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Do You Take This Cat [Wind River Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Missy Martine

Rennia nodded and walked into her bedroom. A massive raised platform bed sat against the interior wall. Its carved, scallop-shaped headboard had been painted to resemble the night sky. Another door opened into her bathroom. There was a whirlpool bath and an enormous space that held the commode, vanity, chair, and a linen closet, as well as a large medicine chest. Unfortunately, she’d been unable to figure out why the tub faucet continued to leak.

  Dropping her purse, she moved into the small kitchen that would be any cook’s dream. There was a tile floor, modern appliances, a huge combination sink, and a counter big enough to use for any baking she might want to do. Over the sink was a large window that overlooked a thick patch of pine trees, beyond which was a spectacular view with a small lake.

  She filled the coffee pot with water and a premeasured coffee packet. After she’d started it dripping and had laid a tray with cups, saucers and condiments, she went in search of her mate.

  She found Ray in the living room, leafing through one of the many travel books she had stacked up in the corner. “Have you ever visited any of these places?” he asked.

  Rennia shook her head sadly. “No money for travel. It was a struggle just pulling together enough money to send everybody to college.” She’d admitted to having five brothers without giving him any details about them. She was lucky there were no family pictures scattered around her home.

  Ray looked around the room and then studied the fireplace. “That isn’t efficient. You need a stove in here.”

  Rennia laughed. “I’m pretty hot-blooded. I don’t get cold easily, and the fireplace is more than enough to keep me comfortable.”

  He moved closer. “How long have you lived here?”

  “I’ve only had the house a few months. Before that, I was living in an apartment in Casper.”

  “You were a teacher, right?”

  Rennia nodded. “Yeah, I taught in the elementary school, mostly second graders.”

  “What brought you back to Takoda?”

  She shrugged. “I was getting a little burned out, and I missed my family and friends.”

  He frowned. “You seem a little young to suffer from burnout.”

  “I’m twenty-six, and I think you can burn out at any age if you don’t vary your routines enough. The curriculum they allowed me to work with couldn’t even keep the students interested, much less their teacher. I was beginning to feel like a glorified, underpaid babysitter. When I complained to the district supervisor I was told to consider myself lucky. Some teachers didn’t have enough hours in the day to get through their lesson plans. I was supposed to just get the children comfortable in spending long days in school. The real learning wouldn’t come until the third and fourth grades.”

  “What an ass! What did you tell them?”

  “I gave them my two-weeks’ notice.”

  “So, have you given up teaching now, since you’re opening a club?”

  “No, I plan on going back. I’m gonna be teaching here in the spring. By then, Wyoming Wildlife’s Bar & Grill should be running smoothly. I’ll have the necessary key employees in place that can watch over it, and I’ll be back in the classroom.”

  “You going back to the second graders?”

  Rennia laughed. “No, I’m moving up in the world. I’ll have a couple of classes with fifth graders and one with the sixth grade. On top of that, I plan on holding art classes three times a week.”

  When the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, Rennia turned toward the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Ray grabbed her arm. “No, wait.”

  His hand was big and warm, callused from work. She looked down at it in the muted glow of the lamp. It was a beautiful hand, very masculine, with neatly trimmed and clean, flat nails. His other hand moved slowly to her face, touching her soft cheek, tracing it down to the corner of her mouth. It was the first intimate contact she’d had with him, and she actually trembled. Her gaze strayed to the play of muscles rippling beneath his buttoned down shirt, to his strong forearms with their sprinkling of dark hair visible where he’d rolled his cuffs to his elbows.

  Ray bent and brushed his mouth lightly across her forehead. He looked down at her intently for a few seconds, and then his mouth moved down onto hers. It was disconcerting, but after a minute it became more familiar, more comfortable. She felt her lips and body relax. He traced the curve of her lower lip in a slow, delicious movement that made her mouth part. When he slipped inside and lightly stroked her tongue with his, her entire body clenched. Her arms slid up around his neck when he angled his head to deepen the kiss. She held on for dear life as his kiss devoured her.

