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Too Wild To Ride (Steel Veins MC Romance, #1)

Page 7

by Adair Rymer

  Remy hunched forward and tore off his button-up. No smile on his lips, just budding determination. It was written all over those strong tattooed arms. He would have me. It was spelled out on his every corded muscle.

  Down to just bra, panties and heels I flicked open the button on his jeans and slid my hands up under his shirt. They climbed over every hard ridge and valley, through the course patch of his chest hair before, arms raised, he let me pull the shirt right off. I discarded it and poured over him, blanketing him with kisses.

  I slid my thighs over his jeans and sat wide on his lap. My hands rubbed up along his ribs before plunging to his waist. He caught them both as I reached the metal treads of his zipper.

  “I told you to work for it.” His deep voice shook me. My bound arms were jerked behind my back as he effortlessly pulled me closer. He bit me hard on the shoulder and ground my body into his. The pain skirted the cusp of too much. Worry and thrill raced throughout me.

  It dawned on me that he really let me in. If we survive long enough, I'll bear witness to the heights of his potential and the depths of his depravity. What hidden depths was this man truly capable of? How well did I know Remy, really? When we fucked before it was in-the-moment. Raw. Death loomed just yards away. It was the desperation of a final embrace. Some warmth before the end.

  This was another thing entirely.

  “Would you like me to show you?” I've never met a man who could sharpen his smile into a weapon like Remy could. Oh God, would I be able to handle it, to handle him?

  “Yes...” I moaned. I needed to find out like I needed air.

  “Tear me apart.” The words I hoped to be only thinking betrayed me and slipped out between my clenched teeth. The darkness inside wanted him to ruin me.

  To my great sadness, the pressure around my wrists vanished. For the briefest of moments I was worried that I misjudged him and would be left wanting. I immediately felt the scratch of his fingernails closing around the straps of my bra, followed by the strain of fabric. The clasp abruptly exploded.

  My eyes went wide. Like a flash of lightning, one hand clenched my throat, dramatically restricting my ability to breathe, while the other tore the wasted garment across the room. That need for him became a yearning.

  I'd have fallen backwards had he not had me by the neck. He had all of me. I only played at control but he could do whatever he wanted. We have some time to kill. What was really in store for me? I was completely at the mercy of that monster inside him. Was it only sated with brutality, the rending of bone and meat? Or did it crave a carnal pound of flesh as well? Would he use me up?

  Remy's free arm cradled my ass and hoisted me up. Together, we careened into the far padded wall. He had me floating. The pressure on my neck, although obscene, still allowed me to draw in ragged breath. He stood against me, plush red wall at my naked back, and crushed into me. My head forced upwards, I could only watch him through the mirror on the ceiling.

  His teeth traced the length of my collarbone, dragged between my breasts to threaten each and every rib on my side with a bite. I was made of glass, had he bit down, I’d have shattered. My arms fell atop his thick, scarred shoulders but were purely ornamental. I barely noticed them, my eyes locked on him through the smoke-yellowed glass above.

  Remy kissed around the beginnings of my breasts, but ignored them otherwise. His stubble grazed by the tip of my swollen nipple. They were diamonds. He had them so hard I was certain they would cut his cheek as he passed. Then he leaned back to take me in fully. My face reddened, body stretched out, stomach quivering. “More,” I mouthed, not able to spare the air for any actual sound.

  He released my throat, I gasped and flooded my lungs as he let me stand on the bench. A great hand found my chest and pinned me against the wall. He jerked down my damp panties. I saw a thin thread of my juice stick to his finger as he snapped them down. I was ready for him in every way.

  I wanted to ravage him but he cruelly kept me at bay. I was only allowed to watch. The bastard. His tongue drew circles over my hip bone and followed the panty-line to my crotch. Just a little further.

  Reading my mind, he hovered over my freshly shaved pussy, god knows what he was thinking. I could feel his every merciless exhale over my sensitive lips. My hips bucked for his touch. He pulled away, taunting me. His eyes ran up my body meeting mine. “Please,” I mouthed. Those dark orbs flashed wickedly, then, instead, he dug his teeth into my thigh.

