Book Read Free

Rough & Real

Page 19

by Hayley Faiman

  I wrap my hands under her arms and bring her to standing. “That sounds fucking perfect,” I chuckle.

  Laying back, I tug her on top of me and wrap her in my arms. Thankful that this shit is done and over. Grateful that she’s stuck with me through all of it, and happy that we’ve found a common ground and a kink that we both enjoy.

  I slap her ass before I roll her over so that she’s on her back, and I’m between her thighs. Running my nose alongside hers, I move to press my lips to her mouth. No more words are spoken between us, they don’t need to be. I love her, and she loves me—that’s all that really matters.

  Tugging my cut over my shoulders, I wrap my hand around the doorknob, then I look back at my wife. She’s sleeping peacefully, her body completely exhausted from countless orgasms last night, and again this morning. I bite my bottom lip as my eyes rake over her body.

  Fuck, she’s absolutely beautiful. Still like nobody else I’ve ever seen.

  Quietly, I slip out of our room and lock the door behind me. I don’t know how many hangers we still have around this place, but I want my wife safe.

  Making my way down to the main part of the clubhouse I look around. The person I’m looking for isn’t there, so I look in the last place I saw him—the free-for-all room.

  It doesn’t take me long to find him, he’s passed out in the middle of the room, buck ass naked with Pixie sprawled on top of him. I kick his thigh with my boot, harder than I need to. He jumps and sits straight up, throwing the whore from his body.

  “Camo?” he asks in confusion as he looks around.

  “Get dressed, meet me out front,” I bark.

  I don’t stand around and wait for him to do as I’ve ordered. I turn around and start to head toward the front of the bar. I walk past body after body of passed out people. I don’t stop long enough to even notice who I’m walking by. My only mission is to get outside.

  My blood starts to pump and rush through my body with each step I take. Once I’m outside, the sun beats down on me and I suck in a deep breath, letting it out.

  The door to the clubhouse slams and I turn around to find Derek standing in front of me, his hands dangling loosely at his side.

  “So you’re going to punish me for last night?” he asks, tipping his head to the side.

  I shake my own head. “No, not last night,” I admit. “You still fucked my wife, my Old Lady, my property,” I hiss. “Without my permission.”

  Derek’s shoulders drop a bit. “You want to fight for her? I want her as my own woman, you don’t know how to treat her,” he grinds out.

  I can’t help myself, I can’t control myself. I throw back my head in laughter at his words. “Boy, she doesn’t want you, and you can’t handle a woman like her,” I grunt.

  “Fuck you,” he spits.

  Pulling my arm back, I ball my hand into a fist and smash it against the side of his face. He stumbles back, shocked, and I take advantage. I hit him in the gut with my other fist. Then, again in the face. I don’t stop. Our arms fly and our fists land on each other’s faces and torsos.

  We end up in a cinch, and I only have one hand free. I hit him, over and over and over again in the side of the head. His body goes limp, bringing me down on top of him and I don’t stop. I take everything out on his fucking face. My anger, my rage, and my frustrations not only at him but at myself as well.

  “Camo,” a voice calls. I feel my body being dragged away a second later.

  “Call the doc,” someone else screams.

  I’m deposited on my ass and I look up to see Torch standing above me. “What the fuck, man?” he shouts.

  Standing to my feet I sway slightly before I right myself. “He fucked my wife,” I announce.

  Torch’s eyes widen and he looks back at Derek, then to me. “You should’ve brought it up in church first,” he murmurs.

  I shake my head. “I’ll take my punishment, but that shit needed to happen,” I announce.

  Torch wraps his hand around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. “I get it, brother. If someone would have come in when Cleo and me were having issues, I probably would do the same.”

  “You wouldn’t have let anyone tear you away from him until he was dead,” I deadpan.

  Torch’s lips break out into a big ass grin. “Fucking right,” he chuckles. “Let me get you a beer.”

  We walk back into the clubhouse, I groan as I sit down on the bar stool. Torch jogs over to the other side of the bar and gets a couple of beers. We don’t speak again, staring at the back of the bar I think about what just went down.

