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Drowning in Dahlias (Lily Bloom Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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by Lyndsey Cole

  Lily accidentally on purpose slammed the kitchen door after Rosie and Poppy charged inside. “Hi Mom. I’ve got Daisy with me.”

  “Well, of course you do. That was your job, waiting for her to be released. Come in here. We have company. And I brought over the pizza in case you’re hungry.”

  “Who is it?” Daisy whispered.

  Lily was surprised to see Walter sitting with Iris. “Hi Walter. Is everything ok?” The day has been full of surprises, so what the heck is one more?

  Walter sat with a pile of folders on his lap. “Yes, Lily. Everything is fine. Tonight was my night to visit with your mother and she said I could come here. Is that alright with you?”

  “Of course.” Lily got herself a piece of pizza and gave one to Daisy. She and Daisy exchanged a puzzled look, wondering how long this friendship had been going on that they knew so little about. They sat down and got comfortable on the couch across from Walter. Lily smiled and took a bite of the pizza. This might be quite interesting talking to Walter.

  Iris patted Walter’s leg. “Go ahead. You were just about to tell me about the manuscripts you found in the attic.” Iris glanced at Lily and Daisy. “Noah Lyman’s unpublished manuscripts,” she added.

  Lily tried not to spit the pepperoni across the room when she heard that. Daisy poked her in the ribs with her elbow.

  Lily swallowed, then asked casually—well, as casually as she could pull off, “Manuscripts?”

  Walter continued. “You know, the Lyman Estate was built by Noah Lyman, the famous mystery writer.” He paused to make sure Lily knew who he was talking about.

  Lily nodded. “Yes. I did know that. He left money to Misty Valley for a new library, didn’t he?”

  “Oh yes. And Harriet was livid about that. Well, not the library so much but the location of the library. Noah also left money for the town to buy the land next to the Lyman Estate for the library. That’s the part that upset Harriet so much. She didn’t want to look out of the sunroom at, what she called, a tacky eyesore.”

  “But didn’t she know that when you two bought the Lyman Estate?”

  “Of course Harriet knew but she was convinced she’d be able to buy the land to save her precious view. She always gets what she wants.” He realized what he said. “Maybe not yesterday. I don’t think that was the outcome she wanted.”

  Lily asked, “How did you feel about the library?”

  “Gwen and I talked about it. Did you meet Gwen?” Again, he waited for confirmation from the others before continuing.

  Lily nodded. “Why was Gwen involved?”

  “She is our lawyer so Harriet had her comb through all the papers looking for a loophole. The only thing she could come up with was to try to buy the piece of land before the town got it. That’s what she’s been working on.”

  “What about the library itself?” Lily asked.

  “Well, Gwen and I thought it was a very tasteful and creative building. The entryway was designed to look like one of Noah’s books so everyone going in would feel like they were walking into a book. Rather clever, don’t you think?”

  “Which book? Did he specify?” Iris wondered aloud.

  “Yes. Dying For a View.”

  Daisy sputtered. “Are you serious? That’s creepy.”

  “Yes. I guess it is after what happened. He must have been referring to the fact that his death would leave the money for the library, hence the view. But it is a choice that could be taken many ways.” Walter paused, lost in his own thoughts for a moment. “Anyway, all his books were creepy in my opinion.” He pulled himself together. “I should be getting home. Gwen will be wondering where I’ve disappeared to. She’s been such a good friend these last few days, but sometimes I need a break from her. It’s been wonderful to see all of you and I’m glad you’ll be fine soon, Daisy.” Walter handed the manuscripts to Iris. “Would you like to keep these? Read through them? I don’t need them back right away.”

  “Most definitely. That’s very sweet of you, Walter.” Iris put the manuscripts on the coffee table. “What are you planning to do with them?”

  “I’m still trying to figure that out. They should go to an heir, but there isn’t one.”

  Iris stood up. “I’ll drive you home. See you girls tomorrow?”

  “Yes, Mom. Come by the shop first thing if you want.” Iris picked up Poppy who had fallen fast asleep next to Rosie and took Walter’s arm as they walked out to her car.

  Lily finished her pizza. “What just happened?”

