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The Italian: A Mountain Man Romance

Page 31

by Hazel Parker

  The lighting of the club and the strobe lights put his face in mostly shadows. His blue eyes were barely visible, but I could see he looked worried—worried he had offended me.

  I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I could see I was being a little too paranoid.

  Jo had gotten into my head. As we were leaving, she’d said, “Remember stranger danger!”

  Sarah had taken it as a joke, as she did everything Jo said, but I heard Jo loud and clear. It was a warning to remember who I was. Girls like she and I, we weren’t the popular ones. We didn’t do things like Sarah did and if we forgot our place, someone would take advantage of that.

  I thought so hard, I stopped dancing.

  “Hey, I just want to dance. Promise,” he said, holding up his hands. “I’m not asking you to be my wife or anything. If you don’t want a drink, no worries.”

  “All right,” I said, dancing along with him some more.

  I didn’t know what it was, but the further we walked onto the dance floor, the sicker I felt. I just didn’t feel right and despite being wishy-washy with this man, I suddenly felt like I needed to find Sarah, even if that meant being rude to him. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  “Where you going?” he asked, grabbing my hand.

  “I have to look for my friend.” I tried to slide my hand from his grip, but he held on tightly.

  “What’s her name?” he asked, walking with me towards the edge of the dance floor.


  “Does she have blonde hair?”


  “I know where she is.”

  “You do?” I asked, relieved I wouldn’t have to look too hard.

  “Yeah. She’s upstairs.”

  I could only shake my head. That was just like Sarah. She was a wild girl at heart, but I expected her to at least stay with me. I could see her leaving me to go have some private fun, but I wished she’d told me instead of leaving me and having me think she was getting us drinks.

  I followed Jay upstairs and down a hall. Around the railing were tables and drinks, but down the hall, the music faded in volume and I could see there were individual rooms. I could only imagine what happened in this frat house-like set up.

  As we walked, the lead in my stomach felt heavier and heavier. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t leave Sarah to be in it alone. I needed to find her and as soon as I did, I was going to demand we go home. I should have never let her leave me alone.

  The man opened a door and when he walked into the room, I followed him, ready to get Sarah and get the hell out.

  “Hey”, I said, looking around. “There’s no one in here.”

  I turned to see him closing the door.

  “Yes, there is. We are,” he said, smiling.

  Perhaps smile wasn't the right word for it—the top row of teeth was showing, and there was a faint curve to the lips, but there was no crease below the eyes, no movement of the cheeks, and I knew right then that I was in trouble.

  Chapter 5


  She was beautiful, a vision, and I wanted to watch her all night. Her. Not the hungry wolves slobbering over her and the ass that decided he had to have a piece of her instead of letting her enjoy her dance. Alone.

  Why did he have to interrupt her, and why was seeing them talking causing me to clench my teeth?

  I studied her face. In the flashing lights I saw her brows scrunch together. Her body language was loud and clear as she took a step back though her head stayed in place to hear whatever he was whisper-yelling into her ear. She smiled awkwardly, nothing similar to how she smiled when she was dancing by herself.

  He was making her uncomfortable.

  A waitress came over and smiled, leaning over the counter and giving me ample view of her breasts.

  “Can I get you something sir?” she said, whispering into my ear. “I can get you anything.”

  “Nah,” I said, waving her away and looking around her body to the other woman. “I’m good.”

  The waitress was persistent.

  “My friend’s here too. We could keep you company,” she said, trailing her hand across my scar. “You look lonely.”

  I didn’t bother responding. She shrugged and went about her business.

  My eyes found the girl once more. She looked around and behind her, scanning the crowd as if searching for someone before chewing her lip. She ducked her head close to him again while holding herself a distance away. Even if her brain wasn’t aware of it, her body wanted nothing to do with this man and that gave me more satisfaction than it should have.

  He touched her arm and I almost growled aloud. I could only imagine how soft her bare arms were.