  I should have just let it all fucking go. I shouldn’t have lost my shit the way that I did.

  When I’m finished with my beer, I leave Torch and head back to my room. I’ve cooled off. I need to see my wife. I need to tell her what just happened before she hears it from someone else.

  I’m curious to see her reaction as well. She claims that Derek was a mistake, that she has no feelings for him. I guess I’ll find out if that’s the truth or not.

  I stretch, wrapped up in the comforter and sheets, and smile. The warm sun shines down on my face. I love the way it feels and I don’t want to open my eyes. I hear a male’s voice chuckle. Reluctantly, I open one eye to see West watching me from a chair across the room.

  “Baby,” I whisper.

  Lazily my eyes roam his body and then I go stiff when I see blood on his shirt and his hands. Sitting up, I pull the sheet up my chest. “What happened?” I demand.

  West’s eyes go from smiling to alert. He looks down at his hands, his shirt, and then back up to me. He only shrugs but doesn’t give me an answer. Keeping the sheet around me, I slide off of the bed and quickly walk up to him.

  Sinking down to my knees in front of his legs, I place one of my palms on his knee while I hold the sheet with my other hand. “Tell me what happened?”

  “Club business is the answer I should give you,” he murmurs cupping my jaw. His thumb traces my bottom lip and I shiver at the feel of his rough finger on my skin. “I beat the fuck out of Derek.”

  “West,” I gasp.

  He shakes his head. “He had it comin’ to him, baby. He touched what’s mine without my permission.” He drops to his knees and rips the sheet down from my body. “This is done. We’ll never speak of him again, of what happened. Know that I’m not mad at you, baby. What happened with me and Derek was a necessity though.”

  Tears fill my eyes and they start to fall down my cheeks. The guilt I felt when I let Derek inside of my body, consumes me yet again. West is telling me with his words that everything is okay, but the hurt in his eyes is speaking volumes about something completely different. “Never again, West, I swear,” I whisper.

  He wraps one of his hands in the back of my hair and fists it tightly. Tugging my neck back, he wraps his other hand around my waist and pulls my body against his. His face is centimeters away from mine. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come. Instead, he smashes his lips against mine and slowly lowers me to the ground.

  My back is flat on the hard floor, and West’s body is heavy on top of my own, but I don’t care. I welcome every part of his weight against me. His teeth tug on my bottom lip before his tongue fills my mouth and I let out a moan. Lifting my own arms, I thread my fingers through his hair and hold him against me. He shifts above me and I hear the teeth of his zipper on his jeans lower.

  West’s cock slides through my center. I let out a whimper as I spread my legs wider. I want him inside of me, it doesn’t matter how sore I am right now—I’ll recover.

  When he finally fills me, he lets out a long groan. His dark eyes connect with mine and he doesn’t break away as he begins to pump in and out of my body.

  “This is us, Ivy. Right here, inside of you, this has always been perfect,” he murmurs. His thrusts stay languid, lazy, and even. “My wife, my woman, my life.”

  Hitching my legs up a little higher, I tightly wrap them around him. I don’t care how cheesy it sounds,
in this moment, it fits. Our rebirth of a life, of a marriage, is happening right now on this dirty as shit clubhouse bedroom floor, and it’s absolutely beautiful.

  I place my hand on his cheek and feel his beard between my fingers as he continues to fuck me, his pace beginning to speed up. His hand leaves my back and he slips it between us as his fingers tighten in my hair. When his thumb presses against my clit, I shiver.

  “Come, Ivy,” he rasps.

  I nod, my fingers biting into his cheek and I lift my hips to meet his thrusts. I know I’m close, so close, and I suck in a breath and try to keep my eyes from floating closed, not wanting to miss a second of this moment.

  His fingers pinch my clit and my climax rushes through me. I open my mouth but no sound escapes. West takes the opportunity to fill my mouth with his tongue and slams into me a few more times before he moans and I feel him fill me with his release.

