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Page 30

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “I can’t!” Molly wailed, nearly insensible from the biting pleasure suffusing her body. “I’ll come if I do! I’ll be a good girl from now on, Dev,” she panted, pressing frantic kisses against his neck as her pussy coiled tighter, hovering on the brink of release.

  “Did you learn your lesson yet, baby? You gonna be my sweet girl from now on?” Devil asked against her lips, swirling his tongue around hers before pulling back to stare into her emerald eyes.

  “Yes! Yes, Devil! I’ll be a good girl! Just let me cum!” she begged, jerking her hips forward to meet every deep surge of his hips, screaming in rapture as his cock bumped her G-spot.

  Groaning deeply as her pussy contracted around his cock, Devil lifted her legs higher, pushing them against her chest and changing the angle of his penetration. Sinking deeper, he felt her pussy liquefy around him. “Fuck, yeah, you’re my good girl!” he cursed as her walls clamped around his cock when he bottomed out inside her. “Milk my cock, baby!” he growled against her ear. “Cum for me, Molly! Cum now all over me, baby!” he groaned, baring his teeth in a grimace of agonized pleasure as her pussy liquefied around him and convulsed as the first spray of his semen erupted from his dick, coating her walls in his seed. He gripped her ass in his hands as he continued pumping into her, emptying himself in her molten depths as she squealed against his shoulder, her body still rocking against his as she rode the wave of her orgasm.

  Their harsh breaths mingled as they collapsed against each other covered in a fine sheen of sweat. “Jesus, Molly,” Devil breathed, running his nose against hers as his hand slid up and down her still heaving back. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “You started it,” she reminded him, her voice weak as she snuggled closer to him, her body growing chilled as the fire in her blood slowly calmed.

  “No, you started it by deliberately cutting your hair when I asked you not to,” he countered, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. “Luckily for you, I happen to love your new look.”

  “You do?” Molly asked, lifting her bright eyes to his.

  “There’s nothing you could do to change the fact that you’re beautiful, Molly,” Devil murmured quietly. “You could have scalped yourself, and I’d say the same thing. If you were trying to get under my skin, you’ll have to try harder than that. The only thing this little bit of impulsiveness proved is that I’m always going to retaliate in kind,” he warned, nipping her lower lip. “Although, I think you enjoy my special brand of torture.”

  Catching her breath as his cock flexed inside her, Molly’s eyelashes fluttered as he kissed her again. “You’re so arrogant. I’ll just have to try harder to make my point from now on. You’re not my boss, Devil. Not anymore. Deal with it,” she mumbled against his mouth as she tightened her legs around his waist just as the phone rang in the bedroom.

  “You do what you gotta do to prove that, angel, and so will I,” Devil replied with a sinful grin as he pulled out of her snug passage only to sink back in to his balls. He loved that she tested him. Even when he was still buried in her body, she met his challenge with one of her own.

  The sensual spell they were both under faded ever so slightly when they heard the answering machine pick up the call in the bedroom.

  “Margaret Ellinor, are you there? You’d better not be there,” Anne Ramsey’s voice threatened sternly through the phone line. “You and Devil had better be on your way to the church, young lady. Tonight is your pre-marital counseling session. I tried calling your cell phones – both yours and Devil’s, and neither of you are answering. Pick up if you’re there,” she demanded impatiently.

  “Oh, my God!” Molly squealed, squirming against Devil as he slid deeper into her willing body. Slapping his chest, she shook her head. “Stop it! She’ll know!” She batted frantically at his chest as Devil pulled out of her with a low groan. Hopping off the sink, she sprinted, mostly naked, to the phone as her idiot fiancé laughed behind her.

  “Sweetheart, she’s on the phone, not standing in the doorway,” Devil chuckled, watching as Molly darted across the bedroom to snatch up the phone.

  “Hi, Momma!” she greeted her mother as she pressed the phone to her ear. “We’re here. I’m just finishing getting ready, and we’re out the door.”