  I turned around and ordered a new drink. I shouldn’t be watching them like some irksome reality TV show. I don’t even know her. I have to let her go.

  My drink came and I tried to stare at it to prevent myself from turning around. I held the glass, relishing in the coolness of the ice against the glass. My fingers slid through the condensation before I regained my grip. Its chill wasn’t enough to hold me.

  I looked to where I saw her last, but she was not there anymore. My eyes darted around the room quickly. Not by the bar, not by the restrooms, not at the entrance. There. By the staircase, being led by the same guy whom I knew she didn’t know.

  If there was one thing I knew about safety in places such as this, it was that you don’t travel alone with someone you just met.

  I watched her ascent. Her leaving was for the best. I needed to focus, and she was the worst distraction.

  But I couldn’t tear my eyes away and, even though the guy she was with never touched her, I wanted to rip him from her side and be the one walking beside her. I wondered what could be sweeter than having her for myself.

  Me having the patch—that was what. I couldn’t have both. Not right now, at least.

  My heart thrummed loudly in my chest while I sipped my drink.

  Don’t go up there.

  What if the rumors you’ve heard are true?

  That’s none of your business.

  She doesn’t even know him. What if she’s in trouble?

  If she is, it’s not my concern. I’m only here for one thing.

  She’s so innocent.

  She’s a grown woman.

  Bandits don’t hurt women or children. Or allow others to hurt them. If something happens to her, it’s on you.

  How could I know that something is wrong?

  After five minutes of her not coming back down, I threw back my drink as if it were a shot, gulped down the liquid without tasting it, and took the ice between my molars and chewed. I slammed the glass down and slapped a fifty-dollar bill onto the corner for the bartender, who was watching me with a knowing look.

  “She’s in trouble,” I said to myself and pushed through the crowd quickly to the stairwell.

  A man with my height but not as heavy in weight stood at the bottom stair.

  “What can I get you, sir?” he said, blocking the way.

  “How much?” I asked, trying to expedite this entire process.

  I knew I was going to have to pay because every pleasure has a price tag. I didn’t know for sure what was behind the door, but I was willing to bet it wasn’t a brand-new car.

  “Depends on what you want,” he said, his face lifting into a sinister smile. “VIP is two-fifty.”

  “An innocent little thing,” I said seriously. I couldn’t even pretend to be a creep.

  The bouncer grinned. “We got something that just might fit that bill.”

  He made it sound like a product on a shelf somewhere, as if he were checking inventory. All of it made my blood boil.

  “Yeah. I got just what want you need. The cheapest room is five hundred,” he said as if we were talking about the weather.

  I took the remaining bills from my pocket and handed it to him.

  “If you’ll wait right here, a guide will come to–”

m more of a free range kind of guy,” I said, pushing past him and stalking up the stairs two at a time.

  I looked around and after making sure she wasn’t in one of the VIP booths doing shots or something that I couldn’t imagine she’d do, I pushed past a few people and walked down the hallway. I expected the bouncer to be somewhere behind me, but he had a job to do at the door. Was it worth arguing with a man who paid to be there? Probably not.

  As many people were up here, the hallway was eerily empty. I didn’t know why, but I was expecting, at the very minimum, some kind of hall monitor.

  The music was much quieter and the closed doors looked too much like bedroom doors. What in the entire fuck was back here?

  I walked in measured steps, listening intently. Each door I passed had their own unique sounds coming from them, ranging from moans to pleading and slaps. Nothing that sounded unwanted. I couldn’t help thinking I might have gotten it wrong. I could have. I didn’t know that girl. Still, I couldn’t shake the lead ball in my stomach. My gut was never wrong.

  I felt apprehensive, but unafraid. Whatever I was about to see, I was ready for it. In my twenty-seven years, I had already seen a lot of fucked up shit. I couldn’t imagine a woman I hadn’t actually met would top the list.

