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Time to Play

Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  John sighed. “My creditors came calling.”

  “There were more creditors than I anticipated,” Malcolm said.

  “Not only was I using every penny paying off debt, I was broke. I figured you’d never find out, and it brought in enough for me to live on. I needed the money.” His shoulders slumped.

  Simone was so angry at him. “You used me to pay for your own life?”

  John had a gambling problem, and he used everything and everyone at his disposal. “I’d have used any woman I was dating.”

  She shook her head, sickened by him. “All this time it was about money.”

  “I had debts, Simone. It wasn’t about you. If I knew you were his daughter I’d have fucking kept you on a leash.”

  Simone slapped him ‘round the face.

  The intercom interrupted them. “Sir, we have over five policemen asking to see you.”

  Simone watched the door opening.

  “I’ll be pressing charges as well,” she said.

  “We’ll take your statement shortly, Miss,” the police officer said.

  Cole and Callum touched her hair as she watched the other man go.

  “So the newspaper reports were correct. You are sleeping with both of them?”

  Simone tensed at her father’s words. Why did she let him bother her? He meant nothing to her. Simone stared at her brother seeing the hopelessness of the situation. He’d been right in the back of the limo. She’d been living her life in fear that every man was like their father. For as long as she could remember she’d been putting her life on hold because of him. No more. The moment she left his office, it would be the last time she ever thought about him.

  Turning toward him, she flicked her hair over her shoulder. “So, what does that have to do with you?”

  “I’ll disown you. You’ll have nothing from me.”

  She looked at her father and smiled. “You disowned me when I was six years old. You were never my father. Being a father takes a hell of a lot more than donating sperm. You’re not man enough to be my father.”

  Simone turned on her heel and began walking out of the door. The sound of clapping filled the room. She turned seeing her brother raising his hands.

  “About time,” he said.

  “It was long overdue.”

  She continued out without looking at Callum and Cole. Simone knew she needed to leave the building on her own. She hoped they understood. With each step she took, she felt the constraints of her past letting go. Never did she think it would be as easy as that. Letting go of her father and what he had to offer was the best decision she made.

  When she was outside of the building, Simone took a deep breath. Through her mind she saw the six year old girl following a weeping mother. Helen had done everything she could to spare her. Simone knew that. Sometimes, the best way to care for someone was to show them the truth. For so many years she had thought she was the one responsible for her father’s adultery and the mistakes he made. She finally knew it was no one’s fault but his own.


  Callum watched her go with pride. Cole made to follow her. He caught his arm shaking his head. “She needs this. Let her have it.”

  His friend looked like he wanted to argue. Callum shook his head. This time, he knew he was the one who was right.

  They both turned to the older man behind the desk. He looked red in the face. Simone had hit a nerve. “You’ve turned her into a slut. A little plaything for you to mess with whenever the need arose,” Malcolm said.

  Cole looked ready to pounce.

  “You can’t get over your resentment, can you?” Cole said. Callum waited for what else was about to be said.

  Malcolm sneered at them. Daniel looked ready to throttle the man. Pulling away, Callum saw the police officer waiting for them.

  “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “We had her first. That is your problem,” Cole said, catching Callum’s attention.


  “The singer, the one we had that never wanted Malcolm. The same woman who got away.”

  Callum didn’t understand. “You wanted the singer?”

  “I don’t give a shit what you think. You don’t deserve the reputation you’ve got. You’re disgusting. Sharing a woman. No daughter of mine would have ever fallen for your tricks. I can tell Helen raised her.”

  “Hey, don’t you ever speak about my mother like that.” Daniel advanced on Malcolm. Callum held him back.

  This is what Malcolm wanted. A reason to smear their name. He couldn’t do it with Simone because she was his daughter, and it would look bad on him.

  “You really are a selfish bastard,” Callum said.

  The police officer walked into the room. “Mr. Allusifa, you’re going to have to come with us.”

  Malcolm glared at him. “I’m not going anywhere without a warrant for my arrest. Fucking get one.”

  Malcolm picked up his phone dismissing them. They left his office, and the officer left reluctantly. Daniel handed the officer the file he’d taken from the desk. “I think this will contain everything you need to get the warrant for his arrest.”

  “I doubt it will work. He’s probably sorting out a good lawyer,” the officer said. Callum couldn’t argue with the man. Malcolm was a powerful man, but he shouldn’t get away with what he’d done. The office left them to get into his car.

  Daniel was running a hand down his face while Callum and Cole were trying to gain their composure.

  “I’ve never known him to be like this. He must really hate you two.”

  “There was a singer a couple of years back. We took her for the night, and since then, your father won’t let anything go. I think he had a thing for the woman.”

  “What was her name?” Daniel asked.

  Callum shook his head along with Cole. “Don’t remember. Names were not part of the get to know equation.”

  “Simone is not the girl you toss aside,” Daniel said.

  “We know.”

  “I mean it. If you break her heart I will find a way to end you.”