  “Fuck!” My eyes rolled back. Pleasure-tipped pain coursed through my veins with electric current, like I grasped live power lines. My goosebumps had goosebumps. It made me so wet that, if he ate me now, I would drown him.

  His fingers parted my wet lips. My tender hood quivered at the path of his exploring thumb. The very tip slid along the ridge of my inner walls, making promises only to dash them by moving away. He pulled my lower back toward him so that my body curved like the letter C, my shoulders, head and feet touching the wall. He plunged his thumb, slick from crashing waves of my wanting, into my mouth as his tongue stabbed at my clit.

  I licked and sucked on his thumb, appreciative that he gave me anything at all while he turned my pussy inside out. He oscillated his tongue and tenacity between last-death-row-meal and passing disinterest. I was positively alight with vibration.

  His thumb was savagely ripped from me just before I was carelessly tossed to the bench. My glasses knocked askew, I laid there having no idea what to expect. He parted the teeth of his fly, the longest unzipping of my life. At Muse's he broke composure first and ravaged me. It was fast, messy and thrashing as we dented a car hood and generally smashed about. This time, he emanated control. I was being fucked by a different man wearing Remy's handsome skin. There was so much more to him than anyone could possibly know.

  The black jeans could no longer contain him. He burst out as the denim rubbed over his chiseled thighs. I went for the bulge in his screamingly taut briefs. Work for it, his words echoed in my mind. I stopped, which I think surprised him. I'm sure he thought he had me pegged. I lightly glided my fingers over his lower back to his hips, hooked the elastic band and dragged the briefs to his knees.

  Now free from its cotton prison, Remy's veined, rigid shaft sprang up. He fisted it, driving his hand back and forth down it just for me. The darkened head bobbed behind his knuckles. I knew I wanted it, he read that in the way I bit my bottom lip.

  Fuck me! I screamed internally. I knew if I said it out loud as I wanted to, he would have withdrew to torture me more. I moaned, closed my eyes and focused on picking out just his scent. I bathed in it, let it invade me.

  Both hands grasped my hips. Finally! I swooned as his cock plunged inside of me. My pussy devoured him. I was insatiable. Every vaginal muscle flexed. I was a snake crushing him, strangling his cock like he had choked me earlier.

  Each thrust set every one of my pink, wet molecules on fire. Ecstasy on an atomic level.

  In a feeble attempt to steady my machine-gun heart, I pressed my hand to my chest. There was blood on my wrist from my shoulder. Only a light bead, but still. His bite marks sang across my flesh, it was amazing.

  His thrusts, along with the sight of my own red, bloody flecks, awakened something inside of me. A strength that would help me survive in this dark world. I screamed and screamed. He pushed harder, grinding my body against him. All concepts of time eluded me. The experience came in swells, rising and falling. So, too, did my orgasms and the waves of spasms that followed. My pussy pulsated but the sensation was everywhere. And the heat. There was so much heat. Inside and outside, I radiated like my soul was a stoked furnace.

  Remy's face tightened in concentration. He was on the verge of cumming. I kicked off the floor and bench and slid off him completely. He almost fought me but decided to let me go and watch what I was up to. I swung myself over and rammed my lips around his soaked cock. I took it deep enough to choke on it.

  It slithered and flexed inside me. My tongue lapped at his shaft briefly before giv
ing his bloated head my full attention. My mouth was a wellspring of sweet, slick friction and pressure. He came. The base of my tongue felt the sperm firing through his dick.

  It was a shotgun blast down my throat. And it just kept coming. Burst after burst, I took in every hot, salty drop. Both of my hands massaged his spent shaft. I greedily wanted everything. It felt so good.

  With a handful of my hair, he pulled his cock out of my lips which culminated in a smacking sound. I didn't want to let him go. Then he sat behind me, his cock softened but still very much at attention. I laid my head on his thigh, careful to give his sensitive member a little space to relax.

  He brushed the hair from my face and took off my glasses so I could lay more comfortably. This was home. Not just the sex but the closeness. I had a place with him. Home didn't have to be a building or town. That sense of belonging didn't have to come from a community or family. I felt more love in the strokes of his hand through my hair than I ever did at all the family Thanksgiving dinners combined.

