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Rough & Real

Page 13

by Hayley Faiman

  I hear him lock it and then I hear muffled voices. I know that he’s set someone up at the outside of the room, and whoever it is, won’t allow me to leave.

  I fucked everything up.

  Alone in West’s room, I pace. I feel helpless and heartless. Trying not to think about my personal dilemma, I focus on Rosalie. I wish that Remi and Reid were here with me. I want my boys. Tears fall down my cheeks and I wipe them away just as quickly as they fall.

  I hope that my mistake with Derek doesn’t keep West from being able to concentrate on finding Rosalie. She’s what’s important right now, finding her is all that matters.




  The words and feelings flow through me with each step I take further away from the room where I’ve locked Ivy away. I’m not sure I truly have the right to feel any of them though. Sure, Ivy let another man touch her, but didn’t I push her to it?

  I made it crystal fucking clear that I wasn’t fully in our relationship. I wasn’t sleeping with her regularly and I wasn’t even home. Can I really blame her? I want to. Fuck, I want to crucify her. I can’t though. Not really. Then I think about the fact that she’s let another man touch her and for some reason that makes me hard. Maybe she’s more open to my desires than I had originally thought?

  “Hacker has some shit,” MadDog rumbles. I quicken my steps and practically break out into a jog to get to his office faster.

  As soon as I walk into the office, I slam the door closed behind me and find Hacker with my gaze, waiting in anticipation to find out anything, any piece of information I can about my daughter.

  “It’s not much,” he begins. “Their GPS’ have been disabled on their phones. I have some text messages between Riley and someone named, Benny Lucky Watson. The fuck was stupid and messaged her from his fucking Facebook page,” Hacker chuckles.

  “Tell me you have an address,” MadDog murmurs.

  Glancing at him from across the room he looks fucking beat, and I wonder if I look the same. I feel it, inside, I feel like I’ve run a marathon and I’m just fucking exhausted. I can’t imagine this going on much longer, it’s only been a few hours and I want to claw out of my fucking skin.

  Hacker shakes his head. “The facial recognition software is still sifting through people. I don’t know if Benny is a real name yet. He’s got pictures though, and they definitely match one of the guys. What I don’t want to do is spook them and send them running,” he murmurs.

  “Shouldn’t they be contacting us with whatever demands they have by now?” Soar asks.

  I grunt because I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. We should have heard something from them. They didn’t take our girls just because, they want something from us—from our club. We’re all looking from one another, obviously lost in deep thought when the office door swings open.

  My eyes widen when I see MadDog’s youngest son, Bailey, standing at the entrance. His face is red and he looks fucking pissed.

  “Where’s Rosalie?” he demands.

  My back straightens and I turn to him. “Now, son you know we’re trying our hardest to find the girls,” MadDog murmurs, his voice deep and vibrating.

  “Fuck that,” Bailey shouts. MadDog’s spine straightens as well at his son’s bold words. “Fucking find her. I hate this fucking club, if anything happens to Rosalie because of this, I’ll never forgive any of you,” he announces before he spins around and runs off.

  I turn my head and lift my brows toward MadDog in surprise. “Obviously the boy has feelings about Rosalie,” he murmurs.

  Hacker snorts but all I can think is that little Bailey Duhart isn’t quite so little, he’s had his fair share of girls in and out of here, and he’s got eyes for my baby. It was one thing knowing Rosalie had a crush on him, but the other way around makes me fucking wary.

  I’ll kill the little fuck if he goes anywhere near her with his pecker. Choosing to keep that promise to myself I decide to ignore the scene that just unfolded in front of us—we all do.

  “We need addresses,” MadDog barks.

  Hacker shakes his head. “This punk is only twenty. The only address I can find for him is his parents. I highly doubt that’s where the girls are.”

  “What we need is to go to the parents and extract that goddamn information out of them of where their piece of shit kid is,” a voice growls.

  I turn toward the still open office door and see Fury leaning against the jamb. MadDog’s face breaks out into a smile at the sight of his oldest child and walks over to him. I watch as they embrace and clap each other on the back.