  Ray’s hands went to her waist and slid up and down, his thumbs brushing just beneath the soft undersides of her breasts, in a lazy, arousing pattern that made her want to lift up toward them. She went up on tiptoe, pushing her mouth against his, opening her lips to his hungry demand. She felt a vibration against her lips, something like a muffled groan, just before his arms suddenly swallowed her and lifted her into the hard curve of his body. She flicked open a couple of buttons on his shirt and flattened her hand on his wide chest. The curly hairs tickled her fingers as his chest slowly rose and fell. Ray smelled of spice and aftershave, his breath warm against her face.

  His mouth increased its pressure, his tongue moving in slow, insistent thrusts that made her moan loudly. Ending their kiss, Ray pulled back, his big hands gripping her shoulders, not tightly, but securely. His dark eyes swept up and down her body. She dropped her gaze to his chest where the dark shirt clung to his hard muscles.

  “You’re so beautiful, Rennia,” he whispered. “I want you so much.” Lifting the hem of her shirt, his fingers delved beneath and followed the line of her rib cage to the gentle swell of her breasts. The lace of her bra was no protection when he used the sides of his thumbs to tease her nipples to pebbled peaks. For an instant, she stiffened. Then his thumb rubbed tenderly over the swollen nipple, and a ripple of ardent desire raged in her veins. She drew a shivery, shaking breath. The pressure increased just enough to be arousing. She arched involuntarily and moaned.

  Ray’s fingers were groping the fastening of her bra when the mood was shattered by the harsh ringing of the phone. His hands stilled as he tipped his head back, his eyes closed. “Do you have to get that?”

  Rennia licked her lips. “I can let the machine get it.”

  Ray smiled and brushed his lips over her cheek. “That’s good.” His mouth and tongue explored her neck as the greeting on her answering machine played in the background. He had just lowered her to the couch when a female voice burst from the machine.

  “Rennia, you might as well pick up, girl. We’re about ten minutes from your place, and we need to talk to you tonight. So, if you’re doing anything you wouldn’t want me to see, you’d better put a stop to it and cover up. You might want to put on some coffee. It’s gonna be one of those talks. See ya soon.”

  She sighed when the machine clicked off. It was Kilana’s voice, and she could only guess at who she had with her. Apparently Kinnith hadn’t wasted any time in telling the family about her dinner date.

  “Are you okay?” asked Ray.

  Rennia forced a smile as she pushed against his chest. “I’m okay, just a bit frustrated. That was a cousin, and if she says she’s ten minutes away, then she’s probably only five.”

  Ray closed his eyes briefly and blew out a harsh breath. “That’s okay. We’re probably moving a little fast anyway.” He gazed into Rennia’s eyes. “I don’t wanna mess this up, Rennia. I wanna see where this takes us, if you’re interested.”

  She smiled and laid her palm against his bristly cheek. “I’m very interested.”

  Grinning, Ray pulled her toward the door. “Then I’m gonna say good night. I’ll pick you up in the morning and take you to breakfast. Just give me a call when you get up. Maybe you could show me the sights around here. It’ll do you good to get away from the club tomorrow. Kind of rest up before your opening on

  “Sounds like a date to me. I need to get my car sometime tomorrow. I’ll be on the run all day Friday.”

  “No problem. I’ll help you do whatever you need to so the club’s ready on time.” He opened the door and turned to face Rennia. Bending, he covered her lips with his for a brief kiss and then rubbed his forehead against hers. “Sleep well, my beauty. I want you rested for me tomorrow.” He stepped out onto the porch and gave her a half smile. “I’m off to take a cold shower.”

  Rennia giggled. “Good night, Ray. Today was great, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” He grinned, saluted her with two fingers, and then hurried down to his truck. She stood in the open doorway and watched as he made his way down the gravel drive. Sighing, she shut the door and switched on a few more lights. “At least the coffee’s ready. I have a strong feeling I’m gonna need it.”

  When the doorbell rang ten minutes later Rennia seriously considered ignoring it and going to bed. She wasn’t looking forward to the reaming she knew she was going to receive. Before she could make up her mind, someone pounded on the wood door.

  “Rennia, we know you’re in there. Open the damn door!”