  I took all that was calm about me and made it my aura. It was important to look like I belonged. I was up here for one thing and once I had her, I would leave.

  A scream broke through my thoughts, squeezing my heart and tearing into me like shards of glass. It was desperate and terrified. Hopeless. A scream of wild panic. It was her. I would have bet my life on it.

  Adrenaline surged through my veins. I moved forward frantically. There were too many doors, and I wasn’t sure which one she was behind.

  I listened harder, moving on instinct. I needed something. Anything. Just one more clue. I was so close to her. I held my breath, centering myself to hear even the smallest noise.

  Then I heard it. A sound that almost stopped my heart. From the other side of the door, was a sobbing sound, like a small child who’d lost a parent.

  I knew screams and tears of terror and my girl was terrified. Somebody was going to receive all my fury tonight. Thinking the door could be locked, I burst through it anyway and my rage increased by what I saw.

  He was covering her like a blanket, completely smothering her except for her beautiful, tear-stained face. Her breaths were uneven and hitched like she had put up a hard fight.

  The sick pleasure on his face as he looked down on her was replaced by surprise at my intrusion. “What the—”

  My body moved faster than my brain could process. I charged forward. He threw his forearms like an offensive lineman blocking a defensive back. Still, he was nothing against my weight as I slipped to the side and dragged him off her. I pushed his elbow down and away, caught his shirt and, with his momentum, threw him to the floor.

  He moaned and had the audacity to sit up and appear upset.

  “Hey man, what the hell are you doing here?”

  His question didn’t deserve an answer—not a verbal one.

  I slapped him with my left hand, open and full across the face. It rocked him and he took a step back. He quickly steadied himself, blinked his eyes, and stared at me. He must have been seeing stars. Blood dripped down from his nose down his lip.

  A bitch slapping was fitting given what he was doing and probably did on a regular basis to women. That was a bitch move.

  My right fist crushed his nose, shattering the bone. He was smart enough to cover his face, but it wasn’t soon enough. I kicked him in the side before dropping down to the floor on top of him. I caught his arm, threw it back, and with a clear shot, I punched his stomach over and over again, trying to release the tension in my muscles.

  I wasn’t so gone in anger that I didn’t remember she was in the room, watching the violent display from the bed. I stopped before I could kill the man.

  Calming myself down, I watched as pearl-shaped tears sat on her eyelids, suspended in air. I stood up and stayed still as a statue, relaxing my stance. Her captor was unconscious and I imagined she was assessing the situation, deliberating on whether or not she could trust me. Her dress was ripped and I could see she was trembling. I moved slowly until I was touching her.

  Chapter 6


  I ran towards the door, not thinking about the fact that he was standing right there.

  His hands grabbed my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. “Wait, sweetheart. We’re just getting to know each other.”

  I tried to shove his hands off, but he was too strong. His fingers dug into my skin so hard I knew there’d be bruises tomorrow.

  “Let me go!” I sounded more confident than I actually was.

  “No can do. You’ve got to lie down,” he said, dragging me from the door. “I’ve got some people that want to meet you.”

  “Get your hands off of me,” I said as coldly as possible and yanking my arm away. I didn’t care that I was shaking as I spoke.

  “I don’t think so,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and yanking me back onto the bed as hard as possible.

  Self-preservation had me kicking my legs out. My hands were raised into fists, ready to defend against his advances.

  He chuckled. “So you like to fight, huh?”

  Realization struck. This was a maniac who liked the challenge of an unwilling woman. A predator. And I was his prey.

  Eyes locked wide and muscles rigid, I screamed with every bit of energy left in my body. I wasn’t going to be taken without a fight, but there was no doubt by the vicious look in his eyes that he’d be pleased if there was pain involved. My pain.

  The scream came again, desperate, terrified. Someone had to hear me. Someone had to come. I had to believe that because the alternative was too dreadful to accept.