  Devil watched as Molly blushed while she listened to her mother. There was no way the woman was going to miss how out of breath her daughter sounded.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t answer the cell phone, Momma,” she apologized, pushing her hair behind her ears as she fidgeted with the cups of her bra, pulling them back up and over her breasts. “What were we doing? I… uhmmm… we were just….we got busy,” she said faintly, squeezing her eyes closed as her momma’s voice squawked in her ear.

  Molly hung her head and covered her eyes as she listened to her momma speaking. “Yes, Momma,” she admitted hesitantly, “That’s what we were doing. Yes, Momma, I know fornication is a sin before marriage. I’ll repent profusely for it tonight, I swear! Yes, I’m sure Devil will, too.”

  Devil choked on his laughter as he listened to Molly reluctantly confess their alleged sins to her mother. Personally, he couldn’t believe that anything that felt as right and pure as loving Molly’s body could ever be considered wrong. He believed the Almighty would understand that.

  Watching the blush on her embarrassed face deepen as her mother continued to talk, he shook his head. The poor woman really couldn’t lie to anyone, but especially not to her mother. Devil couldn’t help his amused smile when she glared across the room at him, and he wondered if she realized she was lying to her mother now since it wasn’t likely that he’d ever be able to repent for laying claim to her amazing body.

  Married or not, she was his.

  He’d be damned if he’d say he was sorry for that.

  Besides, in a matter of days, she’d be his in the eyes of God, the church, and her sainted momma as well.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Molly hissed as she finally hung up the phone and turned to glare at him. “She knew, Devil! She knew what we were doing!”

  “Because you told her,” Devil clarified as he grinned even wider. “How is your inability to tell a little white lie my fault?” he asked, enjoying the view as she stomped toward her dresser and pulled another pair of sexy underwear from a drawer. How the hell was he going to concentrate on what the pastor said when he knew what kind of indecent panties she’d be hiding under her clothes? Sweet God, what the hell was the point in even putting them on…they barely covered anything at all.

  “Given enough incentive, I can make most things all your fault, Devil. My mother said to tell you to keep your hands and all your other parts to yourself and get me to the church on time,” she growled, repeating her mother’s words like the dutiful daughter she was. “So, quit leering,” Molly ordered over her shoulder as she shimmied into the silk underwear. “It’s creepy.”

  “You wear something like that, and trust me, I’m gonna look, leer, and lust,” he retorted with a nod at the scrap of black lace covering her mound. “It’s just a fact of life, darlin’,” he remarked when she scowled at him.

  Rolling her eyes, Molly stomped toward the closet and pulled out a red sleeveless dress, sliding it over her head and pulling it down with a seductive twist of her hips. Smoothing the material over her hips, she turned to face Devil. “Well?” she asked, holding her arms out. “Do I look okay?”

  “Christ, Molly!” She looked fucking phenomenal. “Is that one of the dresses you bought today?” he asked hoarsely, eyeing her body like a man on death row. The soft material fell to just above her knees and clung lovingly to every curve. The sweetheart neckline only highlighted her breasts, offering anyone that looked an enticing view of her cleavage.

  “Uh huh. Sami helped me choose some styles and colors that suited my body,” Molly explained with a smile. “Do you like it?”

  “You look amazing, but you can’t wear that,” he denied firmly, shaking his head.

  “Why not?” she hu
ffed, even though she glowed from his praise. “It’s Prada! I know I couldn’t wear it to any kind of formal event, but it’ll be perfect for tonight.”

  “It shows way too much skin,” he muttered, running his eyes up her bare legs. “I doubt the pastor will agree to marry us after I deck him for ogling you. Which he will, because that dress leaves very little to the imagination. Any warm-blooded male would look, and based on what I witnessed on Sunday, Travis was more than a little hot for you.”

  Molly couldn’t help her smirk. “Why, Devil, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sound quite so territorial. May I remind you that you were the one that insisted on my new wardrobe? You can’t complain about it now. It was your idea.”

  Pressing his lips into a thin line as she stuck her dainty feet into heels that made her legs look a mile long, he nearly whimpered out loud. She was walking, talking temptation, and she was his, damn it. “I’m not complaining exactly,” he grumbled, relieved to see that she’d grabbed a cream wrap for her arms. “I just don’t like other men to see what belongs to me.”

