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Luminescence (Luminescence Trilogy)

Page 6

by J. L. Weil

  We walked into class together and took our seat at our table. He made a habit of showing up at my locker each day and walking me to class – a gentleman behind the badass.

  Mr. Burke immediately started in on his lesson about Conversion of Mass. I glanced down at my notes for the last week. They were practically non-existent. I had found that with Gavin beside me, my note taking abilities suffered. He clogged my brain cells. Even with the extra studying at my house, I’d be lucky to pass this class. A hard concept for an almost straight A student.

  “You want to hang out tonight?” he whispered, leaning in close to my ear. His breath tickled the back of my neck, causing the little hairs to spike. If I turned my head a fraction in his direction, it would be incredibly simple to press our lips together. Failing this class was proving to be worth the risk.

  Focusing my thoughts on inhaling and exhaling and not on his pleasurable proximity, I softly replied, “Sure.”

  At this point I am completely lost in the lecture – my dilemma clear. Mr. Burke shoving the glasses back up the bridge of his nose rambled on in monotones about isolated systems – no idea.

  “Better bring your notes,” he smirked, gesturing to the blank page in front of me.

  Groaning, I laid my head on my arms. How had he woven his way so intently in my life?

  Chemistry always ended too soon and it had absolutely nothing to do with the topic. The remaining of my classes was a drag compared to third period. I should be thankful he was only in one of my classes. I couldn’t imagine how my grades would suffer.

  During the middle of my French lesson ninth period, I started to daydream. I don’t know why Lukas came to mind, yet as in most of my thoughts of Lukas, I couldn’t help smiling and imagining his boyish charming looks. The sunny warmth I always found with him, not like the eruptive feelings Gavin gave me. Lukas was calm, steady and spirited. Everything I wasn’t.

  Our conversation the other night started playing through my head. The way things ended tugged at my heart as I remembered the hurt and disappointment swimming in his eyes. I never in my wildest dreams (no pun intended) thought that my day life would compete with my night life so to speak. The fact that Lukas knew about Gavin, but Gavin didn’t know about Lukas in some bizarre and misplaced way made me feel dishonest and regretfully. Like I was cheating on one of them, which was completely insane since in reality I wasn’t dating either one of them. Not that I wouldn’t if I was given the opportunity. Maybe that was it. Maybe somewhere deep inside me I was holding out for one of them. Again how any of this made sense was beyond my comprehension. It was inhumanly possible for me to even have a normal relationship with Lukas. Why did I continue to torment myself with possibilities that weren’t there?

  My impractical internal struggle was interrupted by the familiar buzzing of my phone. I carefully snuck it from the front pocket of my jeans. We weren’t allowed to text during class, but that hardly stopped anyone. The trick was to not get caught.

  Tori’s name blinked under new messages. Mall on Friday? It was followed by a line of smileys.

  We hadn’t hung out in a millennium. My life lately was divided between Gavin and the shop. He’d come over on the nights I didn’t work in the disguise of doing our chemistry assignments, which of course we did – or I did. There were always a few tense moments that boiled my blood. The short amount of time we spent together felt nothing comparable to a few weeks. Our friendship or whatever we had going progressed rapidly. I didn’t want Tori to feel ignored. And the blame weighed heavily on my decision.

  I inconspicuously texted back as my French teacher lecture on our vocabulary.

  Sure… I’ll pick you up after school.

  Great I’m in need of some therapy.

  I grinned at my phone. Only Tori could think of spending her dad’s money as therapy.

  Chapter 8

  THE MALL ON A FRIDAY night wasn’t exactly my revenue of choice. I enjoyed shopping like the majority of girls; I just like to do it without the crowds. Tori was a shop-a-holic. While I spent most of my time window shopping, she needed a valet to help her to the car. My part-time check only went so far. But when you had a credit card with daddy’s infinite limit on it, I might enjoy the experience in whole new light.

  For someone who never had to worry about money, Tori was the least snobbish person I knew. She shopped – I read. Somewhere along the lines of first grade we became friends and found a balance between the two.

  High-end shops lined the shopping center on two floors, the ones were they pump perfume or cologne throughout the store so when you walked by it tempted with a fragrance of seduction. Located at the heart of the mall was the food court. Tonight the over-priced stores were jammed with teenagers causing a ruckus. Guys were scoping out desperate girls with too much make-up wearing clothes two-sizes too small. Rianne totally came to mind. I gave up on the whole mall scene while Tori found it mildly amusing. The lack of entertainment was evident in my peer’s choice of hangouts.

  “Check out the buns on Mr. Abercrombie,” she said to a guy we passed on the escalator.

  I elbowed her in the side. “Focus.”

  “Oh I get it. Now that you have a hot guy to drool over the rest of us have suffer without. At least let me check out the merchandise.”

  I laughed. She could be so dramatic when she wanted to be. I always felt so responsible when we were together. She had such a careless air about her. “You can look, but no touching.”

  “What fun is that? Austin wouldn’t mind.” There was amusement in her voice.

  She could get me in so much trouble. Trouble should have been her middle name.

  “Fine,” I said. “Let’s look.”