  Despite my efforts, he easily covered me with his body and pinned my wrists above my head with one hand. His other hand trailed down and tore my dress from my shoulder.

  “No,” I said, trying to hold in my tears, thrashing against him on the bed. “No! Please don’t do this.”

  He continued pulling my dress down until my breast was bared.

  “Help!” My voice had weakened with the strain of trying to get free.

  “Oh,” he said softly and covered my mouth with his hand. “Shush. Don’t worry. No one is coming. Just relax. I promise you’ll like it after a little bit.”

  “No,” I sobbed, refusing to accept his mouth coming towards my face.

  “Stop moving,” he said, holding my face still by the chin.


  His hand cracked across my face, snapping it to the left with the force of his blow. Heat. Sharp. Fast. Across my cheek. Stars dotted my vision as my head reeled.

  For a moment, it felt like I couldn’t breathe. My lungs burned too furiously to inhale, but I was willing to make it hurt. I was willing to do whatever I needed to keep fighting. I wasn’t going to stop. Somehow, from somewhere, the breath came and I took the deepest inhale to scream again.

  He would have to kill me.

  “Shut up, bitch! What is it going to take for you to shut up?” he shouted so close to my face I felt spittle.

  My voice was muffled as I struggled under his hold, but that didn’t stop me from making as many loud sounds as possible.

  “You know, your pussy still works if you’re unconscious,” he threatened. “I’m going to get what I came for, sweet cheeks.”

  I could feel my stinging cheek wetting with tears. I tried for another scream yet defeat had gripped my heart and only a whimper slipped from my lips. I’d lost.

  Shutting my eyes tightly, I willed my mind to go to my happy place. It was the only way my sanity could survive this experience. I pushed aside the feeling of the bastard squeezing my breast and thought about colors and art.

  I’d been reduced to wishing the vile act to be over when the door burst open. I had only seconds to react as a man yanked Ja
y off me. I moved on autopilot, scooting backward until my back was against the headboard. My hand clutched my ruined dress to my chest as I held my knees tightly to my body.

  The man was like an animal, pulling Jay from the floor by the shirt to punch his face. He was silent, menacing and yet I wasn’t afraid. He didn’t seem crazy or deranged. He seemed unhinged, but in a protective way. His fists collided with Jay’s face repeatedly, splattering blood on the floor until Jay slumped, unconscious.

  He stood, breathing heavily and looking at my captor and almost-rapist before turning back to me. His eyes were so intense, I flinched away instinctively. Those were the eyes of someone you did not want to make angry. In the dim light of the room, his eyes looked soulless, completely black and hollow. He still hadn’t said a word, and I wondered if I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  I studied his face as he studied mine, wondering if I should be afraid or grateful. Considering he had made no moves to hurt me or continue to undress me, I decided to be grateful. Just thinking about Jay on top of me and what he was delighted to do made that decision very clear for me.

  I took advantage of the stillness between us to study him. His muscles were practically bursting from his shirt and his jeans. He was huge compared to me and power oozed from his pores. But I couldn’t help noticing how slowly he walked towards me, carefully gauging my reaction. A lesser man wouldn’t have bothered.

  Tattoos covered both his upper arms, making me wonder if he had more under his blue shirt. I was almost certain he did. If only I could end the speculation. If only I could get rid of that shirt and see for myself. The ink should’ve intimidated me, but instead, they made me feel protected. And extremely drawn.

  My eyes traveled up to find that he was still watching me. I was a mess and I wanted to smooth my hair down, but couldn’t bring myself to move. I was captivated.

  Hands outstretched, he moved closer One measured step at a time.

  My heart was beating so hard I feared he could hear it. This wasn’t a frightened response. I wanted this man, my rescuer, to touch me.

  His hand grazed my skin as his lips turned downward and I knew he could see where Jay had slapped me. His knuckles wiped over the remaining tears from under my eyes.


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