Book Read Free

Under Your Skin

Page 23

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “You were exhausted from waking me up all night.”

  “Someone had to make sure you didn’t fall into a coma.” A slight smile tugged at her lips. Her humor returned.

  “Will you stay tonight?”

  “What about your game?”

  “They’ll only be here a few hours. Then I’m all yours.” The truth of the statement hit him hard. For however long she’d have him, he was hers.

  A harsh whistle came from the basement as a reminder that his night wasn’t supposed to be about Norah. She climbed off his lap and he missed her welcome weight.

  “You better go before Rooster comes looking.”

  “Yeah.” He heard the regret in his voice and felt stupid for it. “Will you be here when I’m done?”

  “We’ll see.” She gave him one of her teasing looks, but there was something different in her eyes. Something bothered her.

  He moved to the basement door before he totally lost his mind and took her to his bed. As soon as his foot hit the bottom step, Rooster started in with, “Bow-chicka-bow-wow,” doing his best bad porn imitation.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Done playing doctor?” Dean asked, pointing at Kai’s hair.

  Kai quickly scooped it back into a ponytail.

  “Nurse,” Kai clarified. “She’s studying to be a nurse.” He didn’t know why it was important for them to know that, but he didn’t want them to think she was some random chick bossing him around.

  Carlos tossed a quarter into the pot. “She looks good on you.”

  Kai checked his cards and added his own quarter. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means she makes you happy. We can see it on your face, man. It’s about damn time. We were ready to do an intervention and shit.”

  “You make no fucking sense.”

  Carlos leaned over while the other guys put in their bets. “You haven’t had a woman around since what? Cindy? Eric, what the hell was that last chick’s name Kai was into?”

  “My memory ain’t that good.”

  They all laughed and Kai knew it was at him and not with him. Carlos smacked his arm. “Thing is, man, we’re all settled with our lives—except Rooster and he ain’t about to change.”

  “You know it. Gotta spread the love around. One woman won’t ever be enough for the Rooster.” Then he crowed, drawing laughs around the table.

  Carlos shook his head and refocused on Kai. “You’ve been lettin’ life slip by. Norah is making you live.”

  “She’s not making me do anything. My life is the same now as it was two months ago.”

  “Damn shame if it is,” Dean added.

  “He thinks he’s fooling us. Maybe even himself. You’re taking care of your mom. You started a relationship with a woman. It’s not the same. Maybe you’ll even come to my kid’s birthday party this year.”

  Kai didn’t want to tell Carlos that wouldn’t happen. The only time he exposed himself to his old life was here in the basement during their poker game, where he had control. But Carlos wasn’t just part of his old life. That wasn’t who Carlos was anymore. He’d grown up and left the life like Kai, Eric, and Dean had.

  “Enough of the bullshit. Let’s play.” Kai turned his attention back to the cards. These guys were not conversationalists. They didn’t talk about feelings. They joked and bullshitted their way through games. No way was he going to discuss what he did or didn’t have going on with Norah.

  He also wasn’t about to let on that he couldn’t wait to get back to her.

  * * *

  Kai cleaned up after the poker game with his pocket fifty bucks lighter. They’d had no mercy on him tonight, taking advantage of the fact that he was completely distracted. Everything they’d said in that opening hand hung over his head. They read him better than he thought they could.

  When he came upstairs, silence greeted him. Norah wouldn’t have left without saying anything, would she? The kitchen was empty, lights in the living room were off, and his mom snored in her bed. Then he noticed the glow of light from his bedroom. Pushing the door open, he saw Norah sitting in his bed, hair damp. She wore one of his T-shirts and he hoped nothing else. Her laptop was open, propped on her knees.

  Her eyes were shiny when they met his.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She smiled. She angled the screen. “Kim sent me one-month pictures of Ella. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Kai sat on the edge of the bed, the computer dipping in her hands as he did. He looked at the infant, who was sleeping beside a book. “What’s with the book?”

