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Drowning in Dahlias (Lily Bloom Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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by Lyndsey Cole

  Lily looked at all the choices in Daisy’s closet and took the royal blue, ruched, wide strapped dress that hugged Lily from one curve to the next. She held it in front of her and looked at her reflection in Daisy’s mirror. Oh yeah, this will make Ryan’s head turn. A pair of black strappy sandals, with not too much of a heel, caught Lily’s attention just as she was closing the closet door. She grabbed those too, hoping she wasn’t overdressing for their date.

  She glanced at the time when she got back into the van—five fifteen. “Hang on Rosie. I’m running out of time.” Lily made it home in record time, hopped in the shower and got dressed with enough time to try to do something special with her hair. She twisted it into a messy ponytail with some curls hanging down by her face. Looking in the mirror she thought, This will have to do. Smiling at the rest of her reflection, she put her hands on her hips and twisted back and forth. This blue dress makes my eyes look bluer than blue.

  She heard a quiet knock on the back door. Rosie barked her I-know-who-this-is-bark. One last look and Lily knew she was ready for this date. Ryan won’t dare take his eyes off me, she thought happily.

  Lily was walking into the kitchen when Ryan opened the door and saw Lily. His eyes popped open wide. “Am I at the right house?” he teased.

  Lily smiled. It is nice to get dressed up once in a while. It makes people see me differently. “Whose house are you looking for, Mr. Steele?”

  “Well, I thought I had a date with the beautiful Ms. Bloom, but it looks like she’s not home. I have a reservation at the Victorian House Restaurant, would you like to take her place?” Ryan walked toward Lily, stopping with just a hair’s width between them, his eyes never leaving her face.

  Lily put her hands on his arms.

  “You smell delicious,” he whispered, his breath tickling her neck. “What is that scent?”


  “Isn’t that an old lady scent?”

  Lily pulled away and swatted his arm. “Ready to go?”

  Ryan took one more intense look at Lily. “You look stunning. Who knew you’d clean up so well?”

  “Keep it up, Mr. Steele, and you might be eating alone.” She tried to give him a serious stare, but ending up laughing instead.

  “My chariot awaits.” Ryan held his arm out for Lily to hold and they walked arm in arm to his car.

  It looked like a slow night at the Victorian House, not many cars in the parking lot. Lily noticed one car that looked familiar but she couldn’t place it. She hoped it wasn’t anyone to interfere with her date night with Ryan. She was so looking forward to a quiet, peaceful evening, staring into his eyes and maybe, accidentally on purpose, having her leg rub against his under the table.

  “You look happy. What are you thinking about?” Ryan asked as they walked into the restaurant.

  Lily felt her face heat up. That always gave her away. “You.”

  “I like that. Any details to share?”

  “No. What are you thinking about?”

  “You. How I’d like to wrap you in my arms and never let go.” He stopped and turned her to face him. “I mean it Lily.”

  Just as Lily was about to melt into Ryan, Tamara Biotchi called and waved to Lily. As she stood up, her ample hips knocked over the chair next to her and it crashed into the diners at the neighboring table. “Lily. Come over, I’ve got something to ask you.”

  Lily rolled her eyes as she was looking at Ryan. “What do we do now? Pretend we don’t see her or run as fast as we can?”

  “Not quick enough. Here she comes.”

  Lily plastered a smile on her face. “Fancy meeting you here, Tamara. Ryan and I have a quiet dinner planned.”

  Tamara pulled her off to the side, completely missing Lily’s hint. “I’m getting together with Walter tomorrow. What do you want me to find out?”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Lily nodded her head toward Ryan. “I have to get back to my date.”

  Tamara finally got it. “Oh,” she replied with a wink. “Call me early so we can make a plan.” She started to walk away but stopped and turned back. “I almost forgot to tell you. Check out who else is here, trying to keep a low profile because she’s not with her husband.” Tamara smirked. “Walter has his hands full with that one.”

