Book Read Free

Fully Restored

Page 22

by Delaney Williams

  “I’ve watch you this week. You’re connecting with people again Brock. Where you used to have a wall up, being man vs the world, you now work with people. You care for them. You care for me. Not just me, but all that is related to me. I see it. The new Brock and new Teagan, we have baggage, but that baggage, it’s made us who we are and I like what I see when I look at me now. When I look at you.

  “I want this Brock. I want you and me. I want this shop to be us.”

  I paused to take a breath and make sure he was looking me in the eyes before I continued.

  “I know when you see me now, you will see the new scars and feel shame. But baby, I don’t. I don’t feel shame for them because they are proof that I survived. I don’t want them gone. I don’t want you to see them and wish them gone either, okay? I want you to see them as I do, as a sign of my strength and my new self. New skin, new person. Can you do this? Look beyond the marks and see me, as I am now, for you? Only you Brock.

  “I still see my therapist. I probably always will, on and off, to deal with my self-esteem issues. But I am working. I acknowledge them and I face them. I’m not hiding from them anymore. And I’m not hiding from you. Or the world. This is me. This me wants you. Question is, does this new Brock want me?”

  I stopped. Waited. Stared. Breathed.

  It could have been minutes. Hours maybe before he moved. But when he did, it was with a purpose I’ve never felt with him before. Before, he wanted me. Now, he was claiming me. His lips slammed against mine, his mouth taking mine and claiming my very breath.

  When he picked me up by the hips and tossed me on my bed, his eyes consumed me. His pupils were blown such that the color was gone and want was all that was left. And love. I could see that now. He loved me. Now that I loved me, it was easier to take that someone else loved me. Someone who didn’t have to love me, like a father did. He devoured me with his gaze. His eyes traveled the length of my body, eating up everything, clothes and all.

  I reached to pull the shirt over my head and he stopped me.

  “I want to do this. I want to uncover you, inch after inch, and relearn this new you. Love every inch of the new you. Show you how much this means and how much I will treasure it for the rest of my life. Because baby, that’s what this is. The rest of our lives. You are mine. You have been and you will be. Now, let me love you.”

  Nodding, out of breath from the conviction behind his words, I lay back and waited. Waited for him to claim me. To make us, us. To move us from the past to the future. I was ready. So very very ready. For the first time, I was not only looking at my future, I was ready for it. Embracing it. Loving it.

  I breathed deep, let it go, and fell head first into us.


  I couldn’t breathe. There was air, I knew there was air. But I couldn’t find it. All I could find was her. Teagan. She was my air. I needed her to breath. I knelt over her prone body on the bed and lifted the simple shop shirt over her head, drawing the soft cotton up slowly as I went, revealing her to me slowly. I was removing the old and claiming the new. The past had no place in this bed with us.

  When I had the shirt off, I leaned in and kissed her perfect lips. There was the air. Now I could breathe. I kissed her slowly this time, taking my time exploring her mouth, nipping her lips, breathing her air.

  For the first time in a long time, I was breathing free air. There was no past hanging over me. No fear of what would come. This was all new to me. It felt like I was a virgin all over again and in a way I guess I was. This time, with Teagan, I was a free man in every sense of the word. My past discretions held no more power over me, over us, over our future. Sure, we would have growing pains and the past would dictate how we reacted at times, but this time, we could use it. Grow from it. Move forward again instead of backwards.

  Still kissing her I snaked my hands under her back, causing her to arch her beautiful breasts into my chest and making me moan when I felt the firm tips of her nipples. I unlatched her bra and let the straps fall down her arms before tossing it wherever the hell it went. Kissing down her jaw, behind her ear and down her neck I paused, pulling back to look at the flushed skin beneath me.

  Teagan’s breasts were absolute perfection. Big enough that when laying down they spread to the sides some but absolutely the perfect size to take in my hands. And so I did. I leaned over and pulled a nipple into my mouth, teasing it with my lips and teeth until she was moaning and undulating under me. Nipping one last time, more firmly, she yelped and I moved to the other to give it the same attention.

  I continued down her belly, unbuttoning and removing her pants in one swift stop but getting caught up in her shoes momentarily. Seeing my frustration at the situation, she giggled and how I loved that sound. Before, her giggles were nice. Now, they were everything. Once I finally got her shoes off, and removed her pants I went back to work, re-learning this body I so craved. Loving the softness that was so feminine in her. I knew she felt the softness was ugly, a weakness, but I found it stunning. Part of the sublimity that was her. I kissed down, by passing her pussy for her thighs and heard her let out a groan of pure frustration.

  She carded her fingers through my hair and tried to pull me in to where she wanted me but I was content to relearn every part of her for now. I kissed down her legs, behind her knees, feeling her quiver with that and tucking it away for the future.

  By the time I went back and locked my lips on her small clit, the firm suction pulled her under and she came fiercely for me. I smiled, backing off and gently kissing her while she recovered, but not content to let it go with that one. Oh no. There were many more to come before I entered her.