  “Gwen is staying at Walter’s estate? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? I wonder how she got along with Harriet.”

  “Good question. But I want to get the guest bed made up so you can get a good night’s sleep. We’ll sort through these manuscripts tomorrow. They could be worth a fortune if someone decides to publish them.” Lily stroked the pile of manuscripts as she walked to the bedroom.

  Suddenly Rosie started barking like a maniac. The hair rose on Lily’s arms. “Daisy, you stay here. I’m going to put Rosie on a leash and take a look around outside. Maybe whoever vandalized my minivan last night came back to do something worse.”

  Daisy grabbed Lily’s arm. “Don’t go out. That’s foolish and I don’t want to stay here alone.” Lily saw the fear in her eyes.

  “I’ll be fine and I’ll be right back.” Lily turned on all the outside lights and dashed out with Rosie pulling on the leash.

  Chapter 10

  Ryan pulled into his driveway as Lily was staring down the street. “What’s going on? You look like you just saw a bogey man.” He put his strong arms around her trembling body. “You’re shaking,” he whispered into her hair.

  “Rosie was barking like something was happening out here so I came out to take a look. It was only a family of raccoons. I guess I got a good shot of adrenaline.” She relaxed into his body, breathing in his scent, feeling his heart pounding. “Actually, it was just an excuse to get you to wrap me in your arms.”

  “You know you don’t need an excuse for that.” He hugged her tighter.

  Rosie jumped up with one paw on Lily and one on Ryan. The both laughed. Ryan stroked her head. “You need a hug too, Rosie?” They walked up the driveway together. “How’s Daisy?”

  “She’s staying with me for a few days. She’ll be fine but I’d better get back in before she has a hissy fit. She didn’t want me to come out to look around.”

  “I’m glad one of you has some sense,” Ryan teased Lily. “Be sure to lock your doors.”

  Daisy was fast asleep on the unmade bed when Lily went back inside. So much for her calling 911 if I had gotten into trouble outside.

  Lily got comfortable in the living room and picked up the pile of manuscripts. Opening the top folder, she read the title—Secrets, Lies and Murder by Noah Lyman. Hmmmm. This will probably keep me up all night, or else hiding under my bed. Putting it back in the pile with the others, she decided to take a nice cozy mystery to bed instead, something that, hopefully, wouldn’t give her nightmares.

  Lily slept like a rock, waking later than usual and needing to rush through her morning routine to get to her shop on time. Daisy wanted Lily to drop her off at Iris’s house so she wouldn’t be alone. Her burns were bothering her more since all the pain meds had worn off. Lily was glad she had gotten the flowers done for Walter’s gathering already since she would be shorthanded. She looked at Rosie, “Maybe you can answer the phone for me today. What do you think about that?”

  Rosie, as always, wagged her tail. She was up for any challenge.

  In the car, Lily noticed that Daisy seemed to be a little depressed. “What about the cupcakes I told Gwen I would make? They’re probably ruined from the gas smell.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll call the Sunflower Café and see if Jennifer can handle it. I’m sure Gwen will understand.” In the back of Lily’s mind, another thought crept in: What if Gwen ordered from Daisy so she would be using her stove when it was tampered with? Would Gwen have done t
hat? An involuntary shiver traveled through her body.

  Daisy looked over at Lily. “Are you cold? On this beautiful day?”

  Lily laughed. “No. I’m fine.” And I’m glad you’re safe, too.

  Lily dropped Daisy and Rosie off and headed to her shop. Business had been brisk lately. She was happy that Daisy had started her own business with her cakes. It wasn’t full time for Daisy yet, but that was just a matter of time and Lily would have to find someone else to hire. She was still toying with the idea of adding a few more gifts and gourmet chocolates to the shop.

  The phone was already ringing when she walked in. “Beautiful Blooms. How can I help you?” It was Gwen, worrying about the cupcakes. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered.” Gwen wanted the cupcakes and flowers delivered later that morning instead of in the afternoon. Lily crossed her fingers as she speed dialed the Sunflower Café. Jennifer answered and Lily explained the situation. Lily sighed a big sigh of relief when Jennifer said she had plenty of cupcakes and would set an assortment aside for Lily to pick up on her way to the Lyman Estate. Lily mentally checked that off her list.