  Sighing, she walked over and flipped open the locks. She had to jump back when the door was forcibly pushed open. “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I was opening it.”

  Kilana snorted. “Sure you were.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Come on in, girls.”

  Rennia stood back and watched as Elyne, Laynee, and Katie marched in behind Kilana. She peered out the door.

  “What are you looking at?” asked Kilana.

  “Just seeing if there’s anyone else who wants to stick their nose in my business. Were Mom and Aunt Maddie too busy to come?” She glared at Kati. “And I’m very surprised to see you here. Especially after the advice you gave me.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I thought you could use a little moral support.”

  Rennia watched as her cousins settled on the sofa and chairs in her living room. She raised her brows. “Please, do make yourselves at home.”

  Kilana smiled. “We’re here to try and save you from yourself.”

  “We were all at Kati’s house when Kinnith got back from picking up dinner,” said Elyne. “He told us you were having dinner with Kati’s brother, but that he didn’t seem to know that you’re part of the pack.” She cleared her throat. “Is that true?”

  Before Rennia could answer, Kati jumped to her feet. “She was just following my advice.”

  Elyne’s mouth dropped open. “What did you tell her to do?”

  “I advised her to let Ray get to know her as a person before he learned about her shifter half. Right now, he’s afraid of everything that pertains to shifters. If he gets to know her, without all that pressure, he’ll develop real feelings for her. The goal is to get Rennia her mate, and I think that anything that accomplishes that is worthwhile.”

  Kilana sighed. “Kati, I know you meant well, but you don’t fully understand the mated dynamics yet. You can’t build a relationship on a lie. This isn’t even a little lie. It’s a whopper. How do you think Ray will feel when he finds out that she deceived him? You know your brother better than anyone. Does he forgive easily? Is he the kind of man who holds a grudge when he feels like someone’s wronged him?”

  Kati walked over and gazed into the fireplace. “If he believed the person deceived him maliciously, he’d never forgive them. But this wasn’t done with malice. I love my brother, and I want him to find the same happiness as me.” She turned and faced the women. “I think the positive outweighs any risk.”

  Rennia moved to stand next to Kati. “I agree with her. Ray is my mate, and we all know what that means. I don’t get another chance. If I can’t make a relationship with him, I’m doomed to spend the rest of my life alone or with someone that my cat and wolf will fight against.”

  Kilana sniffed the air. “Did you mark him tonight?”

  “No, I didn’t have the chance. Someone called my phone just as things were getting interesting.” She sighed and combed her fingers through her hair. “I don’t plan on marking him or claiming him as a mate, unless he agrees with full knowledge of what I am. It was difficult, holding back the animals, but I’m in control.”

  “I can sense you’re troubled, Rennia,” said Laynee. “What do you see the outcome as?”

  “I don’t see an outcome at all. I don’t plan on taking this further than the club opening on Friday. Ray and I are spending the day together tomorrow, and he’s coming to the club opening on Friday. It’s my intention to tell him the truth after the club closes. I just wanted him to have a couple of normal days with me so he’d understand that our lives don’t always revolve around our shifted half. I want him to see that I can love him as well or better than any of the human women he knows. He already told me he was having feelings, and he wants to see where it takes us.”

  Kati smiled. “Then you’re halfway home, girl. All my brother has ever wanted is to fall in love, settle down, and have a family. I say we give her a chance to make this work.” She took Rennia’s hand. “I’ve got your back, sister.”

  Elyne shook her head as she got to her feet. “We all have your back, but if Dad finds out, he’s gonna have your butt.”

  Kilana groaned. “That goes double for your dads, Rennia. They’ll all want a piece of you if you’re not careful.”

  Kati did a good impersonation of a growl. “Then we’re in agreement. We’ll give Rennia forty-eight hours to see if she can get through to my brother’s buried heart. We’ll run interference when necessary and make sure the family stays out of it.”

  “Agreed,” said Elyne. “But after the forty-eight hours she has to promise to tell him the truth.”

  Rennia smiled and blinked back the tears in her eyes. “I give you my word. By this time Friday night, I’ll have Detective Mathews here on that sofa where I’ll tell him everything.”

