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Page 35

by Eric Brown

  He held Ella to him, and in that second he experienced for the first time the realisation that within her, and consequently within everyone, existed the same vital energy he had first encountered in the continuum. He almost wept with the joy of it. He vowed that if he returned to Earth, he would live his life not as he had lived it to date, but as it was meant to be lived—for however long he had left to him—until the day of his glorious ascension.

  When I return to Earth, he told himself... The alternative was too terrible to contemplate.

  The humming gained in pitch, but outside the darkness remained.

  * * * *

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Hirst Hunter leaned forward. “Very good, Mr Rossilini.”


  “This will suit me fine.”

  The Mercedes rolled to a sedate halt. Hunter climbed out. Rossilini and Sassoon jumped out after him, but perhaps sensing his need for privacy remained beside the roadster, their semi-automatic rifles prominent.

  Hunter strolled across the weed-laced tarmac and climbed the grass embankment that marked the boundary of Ipoh airbase. The midday Malaysian heat and the steep incline combined to rob him of breath. By the time he reached the top he was exhausted, an indication of how little exercise he had done over the past few years—years spent closeted in safe-houses, plotting and scheming, unable in the early years even to join the resistance on their missions for fear of capture and interrogation, and later because there was just so much organising to do to ensure the success of the mission.

  He turned at the top and stared across the airbase. He had left Paris that morning, taking the sub-orb shuttle to Kuala Lumpur on what he hoped would be the last leg of the long journey that had taken him around the many free worlds of the Rim, and then to Earth. So far, things were running smoothly. The Sublime had phased-out from Paris without a hitch, and ten hours into the flight, when contact was eventually lost, no problems had been reported. Feasibly they should have rendezvoused with the Disciples and the Lho in the mountain stronghold without much difficulty, and should make the return trip to Earth likewise. The real danger had always been the possibility that the Organisation might have learnt of his plans before the phase-out of the ‘ship and prevented it; now that the mission was under way, in fact almost completed, he could stop worrying himself about the possibility of a Danzig intervention. Not that he was being complacent; the airbase was patrolled by Malaysian commandos supplied by the Premier of the state—foot-soldiers and tanks were stationed at strategic points around the perimeter.

  Hunter stared out across the flat expense of the airbase. The only prominence on the sky-line, other than the distant hills, was the massive hangar he’d had constructed for the return of the smallship. Next to it was a mylaplex geodesic dome, its triangular facets blacked out.

  He glanced at his watch. The dignitaries were due to arrive at one, in a little over fifteen minutes. Besides the KVO Director Jose Delgardo, the UC representative on Earth, Johan Weiner, and the Premier of Malaysia, the heads of three other interface companies would be present. The participation of these three luminaries, cajoled into coming by the good offices of Delgardo, was a bonus Hunter had not expected. It seemed, though he was loath to tempt providence, that the events of the next few hours might prove the beginning of the end of all his hard work. For years he had schemed and sweated for this very day—for years he had lived in fear of the many dangers that might have befallen the mission. Now everything was going according to plan, and he should have been elated.

  He told himself that the despair he was feeling was irrational, that he was grieving for the loss of someone he had never really known—or, rather, grieving over the loss of opportunity to get to know Ella in the first place. Early that morning, Hunter had heard from Disciples on A-Long-Way-From-Home that his daughter had indeed gained access to the Reach. The authorities there could only have allowed her entry because they knew that she was his daughter, and either hoped she might lead them to him or could provide vital information as to his whereabouts. They would question her, keep her alive only for as long as she was useful to them—and, as she knew nothing, Hunter guessed that that would not be very long.

  She was now, or was soon likely to be, in a better place than this illusion. Her essence would exist in a state of eternal vitality, for which he should rejoice.

  Selfishly, he could only mourn the fact that he had never been able to show Ella, in this life, the love she deserved.

  He sat down on the embankment and took a small silver book from his jacket pocket. He leafed through Ella’s diary, the pages falling open where he had inserted the half dozen photographs of his daughter.

  At random, he read entries written in her big, looping hand-writing, and it pained him to realise that this would be as close as he would come to knowing the mind of his daughter. It pained him also—though it came as no surprise—that all the entries concerning him were detrimental.

  ‘Last day of holidays, and I haven’t seen H once. Good. Back to college tomorrow.’

  He turned the page.

  ‘Jay’s father is coming with us on the summer trip—that should be good. Mrs T asked me if H could come along to lend a hand, but I said he was off-planet working for the Organisation. I couldn’t imagine it! H coming on the trip!’

  He let the diary fall open to a later entry, one he had read so many times over the years that he knew it verbatim.