  “Kim plans to take pictures of Ella every month with the book. It’ll be an easy way to see how much she’s grown. One day, she’ll be big enough to hold it and read it.”

  Kai looked at Norah. “Isn’t it hard?”

  “Yes and no. She has a chance to be a happy kid. I couldn’t give her that. But I like to be able to see her grow.”

  He saw truth on her face. “She’ll know who you are?”

  “Yeah. At some point, I’ll be ready to see her and spend time with her. In the meantime, I look at pictures.”

  “Was that what was bothering you today?”

  She closed the laptop and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You seemed upset before. From more than me being an asshole.”

  She shook her head a little, her hair waving and dripping water on his shirt. “I spent the day finishing my applications to a couple of schools who will take my credits. I’ll have a year and a half to finish, but I wasn’t ready to see the tuition prices. Jimmy always paid my bills when I was in school in Boston. I never gave it much thought.”

  Kai had never even considered college, so he had no clue what it would cost, but he imagined a lot. “Isn’t there financial aid or whatever?”

  “I don’t qualify for much. I’m hoping to get some loans. I don’t want to ask Jimmy for more.”

  Kai didn’t understand the dynamics of her family. She constantly referred to Jimmy almost like a father. He knew her dad was still around, had met him once when Tommy brought him to the studio. It wasn’t his place to ask.

  “How was your game?”

  “Crappy. Lost fifty bucks.”

  She smiled again. “Maybe I should give you a few pointers. Help you work on your game face.”

  He took the laptop from her and placed it on the nightstand. Then he leaned over her, covering her body with his. “I lost money because I was distracted by you.”

  “Nice try. I wasn’t even there. Can’t blame me.” She reached up and pulled his hair loose, running her fingers through it as it fell.

  “You were in my head. Couldn’t stop thinking about this.” He lowered his mouth and kissed her.

  Their tongues met and tangled and Kai knew he could get lost. Norah pulled his T-shirt and he rose up to whip it off. Norah was already tugging at the button on his jeans. He moved from her reach and leaned back to yank the blanket from her body. Her legs were bare, but as she reached for his pants again, he caught a glimpse of pink panties. It was almost more tempting than finding her naked. Just a bit of a tease.

  He slid down her body, taking the panties with him, as he kissed his way down her thighs. She sighed at his touch. He followed the same path up and took the edge of the shirt she wore and raised it. Her hands clamped down over his.


  “I have stretch marks and flab still.”

  As much as he wanted her naked, he wouldn’t push her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with. Her nipples were already hard and poking through the cotton. He pulled the shirt taut and sucked on them. A moan slipped past her lips and her hands flew back to his head to hold him in place. She gripped his hair right over the bump on his head and he did his best to ignore the slice of pain because this was worth it.

  “Get naked, Kai.”

  He climbed off the bed and dropped his jeans and underwear. She rose on her knees and crossed the bed. Wrapping her fingers a
round his cock, she said, “Please tell me you have a condom handy.”

  “For what?”

  “I want you inside me.” She said it as if he were slow.

  “You haven’t gone to the doctor yet.”

  “I’m fine. My appointment is in like three days. She’ll say I’m good to go. Three days isn’t going to make a difference.” Her hand stroking him made an excellent argument.

  He gripped her wrist to stop the movement. “No doctor approval, no penetration.”

  She pouted. Actually fucking pouted. “I never figured you to be a rule follower.”

  He pushed her back onto the bed, taking her wrists in one hand and pushing them over her head. Then he bit that damn pouty lower lip. “I need to practice my art of making out. You’re the one who said I’ve been missing out.”

  “Me and my big mouth.”

  He chuckled against her skin and then used his mouth to make her forget everything.

  * * *

  Norah practically skipped out of her doctor’s office. Of course, everything was fine and she was clear to resume a completely normal life, including sex. Her doctor didn’t even bat an eye when Norah asked for it in writing.