  Lily rejoined Ryan and they were seated at a quiet corner table. She took a subtle scan of the other diners and saw who Tamara was referring to. “Don’t look now but Nicole Nash is intimately dining with a man who is not Julius. I’ve been wondering, now that she has money from Harriet, maybe that’s her ticket to get out of her marriage. Motive for murder?”

  Ryan took Lily’s hands in his. “Let’s not talk about this tonight. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company. Okay?”

  Lily smiled. “You’re right. That’s what I promised myself earlier. Just you and me.” Their knees touched under the table sending shivers through her body and reminding her of her earlier thoughts.

  Food and wine were ordered. The conversation flowed easily. Lily raised her wine glass. “This is the first time in a long time we’ve been able to sit and relax. Just the two of us.” She clinked against Ryan’s glass. She was feeling so happy.

  A nasty voice broke through her happiness. “Look at the two love birds.”

  Wine sloshed over the side of Lily’s wine glass when that grating voice startled her. Nicole was bending over the table, right in Lily’s face.

  “Find my mother’s killer yet?” she slurred as she cackled and stood upright. Her companion steadied her and looked at Lily with a shrug of his shoulders.

  Nicole pushed him away. “You haven’t even found the murder weapon. My guess is that you won’t figure it out. The big unsolved mystery of the Lyman Estate. Her ghost will haunt that place forever. Fitting, don’t you think?”

  Lily watched as Nicole stumbled out of the restaurant with her companion. “What do you make of that?”

  Ryan took a bite of his grilled salmon. “Makes me think she’s had too much to drink and she may regret what she said. Especially since you figured out the murder weapon.” His eyes twinkled as he watched Lily’s surprise reaction to his comment.

  “You don’t think it’s too farfetched?”

  “Not at all. I think you’re brilliant to figure it out. And Nicole’s comments and behavior have moved her higher up on the suspect list.”

  Lily sipped the last of her wine feeling quite pleased with herself.

  Ryan sat back with a satisfied sigh. “The only problem with that murder weapon is it will be impossible to get any fingerprints. It doesn’t narrow it down much.”

  Chapter 14

  Lily slept soundly after her relaxing evening with Ryan. Of course, the few interruptions had been annoying but they could prove to be helpful in figuring out who had killed Harriet.

  “Come on Rosie, let’s get our morning walk in. If it’s my lucky day, I won’t bump into anyone this early.”

  Lily headed toward the trail that looped around the pond in the town park. Chipmunks scooted across the trail, teasing Rosie to lunge at them. Lily laughed at this endless game they seemed to play. Lots of birds were singing and a family of mallard ducks paddled in the calm pond water. All in all, the perfect walk to clear her head and get focused for a new day of accomplishments.

  She saw she had a missed call when she got back home. I’m glad I left that phone here. Who’s calling me this early? A quick glance and she saw it was Tamara. Thoughts rushed through Lily’s brain. She must be excited to see Walter and pick his brain. Does he even know anything useful? It would be interesting to know who Kristy’s father is but that’s just curiosity. Maybe Tamara can find out more about Nicole and why she hated her mother so much. Motive for murder? She sure was acting odd last night at the restaurant.

  “Hi Tamara, sorry I missed your call, Rosie and I were out walking.” Lily said when she returned Tamara’s call. They chatted a bit about the food at the Victorian House, both agreed it was definitely a five star feast. Lily sugg
ested that Tamara concentrate on trying to get more information about what Nicole’s relationship was with Harriet and see if there were any big red flags. Big enough to push someone to murder. Also, to find out more about Gwen and Kristy who both seemed to be at Walter’s estate all the time. Tamara sounded giddy on the phone.

  “Try not to be too obvious,” Lily reminded her.

  “Of course, dear, you know me, tact is my middle name.” Fortunately Tamara hung up and didn’t hear Lily choking on that comment.

  Lily gathered her things and headed to Beautiful Blooms. Another day, another dollar, she hoped. Actually, she was hoping for dollars—plural. She had been neglecting the pile of bills accumulating on her desk and knew she was a little short getting everyone paid. She would be able to squeak by once all her check deposits cleared, but it wouldn’t be enough for her expansion plans. That would have to be put on hold.