  “I’m not property, Devil,” Molly snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously as she turned to look at him. “I’d appreciate if you’d quit referring to me like I’m some kind of possession. If I’m anything, I’m a short-term loan, remember? I’m not one of your long-term assets.”

  “Stop trying to arrange yourself to fit on my balance sheet, Molly,” Devil warned, tensing as he realized that she still assumed their marriage would be temporary. He’d allow her to keep her assumptions for now; there’d be time enough for her to learn he had no intention of letting her go once she wore his wedding band on her finger. Clearing his throat, he smiled as he reached for her, looping his arms around her waist. “Let’s not argue. The dress is beautiful, and you’re right… I’ve got no room to criticize your choices after I demanded you go shopping.”

  “You remember that, Devil,” Molly ordered, poking his chest with a finger. “Especially when you get the bill,” she added sweetly.

  He knew she was trying to bury her knife a little deeper in his chest, but he wasn’t going to rise to the bait. If she thought she’d punish him by spending his money, she was gonna have to take more drastic measures than purchasing clothes. She’d have to buy an island or two. As far as he was concerned, she could have whatever she wanted.

  As long as he got her.

  “My wallet can handle whatever damage you do to it, Molly,” he replied evenly. His just hoped his heart was padded as well as his bank account.

  Because this woman had the power to break him completely if he didn’t move cautiously.

  Chapter Fifty

  Taking Devil’s hand as he opened the passenger side door to his Mercedes a half hour later, Molly sighed as she looked toward the brick church where she’d spent almost every Sunday since she’d been born. Worshiping here had been one of the highlights of her childhood; the closely knit flock that attended here was a second family to her. Any other time, standing outside the house of God would have given her a sense of peace and serenity.

  This evening, however, the thought of walking into her lovely church only filled her belly with butterflies and her heart with dread.

  She didn’t want to lie.

  She couldn’t lie. Not effectively, at any rate.

  Going inside the sanctified interior and telling the pastor that she intended to spend her life with Devil Delancy when she knew it was only a temporary arrangement meant to soothe his Nana in her last days was a whopper that was going to send her straight to Hell.

  On the freaking express crazy train.

  At least if she was asked if she loved him, she could say without faltering that she did.

  Loving Devil wasn’t her problem. What woman with a pulse wouldn’t love him? When he wasn’t being an overbearing, domineering pain in her ass, he was really quite sweet. Handsome and intelligent, she knew he’d worked hard to achieve success. Now a force to be reckoned with in the business community, he wielded power with a cool efficiency and ease that she often was stunned to witness. While extremely wealthy, he was also generous and supported several charities with extravagant donations. There wasn’t a woman she knew – even his nemesis, Sami – that didn’t find him a catch.

  And he was going to be her husband, albeit temporarily.

  “Molly?” Devil frowned, touching her back lightly when her footsteps stalled on the sidewalk and she stared at the church, holding her lower lip tightly between clenched teeth. “What’s the matter, honey?”

  Unable to look at him, Molly’s eyes drifted over the parking lot as she shook her head. Suddenly grabbing Devil’s arm as she spotted the old Chevy truck in the corner of the gravel lot, her eyes widened. “No!” she moaned, shaking her head frantically. “Oh, no, no, no, nooooo!”

  Following her gaze, Devil’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

  “It was supposed to be Travis, Devil! I might have been able to pull one over on him. He doesn’t know me all that well! But I’ll never fool HIM!” she rambled, panicking as her stare remained locked on Pastor Martin’s older model truck. “He’s known me since I was a baby! He baptized me!”

  Taking Molly by the arms, Devil shook her slightly. “Molly, look at me,” he ordered sternly, waiting until he held her panicked eyes with his. “Slow down and explain to me what’s happening right now because I don’t have a clue.”

  “I can’t lie!” Molly blurted, gripping his arm and tugging frantically.