  ‘Yesterday the alien saved my life! I was watching it from the rocks when he saw me and I lost my balance and fell into the water, on the way down hitting my head on some rock. When I came to my senses I was on the flat rock, thinking I should have drowned. Then I saw him looking at me and I knew he had saved me. I was frightened—I mean, he was so alien, so different. I ran. H has stopped me from going out for one week for not being at the party. I want to see the alien again, to apologise (does he speak English?) I’m planning to make him something, a present. I sit and think that if it wasn’t for the alien I’d be dead, and I try to think what being dead is like.’

  Hunter looked up, saw nothing but his daughter as she was then. He turned a couple of pages, read on.

  ‘Today I saw L’Endo on his death-bed, and instead of it being a sad occasion (he was dying of a plague) it was joyous. L’Endo was actually celebrating the fact that he was dying. In five days he has his passing ceremony, and I am invited. He was so certain an afterlife awaited him—I felt his certainty in the air!—that I felt almost at one with my dying friend. I can’t begin to explain it. The old Lho said that the only humans who understand what the Lho believe are the Enginemen and Enginewomen. If the Lho are right, then when I die I will experience the afterlife, which is what the Disciples believe.’

  One of Ella’s last entries read, ‘As soon as I can I’m leaving the reach and going to Earth, to Paris to paint and live and convert...’

  Hunter closed the diary, a sharp knot of pain in his chest.

  He considered the beautiful irony of the situation.

  Ten years ago, an alien had saved his daughter’s life; as a result of this, she had experienced something in the cave where the alien lay on his death-bed that had changed her life, given her the desire to convert and become a Disciple. Three years later she did so, and sent photographic evidence of the fact to Hunter, and he had looked into the religion himself and in due course was converted. Then he was contacted by the Lho and commissioned with the duty to see through the scheme which would not only save the remaining Lho-Dharvon people, but ensure the continuance of what humans knew as the nada-continuum.

  How wondrous a notion it was that the salvation of the Lho people, and much more besides, had its beginnings in the actions of an alien saving the life of a young girl, so long ago and so far away.

  Hunter looked up. Rossilini was standing at the foot of the embankment. He cleared his throat. “Excuse me, sir.”

  Across the tarmac, a convoy of limousines was heading towards the hangar. The dignitaries ha
d arrived.

  He replaced the diary in his jacket pocket and returned to the Mercedes. They drove back to the hangar in silence, Hunter trying to dredge up a scintilla of enthusiasm for what was about to take place.

  The last of the dignitaries was being ushered into the hangar by one of Hunter’s aides. He followed them inside, check-listing the points he had to make to the VIPs.

  The interior of the chamber was divided into two unequal areas. The larger was bare but for banks of computers and sophisticated monitoring equipment; technicians wearing headphones moved about the area where the smallship was due to materialise, making last minute preparations. Like Hunter, these people had worked for years to bring about the success of the mission. If anything, their contribution was greater than his; they had, after all, wrestled with the complex technical problems of launching the first smallship to enter the nada-continuum in ten years.

  A quarter of the hangar was partitioned and fitted out as a hospitality lounge, with a bar, foam-forms and classical music discreetly playing. The dignitaries stood in conversation with his aides, drinking champagne and casting occasional glances through the gap in the screens to the business end of the hangar.

  Hunter squared his shoulders and crossed the carpeted lounge. He greeted Jose Delgardo with genuine warmth, and the KVO director introduced him to the Premier of Malaysia, R.C. Subramanaman, Johan Weiner, and the three heads of the interface organisations, two women and a man whose companies ran operations in the Core.

  He raised his champagne. “You have no idea how pleased I am to see you all here today. I thank you for your attendance, and assure you that you will not be disappointed. Today is the culmination of many years of hard and dangerous work on behalf of my team.”

  “I hope you realise what a sacrifice we’re making to spend the entire day here, Mr Hunter?” This was Johan Weiner, the corpulent UC representative.

  Hunter smiled, disguising his dislike of the disgruntled Austrian. “I realise and appreciate your efforts, I assure you. As I said, you will not be disappointed.”

  “When is the ‘ship due in?” Jose Delgardo asked.

  “It should materialise very soon. We have rooms available for your comfort, and a restaurant.”

  Several of his guests looked at their watches, Weiner especially, making a show of his displeasure. Hunter finished his champagne. “Perhaps, ladies and gentlemen, if you would come this way... I have one or two things to show you which I think you will find of interest.”

  He escorted them up a flight of steps to a gallery overlooking the main chamber of the hangar. He gave them a run-down on the technical history of the operation, the assembly of the smallship and the recruitment of the technicians and crew. It was, he had to admit to himself, a fascinating story. The dignitaries listened with interest.

  As he brought the rehearsed speech to a close, Subramanaman asked, “But how did you become involved with the aliens, Mr Hunter? And what exactly is the nature of this... communion we are due to experience?”

