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Make Me Bad: Private Lessons

Page 11

by Vega, W. H.

  “I mentioned spanking,” I whisper, leaning over Maddie. “Will you let me?”

  I expect hesitation or a flat out no. It’s one thing to joke about, but it’s an entirely different thing to actually do.

  Instead, I’m surprised.

  “Yes.” Maddie’s voice is clear and certain.

  “Oh, Madison.” I push my hips against her in ecstasy, barely able to contain my own excitement. I won’t be rough. Just enough to turn things up a notch.

  I slide her panties off, letting them drop to the ground and Maddie quickly steps out of them. I rub my palms along her behind, my fingers skimming her opening. I reach one hand around and rub her clit, eliciting a string of needy whimpers.

  Then, without warning because that’s the best way, I raise my hand up and bring my palm down against her right cheek.

  “Ohh!” she cries out, her voice a mixture of surprise, pain and pleasure.

  I softly rub at her now-pink cheek, and then slip my fingers inside her to increase the pleasure.

  “Ohh,” she moans again, and this time it’s pure pleasure. She rocks on her feet to absorb the sensation. Again, I spank her, still not very hard, but enough to sting and she cries out excitedly, letting her head drop as she tries to take in the whole experience.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, my voice gruff with arousal.

  “Yes,” she says softly, “more.”

  This girl is going to drive me insane.

  I spank her three more times, feeling her get wetter and wetter as I slip my fingers inside her after each time.

  “That’s enough,” I finally say. “It was just a little taste. That’s not really my style, but something about your school girl skirt.” My voice trails off. I can’t really finish.

  “Maybe I should wear it more often,” she breathes.

  “Have you ever done that before?”

  “No. I liked it, though. You weren’t too rough. And it felt so much better than I could have imagined.”

  “Good.” I reach around to her front, rubbing her in circles again, and reaching up under her shirt and squeezing her nipples.

  “Mmm,” she rolls her hips into me, backing herself up against my erection.

  I can’t wait any longer.

  “Don’t move.” I’m run to my bedroom, and I’m back seconds later, a foil between my teeth. I unbuckle my pants and Maddie utters a small, excited groan as she spreads her legs further, readying herself for me.

  My cock springs free, hard and pulsing, and I don’t think I’m going to last long.

  But we have all night.

  I quickly tear open the foil, and roll the condom along my length. I move up behind Maddie, running my hands through her arousal one last time, before taking her by the hips and thrusting deep inside her.

  “Argh!” she cries out loudly, bracing herself against the door.

  “Maddie,” I groan, holding her tightly as I take her.

  I notice how her hair falls in a lovely curtain along the side of her face. I look at her beautiful body, which she has freely given to me with an open heart, and I know that there isn’t anywhere else I would rather be.

  I crack my eyes open and see morning sunlight filtering into my bedroom.

  What woke me up?

  And then my phone alarm goes off again.

  Maddie, draped across my body, groans, but doesn’t move otherwise. I grab my phone and look at the time.

  Shit. We need to get up.

  “Hey,” I whisper softly, running a gentle finger along the gorgeous curve of her spine. “We need to wake up.”

  “No,” she mumbles, burying her face in my chest. I feel my southern region stir, but I quickly force my mind elsewhere. There isn’t time for that this morning, and quite frankly, I don’t know if Maddie could handle any more.

  “Yes,” I say softly, playing with her hair and letting my other hand rest at the base of her spine. “I have to get to work and you have class today.” I grin. “Also, we have a private lesson.”

  “Mmm, private lesson,” she murmurs, snuggling back into my chest, “sounds promising.”

  We lie still for a few moments, and I can tell she’s more awake. She sighs and pushes herself up, her hair falling across her face. She looks beautiful in her sleepy state, her blue eyes wide and bright.

  “Is it okay that I spent the night?” she asks shyly.

  “Silly girl. I wanted you to spend the night.”

  She nods, biting her lip. She looks so delicious that I have to force myself to think about work.

  She sighs again, stretching her arms over her head and slowly getting out of bed. I watch as she climbs out of bed, the lines of her body accentuated by the morning light.

  “Ooh,” she grimaces as she walks towards the bathroom.

  “Are you alright?”

  She gives me a sheepish grin. “Sore,” she admits.

  I can’t help but give her a sly smile. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

  “Me too,” she says coolly, before flashing me another grin. She scoops up her clothes and goes into the bathroom. “I’ll just be a minute!” she calls through the door.

  I get out of bed, not bothered by being naked, and walk over to my closet. I pull out a pair of pants and a shirt, and then make the bed. Just as I’m fluffing the last pillow, Maddie comes out.