  Elyne nodded. “Good enough. Now we need to get back. Sooner or later, Mom is gonna notice something’s up, and we don’t want her trying to interfere.”

  Rennia watched everyone as they walked out the door. She stood and waved as they got in Kilana’s car and took off, spraying gravel everywhere. Slowly, she shut the door and engaged all the locks. “I’d better hope this works, because there’s no telling what Aunt Maddie might do if she finds out Ray is rejecting his mate.” Flipping off the lights, she headed for her bed. She wanted to get an early start and spend as much time with Ray as possible. It might be the only chance she had.

  Chapter 6

  Rennia looked at Ray and smiled. “How’d you like for me to show you some of the sites today?”

  Ray snorted. “Sure, that’ll be great. What’ll we do with the other twenty-four hours of the day?”

  Narrowing her eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Very funny. Just because we’re a small town doesn’t mean we don’t have impressive areas for you to explore. Being from New York, you probably don’t get much of a chance to experience real nature.”

  He laughed and held up his hands up as if to surrender. “Okay, I give up. I’m being an ass, and I apologize.” He reached for her hand and ran his callused thumb over the smooth skin on her fingers. “Actually, I don’t get much chance to see the beauty in nature. I’m happy for you to show me around your home.”

  Ray studied her closely. Her sweater and jeans fit her loosely, yet managed to display the womanly curves of her body in a ladylike way that made him feel like anything but a gentleman. Her long hair was pulled back and tied with a ribbon, leaving her graceful neck visible. He had an almost uncontrollable urge to run his tongue along the smooth skin to see if she tasted as good as he remembered from the night before. Ray cupped her face in his palms, lowered his mouth to hers and tasted. His lips teased over her full mouth, nibbling her upper lip while he tasted it with a lazy stroke of his tongue. Reluctantly, he pulled back and gazed into her green eyes. The vulnerability he saw made him want to wr
ap her up in cotton and keep her protected from all the harshness in the world.

  He kissed her again, working to keep it light and easy, but hot and hard was winning the battle. His tongue teased her lips apart as he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her into his chest. He tunneled his fingers into her hair and found the ribbon that held it in place. In one twist of his wrist, her hair tumbled around her shoulders.

  * * * *

  Parting her lips, Rennia allowed his tongue to explore her mouth. Chills and heat warred over her skin as he glided his hands over her back, burrowing his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck. She speared her fingers into his hair and kissed him back, secure in the circle of his arms. The beasts inside her rumbled contentedly. The almost uncontrollable urge to mark her mate washed over her. Reluctantly, she broke the kiss and leaned back in his arms. “You were right last night.”

  “Right about what?”

  “We’re moving a little fast for me. I feel so much when we’re together, but I don’t want to rush it.”

  Ray smiled and the heat inside Rennia sparked a little hotter. His brown eyes held intelligence and good humor, and his dark brown hair was just beginning to go gray, threaded here and there with bits of silver. “You’re absolutely right. We’ve got plenty of time to get to know one another. Let’s go see some of these sights you’re so proud of.”

  Rennia nodded and stepped away, moving to the closet to grab her jacket. Ray’s thin, black T-shirt seemed stretched to its limit as it hugged his broad shoulders and showed every contour of his muscular upper arms. The shirt was looser where it tucked into his low-slung jeans, but still clung just enough to hint at the rock-hard abs beneath.

  Swallowing hard, Rennia pulled on her jacket leaving it hanging open haphazardly. It was limp from age, its pocket edges wore bare, and its zipper long since grown useless. For some strange reason, the jacket was always a symbol of home and she treasured it.

  Moving closer, Ray’s lean hands went to her waist and pulled her closer toward his body. Too close. His cologne was a heady combination of citrus and masculinity, and she could feel the heat of his body under the cotton of his shirt. His hands slid to the column of her throat and then moved up to cup her face between his palms. “I’m gonna slow down for you, Rennia. But I’m not going away. I can’t explain the feeling I get when I’m with you, but I do know I have to know more. We have to explore this while we can.”


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