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All About the Money (A Jesse Watson Mystery Series Book 7)

Page 29

by Ann Mullen

  “Don’t bring my mother into it,” I said, defiantly. “She has nothing to do with this. She’s just a nice lady who thought you were worth saving.”

  “Saved from what? Myself… or a man everyone adored? Nobody knew what he was really like. They all loved him.”

  “I’m sorry, Savannah. We didn’t know.”

  “No, I guess you didn’t.” She climbed out of bed. “You’ve seen those horrible pictures and you found the pills he stole, so if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave. You got what you came for.”

  Billy motioned to me, but I wasn’t finished. “I just have one last question for you, Savannah. Did you feed those pills to McCoy… spike his drink, or his food? I mean, he deserved it, right? After all the bad things he’s done to you, who would blame you?”

  She could’ve said she didn’t do it, but she didn’t. She looked me in the eyes and replied, “No matter what I say, you’re not going to believe me, so I guess you’ll never know the truth. I hope you can live with that.”

  “All you have to say is you didn’t do it. Is that so hard?”

  “I don’t have to tell you anything, so get out of my house before I call the police. I can’t believe I ever trusted you and thought you were my friend. You’re nobody’s friend.”

  Billy grabbed my arm and said, “Come on, Jesse. We’re finished here.” He looked at Savannah and said, “I’m sorry we bothered you.”

  “I’m not a bad person,” Savannah said. “I just married one.”

  Billy and I turned and walked out.

  Chapter 24

  The news of our discovery had shocked Mom. She didn’t say much, except that she was glad Savannah wasn’t the bad person she thought she had become. She had been the victim. Mom was a little displeased that she wasn’t going to get to play detective, but I assured her there’d be more jobs to come, and that maybe she should wait until after the wedding to get started on her new adventure. She agreed to put her desires on hold for the time being. There would be plenty of time later.

  It rained the day of McCoy’s funeral service, making everything seem drearier than it already was. Black umbrellas lined the walkway to the church. I was dressed in my fine hat, along with many other ladies, while Savannah looked the part of the grieving widow. She was wearing black from head to toe, the mesh veil of her hat covering her face. The cut to her head and hands were only a memory now. Her physical wounds had healed, but it would be a long time before the emotional scars disappeared. She glanced at me in passing, but said nothing. Cole was by her side.

  After the service, McCoy’s body was flown to his hometown of Fancy Gap for burial, accompanied by Savannah as planned. The following day she returned with her new son, Kaleb, who had just turned a year old. A week later, she threw a party to welcome him into her life, and invited everyone she knew, including all of us. So... we all attended.

  The whole situation between Savannah and McCoy had weighed heavily on my mind for the last several days, but I was determined to get past it. Why spend the rest of my life trying to figure it out? The autopsy report had not only confirmed that massive amounts of prescription drugs were in McCoy’s system, but there were also signs of long time drug abuse. Savannah hadn’t lied about that. And, yes, she had lied about a lot of penny ante stuff, but what it all boiled down to was that she had suffered horrendously because of that man. Whether or not she had put an end to it, or he had, it was inevitable. Relationships like that seldom end well. It’s not my job to judge, so I sucked it in, and attended her party. What else could I do, except move on? I had proof of nothing.

  Before the party ended, I saw a strange exchange between Savannah and her ex-assistant, Vera. They appeared to be arguing about something, and when I walked up to them, they stopped talking. Their abrupt silence was a sure sign there was something going on.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked them.

  Savannah was at a loss for words. Her face was flushed and she was terribly upset about something, but she didn’t want to discuss it. She walked away without saying anything.

  I looked at Vera and asked, “Are you okay? She seemed so angry about something. Is she mad at you?”

  Vera shook her head and made the comment, “The things we do for the ones we love.” She turned and walked off without another word.

  I didn’t know what she meant, so I followed her to find out, my need to snoop taking over. I stopped her before she made it to her car. “Is there anything I can do to help? You and Savannah have been friends for so long, I hate to see it end like this. Do you want someone to talk to? I’m a pretty good listener.”