  The note was tucked safely in her pocket as she drove to Kai’s house. She had a busy day planned. Lani had physical therapy, and after her nap, they were going to the mall. Lani insisted on getting out and meeting her friends for a movie. She still wasn’t quite ready to drive herself, so Norah had agreed to drive her. While Lani and friends were in the theater, Norah planned on shopping for something special to wear for Kai.

  It was a little silly since he’d seen her naked, but this would be the first time they’d go all the way, so she wanted to look nice. At least until he took it off her, which knowing him wouldn’t take long. Norah hadn’t shopped for anything in a while. She couldn’t remember the last time she went to a mall to look for clothes.

  She sighed. She had no room in her budget for a wardrobe overhaul. What she owned would have to do for a while yet. The upside was that once she was back in school, she’d be wearing scrubs often while she did clinics, so she didn’t have to worry about her wardrobe. And Kai never cared what she wore. He even liked her in his clothes.

  She had to remind herself that by the time she was back in school, she wouldn’t be seeing Kai anymore. His mom was almost well enough to go back to Jaleesa’s. In fact, she’d mentioned earlier in the week how since Kai’s front steps were manageable, she wanted to try something more difficult. What then?

  Would she be out of a job and a boyfriend? Although this thing with Kai started as a means to have some fun, it developed into more. They cared about each other. If pressed, she’d admit she was falling for him, but they hadn’t discussed where they were going with this. Or even if they were going somewhere.

  She parked her car behind Kai’s and shoved the thoughts aside. Today was for celebrating. With the note in her hand, she stepped from the car and walked to the house. She still knocked before unlocking the door and she called out before wandering through. The habit had become routine.

  “Lani, I’m here.”

  “Just like you are every day. But later today.”

  Norah smiled. “I told you I had an appointment. I’m still here in plenty of time to get you to therapy.”

  “Oh, yes. We wouldn’t want to be late for that.”

  “You might want a sweater today. It’s windy,” she said as she kept walking toward the kitchen. Lani rarely gave her grief about getting her morning sugar and Norah tried not to worry about what that meant.

  In the kitchen, Kai stood at the counter drinking his coffee. Nice to know she wasn’t the only one who followed a routine. Too bad he was wearing a shirt today. She much preferred him shirtless. “Hey,” she said.

  “Good morning.”

  She unfolded the note and said, “It sure is.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A note from my doctor clearing me for everything.”

  He glanced at the note and one eyebrow ticked up as he reached for her hips. “Everything?”

  She nodded and rose on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his lips. No matter what she told herself, this didn’t feel temporary anymore.

  “Makes me wonder,” he said against her lips.


  “My mom told me she was going to Jaleesa’s house tonight. Said she might stay over to practice on her stairs. Did you tell her something?”

  Heat rose in Norah’s cheeks. “No. What kind of person do you think I am? You think I’d tell your mom to get lost so I can have sex with you?”

  His laugh was quiet and vibrated against her hands on his chest. “I meant did you tell her about the doctor today?”

  She thought back. Had she told Lani where she was going? “I don’t think so. I mean, I told her I had an appointment, but I don’t think I told her for what.”

  Norah stepped back. “This feels creepy now.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I can’t have sex with you tonight if your mom is going to come in tomorrow and know.”

  He burst out laughing. Loud. Norah smacked his shoulder. “This isn’t funny.”

  “Sweetheart, do you think she believes you wake up in my bed untouched?”

  “She doesn’t know I’ve spent the night in your bed. I’ve been careful to be up and dressed before her every time.”

  “Sometimes I forget you grew up without a mom. They have a sense. They know things. She absolutely knows.”

  Norah dropped her forehead to his chest. “Oh my God. What she must think of me.”

  Kai’s hand rubbed down her spine. “She likes you no matter what you do. Most days, I think she likes you more than me.”

  “Norah, it’s getting late,” Lani called from the living room.