  “That’s more like it,” she purred and had me laughing.

  “Check out blondie over by Aeropostale. I bet you could eat off his abs.” There was practically drool foaming at the side of her mouth.

  Laughing, I turned to check out the edible abs. Blondie had his back to me, but when he turned to the side walking to the next store, I choked on my own spit. From this angle he looked like a spitting image of Lukas. It wasn’t till he got close enough that I could see his eyes weren’t right and he lacked Lukas’s carefree smile. Breathing again I regained my composure.

  “See I told you, but I didn’t expect you to get all choked up about it.”

  “Shut up,” I grinned at her after I hacked up a lung over my highly overactive imagination. I was seeing things my subconscious wanted to see.

  She smiled back. “Fine, let’s do some damage. Where to first?”

  “You tell me. You’re the one with the bank roll.”

  “Touché… let’s start wherever edible abs is going,” she said taking after the Lukas look-a-like.

  Tori hauled me to store after store, pillaging through the racks. With an arm loaded with clothes, we made our way into the dressing rooms. Sitting on one those chairs they leave outside the changing rooms; I waited for her to try on the first outfit.

  “What’s up with you and Gavin?” She called from behind the door.

  Thankfully there wasn’t anyone else in here with us. “Nothing.”

  “Really, cause it doesn’t seem like a whole lot of nothing,” she retorted.

  “We’re just friends.” There was a defensive edge to my voice.

  “Friends my ass,” she muffled while pulling on one of the articles of clothing. “That guy looks at you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear. His eyes are always watching you.”

  “Whatever, you make it sound creepy,” I scoffed.

  “I wouldn’t call it creepy – intense maybe.” She stepped out with a pair of skinny jeans and an off the shoulder tee. She was taller than me and carried it mostly in her legs. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail emphasizing her chocolate eyes. She was quite pretty and I didn’t understand why she didn’t attract more
guys. She surpassed me in the looks department. Her body was pretty killer to, curvy in all the right places and pencil thin.

  I glared at her in full pestered disbelief.

  “Fine – don’t believe me, but I’m serious.” She turned in the three-dimensionally mirror checking out her butt. “So have you kissed him yet?”

  A sigh escaped. “No,” I sadly admitted.

  “What are you waiting for, an invitation? Gavin is nuts about you. He even rejected Rianne for you,” she insisted.

  Point well made. There was nothing really standing in the way, which didn’t explain why at that moment Lukas came to mind. Was I so enamored by Mr. Dreamy that I was scared by what was right in front of me? Why the hesitation with Gavin?

  “I don’t know, maybe you’re right,” I conceded.

  “Of course I’m right. Are you seeing him this weekend?”

  We hadn’t discussed it, but I kind of assumed we were. “I think…” There was skepticism tracing my words.

  “Good, here’s your chance.” Everything in Tori’s mind was so cut and dry. You wanted something – you went for it.

  A part of me was being guarded. He was hiding something from me – I felt it. And until I found out what it was, I couldn’t take our relationship further. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to. But what was the rush?

  Five more outfits later and we made our way back into the mall. Packages in hand we strolled to the food court for dinner. I ended up ordering a slice of cheese pizza and Tori got a taco salad. The great thing about food courts was there was a little something for all taste buds.

  After finishing up our calorie lavished meal, we hit a few more stores including Victoria Secret. Picking through a bin of panties and thongs all price for more than I was willing to pay for such skimpy material, Tori’s mind quickly turned to sex. And since she didn’t have a current boyfriend, Austin didn’t have a boyfriend, I suddenly became the closest thing to sex worthy gossip. Complete shit, because I didn’t have the first clue about sex.

  “I think you need a pair of these,” she declared holding a thong that consisted of three strings and a dangling charm.

  “Why would I need those? They look like floss,” I sneered.

  Swinging them on her finger she sweet-talked. “Because I bet Gavin would love them.”

  “I think I should take it a little slower… like maybe getting him to kiss me first.” I reminded her.

  “A girl can never be too prepared. At least that’s what my step-mom always says.” Tori’s step-mom, Mariah wasn’t exactly the kind of person I would take advice from. She was twenty some years younger than Tori’s dad and I think this was like her third marriage. I am sure she was prepared for all kinds of scenarios.

  “Tori my sex life isn’t up for discussion. It’s nonexistent,” I warned.

  “Look one of needs to have sex and since you have a phenomenally hot guy chasing you, it’s a sure bet that someone is going to be you. I’m just trying to help out a friend.”

  I tossed the floss back into the bin. “Thanks for the thought, but no. Besides if we were going to have sex, I’d get these,” I replied picking up a purple lacy pair.

  She laughed too loud drawing attention our way and it was too hard to resist joining her. “I knew it. You want him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’d have to be dead to not want him. I’m just saying we aren’t even remotely close to being there.”

  “Yeah I know, but its hell of a lot of fun to talk about.”

  She had me there.

  On our way home a text message rang in my purse. Unlocking the screen, the message lit the dark interior of the car. It was Gavin, (heartbeat hammering in my chest), inviting me to meet his family tomorrow. Well in his own style.

  Come over tomorrow.