  “There’s nothing to say,” Vera replied. “Savannah doesn’t want me in her life anymore.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “You’ll have to ask her.” Vera got in her car and left.

  I went inside the house looking for Savannah, and when I found her, she was in the bathroom with the door locked. “Are you all right?” I asked, standing by the door. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Savannah opened the bathroom door, her eyes filled with tears, and said, “She did it.”

  “She did what?”

  “She was the one who spiked his drink.” She looked at me. “I’m sorry, Jesse. I should have just told you that I didn’t do it when you asked me that day, but I knew you wouldn’t believe me. And I was angry that you and Billy were searching through my stuff. I felt betrayed.”

  I walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and then sat down on the edge of the bathtub, while Savannah closed the lid on the toilet and sat down on it.

  “Vera was in love with me,” Savannah continued. “I had no idea. It almost makes me sick to think about it. I trusted her. She said she couldn’t stand the way McCoy treated me, so she did something about it. I asked her what she had done, and that’s when she told me she had spiked his drink. He had stopped by her place that day to get her to help smooth things over with me, but, boy had he picked the wrong person to ask for help. She hated him, and he didn’t even know it. They had a drink, and that’s when she did it. She said she thought he would just overdose and die later, but it didn’t turn out that way. When she heard about his death on the news, she thought she was in the clear. She actually asked me if she could come back to work for me. She said I would need her more than ever now that I had a child to raise. Can you believe it? She told me she poisoned my husband with drugs, and then she asks for her job back. She’s crazy if she thinks I’m going to let her get anywhere near me and my child.

  I reached over and put my hand on hers and said, “She cared about you and she hated what he was doing to you, but what she did was wrong. You were right to end your relationship with her. She’s dangerous and obviously unstable. She belongs behind bars.”

  “I have to call the sheriff and turn her in,” Savannah said. “She can’t get away with it. As much as I loathed McCoy for being so bad to me, he didn’t deserve to die. He needed professional help.”

  “Don’t blame yourself, Savannah. It’s not your fault.”

  “I need to call Sheriff Hudson. He needs to be notified.”

  “But you don’t have any proof,” I said. “It’ll be your word against hers.” I let my mind wander for a minute, and then said, “I have an idea. Wash your face and pull yourself together. I’ll go talk to Billy.”

  I left Savannah in the bathroom while I went to get Billy. The party had thinned out and the only ones left were Billy, Mom, Eddie, and me. I gathered them together and filled them in on what Savannah had told me. “I have a plan,” I said. “I’m going to take Savannah to Vera’s house, and get a confession on tape.” I looked at Billy. “Show me how to record her using this new cell phone.”

  “How are you going to get a confession?” Mom asked.

  Savannah walked into the room carrying Kaleb. The two of them looked like they belonged together. She adored him. I could tell from the look in her eyes.

  “I guess Jesse told you about Vera.” />
  “I can’t believe it,” Mom said. “She seemed like such a caring person. Her only concern was that Savannah was well cared for.”

  “She was,” Savannah responded. “She really, really cared about me.”

  “Eddie and I can stay here and take care of Kaleb while you’re gone. That is, if you want us to. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t trust me anymore. I…”

  “It’s all right, Minnie,” Savannah replied. “You just did what you thought was right. I told a lot of lies. I’m not surprised you lost faith in me. But those days are over now. No more lies. Take care of my boy while I’m gone.” She handed Kaleb over to Mom.

  “He’s so cute,” Mom said. “He looks just like McCoy.”

  “Yes, he does,” Savannah agreed, sadly. “His father was a mighty handsome man. Too bad he didn’t act as pretty as he was. He would’ve made a fine husband, and he could’ve made me very happy.”

  We took Savannah’s green Mustang, while Billy followed in the truck. He was going to be our backup in case the visit took a turn for the worse. Surprisingly, Vera welcomed us when she answered the door. She waved us in and said, “I hope you don’t mind the mess. I haven’t finished unpacking. I’ve been a little slow settling in. The apartment’s small, but it’ll do for the time being. Believe me, I’ve lived in worse places.”