  “As to the first part of the question, that is a long story which I’d like to tell you later, perhaps over a meal. As to the nature of the communion... if you would care to follow me.”

  They passed from the gallery through a door into a narrow corridor connecting the hangar to the adjacent geodesic. Hunter led them onto a circular gallery high up in the dome. They stared down at the strange monument or sculpture picked out in the spotlights.

  One of the Core interface directors whistled. “What on earth is it?”

  “Not on earth,” Hunter smiled. “The original is on the planet of Hennessy’s Reach. This is merely a facsimile of the’ Lho Effectuators’ communion chamber.” He had commissioned a firm of masons to construct the chamber, less to make the Lho feel at home than to impress the visiting dignitaries.

  A great central column rose to the apex of the dome, its length fluted and engraved with arcane alien symbols. At the foot of the column, a dozen stone slabs radiated like spokes. In the illumination of the spotlights, the entire effect was suitably other-worldly.

  For the next thirty minutes Hunter gave a short history of the Lho, and then told the dignitaries what little he knew about the Effectuators and the nature of the communion. What he could expound upon in more detail was his own experience in the original chamber almost six years ago, an experience both joyous and terrifying that would live with him forever.

  They returned to the lounge in contemplative silence.

  “The thing is,” Johan Weiner said when their glasses had been refilled, “how can we be certain that our experience of heaven in the communion will be genuine, and not a drug-induced hallucination?”

  Hunter was shaking his head. “It isn’t heaven,” he said. “It cannot be defined as any of the many afterlives described by the organised religions. They all have it wrong-”

  “Even the Disciples?” Weiner snapped.

  “Many of the Disciples have experienced whereof they speak, so of all the so-called organised religions, they have come the closest to getting it right. Having said that, many of their rituals are merely the trappings of a human-based belief system and have no relevance to what follows this existence. The afterlife experienced in the nada-continuum is not a heaven or a hell or a purgatory—it is another realm which exists as a state of positive energy-”

  “You still haven’t answered my question,” Weiner went on doggedly. “How do we know that what you experienced was anything more than a hallucination?”

  Hunter paused. He looked around the assembled VIPs. They were waiting for his reply. “I know what I experienced, Herr Weiner. I know that I experienced a state of positive energy, and that that energy was under threat of annihilation. I know that the annihilation I perceived in the continuum was the most soul-destroying and terrifying force I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing... I’m sorry—I can’t explain it any better than that, and of course there is nothing I can say to convince you of the truth. Only your own experience of communion will do that.”

  The dignitaries shifted uncomfortably, exchanging glances.

  The Director of one of the Core interface companies said, “Do you realise what you are asking us to do in closing down the entire interface industry, Mr Hunter?” She stared at him accusingly.

  He returned her stare. “Perfectly, Ms de Souza,” he said. “I am asking you to preserve the realm of existence which follows this one.”

  Weiner grunted a laugh. “An ecological clean-up of afterlife, you mean?”

  “If you wish to put it like that, Herr Weiner, then yes, exactly that.”

  Weiner muttered into his drink.

  De Souza said, “The closure of the interfaces would ruin the economies of so many planets around the Expansion that untold numbers of lives would be at risk.”

  Hunter restrained himself from saying that human lives mattered little beside the continued existence of the nada-continuum. He began, “There are ways of avoiding-”

  “I don’t think you understand that some planets in my sector rely on the interfaces for their very existence. Dozens of colony planets would be bankrupted by such closures as you envisage-”

  “I was about to say that there are ways of avoiding immediate financial catastrophes on the more far-flung worlds. We would not merely cut them off willy-nilly, in fact the closures would be phased out over a number of years, with UC subsidies going to those planets more drastically affected.”

  Weiner interrupted, “Fine words, Hunter. You don’t belong to the UC. You don’t have to put your hands on those ‘subsidies’.”

  Hunter continued, not allowing his anger at such petty short-sightedness to show. “If the closures were phased in over years, that would give us time to reestablish and improve the bigship Lines and services they provide.”

  Another Director of a Core organisation said, “You’re talking as if the whole business about the continuum being under threat is cut and dried. I think we should begin such fevered speculation onl
y when your theories have been scientifically tested.”

  Hunter had been fearing such a pragmatic approach. “A scientific investigation of the malaise affecting the nada-continuum might take tens of years, decades we do not have if we are to save the realm. We don’t even possess the know-how, much less the technical apparatus, to even begin contemplating such investigations.”

  “You’d rather we believed the hallucinations brought about by a bunch of alien witch-doctors?” Weiner grunted.

  Jose Delgardo said, “Our immediate concern, once we have established the veracity of Hirst’s claims, would be less how the free expansion might react, but whether the Danzig Organisation would agree to close down their interfaces.”


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