  “How’s Mary doin’?” I hear Fury murmur as they separate.

  MadDog shakes his head, “She’s a fuckin’ mess. Be good to have Sniper and Kentlee here for support,” he states speaking of her brother and Fury’s wife.

  “Let’s roll out to Mommy and Daddy’s house. I’m feeling like I need some release from being cooped up in a cage the whole way down here.”

  MadDog nods as a grin breaks out on his face. “Blinder and Tinker are on lookout, me, Camo, Fury, Soar, and Mammoth are going to handle shit with the parents. Don’t stop whatever it is you’re doing with getting more info, Hacker. I want updates on the half-hour.”

  “Tinker can’t go,” I announce. MadDog turns to me and his brows furrow. “He’s watching Ivy. She’s on lockdown.”

  “Brother, all the women are on lockdown,” Torch states.

  I shake my head once. “She’s on lockdown in my room, not allowed to leave. It’s none of any of your fuckin’ business why, either. Has nothing to do with this shit,” I bark waving my hand around.

  “You have her locked away from her boys while her daughter is missing?” Fury asks.

  I don’t know the man well, but he’s been around here and there throughout the years. However, his commentary on what I do with my own Old Lady and wife, isn’t welcome.

  “It’s none of your goddamn business how I handle my Old Lady,” I state.

  Fury’s face turns red and I think he’s going to charge me when Mammoth speaks up from the corner of the room. “Brother, whatever shit you and your Old Lady are going through, it don’t trump what’s happening right now. She needs to be with her kids, and I think your boys need their mama,” his deep voice rumbles.

  “She stays in her room, and I want Tinker on her,” I stubbornly announce.

  Mammoth and Fury both shake their heads. They don’t agree with me but I don’t give a fuck. My Old Lady, my fuckin’ call. Hacker gives us directions to the parents of Benny Watson. Thankfully, everyone takes their focus off of me, to devise a plan on surrounding their house as inconspicuously as possible.

  “Let’s pull it up on Google Earth and see how we can gain access with the least amount of attention and the greatest impact,” MadDog says.

  I can still feel eyes on me as we discuss our plans on gaining access to the Watson’s home. By the time we have everything hashed out, I feel like we’ve wasted another hour of our day. I’m tired of wasting precious time. I want my girl back, and I want her back now.

  We walk out of the office and into the common room where the kids and women are sitting around, all in various stages of fear. They should be scared, whoever this group is, they could have very well targeted any one of them.

  “Dad,” Remi shouts. He’s against the wall sitting with Reid. I quickly walk over to them and both boys jump up and wrap their arms around my waist. “Why can’t we see Mom? We went to your room and Uncle Tinker said she couldn’t come out,” Remi asks taking a step back.

  He’s ten, a little man, and he knows far too much for his age, more than I probably realize. I shake my head. “She’s staying there for a while. Now, I need you to watch over your brother, okay?” I ask.

  Remi narrows his eyes on me, obviously pissed he can’t see his mama. Well too fuckin’ bad, she’s being punished and I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with her yet. “Yeah, whatever,” Remi mumbles.

  “What’s that?” I ask a litter harsher than I’d intended.

  Remi’s eyes meet mine and I’m surprised to see the anger that I do filling them, and aimed toward me nonetheless. “You’re being a dick, Dad. You’ve been a dick. I hope when you get Rosalie back that Mom leaves your worthless ass.”

  I reach out to slap him, but someone’s hand wraps around my wrist to stop me. “Don’t take your anger out on the kid,” Grease’s loud voice booms. “Boys, go on up to me and Aunt Serina’s room. She went to the store and got junk food for you both.”

  Watching, Reid wraps his hand around Remi’s, but Remi glares at me for what seems like an eternity before he turns and runs off with Reid in tow. Grease releases my hand and I let it fall to my side. “Get ahold of yourself, Camo,” he murmurs.

  “I am,” I lie.

  He snorts, not believing me, as he shouldn’t. “You still haven’t worked your shit out with your wife, and now your kids are giving you shit for it too. You’re hurting them when you hurt Ivy.”