  She lived in a tiny apartment in a complex right off Ford Avenue in Stanardsville. It looked as if she hadn’t been there long at all, because she had only unpacked a few boxes.

  “It might not have to just do,” I said. “Savannah told me everything. She wants you to come back. She needs you.”

  Vera looked at Savannah and asked, “Is that true? You’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “Of course, not,” Savannah replied. “If I were, I wouldn’t be here. I was just so shocked at first, but now I’m okay with it. I’m glad you did it.”

  I had my hand in my pocket, my finger poised on the button of the cell phone. I pressed it without making a sound.

  “McCoy was a bad man,” Savannah went on. “He hurt me in so many ways, but thanks to you, I don’t have to worry about him anymore. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  Vera hugged her and said, “I did it all for you. I hated him for the way he treated you. He deserved to die.”

  Here it comes… the confession.

  Vera hugged Savannah again and said, “I’m so glad we’re going to be together. We’ll be so much better off now that he’s gone.”

  I thought Vera was going to kiss her, which would’ve grossed me out, but she didn’t. She stepped back and then looked at me. “Why are you here?”

  “Savannah needed moral support,” I answered quickly, sensing her suspicion. “She was afraid you would say no, and she thought I might be able to convince you to come back. I hope you don’t mind. I hated McCoy, too. If you hadn’t laced his drink, I probably would have. He was a sorry excuse for a man.”

  “You’re so right,” Vera agreed with zest. “Somebody should’ve killed him a long time ago. He might not have been so bad if he’d stayed away from the drugs, but he wouldn’t. I knew he was going to really hurt Savannah before it was over with. I was afraid he’d kill her.”

  “You stopped him dead in his tracks!” I laughed. “That rat! I hope those pills ate up his insides!”

  “I’m sure they did,” Vera chuckled. “I used enough to stop a cow. I can’t tell you how good I felt watching him drink that junk.”

  She had confessed, but I wanted more details on tape.

  “Where did you get the drugs?”

  “You don’t think he was the only one who could steal, do you?” she boasted. “And the funny thing is—I stole most of them from him! I knew where he kept the key, so one day when he was gone, I went in and stole a handful. Just think, the drugs he loved so much turned out to be the cause of his his demise.”

  “And you helped it along.”

  “I did more than help. I contributed to the delinquency of a jerk.”

  We all laughed.

  “So you laced his drink, and then what happened? Did he start foaming at the mouth?” I laughed again. “I would’ve loved to have seen that.”

  “I don’t know,” Vera replied. “He left right afterwards. And I’m glad he did, because I started thinking about what would happen if he died right here. That wasn’t what I had planned.”

  “So… you planned this in advance. How smart of you!”

  “Yeah, it was just luck that he stopped by here. I didn’t know when I’d get a chance to pull this off, but then the opportunity just fell into my lap.”

  “I’ve heard enough,” Savannah said. “I think I’m going to be sick. Where’s your bathroom?”

  Vera pointed down the hall, and Savannah ran.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Vera asked. “She seems so upset. I thought she’d changed her mind and was happy that I got rid of McCoy.”

  “Vera…” I said, hesitating. “Can’t you tell when you’re being used? God, you’re so easy.”

  “Yes, I can,” she replied, humbly. “I knew it the minute you walked in that door and said she wanted me back. Don’t think I didn’t see the hate in her eyes when I told her what I did. I knew she’d never forgive me… but I was hoping. When you showed up, I knew everything was out in the open. I guess I’ll have to turn myself in to the police.”

  “I think you should,” I replied as I pulled the cell phone from my pocket and pressed a key. “Did you get all that?” I asked Billy.

  “Sure did,” he replied. “Got every last word.”

