole kissed her cheek then pulled away. He took hold of her hand and escorted her into the sitting room. Callum came through a few seconds later.

  His gaze ran up and down the length of her body. “Stunning.”

  “Every available guy at this place will be drooling.”

  “Then one of us will be with her at all times.” Callum placed her hand through his. “I think we’ll be the main talk at the party.”

  He escorted her out to the waiting limousine. The press were nowhere in sight. Cole climbed in behind her. Both men sat on either side of her. Each of their thighs pressed against her own.

  “How did you manage to get rid of the press?” she asked, trying to rid her mind of the feel of their bodies.

  “There is a party happening tonight. No one would miss us appearing together. You’ll be spread across the front page.”

  Cole’s phone beeped, interrupting Callum.

  She watched him pull the device out of his pocket. There was a frown on his face. “Bad news?” she asked.

  “Nothing that can’t be taken care of tomorrow.”

  Simone settled back thinking about the night ahead. She’d been good at work dinners and parties. This would be nothing like work. “How do I handle tonight?”

  “What do you mean?” Callum asked.

  “I’ve never been to one of these functions. Once my parents were divorced I never lived in this lifestyle. My mother may have had money from the divorce, but she never blew it on occasions like this.” Her mother had never complained about money, and Simone wondered how the divorce had worked out.

  “You’re involved with Callum, so look like he walks on water and smiles like the angels bless him,” Cole said.

  Simone burst out laughing at the image. There was no way her acting would be that good.

  “You’ve got no chance of that.”

  “Then imagine what it will feel like with my cock pressing inside your cunt later tonight. I’ll have you tied to my bed, and I’ll lick every square inch of your body.”

  Simone moaned at his wicked words. “I don’t think that will work.”

  “I don’t know. Cole, sit over there and see if it works.”

  Cole shuffled to the seat opposite them. She smiled at him then stuck her tongue out.

  “I think she’s right, Callum. Your skill must be lacking in old age.”

  Callum caught her cheek turning her to look at him. “I don’t think so.” His fingers stroked down the length of her neck. “She knows what I can do to her body. I bet she isn’t wearing any underwear. Your pussy is bare to the touch.”

  She closed her thighs as her moisture began to seep out of her slit. The last thing she needed was a wet patch on the back of her dress.

“That’s perfect. No one will doubt her feelings,” Cole said. “She looks ready to eat you alive.”

  Callum closed the distance claiming her lips. When he came up, Simone knew her lips were swollen. She didn’t want him to end with that small touch. Licking her lips, she tasted his musky maleness on her tongue, moaning.

  “I want more,” she said.

  “I’ll give you more tonight. Think about what I can do to your body when the cameras are flashing. You’ll look so tempting the press won’t be able to get enough of you.” She whimpered when he nibbled her ear lobe.

  “You’re doing this on purpose to distract me.”

  Cole chuckled. “We’re here.”

  She pulled away as the door to their limo was opened. Cole climbed out first, buttoning his jacket.

  “You’ll do fine. I won’t be too far from you.”

  Simone nodded taking the hand that Cole offered and helping her out of the back of the limo. The cameras began flashing. The sound of the light flickering and the chaos of the people meant Simone didn’t understand a word. Callum got out behind her. His hand banded around her waist pulling her close.

  “We don’t mingle with the press. Follow Cole. I’m right here,” Callum said. His voice soothed her even as her heart rate sped up. How did he manage to sound like sex when he spoke? Pushing sex to the back of her mind, she followed Cole admiring the smooth shape of his ass. She wanted to sink her nails into the flesh as he rode her body.

  Stop, Simone. Stop.

  Cole took her jacket the moment they were inside with Callum coming up the rear. She took a quick glance through the glass doors. The crowd startled her.

  “There are a lot of people here.” The people reminded her of her father. The wealthy and the arrogant. Callum and Cole were wealthy, but they didn’t have the arrogance or the attitude that everyone else beneath them was smaller.

  “Sunny has become rather popular.”

  “Okay. Let’s go and do our stuff.”

  “With pleasure,” Callum said, taking her arm. The glass doors opened. Several heads turned toward them. Simone used all of her strength in an attempt to not hide behind Callum.

  She looked behind her to see Cole staring at her ass. A thrill went right through her body from his gaze.

  A long flute was handed to her. She sipped at the liquid.

  “Be careful. The champagne at these functions is strong.” Callum took a sip of his own glass. She nodded her head then began to look at each painting she could see.

  “There is not a lot of art work here.”

  “That’s because there is a showing around the back,” Cole said.

  Within moments Simone spotted her brother Daniel. A blond, woman with fake boobs was draped on his arm. Simone chuckled taking another quick glance around the room.

  “I need to talk to some people. Do you want to come?” Callum asked.

  “No. I’ll go and check out the artwork and see if any of the stuff is considered real art.” Simone moved away from him.

  The moment he was gone, Simone felt the emptiness from his absence.

  Cole had gone as well to mingle with Callum leaving her alone.

  “Well, I have to say I didn’t think the rumours were true,” Daniel said, standing next to her.

  “You lost your date.” Simone sipped her drink wishing it was water instead of alcohol.

  “She’s eyeing up the next fool to take her in. How are you?”

  “I’ve been better as you can imagine. What brings you here?” She turned to him. Her brother had aged some since the last time she’d seen him.