  “Coming,” she yelled. She pushed away from the comfort of Kai’s body. “I wish you hadn’t told me. Now I’ll never be able to look your mom in the eye again.”

  He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. “You’re fine.”

  “Before I go, I looked online for some ideas for my tattoo.”


  “What uh-uh?”

  “I won’t put some clip art or overused image on your body. I’ll draw something custom.”

  Her insides turned to a puddle of goo. For a guy who liked to believe he was an asshole, he sure had a way of making her feel special. “Really?”

  “Of course. Nothing but the best for you, babe.”

  She tried not to make a big deal over it. She really did. He was an artist and did unique artwork all the time.

  As she pulled away to get Lani to her appointment, he said, “Come back here when you’re done with my mom. I shouldn’t be late tonight.”

  Although she’d planned on spending the night with him, Norah felt a thrill at his invitation. Well, it was more of a demand, but the thrill was still there.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kai knew he was in trouble when Norah had sent a picture to his phone of what looked like her upper thigh with a hint of bright blue lace. The picture itself wasn’t the sign of trouble. That was enough to get his blood flowing. What was troubling was that the interruption at work hadn’t bothered him at all. In fact, they’d ended up engaging in a text conversation about why she should send better photos.

  He didn’t have personal conversations while at work. He definitely didn’t flirt. Norah had taken over his entire brain. Finally, he gave up and instead of trying to think of other things, he worked on the art for her dragonfly tattoo. With every stroke of his pencil, he imagined where he’d put this on her body.

  Again, images of her laid bare in front of him came to mind. He found himself watching the clock. At seven, Puck was still working, but Kai had no other clients scheduled. Normally, he’d sit around and wait for Puck to finish, but today, he wanted to get home to Norah.

  “I’m heading out. Make sure you lock up when you’re done.”

  Puck mu
mbled his assent. Kai drove home faster than ever, with the exception of the day Norah had gone into labor. That felt like it was a lifetime ago. Things had changed so rapidly between them since. He parked in front of his house and jumped from the car. Keys in hand, he took the steps two at a time.

  Inside the house, he heard the murmur of the TV, but Norah wasn’t in the living room. “Norah?”

  She came from the kitchen carrying a couple bottles of beer. “Saw you pull up. Figured you might like a drink.”

  The bottles dangled between her fingers as she strode toward him. She was wearing the same clothes he saw her in earlier, but her attitude was different. He took the bottles and set them on the table. “Not thirsty.”

  “No? Can I get you something else? Dinner, maybe?” Her eyes did that wide, fake-innocence thing he was pretty sure she’d practiced for years.

  He pulled her close and held the back of her head. “Something else.” He captured her mouth and tasted her. Her tongue collided with his and she tugged at his shirt. Holding her hand, he started to back her out of the living room.

  She eased away. “I thought you wanted hard and fast against the wall.”

  He growled low in his throat. “Not this time. Right now, slow. I’m taking my time with you. But I’ll still have you screaming by the time I’m done.”

  Norah turned and walked to the bedroom, holding his hand the entire way. If she wanted to think she had control, he’d let her for a minute. But that would end the second their clothes came off.

  “Take off your shirt,” he said. “I want to see the full picture of what you teased with earlier.”

  She crossed her arms in front of her and gripped the edge of the shirt. She paused and said, “I’m still flabby. And I have stretch marks, so keep your eyes at my chest. My boobs look good.”

  Pulling the shirt up, her bare skin was revealed. If he looked, he saw the stretch marks, light, little squiggly lines, but the bright blue of her lace bra drew his attention. She was right—she had great tits. He moved forward and cupped them both, kneading the flesh and pinching her nipples. She sucked in a sharp breath, but arched forward into his touch.

  Her hair slid down her back and he had easy access to her neck. He kissed and bit and sucked at her pulse. She gripped his shoulders, her fingers pressing him close.


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