  I looked back at Vera. “Now three people have heard your confession. Normally, I’d just stick a gun in your face and haul you off to the cops, but I can’t do that. So… I suggest you turn yourself in. As soon as we leave, we’ll be calling Sheriff Hudson, so he can hear your confession.”

  “Give me a few minutes to get myself together,” she said. “I have a few loose ends to tie up around here.”

  “Okay,” I said as Savannah walked back into the room. I looked at her and asked, “You look pale. Are you all right?”

  “I will be as soon as I get out of here.”

  Vera went to touch her arm, but Savannah jumped back. She didn’t say a word, but instead, turned and walked out the door. I followed.

  Vera watched us from the doorway.

  “You think she’ll turn herself in?” Savannah asked as we got into the car. “I wouldn’t. If I were her, I’d run.”

  “Where’s she going to go?” I said. “She has no place to hide. Oh, she’ll turn herself in. She knows there’s no way out of this one. You need to call Sheriff Hudson and tell him she confessed to giving McCoy the drugs, and that Billy and I heard her. He’ll have his men at her doorstep in no time. She won’t get a chance to run.”

  Savannah pulled out her cell phone, called the Greene County Sheriff’s Office, and then told Sheriff Hudson about Vera’s part in McCoy’s death. I didn’t hear what the sheriff had to say, but I knew he would jump right on it. We’d probably pass him on the road.

  On the way back to Savannah’s house, I told her how sorry I was about everything that had happened. “I lost a lot of trust in you,” I said. “It might take me awhile to get it back. I’ve been told that I’m not a forgiving person, and there might be some truth to it. ”

  “I understand,” she replied. “Trust has to be earned. No more lies.”

  I smiled. “No more lies.”

  By the time we got to Savannah’s house, we were almost back to being the friends we had been before everything had spiraled out of control. It felt good to know that Savannah wasn’t the evil demon seed I thought she was. Things were going to work out, and I was going to get my friend back. When we left Savannah and Kaleb, she was the happiest I’d seen in awhile. I was glad.

  But things don’t always end the way you expect them to. When Sheriff Hudson and his men arrived at Vera’s apartment, she was gone. In a matter of thirty minutes, she had packed up and fled.
An APB was put out on her, but after several hours, she still hadn’t been caught. We had done our part, and now it was up to the cops to catch her. However, Vera was a cunning woman. She was going to be the one that got away.


  A week later, the day of the big wedding shindig arrived. All the details had been meticulously planned out. They had to be. With three couples getting hitched at the same time there was a chance that a lot of things could go wrong. But nothing did go wrong that couldn’t be fixed. It turned out to be a lovely ceremony for Mom and Eddie, Jonathan and Lu Ann, and my sister Claire and her man, Randy.

  Family and friends gathered at Chief Sam and Sarah’s house to celebrate the unions. Faces that I hadn’t seen in awhile were present, including ones that were once our cases. Lila Grayce and her two teenagers showed up in their new red Nissan. That put a smile on my face. It was refreshing to see so many people come together for such a happy celebration. Bridesmaids and groomsmen were aplenty. When my brother Jack gave Mom away, I cried.

  After the wedding vows, we gathered outside for a lavish lawn reception. It was a beautiful day and there was so much food. Everyone had a good time.

  “Your mother looked beautiful,” Savannah said, standing next to Cole. “I cried when Jack gave her away.”

  “I did, too,” I said, looking at her and Cole. “Where’s Kaleb?”

  “He’s with a sitter. I thought it was a little early to be dragging him to a wedding. We’re still getting to know each other, and I thought that being around so many people he didn’t know might be a little scary.”

  “You’re probably right.” I looked at Cole. “I see your mom’s here. Elsie looks good. How’s she doing?”

  “Same as always,” he replied. “She’s a real handful.”

  “Is there any news on Vera? I guess she still hasn’t been caught, or I would’ve heard something.”

  “She’s long gone,” he said. “Sheriff Hudson’s beside himself for letting her get away.”

  “It wasn’t his fault.”

  “Yeah, but he blames himself. He always does when something like this happens.”


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