  Sometimes love was being naked in a dirty strip club with a man you've just met.

  Chapter 4


  I sat at the bar and watched Star walk the crowd talking to people. She'd become much more comfortable here as the night progressed. Star was incredible. I've never seen someone adapt to a strange and dangerous situation as fast as her. I could easily see that she was nervous and afraid, but she worked through it. It was admirable.

  Fear can set in heavy like a coat of thick tar and no matter what any tough jerk-off says, everyone has felt fear. If you heed it as a warning it could keep you above ground. But most of the time it was just cowardice. If you can't get past it then you're at the mercy of some asshole who could. I've seen tough men caught or killed because fear crippled them.

  Star knew the difference between a warning and cowardice. After we'd fucked, I broke down every step of the plan to her. She was nervous but confident. I had faith in her. I had to, she was the only person I could trust. I needed her now more than ever.

  Sex with her was... unreal, but if that's all she was good for then I wouldn't have protected her from Top and Rio. Hell, if I hadn't seen that spark in her early on, she wouldn't have made it out of that gas station alive, let alone Muse's place. Just another sad victim of circumstance.

  I watched her casually stroll toward me in the mirror behind the bar. I was just another John she was soliciting for a dance. Her fingers brushed across my shoulders.

  “I think Lorenzo and his guys are here,” Star cooed. Her lips grazed my ear. I could smell her hair. I wished we had more time in the private room upstairs. She was my insatiable appetite. I could eat her for days and yearn for more.

  “How many?”

  “Looks like four in all.” Her legs crossed as she sat beside me, playing at seduction. It was disingenuous enough to show that this was just work for her.

  “Lorenzo will approach me alone but his guys will stay close and watch. Probably near the stage. You think you can keep them distracted?”

  “Ew. I should be able to.” She faked a little laugh to turn away and look them over.

  “You should go, he'll see me soon. Keep an eye out for any more that filter in and let Ginger know that a friend of Gino's is at the bar.” She nodded and stood to leave. I grabbed her hand, ran my thumb over her knuckles and looked at her. My cowardice scolded me for becoming too attached and burned for me to let her go. I pushed through and let my concern show. “Be careful.”

  Star squeezed my hand and nodded with a hint of a smile creasing her face. Then she was gone.

  Lorenzo finally spotted me and walked over. He eyed Star as she passed. It wasn't a look of recognition, just a carnal scanning. My knuckles went white with the mere thought of him brushing her as they crossed paths. Had he so much as touched her... I pushed the notion from my mind, exhaled and focused on the task at hand. It was all I could do to keep the gun that Star smuggled in for me in my waistband from screaming lead at him. I was smarter than that. I was in control.

  “Poet.” Lorenzo took the stool next to mine.

  I threw up two fingers to the bartender. I bumped out a smoke from my pack and offered him one. He took it and dropped it on the bar to have for later. I lit mine.

  “Nice place. For some reason I figured you as more a pool hall guy than a strip club guy. Me? I don't mind slumming it. The ass on tap aint bad.” Lorenzo swung around, no doubt looking for Star but settling with all the sights and smells of the strippers that walked by instead. Then he shot me a sly smile. “Not a bad way to spend your last night on earth, eh?”

  “Been a busy day for you, Lo. How're the boys? I ran into Rocks earlier.” I watched his smugness wither.

  “That was a neat little stunt you pulled. Calling the cops on us.” I wonder if he thought the Lobos being there was just a coincidence. “I got a guy on the scanners this time. The cops so much as sneeze in this direction, my guys outside come in blasting. By the time they get here you'll be dead and we'll be nothing but taillights.”

  “Your guys outside? Looked like the cops and the Lobos were chewing you up when I left. How many guys you got left three? Four? Why even bother coming in? Restraint aint exactly your strong suit.” I exhaled smoke in his face. Lorenzo is a smooth talker but angers easily. With his buttons pushed he gets careless.