  Callum stared at her big brother knowing he’d do anything for Simone. Callum felt relieved knowing there was someone else out there who cared about her very deeply.

  “Sorry to interrupt you gentlemen. You’re needed at the station to give a statement,” the police officer said.

  “I’ve just got to collect Simone.”

  “The lady who was here earlier?”

  All three nodded.

  “She has already been taken down to the station. She’ll be finished soon or be done by the time we get there.”

  They followed the officer out of the building.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Simone sat in the waiting room. She’d given her statement, and the woman in charge had told her they’d do everything they could to keep John away from her. Whatever they did wouldn’t change the fact her apartment was ruined. How could she go back there knowing people had watched her? Every little thing she did would make her wonder. Shaking her head, she waited for her brother, Cole, and Callum to finish giving their statements.

  She’d been ordered to wait for them. The look Cole and Callum had given her meant she kept her butt firmly placed in the seat.

  A male officer handed her a cup of coffee while she waited. The coffee tasted acrid, but she smiled and continued to sip away at the liquid.

  What was she going to do with her life now? She had no job, no boyfriend, and her reputation from being with Callum was probably ruined.

  “Hey, princess,” Daniel said, taking the seat beside her.

  “Wow, that didn’t take long.” She handed her brother the cup. Simone contained the chuckle when he winced from the taste.

  “Awful. You did that on purpose.”

  “Consider that payback for giving me chocolate liqueurs at Christmas.”

  “Simone, you were ten, and it was funny to watch your face scrunch up.”

  She chuckled at the memory
. “You didn’t take long.”

  “I was only in there to confirm his identity and to explain the other allegations from before. My work here is done.”

  Simone sipped her drink, staring at the doors where both men were behind.

  “They’re good men, Simone. A little weird with the whole sharing thing they’ve got going on but good men.” His voice sounded strained.

  “Is that your way of giving your consent?”

  He let out a sigh leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees. “I don’t like the thought of you with them. I think you deserve the marriage with the white picket fence and lots of kids.”


  “But I’ve seen the way they look at you. It might not be love, but they do care, Simone. Maybe what you need is caring to start off with, and love will come to them.”

  “I can’t believe you’re giving me advice on how to lead my life.”

  “I know,” Daniel said, laughing.

  “You can’t let what happened between Mom and Dad affect you.”

  “I don’t know if I can trust myself. I never want to be like them. Waiting at the door for them to come home smelling of another woman’s perfume.”

  Her memories were too vivid and painful to let go.

  “Not all men are like that.”

  “Why haven’t you found a wife?”

  “Because I haven’t been looking.” He tapped her knee as the two doors opened. “Let yourself love, Simone. Don’t wake up in years to come alone and wishing you’d taken that leap of faith.”

  She nodded her head. “I’ll try.”

  “Call me if you need me.”

  “You’re not going to make me go home with you?” she asked, shocked.

  “I love you, lil’ sis, but you’ve got two men I don’t want in my house. Consider this my agreement to allow you to date two men.”

  He held his hands up and waved goodbye. Simone couldn’t help the laugh that erupted inside her.

  Cole and Callum were by her side in the next instant.

  “Are you ready to go home?”

  She nodded her head.

  The limousine was waiting outside for them. During the drive she leaned against Callum as Cole stroked her thigh. Their closeness helped her to ease her troubled thoughts. There was so much to talk about, but she couldn’t bring herself to disrupt their attentions.

  Callum opened the door to the condo helping her inside. Cole went to the kitchen while Callum took her to the sitting room. She sat on the couch feeling her whole body slump in exhaustion.

  “Your slap was brilliant. I love the way you shoved him off that chair,” Callum said.

  She smiled, recalling the satisfaction at surprising John.

  Cole came in carrying a tray of cups.

  “I saw him, and I got so mad. He put cameras in my apartment. I’ll be walking down the street and wondering if some guy is snickering at me because they’ve seen me in my underwear or something else.”

  Neither man spoke. She let out a frustrated sigh then grabbed her cup of coffee. “I can’t believe he got into that much debt. Is that even possible?”

  “Yes, it is possible. He needed the cash, and getting cash from the wrong people is easy. It is paying it back that is the hard part. He was in so much debt he used anything he could get his hands on. I don’t think it was right, but I understand why he did it,” Callum said.

  “It is awful.” She rubbed her arms trying to warm herself. The whole day had been surreal to her. “I still don’t like the fact people were watching me.”

  “If it makes you feel any better you were hot to watch,” Cole said.

  “You saw the footage?”

  “I was the one who figured it out. That day you changed in the closet, I was putting up the blocker I had. The closet was the only place where a camera wasn’t hiding.”

  “I wish you’d told me.”

  “You would have freaked out, Simone. I did what I thought was best at the time.”

  She couldn’t argue. Finding out at anytime would have freaked her out. Cole ran a hand up her leg going under the skirt she wore.

  “What do you want to do to pass the time?” he asked.

  Simone felt her body heat under his touches. “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “I want your lips wrapped around my cock as Callum fucks you hard.”