  “Tell me something I don’t know, babe. You admitted an hour ago that we’d been intimate to your mother. If I hadn’t figured it out before today, I certainly know now,” Devil informed her calmly, wrapping an arm around her when a cold breeze rattled the oak trees surrounding the church. “C’mon, let’s just go inside.”

  “I can’t! Pastor Martin is in there!”

  “So?” Devil shrugged. “He’s going to marry us. Maybe he changed his mind and wants to be the one that counsels us, too.”

  “That’s just it! I don’t want him to counsel us. He’ll see straight through me. Don’t you get it? He’ll know, and he’ll never agree to perform the ceremony no matter how good our intentions are!”

  “Molly, again, I’m not following you.” Devil shook his head. “Make me understand before we both freeze to death out here.”

  Molly could tell he was striving for patience. Unfortunately, he was failing miserably. “Pastor Martin knows me better than anybody but my family, Devil. I’m never going to be able to convince him that this is going to be a real marriage between us.”

  “This is going to be a real marriage between us,” Devil countered, his face baffled. “We’re already over halfway there; it’s been consummated.”

  “Nuh uh,” Molly denied vehemently, digging in her heals. “He’s going to see right through our act. You don’t know him like I do. And don’t you dare mention the fact that we consummated anything, Devil!”

  “I wasn’t planning on it, Molly. I do have some boundaries even if I occasionally blur them from time to time. And for the record, I’m not acting here, Molly. I want to marry you. Let’s go tell the preacher that before Christmas arrives,” Devil retorted, jerking his head toward the door as he pulled on her hand.

  “We’ll elope!” Molly offered stubbornly. “You suggested it once before and after reconsidering my options, I think you were onto something there.” She was grasping at straws and the look in his eyes told her that Devil thought so, too. “C’mon, Devil! You, me, and Vegas! Sin City! You’ll be much more comfortable there than inside my church. You can finish corrupting me,” she proposed desperately.

  “We’re going inside,” Devil stated flatly, hauling her behind him as he trudged up the sidewalk.

  “You wanted to elope a week ago,” Molly complained, lowering her voice as the neared the church’s entrance.

  “And now I want a white wedding with all the trimmings,” he countered evenly, pausing to look down at her. “A man ca
n change his mind, too.”

  Dismayed, Molly wrinkled her nose. “What are you? A girl?”

  “No. I’m a man that’s not willing to brave your mother’s and my grandmother’s wrath should we deprive either of them of our big day,” he growled. “Now, take a deep breath and let’s do this. We’ll make this as quick and painless as possible,” he promised before holding open the door and gesturing inside.


  Molly’s footsteps dragged as she crossed the threshold into the church. She did not want to sin in the house of the Lord, but not sinning meant not lying.

  She wasn’t sure how she’d work around that, but there had to be a loophole somewhere.

  “Molly!” Carla Martin, the pastor’s wife greeted her as she hurried up the center aisle toward them. “How are you, sugar? Excited yet?” she asked, embracing Molly when she reached the couple.

  “Very,” Molly answered, smiling when the older woman released her. “I can hardly believe the big day is almost here,” she said truthfully. She could hardly believe any of this was happening at all. “Mrs. Martin, I don’t think you’ve met my fiancé, Dev – erhmm…William Delancy,” she introduced him, quickly correcting his name. She didn’t need everybody to know she was marrying the Devil. Although, it was fitting. This marriage was gonna land her in Hell yet if she wasn’t very careful. “Dev… I mean, William,” she said, wincing as she slipped again, “This is Mrs. Martin, Pastor Martin’s wife.”

  “Delighted to meet you, Mrs. Martin,” Devil murmured with a smile, shaking the woman’s hand. “We’re so grateful that your husband has agreed to perform the ceremony. I know it means a lot to Molly.”

  “Oh, we watched Molly grow up in this church. I know it would break her momma’s heart to see her married anywhere else. And please, call me Carla,” she invited politely. “I just got off the phone with your mother, dear,” she informed Molly with an excited grin. “The plans for this whirlwind wedding are coming together just perfectly. I think you and the groom will be pleased with the results.” She winked at Devil.


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