  The front door jingled as Tamara Biotchi waddled in. “Lily. I’ve just gotten back from my cruise and the first thing I hear is that you’re involved in a murder. Again. What is going on around here?”

  Lily cringed at the thought of Tamara interrupting her morning. She meant well, but she always stuck her nose into everything and Lily just didn’t have the time this morning to deal with her.

  “Well, Tamara, things just fall apart when you’re not around.” The sarcasm was completely missed by Tamara.

  “I know.” Tamara puffed up like a peacock, then lowered her voice even though no one else was in the shop. “You know, I was good friends with Harriet Nash. And Walter, too, of course.”

  That piqued Lily’s interest and she gave Tamara her undivided attention. “Oh? Here, have a seat.” Lily pulled a chair over to the side of the shop where she was working so Tamara could get off her feet. Lily needed to organize the display cooler while she listened to Tamara’s saga.

  “And you know I hate to gossip.” Lily nodded and forced her face to stay serious. “I think I was her only friend after she made such a stink about the new library. Her lawyer friend wasn’t even standing by her anymore.”

  “Gwen Brooks?”

  The door jingled before Tamara could answer and they both turned to see Kristy Brooks enter. “Am I interrupting something?” she said rudely.

  “Of course not,” Tamara answered warmly. “It’s so nice to see you again, Kristy. How’s your mom?”

  “As good as can be expected. She has to deal with all this drama about Harriet. Everything is always about Harriet. Harriet wants pink dahlias. Harriet wants chocolate chips. Harriet doesn’t want anything to mar her view. I can’t wait for all this Harriet nonsense to be out of my life for once and for all.”

  Tamara sympathized, “So tragic.”

  Kristy let the door slam behind her making Lily jump. “Tragic? Are you kidding? That hateful woman deserved everything she got. And her daughter seems to be the happiest girl in the world now. Sure makes me wonder if Nicole had anything to do with it. All her money problems are taken care of now. Hers, and that pompous husband of hers.”

  Tamara was speechless. Something that Lily saw not more than maybe once a year.

  Kristy leaned over to smell a bucket filled with pink oriental lilies. “Ahhh. What are these gorgeous flowers? This scent would help to moderate the stink at Walter’s house.”

  Tamara hesitated, then asked, “Stink? Something is rotten?”

  Kristy laughed. “You could say that. Everything’s rotten there except Walter. He’s just oblivious. I guess that’s how he managed to put up with Harriet. Now it looks like my mother has her sights on him.”

  Tamara laughed. “Oh, come on, Kristy. You can’t be serious. I know Gwen. She’s always been a good friend to Walter.”

  “Think what you will. No skin off my back. Anyway, I’m here to check on the cupcakes. My mother was worried that her order might not be ready since that girl making the cupcakes was in an accident last night. Do you know what the scoop is on them?”

  Lily’s eyes darkened. “That girl is my sister. Weren’t you the nurse on duty last night when she was in the ER? I remember talking to you.”

  Kristy looked carefully at Lily. “It was a busy night. Don’t flatter yourself, I don’t remember talking to you. Are the cupcakes going to be delivered?”

  “Yes. Please tell your mother I’ve taken care of everything,” Lily replied curtly and went back to organizing the cooler.

  “I hope so.” Kristy turned and walked out. No good bye. No thank you. She just left and the door slammed behind her.

  Now it was Lily’s turn to be speechless. She looked at the door, shaking her head.

  Tamara broke the silence. “That girl has always had a chip on her shoulder, ever since the day her mother brought her home when she was five.”

  “What are you talking about? Brought her home from where?” Lily was puzzled.

  “Kristy is adopted. She was in foster care after her mother died until Gwen adopted her. I think they get along pretty well but Kristy doesn’t like too many other people. Gwen confided in me once that she tracked down the biological father but he didn’t want anything to do with Gwen or Kristy. Maybe Kristy puts on that tough exterior to protect herself from disappointment.”