  “Call it professional courtesy. We carved those pussy wetbacks up. Cops put up a fight but we were ghosts before SWAT showed up.” He smiled shittily at me and lit the cigarette I gave him.

  “Here's your beers. You want me to add them to your tab?” The busty, blond bartender asked me while slapping two frosted mugs down.

  “My friend here's got these.” I cocked my head over to Lorenzo. He soured and regarded me for a moment before reaching for his wallet.

  “You want me to start a tab, hun?”

  “No thanks, doll. We wont be staying long.” He strained a smile and handed her a fifty. She began to count out the change. “Keep it, just make sure we're not bothered again, huh, sweet checks?”

  She winked at him and left.

  “Gotta say, I'm surprised you called me. Never pegged you for a last minute deal-maker, either.” He took a deep pull off the smoke and ashed it in my beer. “You know how we handle beggars and criers.”

  “I know how worthless, pieces of shit like you handle them.” I took a hearty gulp, not breaking eye contact.

  “You know, Poet, I never liked you. You always had this way about you, like your shit don't stink. You always thought you were better than the rest of us.”

  “Not everyone, Lo, just you. I'm better than you. The real reason you don't like me is because you know it's true.”

  “Poet, the golden son. Not anymore, you self righteous shit. When Deadeye gave the go ahead on you, I couldn't jump on my bike fast enough. No homo—” He held out his hand. “—but the thought of you bloody, pleading for mercy...” Lorenzo quivered.

  “You know why Deadeye always liked me better?”

  His eyes narrowed but he kept quiet.

  “Because I didn't get off on the violence. It was one of many resources at my disposal. You're just a rabid dog that gets let off his leash occasionally. That's why you'll never make it onto the board. I fought to have Deadeye let you rot in jail after what you did to the Baker family. Hell, I'd have killed you myself if they'd let me. You're a stupid pet that only knows one trick.”

  “Stupid or not, I found you.” He perked up into a smile at the mention of the Bakers and raised his glass to a toast. “And I will hear you grovel before I take you back to Deadeye in pieces.”

  “No, you stupid fuck. I brought you here.” I smiled, clinking his glass. The laughter started pouring out of me. Gino step out of his office and talked to the house mom. He made his way to the bar to meet an old friend. “And was biding time. Did you forget where you were?”

  Lorenzo was taken aback at my laughter. His eyes shifted and the gears in his head tried to figure out if
he'd missed anything or if I was bluffing.

  “Oh fuck.” Gino mirrored Lorenzo's words as they recognized each other.

  Gino immediately disappeared back into his office. I brought the gun out and rammed the barrel into Lorenzo's crotch before he could get up and warn his guys. “Bones gave management of Teasers over to Gino Ramirez four months ago. Now if I remember correctly, didn't you botch a hit on Gino last year?”

  Lorenzo's glare at me turned glacial.

  “A discrete assassination gone wrong. The Lobos president's cousin not only survives but ID's you?” I shook my head and exhaled disappointingly. “Can't imagine that's made you too popular around here. Gino is no doubt calling Bones right now. This being the heart of Lobos' turf, I'd put them out at about five—ten minutes max. And with you and the crew unarmed... It doesn't look good for you.”

  I looked for Star. She had her top off, playfully swatting greasy biker hands off her perky tits. I had to remind myself that I asked her to do this. I knew she wasn't enjoying it but she did what was necessary. As beautiful as Star was, those men wouldn't be distracted long. I hated leaving her there with them but I didn't have a choice. I forced down the jealous rage that threatened to fly me across the room and slaughter those men for touching her and went to work.

  “Get up.” I pushed Lorenzo into and through the kitchen. The underpaid cooks saw the gun and got the hell out of our way.

  “What's the plan, Poet? You gonna kill me? Deadeye'll just send more,” Lorenzo said as we pushed through the back door. I did a quick check for snipers. If there were any, he had them watching the wrong door. “He listens to me, I can stop all this. The only guy to actually see who killed Rio was your buddy, Tee, and he's kept his mouth shut about the whole thing. You let me call Deadeye, I’ll say it was the girl that did it. We ice a hooker that looks like her and you're both free and clear. Everybody wins.”


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