  “She fucked a prospect,” I growl.

  Grease’s eyes widen and then he chuckles. “You mad at her because she fucked someone else or because you weren’t around to watch it?” he asks.

  Placing my hands on my hips, I tip my head down and look at my boots. He’s not wrong in his line of questioning, and he knows it better than anybody. “We hadn’t even talked, Grease. She fucked him, and I can’t just pretend she didn’t.”

  “Either you want to play, or you don’t. If you would have set up boundaries, like I fucking suggested, it wouldn’t be a problem. She’s my sister, I love her, but I also understand she’s a woman and, brother, you have not been treating her fairly for months. Can you really blame her for straying?”

  “Let’s roll out,” MadDog shouts interrupting our serious conversations.

  Grease claps his hand on my shoulder before I leave, giving it a squeeze. “Think about it, brother. Think about all of it. Don’t worry about the boys. Me and Serina got them. They’ve got snacks and movies to keep them occupied.”

  I lift my chin to Grease and turn away from him, jogging out of the clubhouse to meet the other men in the parking lot before we load on our bikes and get the fuck out of here. I do need to think about it, to think about everything, but first I need to find my baby girl.

  We only had to travel about thirty minutes to arrive at our destination. The back alley of this neighborhood is exactly the way it was depicted on Google Maps, which is good.

  We cut the engines of our bikes three houses back, then creep up and park behind the house. The alley and surrounding area are quiet, which can be a good or a bad thing. Hopefully there aren’t any busybody neighbors living around here.

  Blinder lifts his chin and jumps the fence in the back, hugging the fence line as he walks around to the side of the house to stand next to the only back entrance.

  Roach is already placed at the front of the house, as Tinker’s replacement for a lookout, there. Fury is with him, ready to storm through the front door at the right time.

  “Ready?” MadDog asks.

  We all grunt and lift our chins simultaneously. Luckily, there’s a back gate that leads from the yard to the alley for the trash. Soar hops the fence and a few minutes later the gate opens and the rest of us waltz into the Watson’s backyard.

  Quietly we make our way to the back porch, and I lift my chin to Blinder, who is standing guard at the sliding glass door. “They’re watching television in the living room,” he murmurs softly. MadDog grunts as his only response and slowly opens the sliding glass door, careful not to make a noise.

  As silently as our boots allow, we enter the home, and the couple is where Blinder said they would be. Sitting in their prospective spots, watching something on TV. Fury walks up to my side and I lift my chin to him as I slip past him and make my way in front of the couple. The woman reacts to my presence first, letting out a loud blood-curdling scream.

  I’m surprised by their ages. They’re both fairly young, around my own age, but they look beat down by life. The woman’s blonde hair looks greasy and limp, she’s overweight and has a cigarette dangling from her fingertips. The man is overweight as well, although he doesn’t look scared, he looks almost resigned.

  “What did those fuckup kids of mine do now?” he asks.

  Fury coughs from behind them but I don’t look away from the couple in front of me. The man knows his kids are scum, but the woman, she’s terrified which means she either has no clue, or she refuses to see what’s happening around her.

  “Where are they?” MadDog asks, walking around from behind them, his handgun loosely hanging from his fingertips.

  The man sits up a little straighter and I watch as his eyes take in our vests and when he realizes just who we are, something akin to terror crosses over his features. “Why are the Notorious Devils looking for my sons?” he asks, his voice trembling with fear.

  I watch as he shifts in his seat. Pulling out my own weapon, I point it directly at him. Then, his pants turn a different color as he fucking pisses himself. Turning my nose up in disgust I try not to gag at the fact that a grown fucking man just pissed himself. I should end his life right this fucking minute just to save him from the embarrassment.

  “Your sons kidnapped three Notorious Devils’ daughters. Where the fuck are they?” MadDog barks.

  The woman jumps to her feet before MadDog turns his weapon on her, pointing it directly at her face. “My Benny and Jerry would never do that, you’re a liar,” she shouts.