  When I licked her again, she was ready, fingers firmly in my hair pushing my face where she wanted it and I let her. Hell, I wanted it too. So much so. Like a starved man at his first meal. Her tangy taste was all I craved. I ate at her until she was nearly crying with need to come again. Now, I was ready.

  I leaned back and stood off the bed, removing my clothes in a show meant only for her. Only ever for her again. Once naked I removed a condom from the wallet in my jeans before tossing them with the ever growing pile of our clothes and laid back down over her.

  She let out a whimper when our bodies were fully touching, skin to skin from top to toes. Completion.

  I handed her the condom and tearing it open, with fingers trembling from want, and emotion, she sheathed me. My cock jerked in her hand, wanting more contact from her. I was now worried I wasn’t going to last. Shit. Talk about feeling like a virgin. In more ways than one apparently.

  Trying to think of anything to get my mind off the need to come now, I leaned in and kissed her, slowly running my cock up and down her slit, collecting the wetness, feeling her preparedness for me.

  When I felt like I was in some semblance of control again, I pulled back from kissing her, and stared into her dazzling eyes. The eyes that had entranced me from the start. Eyes now so full of emotion and love that it nearly caused me to stop momentarily just to take it all in. My dick had other ideas though and I slowly pushed into her, taking her to the hilt, feeling my balls hit her spectacular ass.

  Lacing my fingers in hers and placing our hands above her head, I let my hips rock- slowly at first, needing to relearn that tightness that was purely Teagan. She keened underneath me, writhing and twisting, wanting more but less at the same time. Fully alive with feeling for the first time. Feeling from me. For me. Damn if that didn’t have my balls pulling in and the tingling of release building at the base of my spine. I needed to get her off fast or I was going to lose it before she did.

  I sped up the pace of my hips, our skin making sounds as it connected over and over, our breathing speeding up and skin slicking with sweat. This was making love. I thought I knew what that was until now. Now, with our souls open and clear, this was love. Free. I was free. Completely and in every way.

  Teagan mewled some more and I knew she was close. I let go of one hand to reach between us and rub her clit while slamming into her now. Now. She needed to come now.

  I tweaked her clit firmly, rubbing and pressing in, while rotating my hips for a better angle and that did it. She went off. Her sounds stopped and she went silent in her shattering. I watched as her eyes closed and her lips parted in an attempt to take in enough air. It was beautiful. Spectacular. Mine.

  And I followed her over. As I spilled into the condom, jerking and losing the rhythm I had in my hips, I knew this was done. We had made it through.

  Laying on top of her, probably smashing her small frame, I tried to catch my breath before I rolled off her and pulled her with me. She wrapped her leg over me as I slid out of her. I grabbed the condom and tossed it off the bed, towards where I assumed the trashcan was but didn’t really care to find out for sure. I was too sated to move anymore.

  We lay like that, simply breathing in each other, the moment, the peace, the freedom. That was when I noticed, not once while kissing her, and I had kissed every single inch of her, did I notice a single scar. They simply had not registered with me. She was perfection as is.

  Teagan’s breathing had evened out and I knew she was sleeping, head resting on my chest, legs intertwined with mine. Perfection.

  It was with that thought and the perfect peace of contentment that I fell asleep. And for the first time since that stupid boy made some stupid decisions, I slept a sleep without guilt or shame. I slept free.



  Opening the shop had not gone without its wrinkles, but it had gone so well that I had a back list of clients for at least the next six months, depending on how our crew ended up working and flowing together. Between Brock, the crew, and I, we handled all the newness and curveballs that were tossed at us for the first month. Growing pains were tough. It was a steep learning curve and for a while I was afraid that I had bitten off more than I could handle and wanted to give in.

  But Brock never let me. After that night, he basically moved in. It just made sense. It was closer to the shop by hours and, well, I want him there. He belongs there. With me.

  Sometimes working together and living together gets to be too much, but thankfully between Seth and a newly married and weirdly calmed down Meghan and Brock’s new found friendships in the shop, we are able to find time out and apart when we need it. The new Meghan is perhaps the strangest part of my life now. Being married to Justin changed her. Evened her out. She’s still crazy and up for anything, egging me out of my shell and pushing for new thrills, but the thrills are less edgy. The payoff deeper and she always, always, goes home to him. So weird.

  Now I can’t get her to stop with the hinting around Brock about marriage again. God, like I would EVER let Meghan have a say in that! When she mentions a wedding, Brock’s fear isn’t for the actual event, it’s for what he thinks she is seeing for our future. There will be absolutely no mer-whore outfits in our future.

  Between running the shop taking nearly all our time, and adjusting to the newness of a firm foundation in our relationship, a marriage just seemed…not necessary at the moment. Sure, we both knew this was forever. We had since our first night together in the house in Evergreen. But like everything with us, we were content to get there at our pace.

  Feeling his eyes on me I stopped what I was doing in the engine of the Challenger I was currently working on and stood up. He was standing in the door to the shop, leaning in that way that got me every time, covered in grease, and so very perfect. His smile was relaxed. He was happy. Soul deep, free happy.