  “I’m a collector of fine art, Simone. You should remember that. I thought you’d never mingle with father’s people.” Daniel drained his flute without blinking. She knew he must be used to the more luxurious lifestyle.

  “I’m not mingling. I’m here with a really nice date.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard a rumour or two surrounding your date.”

  Simone shook her head. “You don’t get to do that here, Daniel. Your time for checking out my dates ran out after I turned eighteen.”

  “As your brother I still get to look out for you. Gallagher is a hard man. He’s not the settling down type, Simone. I thought you wanted what Mom never had.”

  She turned back to the picture in front of her. The landscape wasn’t all that great. She recalled what Cole had said about the artist’s nudes. She hoped Cole was correct.

  “I’ve changed, Daniel. Trying to find the dream was not working out. Besides, I don’t think settling down is in any man’s veins.” When she was a little girl she’d told Daniel how she was going to find her Prince Charming, and he was going to marry her and never cause her any heartache. Getting older had put an end to that nightmare. Now she didn’t even try to look for the right guy. She was happy with the few encounters she had.

  “There are men out there looking for the right woman, Simone. There is a guy looking for you.”

  “Then tell him to stop looking because she’s found the right guy,” Callum said, wrapping his hands around her. Cole laughed on her other side. She noticed her brother was smiling.

  “I think you need to look at what you’ve got. You might be surprised.” Daniel raised his empty glass to them, then left.

  “A bit possessive much,” she said, pulling away and turning to face the man in question.

  “You’re mine, Simone. No other man gets to touch my stuff.”

  “First, I’m a person. A woman. And second, Daniel, who I was talking to, whose last name is also Allusifa, is my brother.”

  She sipped her glass. Before Callum got a chance to speak they were interrupted by the artist himself.

  “Callum and Cole, the two people who were able to make this possible.”

  Simone stared at the man coming toward them. “Elliot Jackson?” she asked.

  Sunny paused staring at her. “Well I’ll be damned. Little Simone Allusifa has all grown up.”

  The artist walked toward her, swinging her off her feet. She let out a squeal and a protest. Sunny put her down.

  “You’re going by Sunny now?” she asked.

  “Sunny has a lot better ring to it than Elliot.”

  “I take it you two know each other?” Cole said.

  “Yeah, we were in the same year at school. I never knew you’d gone on to embrace your art.”

  “That’s what you do when you love to paint. You find some sap who is willing to show your work. I’ve been lucky,” Sunny said.

  “You certainly have, but I’m more interested in the nudes I’ve heard so much about.” Simone forgot about the two men. Seeing a familiar face from her past was helping. Her brother’s presence helped a great deal as well.

  “Yes, I’ll give you an exclusive tour.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Sunny turned his attention to the two men behind her. “May I take your woman and show her the rest of the exhibit?”

  “You don’t need to ask them. I’d love to.” She linked her hand into his arm, and they began walking toward the back of the room.

  “You still don’t want to lead the high life?” Sunny asked when they were out of earshot of the guests. They’d been friends during high school, and like most friends they’d drifted apart when they went to college.

  “Yeah.” She saw the more explicit paintings as they were going down the long hall.

  “And you’re dating Callum and Cole.”

  “No, only Callum.”

  “Yeah, that won’t be for long.”

  She turned to look at Sunny. “What do you mean?”

  “They have a reputation for sharing.”

  “They share a business, Elliot. Nothing else.”

  He laughed. The sound had a nervous edge. “It’s Sunny, babe. No, Simone. They share a lot more than business together.” He caught her arm stopping her from moving along. “You don’t know anything about them, do you?”

  “I don’t exactly follow the celeb news.”<
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  “I can’t believe you haven’t at least looked their names up on the internet.” He was shaking his head with a whimsical smile on his face.

  “Why would I look their names up on the internet?” She began looking at the paintings once again. There was one with a woman holding a baby. The woman was naked. The love he’d captured in the painting was beautiful. “This is really good, Elliot.”

  “Stop looking at the paintings, Simone. I know we’ve not seen each other in years, but this is stuff you need to know. This is the kind of stuff every girl does.”

  “Pursue the guy they’re sleeping with on the internet? Sounds stalkerish to me.”

  She moved down looking deeper into each painting. His style was flawless, and each painting showed the viewer such raw emotion.

  “They share women. That’s what they do. ”

  Frowning, Simone turned back to him. “Excuse me.”

  “There was a big kiss and tell some years back. It was big news. I followed it during college, and it was how I knew them when they approached me for my work. Callum finds the woman, seduces her, and then they share her together. Every sordid detail is in black and white.”

  “How do you even know that’s true?” she asked. Her blood heated at the thought of Cole and Callum sharing her, together.

  The thought did not repulse her. The thought excited her further. She’d been fantasising about both men since the moment she’d met them.

  “It’s true. She was a singer or something. Believe me, Simone. The stories about them are true. They’re wild.”

  “I doubt they do any of that now.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never asked them for details. If you’re dating Callum—and I saw the way Cole was looking at you. They both want you, and it will only be a matter of time before they turn you into their new little toy.”

  For some reason, she didn’t find his reference repulsive. Being used by both men would be entirely pleasurable.

  She wondered if there was any chance she’d be able to get them to want her tonight.


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