  MadDog chuckles humorlessly. “Pretty strong words for having a gun pointed at your fat head,” he murmurs.

  “You wouldn’t hurt a woman,” she snorts.

  MadDog grunts. “Bitch I’ve killed women for a lot less than calling me a liar. You think I give a fuck if you’ve got a cunt or a dick between your legs when it comes to the safety of my goddamn daughters? I fucking do not. If you weren’t so fat and ugly I’d whore you out instead of kill you, but I only got one choice. Now where are those pieces of shit you shot outta your fat cunt?” he shouts.

  Mammoth whistles before turning his head to look at the woman’s profile from behind. “If I were you, lady, I’d tell the man where your kids are. They’re in a lot of trouble, taking the president’s daughters and all. I would think you’d want your precious kids found before he loses his patience,” he warns.

  It’s a lie. MadDog doesn’t have patience, especially when it comes to someone fucking with his family.

  “They’ve been staying at his friend Kodie’s house. Benny’s been staying there for weeks,” the father quickly blurts out.

  “I cannot believe you just signed our babies death wish,” the woman hisses.

  The man shakes his head. “Woman, your sons signed all of our deaths when they fucked with the Notorious Devils,” he murmurs.

  “Damn fucking straight,” MadDog states before he pulls his trigger and kills the woman, then aims his gun at the man and pulls the trigger, killing him. “You get a couple of the kids,” MadDog mutters, turning to me.

  “Thanks,” I grunt.

  “You know you could have fucking warned us you were going to blow their brains out,” Mammoth announces.

  Lifting my eyes, I see that both him and Soar are covered in blood, brain, hair and skull matter.

  I can’t help it, I start to laugh. Soar flips me off and I watch him walk away, Mammoth at his back. Then I hear a door open and close and water running. “Call a couple of prospects over to clean this shit up,” Fury mutters.

  I run my hand over my face and turn to MadDog. “Well, I guess one of the other kid’s name is Kodie, and the other’s Jerry.”

  I watch as his lips twitch before he lifts his phone to his ear. He walks away from us and I look around the room. It’s not a well-kept house, in fact, it’s littered with trash. These people were lazy to the core.

  “Might wanna get in here, and have a look,” Mammoth calls out from the hall.
/>   MadDog’s brows tug together and he storms past me. I quickly follow behind him. He walks into a bedroom and I do the same, stopping as soon as I catch a glance at what is surrounding me.

  It’s hundreds of photographs. They’re all of people I recognize. They’re all of Notorious Devils members and our families. They’ve been watching us for a while, by the looks of things. These aren’t just some stupid punk ass kids, these boys have a fucking plan, and they’ve been planning for months.

  “What the fuck is all of this?” MadDog whispers.

  My eyes catch a picture of Ivy. She’s got her gym clothes on, and she’s walking inside. I take long quick, strides to get close to the photo. Tugging it off of the wall I study it. I can tell it was taken a few months ago. She’s still got some of her sexy curves, not quite the trim woman she is now. “This was at least two months ago,” I mutter.

  “This one was a while ago too,” Soar says with a picture in his own hand.

  My eyes find MadDog. “We need to find our girls,” I state.

  “Fuck yeah we do.”

  I’ve turned my wrists raw, and I know they’re bleeding. They have to be. I can’t get this fucking rope off of them, and my ankles are just as bad. Finley has tears running down her cheeks, but I can’t cry, not yet. Tears equal defeat and I’m not giving up. Although, I don’t know what they did to her when they took her in the back room.

  Benny, Riley’s supposed boyfriend won’t let the other guys anywhere near her. Which is good for her, but unfortunately, he didn’t state the same rules applied to Finley or me.

  “You need to get it together, Finny. We have to figure out a way to get out of here,” I whisper.

  Benny has Riley on the sofa and he’s whispering in her ear and kissing her neck but she looks just as terrified as us. Turning back to Finley, I wait for her to speak. Her bottom lip trembles. “There’s no way out, Rosalie. We’re tied up. We just have to wait for our dads to find us.”


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