  Lily put a container of freshly made bouquets in the front of the cooler. “I can’t imagine what she’s gone through. That could explain her gruffness.” Turning to Tamara, she asked, “How does this look?”

  Tamara barely glanced at the flowers. “Lovely.” She was lost in her own thoughts. “I wonder who her biological father is. I heard rumors that he’s from Misty Valley.”

  Lily stood next to Tamara. “Why don’t you ask Gwen?”

  “Are you crazy? I can’t ask a question like that.”

  “Not in so many words, but you’re clever, maybe you could get her talking in a roundabout way. Bring Iris with you. Ya know, visit Walter. It sounds like Gwen is staying there, keeping him company. See what you can find out.”

  Tamara nodded her head. “I like your idea. Walter does like company.”

  The phone rang just as Tamara got up and headed to the door. She did her little toodaloo wave as Lily answered the phone.

  It was Gwen, asking Lily to bring the manuscripts with her when she delivered the flowers and cupcakes. Apparently, she had made an appointment for someone to appraise them but hadn’t told Walter. She sounded quite upset that he had loaned them out so casually. Lily assured her that she wouldn’t forget to bring them back.

  Geesh. What is it with that woman? She acts like she’s the head of Lyman Estate now with Harriet only dead for two days. Certainly makes me wonder.

  Lily locked the front door of the shop, carried the flowers out the back to her van and headed to the Sunflower Café for the cupcakes. Jennifer had them all in boxes, ready to go. One more stop at her house for the manuscripts and she’d be all set.

  Lily was humming to herself, thinking about how much fun it would be to get away with Ryan for a day at the beach. She was so distracted, she didn’t notice that the back door was unlocked. Without thinking, she went in to get the manuscripts.

  Something didn’t feel right as soon as she stepped into the kitchen. She froze, looked around and noticed small details of items out of place. Her coffee cup was in the sink instead of next to it where she always left it. The chairs were all pushed in, instead of part way pulled away from the kitchen table. Did Iris and Daisy come back for something and tidy up?

  Then she noticed a few stems of pink dahlias left on the kitchen table. Dahlias? A warning sign? She gripped the chair closest to where she was standing to give her trembling body support. Slowly, she walked out of the kitchen. The living room looked just like it always looked. A pillow on the floor, the rug a little crooked. Comfy and lived in. Everythi
ng normal. Except the pile of manuscripts was gone.

  Chapter 11

  Lily called Ryan. No answer. She left a message: Come to my house as soon as you can. Next, she called Iris and Daisy and told them what had happened, on the off chance it had been them. They said they were on the way over after telling Lily they had not been to the house.

  Lily took in a deep breath, exhaled and let her steady breathing calm her nerves. Who would want the manuscripts? Everyone connected to Walter. Who even knew about them? Everyone connected to Walter. And the pink dahlias? They looked like they were taken out of the bouquet I brought on the day Harriet was killed. She shivered again and it wasn’t from cold.

  Ryan hurried in with his jaw set and brow furrowed. “What happened? I got your message.” He looked around the room.

  “Someone broke into my house. It’s weird. The kitchen is tidied up and the manuscripts that Walter left are gone.”

  Iris rushed in, followed by Daisy.

  “Manuscripts?” Ryan asked.

  Iris explained about the manuscripts to Ryan. “Walter came with me last night and showed us unpublished manuscripts he had found in the attic after he and Harriet moved into the Lyman Estate. He said we could keep them for a few days.”

  Lily added, “Gwen called and wanted me to bring them when I delivered the flowers and cupcakes. I stopped here to get them, but they’re gone.”

  Ryan was scribbling notes in his pad. “Who knew about them? Who knew they were here besides all of you and Walter?”

  Lily pointed her finger at the kitchen table. “Whoever it was, left those flowers too. Obviously, Gwen knew. I don’t know who else. And it was Gwen that wanted Daisy to make cupcakes, so she knew Daisy would be home when the gas line was tampered with.”

  Ryan looked up. “But why did Gwen ask you to pick them up if she already had them?”

  “Maybe to throw us off?”

  “Do you still need to deliver those flowers and cupcakes?”

  “Oh yeah. I’ll head there now and see if I can figure out anything.”


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