  “Goddamn,” he grunts, ripping his lips from mine.

  I try not to giggle, but I fail, mainly because I feel the exact same way. Goddamn. I open my mouth to speak but there’s a knock on the door. West starts to yell something but the door opens and I let out a squeak, pulling him down further on top of me to cover me up.

  “Seen what you got to offer already, Ivy, no need to cover it up now,” Tinker winks.

  I gasp at his words, but West growls. “The fuck?” he shouts.

  “Pres called emergency church. Wanted to make sure you were front and center, brother,” Tinker announces before he turns around and walks off.

  West grumbles as he slips from my body and stands, pulling his jeans up as he walks over to the door and slams it closed before locking it. “Get some fucking clothes on,” he growls.

  “Are you seriously pissed because he saw me last night?” I demand as I pick up the earlier discarded sheet and wrap it around my body.

  West places his hands on his hips and shakes his head as he looks down at his booted feet. “I’m pissed because he mentioned it, Ivy. No other fucking reason. I like showing you off for the world.”

  I’m unable to control the smile that appears on my lips. “Okay, baby,” I whisper.

  I let my sheet fall again and I run toward him, my arms wrapping around his neck. My lips graze his. West wraps his hands around my ass and gives it a squeeze.

  “I gotta go, baby,” he murmurs. I nod and take a step back from him. “See you in a few, love you,” he murmurs as he unlocks, opens, and closed the door behind him.

  I flip the lock before I go in search of some of my clothes and toiletries. I need a shower after all the sex we’ve had, I seriously stink. Once I’ve gathered everything, I also find one of West’s shirts and slip it over my naked body. I really hate the communal showers in this place.

  Hurrying down the hall, I slip into the bathroom and rush through my routine, washing and shaving everything that needs it. I quickly get dressed and dump all of my shit in West’s room before I head downstairs in search of food. I’m freaking starving.

  The entire clubhouse is pretty much silent as I make my way toward the kitchen. I expect the kitchen to be just as quiet, but it’s not. There are women everywhere, Old Ladies, and it’s then that I realize they’re starting to prep for the family barbeque that’s about to go down.

  “Hey,” Hattie calls out with a smile. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a ponytail and she’s stirring what looks like pasta salad in a commercial sized metal bowl. I give her a silent wave and go in search of fresh coffee.

  Serina is standing next to the coffee maker and gives me a grin. “Heard about last night, then about Derek getting his ass beat this morning,” she whispers before pouring me a cup and handing it over.

  I nod, sipping the warm liquid, but not elaborating. “Guessing, daddy doesn’t like his toys touched as much as he thought he would,” she states. I lift my eyes to hers and she winks. “It’s okay, sometimes they think they know what they want, but they have no fucking clue,” she shrugs.

  “Care to elaborate on that?” I ask, raising a brow.

  Serina shrugs. “Me and your brother are open, obviously,” she says. “That doesn’t mean that it’s always been that way. We have our own set of rules, ones that happened to come about because he didn’t like me bringing another man home. He didn’t know he was going to hate it, but he did. That’s why we only play here, and only in the open.”

  “I had no clue,” I murmur.

  She giggles. “Most people don’t. It’s a boundary he didn’t even know existed until it was infringed on, you know?” I nod. She squeezes my hand, then walks away to help get the party food ready.

  Thinking about her words, I see things a little clearer now. West didn’t know what he wanted, and there’s no way to know what he would have been cool with, especially without trying it. Now he knows.

  Now I know that he’s the only man I want inside of my pussy. The thrill of being watched is still there, and the way he takes control is sexy as shit, but that part of me is only for him.

  Everybody watches me as I walk through the door. I’m the last to arrive and MadDog’s eyes track me with every single move I make until I reach my seat and sit down. He leans back in his chair and places his elbows on the armrests as he just looks at me. I wait for him to speak, becoming a little uncomfortable in my own seat every passing second.

  “You beat the shit out of a prospect. Do you realize that he’s lost his eye? Doc couldn’t save it,” he announces.