  I smiled at him, loving the way his face lit up and his pupils dilated with want for me. Yep. We’d get there, to the marriage. But right now, the office door had a new lock and I intended to use it. Setting my tools aside, I wandered off in that direction, knowing he would follow. He’d follow me anywhere. He proved that.

  I heard the lock click behind me and chills went up my spine. Even the anticipation of him was exquisite. My body knew what was coming and wanted it with an intensity that never seemed to diminish. I would want him like this for the rest of my life.

  I turned around and dropped to my knees, intent on showing him how much I wanted him.

  Now, months into it, we had flow. We worked fluidly together in the shop and at home. He knew what I needed and gave it freely, be it a tool or his love. When I faltered, he braced me up. When he doubted, I gave him confirmation.

  When he came in my mouth, with a hoarse cry, his fingers carded through my messy shop bun, I looked up to see the love I felt returned in its exactness in his eyes. He pulled me up and kissed me, breathing my air and giving me his. Breathing life into each of us. Restoring our souls.

  Before long, the shop made the waves I wanted it to in the resto world and people from outside Colorado came to seek our work. I made it. We made it. We, in all ways, were running Fully Restored.

  The End


  This book was a true work of love for me. Teagan’s story is so very close and personal to so many people I know and I wanted to represent her truthfully. I wanted her struggles to be real and not glamourized and her growth to take time and not be instant. I credit my amazing betas with Delaney’s Dolls for this. For keeping me focused and on track.

  Jennifer Miyamoto, Rachel Zertuche, Rochelle Pope, and Anna Sweets, there are not words for how much I have to thank you for keeping the time lines straight and the characters on track. Thank you for Steal and Steel. Thank you for Heal and Heel. Thank you for everything.

  To my editor Emma Mack, thank you for dealing with my ever changing timeline and illnesses that continued to put the book out later and later. Thank you for loving Teagan and Brock and giving them the chance and accepting the way it had to go, as much as it made you cringe at times. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for adding glitter!

  Mostly, to my best friend who when I said I was never going to write another book, when I set this down determined to never write again because, let’s face it, the world and people in it can be cruel, made me start again. Who told me I was good enough and to listen only to myself. I am so glad I did. And she did. Crystal Andersen, you are my sister and my soul mate and I love you so very much. Thank you for keeping me sane. To the moon and Back. And to our Dubby, we love you so much.

  To my family, thank you for dealing with messy houses, late or forgotten dinners (Sorry Kiddo- but that ice cream for dinner was great wasn’t it?). For the money that went out but not in. Thank you for letting my mind wander and stories happen. I love you all.

  Thank you to my cover model, Robert Simmons, for the amazing photos and help in “being” my Brock.

  Thank you to Cassandra Roop, of Pink Ink Designs for this amazing cover! I love it so! And for Andy Winn of Winn Photography for taking the images.

  To all my BF’s – I love you more than Caticorns and I no longer have to bluewaffle the book!!!

  To Candy Miller whom I love like my sister and who has been there with me at the lowest of lows. I love you always my girl. Always. I am always yours and always on your side. You are beautiful inside and out.

  To all the bloggers who took the time to share, read and promote this little book, you make all the difference. I would not be here were it not for you. Thanks does not seem strong enough. Susan Oldfather- thank you for your bid and helping our friend out. Your blog, Mrs. O, is amazingness. If anyone needs a great blog for good reviews, go to You won’t be disappointed!

  And finally, to my amazing PA – Nicole Fechtl. THANK YOU for being the voice of the reader. For helping with advertising and getting into signings for the first time. You are amazing.

  I am so sure there are many more I am forgetting here, but know I appreciate all of you. Thank
you for everything.

  About the Author

  Delaney Williams was born on a hot summer day in Oklahoma, which may only slightly explain her proclivities. She was born on August 8 and thinks that makes her special since it is 08/08. She loves the heat ( the only thing Oklahoma can claim) however, she is the most liberal (non- fiscally) person you will ever meet. She loves everyone and believes everyone deserves love.

  She was raised outside of San Francisco and absolutely loves the ocean. Until she realized that she thrived in writing and not science, she wanted to be an oceanographer. She has taught everything from world religions to study skills. She thrives most as a college English professor and absolutely loves that job. It is her heaven, besides writing. If she didn’t write she might go insane, there are so many people and stories in her head. In fact, the people who know her well would say she probably is crazy, fun but crazy.

  Delaney has a minor addiction to tattoos and a major addiction to books of all types. She once read 450 books in one year. She goes a bit batty when she is stuck in one place for too long and needs to travel. She has been all over and of all the places she has been, her favorite place to vacation is Turks and Caicos. If given the chance she would love to live in Positano, Italy. It calls to her heart.

  When not teaching or doing all that entails, or writing, Delaney is a mother of one crazy son and wife to an amazing husband. Her husband is the reason she writes. He is the encouragement and motivation behind everything she does. Delaney also loves rock and metal concerts and music. She tries to get to a show at least once a month. She is known for her crazy, ever-changing hair color and go with anything attitude. While she has multiple degrees, including a Masters, bills, a mortgage, and a family, she refuses to believe that means she needs to slow down or grow up. So she won’t.


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