  I groaned. The idea of seeing his family was scary, but my curiosity overruled the fear.

  Sure. I replied.

  Chapter 9

  SATURDAY WAS FRIGHTENING. This was my weekend off from the shop and I was currently in a panic. I had changed my outfit a dozen times; the evidence littered the floor in my room. Finally I settled on a pair of skinny denim, a crystal back-tie tank and boots. Primping wasn’t my forte. Putting on my usual make-up I added heavier eyeliner and finished it with lip gloss. I left my auburn hair tumbling down my back. Smacking my lips in the full-length mirror, I sighed. I was out of time and this was going to have to do.

  The Mason household was a fairytale.

  Only a few blocks down the road from mine, the short drive did very little for my freaked out nerves. I don’t know why I felt like a lamb going into the lion’s den. Sophie was incredible and Gavin was, well I hadn’t figured that out yet. How could his family be anything other than fabulous? Not scary at all, I tried to entice.

  The house had recently been repainted in a fresh coat of a soft yellow, trimmed in cottage white. A full wrap-around porch covered the perimeter with a swing gliding on the left side. The landscape was alive and vibrant in color; a garden of floral variations weaved about the porch. My aunt would be in pure heaven. Most impressive was the entryway; where two large etched glass paneled doors invited you in. A massive chandelier visible from the outside hung in the foyer, sending a rainbow prism glittering on the glass doors.

  Everything about the house made me think of fairytales. You could almost visualize the fairies dancing under moonbeams, with fluttering fragile wings and the childish giggles of secrets.

  Walking up the short stairs to the porch I was bombarded with a wave of dizziness. It hit me all at once, forcing me to steady myself on the railing. I was nervous, but this was ridiculous. Once my head cleared I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Motions of ocean waves sounded from behind the house as I waited.

  Sophie answered the door with excite shinning in her eyes. She pulled me into the house. “I’m so glad you came,” she bubbled.

  “Me too.” I was lost for words.

  Stepping into the grand foyer, the inside was even more startling. Rows of windows flanked the walls on both sides of the foyer. To the left appeared to be a living room with thick plush carpet expanding the room, decorated in hues of turquoises, blues and gold. The room reminded of feathers on a peacock.

  On the right was a study in the works. The immensely fond reader in me sighed in appreciation at the rows upon rows of bookshelves that covered from floor to ceiling. Some filled but many of them waiting to be house with novels. Boxes of books scattered along the room. It often escaped my mind that the Mason’s had moved in just a few weeks ago.

  A massive mural was in the process overhead on the ceiling. From the angle that I stood I wasn’t able to make out the entire scene. What I could see was a portrait of an extraordinary woman with flaming hair like the sky at sundown. She was gracefully posed in her long white dress, whipping out around her. Power emitted from her, through her and about her. She wallowed in her confidence and determination in her stunning eyes.

  Directly in front of me stretched an enormous circular staircase. There I notice Gavin’s parents waiting to greet us. The staggering beauty of Mrs. Mason struck me speechless. Straight, silky raven hair ran down the length of her back, like Sophie’s. She was tall, slender and graced with curves. Something about her heart-shaped face and magnetic cobalt eyes reminded me of mystical Celtic myths. A welcoming smile touched her lips.

  At her side was Gavin’s father with a light hand on her back. He was tall and of lean built with sandy brown hair that lay just above his hazel eyes behind horn-rimmed glasses. They were both dressed casually.

  “You must be Brianna,” his mother greeted in a voice as lovely as her daughter’s. She immediately embraced me in yet another hug. Apparently the females in this family were not shy with their affections. I don’t think the same could be said for the men, well at least the one I was acquainted with. “I’m Lily and this is
John.” She gestured to Gavin’s father.

  “We are so happy to finally meet you,” John spoke in a tone timber and male. He smiled my way.

  “Thank you. Your home is absolutely beautiful,” I complimented.

  “It’s coming along, still so much to do. Moving is never an easy task.” Lily took both my hands in hers. At the touch a blue spark passed between us. I let out a small gasp and raised my startled eyes to hers. She continued with barely an acknowledgement of what we both felt. “Which is why we are so happy that Gavin has met you.” Her voice was thick with feeling and sincerity. She was impossible not to adore and did what I hadn’t been able to all day – calm my frazzled nerves.

  At the mention of his name, he strolled down the spiral staircase. My gaze irrevocably sought his, any calm I felt dissipated. Fireflies tangoed in my belly and a flush dusted my cheeks. I lost all sense of everything in the room.

  “Hey.” His husky voice rolled over me, filling me with warmth.


  He stood in front of me and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Had I been acutely aware that I was unabashedly staring, I would have been mortified.

  Luckily Lily filled the silence before it became awkward. “Gavin, why don’t you give Brianna a tour,” she suggested, breaking the thick contact permeating the air. “I’m going to finish dinner with Sophie’s help,” she said turning to her daughter.

  “But I was going to show Brianna around,” she protested.

  “I think Gavin can handle it.” Lily glanced back at. She had such an air of maternal instinct about her. “Brianna we would love for you to stay for dinner, Sophie especially.” Her smile only brightened her features.


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