  I wince at the unimaginable pain Derek must feel. I should feel fucking guilty as fuck. I don’t. He had it coming for touching my wife, though maybe I should have broken his fingers and dick, instead? I don’t respond though, choosing to stay quiet and listen to my fate.

  “Do you want to explain to the class why you did that without bringing it up in church first?” MadDog asks.

  Clearing my throat, I rub my hand on the back of my neck. “He fucked my wife,” I announce.

  MadDog chuckles and my eyes snap up to his. “Brother, he ate her in front of an entire room of people last night, you didn’t have a fucking issue then.”

  Rage fills me at his words. What happens in there, stays in there, and I’m getting pretty fucking pissed off that everybody keeps fucking mentioning it this morning. “He fucked her before I gave him permission,” I murmur.

  MadDog nods. “You should have come to me, at least. I have to punish you somehow for today. You’re on dock duty for the next two months,” he announces. “Now, everything cool with you and Ivy?” he asks.

  “Yeah, Pres, we’re cool,” I murmur.

  He lifts his chin. “I’m retiring,” he announces. Everybody makes a noise of surprise except me. I knew it was coming, although I’m surprised he’s announcing it today. “I don’t know who I’m going to choose as my successor. Fury has his own club to run in Idaho, but I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be making a decision within a month’s time.”

  “What the fuck?” Tinker whispers beside me.

  MadDog’s eyes scan the room. “I’m tired and I’m old as fuck. Time’s come,” he murmurs.

  He throws down his gavel but nobody moves. It’s as if they’re all frozen in their spots, staring at their president.

  “If any of you wants the position, let me know,” he shrugs as he stands. We all watch him walk out of the room, still frozen in surprise.

  Torch stands and shakes his head. “It’s the end of a goddamn era,” he mutters.

  “I don’t blame him, I’m feeling pretty fuckin’ old myself these days,” Mammoth announces.

  “Somebody in this room will be the new president of the original charter of the Notorious Devils. I for one don’t care which one of you all, it is. I trust all of you with my life, every single one of you, and I trust you with this club,” I announce standing to my feet.

  The room bursts out in applause and voices of agreement. “Now, let’s party,” Texas hollers. As the Vice President he should probably be the one to take over, however, he’s not much y
ounger than MadDog and I have a feeling he’s close to retirement as well.

  We all file out of the room, a bit of weight lifted from us from MadDog’s announcement, but there is definitely a note of change in the air. I don’t go anywhere but straight toward the female voices coming out of the kitchen. When I walk through the door, my eyes take less than a second to find her.

  Ivy’s back is to me, but I’d know her sweet ass anywhere. Quietly, I make my way toward her. She’s stirring something in a bowl and chatting with Kentlee.

  Shifting her hair to the side, I press my lips to her neck. Immediately her arm wraps around the back of my head, with a moan, and her fingers grab ahold of my hair.

  “Hey, baby,” she whispers. The sound of her sweet throaty voice goes straight to my cock and I rub it against her ass so she can feel how she affects me. “West,” she giggles.

  Wrapping my hands around her small waist, I give her a squeeze. “Kids’ll be here soon,” I announce against her soft skin. She nods, not verbalizing her answer. “All my selfish bullshit lately, I fuckin’ miss them,” I admit.

  Ivy drops what she’s doing and turns around in my arms. Placing her hands on my chest, she tips her head back. “It’s not like you were completely gone for years, West. You can make it all good, again. They love you so much.”

  Cupping her cheek in my hand, I look into her soft brown eyes. They’re eyes that I thought I could walk away from, eyes that I had decided I could live without. Lies I told myself, over and over again. I could never leave my Ivy. Not ever. “Just like their mama,” I rasp.

  “Hell yes, baby.” She grins lifting to her toes and pressing her lips to mine.

  “Okay lovebirds, we have food to get out there. We’re going to have some hungry teenagers and men soon, and I’m not about to get my ass reamed because you two couldn’t stop sucking face so we could get this food ready in time,” Colleen shouts.


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