  Her groan eased from her lips. “We shouldn’t be thinking about sex, should we?”

  “Why not? We caught the bad guy, a rather lame bad guy, and we got him. We’re home. We’re alone. I think sex is the best possible cure,” Callum said, taking the cup from her hand.

  “You guys want me to get my clothes off.”

  “That’s what we’ve always wanted.”

  Simone let herself be picked up. Cole eased the buttons of her shirt apart while Callum released the zipper. Her clothes were gone in a matter of seconds. A harsh growl came from behind her. His palm slapped against the naked flesh of her buttocks.

  “You’re always so tempting. I want to fuck you every second of every day,” Callum said against her ear and nibbled the lobe.

  Unable to speak, she cried out showing her need through her vocals.

  “Her pussy is dripping wet, and look at her nipples. Rock hard and waiting to be sucked,” Cole said.

  She leaned her head on Callum’s shoulder, watching what they were doing to her body. Callum cupped her breasts, offering the buds to Cole. Cole sucked them into his mouth teasing each bud. When he bit down on her nipples her cries turned to all-out screams. There was no way she could control what happened.

  They were the ones in control of her body. There was nothing she could do but feel what they did.

  Simone opened herself up to their touch, feeling everything they did.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she said. They had had her naked within seconds while both men were still fully dressed.

  “You want us naked?” Callum asked.


  “Then get us naked.”

  She turned to Callum first, removing the clothes from his body. She lingered over the belt of his pants loving the way his eyes flashed a warning at her when she breathed on his erection through the fabric.

  “Don’t play with me, Simone.”

  “Why? It’s time to play.”

  “No. It’s time to get fucked.” Callum picked her up off the floor and carried her down to his own room. She squealed when he rained down blows on her ass as he carried her.

  “Put me down,” she said, shouting at the top of her lungs.

  He toppled her to the bed. Cole followed into the room grabbing condoms from the draw before dropping them onto the bed. In amongst the pile was a purple dildo. She picked the dildo up and licked the tip. “What do you want me to do to you?”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Cole said.

  She opened her lips pushing the cock to the back of her throat. When she thought she might gag on the toy, she pulled it out once again. Gagging would spoil her teasing. She wanted both men to be desperate for her, not to have visions of her throwing up.

  “She’s teasing us on purpose, Cole.”

  “I know. I think you should take her over your knee and spank her ass. Have you done that to her yet?” Cole asked.

  “No, I didn’t want to scare her off.”

  She froze. “What are you two talking about?”

  “She doesn’t know.”

  “Know what?”

  Callum caught hold of her arms and hauled her over his knees.

  Cole chuckled kneeling down to where her head lay over Callum’s knee. “Callum has a preference for spanking naughty women. I think you’ve been naughty more than once, Simone.”

  She gasped in outrage. “He wouldn’t.”

  He’d spanked her ass during sex but never out of punishment.

  “She needs her ass red raw.”

  The blows started. Simone felt the pain of each blow to her ass along with th
e pleasure from the heat.


  Callum slapped her ass, relishing the red colour his hand print was making on her delicate flesh. His cock pulsed in his pants, and the need to make her his consumed him. The moment he saw her sat in the police station looking so lost and alone an intense need to take care of her had claimed him. Simone was a fighter. A big girl who was more than happy to play the game. Inside though, she was as delicate as fine china. If they did not tread carefully then she would break. Callum didn’t want her to break. He wanted her to come to them for everything.

  You don’t want her to leave. You want her to stay with you.

  His blows stopped on her ass. He stared at his hand print, satisfied with what he’d done.

  Her body was shaking. The scent of her pussy wafted up to him. She was turned on. He took a moment to glance at Cole. His friend sent him a strange look. Callum shook his head not wanting to talk about his feelings.

  Simone hadn’t voiced her own. He didn’t want to spoil the mood by revealing what he wanted from her. At the moment he didn’t think it was love, but he knew he didn’t want to go another day without her being in his life.

  Shaking off the thoughts he pulled her into his arms, soothing her.

  “You did good, baby.”

  “That was horrible.”

  He chuckled. Her cream was coating his thigh. He felt her wetness seeping through the fabric of his clothing.

  Cole came close and stroked the hair back from her head. “Your ass is lovely and red, sweetheart.”

  She reached round to Cole and began to unbutton his shirt. Neither spoke while she removed the other man’s clothing.

  “Don’t fuck me. Make love to me,” she said.

  His heart ached for the care he wanted to give her.

  Cole helped him take her to the bed. He touched her body, spending plenty of time kissing each breast and running his hands all over her body. She whimpered and cried out. Cole loved her body with his mouth and hands. Grabbing a condom from the pile, he eased the latex over his length then forged inside her body. She gasped, her eyes closing for a second. When she opened her eyes, Callum could not look away from the blue gaze staring at him. He saw the conflict in her eyes. Something had changed from that morning to now. The Simone underneath him was not the same teasing woman from earlier. This woman wanted more from them. He knew it the moment he felt her pussy pulsing around her cock.


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