  Gwen was pacing in front of the shop, glancing at her watch and looking down the street. She waved frantically at Lily when she pulled into the alley between her shop and the building next door. What now?

  Gwen was at the minivan door before Lily even had a chance to get out. “Hello Gwen. What can I do for you?” she said as she squeezed out carefully, trying not to whack Gwen with her door, even though that’s exactly what she would rather do.

  “I’m in such a rush. Very important things to do today, you know. Anyway, I need to order some flowers.”

  Lily wondered what happened to all the flowers she’d delivered the day before. Whatever, she was in the business to sell flowers, after all. Lily tried not to get too irritated as she thought to herself of all the things she needed to do, but Gwen seemed to think only she had important tasks. And a customer was a customer. Lily put on her polite face. “Follow me inside and you can tell me what you need.”

  Gwen looked around the shop. “This is such a charming little place. You’re so lucky to have this business.”

  Lily was surprised to hear that from Gwen. “Thanks. I do feel lucky. It’s what I always wanted to do.” She put her tote on the counter. “So, what do you need?”

  “I wish I had done something like this instead of listening to my parents.” Gwen seemed to be talking to herself more than to Lily.


  “All I ever heard was that I needed to go to law school. Be a lawyer. My brother was a doctor so I had to be the lawyer in the family.” She looked up at Lily. “I’ve never told anyone this, but I hate being a lawyer. The only thing I ever did to defy my parents was to adopt Kristy. That was the best choice I ever made and I’d do anything for that girl.”

  “You could make a change now. Follow your passion,” Lily said sympathetically as she remembered that Iris was not supportive, at first, when Lily told her about buying this old building that she’d turned into Beautiful Blooms. But Iris came around and was fully on board now and she loved to brag to anyone who would listen about her daughter with the flower shop.

  Gwen stared at Lily like she’d just revealed a huge secret. “You’re right. It never occurred to me to change directions at this stage of my life.”

  “Great. Now, about the flowers you need?”

  “Just a nice bouquet for Walter. He’s been a little depressed lately and I thought that might cheer him up. Lots of color and variety. He likes those pink dahlias too, reminds him of Harriet. Can you deliver it later this morning?”

  “Yes, happy too. I’d like to say hello to Walter anyway.”

  “Oh, he won’t be there. He’s getting together with a friend, I think.” Gwen pulled out her wallet and paid for the flowers. “Thank you Lily. You’ve inspired me today.”

  That was odd, Lily thought after Gwen left the shop. Some people can be so smart but can’t see the forest for the trees. She shook her head, amazed that she had inspired Gwen to maybe make a change in her life. A flash drive on the counter caught Lily’s attention. This must have fallen out of Gwen’s purse when she paid me. She dropped it in her tote. I’ll bring it when I deliver the flowers. She took it out and looked at it again. I wonder what’s on it.

  The front door jangled as Ryan walked in. Lily dropped the flash drive back in her tote like it was a hot potato and shoved her tote under the counter.

  “Hi gorgeous. Sleep well?”

  “As a matter of fact, I slept like a rock.”

  “Anybody show up in your dreams?”

  Lily smiled. “Ha. Wouldn’t you like to know? That’s between me and Rosie. She’s the only one who hears my secrets.”

  “A beautiful girl was in my dreams.” Ryan crossed his arms and looked at Lily with a sly grin on his face.

  “Oh? Anyone you know?”

  “Maybe, but it’s not something I can discuss here. On another note, I’ve got a surprise to show you when you’re done today.”

  “Really?” Her face lit up with excitement.

  “Yup. I’ll give you a clue. I’ve got one and you don’t.”

  Lily felt her face go straight to crimson. Her hand shot up to cover her mouth which had flopped wide open. Ryan laughed out loud. “That got your attention, didn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s not what you’re thinking.”

  Iris and Daisy walked in and heard the last comment.

  “Thinking about what?” Iris asked, always wanting to be in on anything interesting and seeing Lily’s bright red face she assumed it had to be juicy. She elbowed Daisy. “Maybe we’d better leave and come back later.”

  Lily managed to recover enough to be able to speak and try to change the subject. “Nothing, Mom. Glad to see both of you. Are you feeling better today, Daisy?”

  Ryan winked wickedly at the three women as he waved and left.

  Three pairs of eyes followed his movements. Daisy turned back to Lily. “Something’s going on. Care to share?”

  “Not in the least. I’ve got work to do.” She went to the cooler and pulled out flowers for Gwen’s bouquet. The cold air helped bring her face temperature back to normal.

  “Daisy, you didn’t answer my question. Feeling better?”

  “Much better. Almost back to normal. Look at my hands.” She held out her unbandaged hands for inspection. “And, a new stove is being installed today.” She grinned from ear to ear. “A gift from Adam. He said he didn’t want to worry about finding me unconscious or dead next time.”

  “That’s an interesting present. Smart. Not romantic, but smart. Maybe he’s planning to come over and cook you a fancy meal on the new stove. That would be a romantic surprise.”

  Jennifer walked in with Katie. “I have a favor to ask,” she said sheepishly. “I know it’s not much notice but Katie’s babysitter is sick and can’t watch her today. Can I leave her here?”

  Katie ran to the back looking for Sweet Pea. For a five year old, she was a natural with animals, couldn’t get enough of them.

  Iris answered Jennifer, “You know it’s no trouble. I’m happy to have her stay with me. Poppy always needs a playmate. They can tire each other out.”

  “I’ll owe you a meal at the café. Anytime. Without all of you to be my backups, I’d never be able to keep it going. I’ll get the ice bowl out of your way, too.”

  They were all curious to see how it had turned out. Jennifer carefully removed the inner bowl and they were amazed at how nice it looked with the herbs and flowers frozen in the ice.

  Daisy gently touched the ice. “You’ll have to let me know when you make another one. This is such a cool idea.” She looked up and laughed at her pun. “I don’t know when I’ll need one, but it would be nice to make for a special event. You know, a wedding maybe?”

  Lily reminded Daisy, “Adam is only giving you a new stove not an engagement ring.”

  “I can hope.” She tossed her head and laughed.

  Their banter was interrupted by the door jingling. Iris and Katie were getting ready to leave. Jennifer picked up her ice bowl, said her goodbyes and left, just as Nicole walked in. She strolled around the store, looking at the different flowers
but not making eye contact with anyone.

  Lily watched her warily and gave her space for a while, then asked if she needed any help.

  Nicole chewed on her lip. “I’m embarrassed about my behavior last night. I had way too much to drink and all the drama and stress of the last few days just overwhelmed me I guess.”

  Lily reached out and put her hand on Nicole’s back. “Don’t worry about it. Anything you need to talk about?” Lily was always a pushover when someone showed some vulnerability.

  Nicole turned around quickly. “It’s Gwen. She’s driving me crazy. I can barely even talk to my father anymore without her interfering.” Nicole hesitated. “She was so upset when my mother said she was going to stop the library. I don’t know what the big deal was to Gwen but it made a huge rift in their friendship.” She looked around the shop and lowered her voice. “I think she killed my mother.”

  Chapter 15

  Lily’s eyebrows shot to the top of her forehead. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had that same thought herself, but for Nicole to say it out loud made it seem much more possible. Lily also thought maybe Nicole was diverting the focus from herself. Lily watched her closely.

  “I know I was incredibly rude to you the day of my mother’s birthday. I couldn’t stand the idea of sharing her day with Gwen and Kristy.” She looked around again. “I think my parents always felt sorry for Kristy since she was adopted. It was always, ‘You should be more like Kristy’, ‘Isn’t Kristy pretty’, ‘Isn’t Kristy so clever’, you know what I mean? When I saw you in the sunroom, I thought you were there for the party. More people for my mother to compare me to.”

  “That’s a hard way to grow up.” Lily immediately thought of her mom and Daisy, thankful again for their love and support.

  “There’s something else that’s been bothering me. A little while before I saw you and your sister in the sunroom, I saw Gwen darting out, white as a ghost. It didn’t click at the time, but the more I think about the events that day, it makes her look more and more like she’s the murderer.”


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