  “I guess I have to do the walk of shame,” she laughs, gesturing to her outfit from last night.

  “There’s nothing shameful about that outfit,” I declare.

  She laughs again. “Luckily I have some time before I have to be on campus. I definitely need a shower after our activities last night.”

  “Mmhmm,” I agree, pulling her to me and giving her a long kiss. She kisses me back, but she’s definitely holding back which is probably a good thing.

  “See you soon,” she promises, breaking away. I walk her to the door, sad to see her go. Once I close the door, I hurry to shower and get dressed.

  Forty-five minutes later, I’m coming off the Metro, rushing up the steps to make it to my first class on time. There are already a few students milling about. I set my guitar down, and shuffle through my briefcase for my teaching notes. My first two classes pass by slowly, but soon it’s time for Maddie’s class to begin.

  I chastise myself for being so excited for her class. I shouldn’t be acting like this silly schoolboy. But something about Maddie makes me feel youthful again. I feel a wave of guilt when I think about the fact that I haven’t told Maddie about my health issues. She has a right to know that I can turn into a basket case at any given moment.

  Not that it’s something easy to disclose. Truthfully, we spent so much time engaged in other activities last night, there really wasn’t a good moment to confess that I’ve struggled with a mental health illness for years.

  Maddie and Cleo breeze in with the first burst of students and she gives me a small wave before sitting in the middle of the room with Cleo. As if she knows better than to tease me after last night, she’s dressed demurely in a thin emerald turtleneck and jeans, and her wet hair is pulled back into a ponytail.

  The class passes by without incident and Maddie patiently waits for the rest of the students to file out.

  “Shall we?” I ask, picking up my guitar and briefcase.

  “Sure.” She grabs her own guitar and school bag, and follows me across the hall. We enter the room and I shut the door behind me.

  “How are you?” I ask.

  “I’m good. Cleo gave me a hard time when I got home,” she laughs. “She wanted details.”

  I tense up. “Did you give her any?”

  “No,’’ she giggles, “Don’t worry. I told her to use her imagination.”

  “Twit,” I mutter under my breath. Of course Cleo wants details. “So let’s get started, especially since we lost some time last week.”

  Maddie’s cheeks turn red and I know she’s still embarrassed by her behavior. “Oh!” she says quickly. “I forgot to tell you. I
heard from my mother this morning, and she and my dad will be visiting not this weekend but next.”

  I nod. “Okay. Great. I’m sure you’ll have a nice time with them.”

  “Yes, I’m excited to see them. But could you not plan the London trip for next weekend?” she looks at me apologetically. “I would really love to see London, and I would hate to miss it if my parents were in town.”

  “Of course, I’ll hold off. I want you there anyway.” I don’t tell Maddie just yet that I’ll now consider seeing Juliette and her girls that weekend to get her off my back. I’ve already dodged two more calls from Juliette in the past twenty-four hours.

  Maddie plays a piece for me that she has been working on, and once more I’m blown away, not only by her playing skills but also by her composition skills. She is way more advanced than I was at her age.

  “Do you know how incredible you are?” I ask at the end of our lesson, placing my guitar gently back in it’s case.

  “You’re just saying that.”

  “No, I’m not. And it pains me to say this, but you’re better than me.”

  She turns bright red. “I am not. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I’m serious. You are way better than I was at your age.” I snap my guitar case shut. “Which tells me that in a couple of years, you’re going to be some serious competition for me.”

  “Okay, that’s enough.” She closes her guitar case. “Why are you flattering me?” She smirks. “You’re not doing it to get me in bed.” She stands up and puts her hands on her hips, “You already accomplished that.”

  “Ha ha,” I say dryly. “Forget I said it then. I don’t like having to admit when people are better than me anyway.”

  There’s an awkward silence and I can tell that Maddie is unsure of what to say next. “I guess I should get going,” she concludes, picking up her things.

  I frown. “And I have a meeting to attend.” I pick up my bag. “How about I call you in a day or so?”

  Maddie leans over to give me a quick kiss on the lips. “Looking forward to it.” Then she’s out the door.

  I don’t follow her out right away, but take my time before heading over to the main building where I have to attend some bullshit music meeting. I’d much rather spend the day exploring the city, but I’m going to have to suffer through this meeting instead.

  Just as I leave the building to walk across campus, my phone goes off.

  It’s Juliette.

  Clearly, she’s going to keep calling me if I don’t answer.

  “Hello Juliette.”

  “Jean-Luc!” she exclaims, as if she’s been worried. “I’ve been trying to reach you!”

  “Yes, I know. It’s been a very busy week.”

  “I was hoping that I would hear from you. I had the house all to myself last weekend, and I would have loved some company.”

  “Yes, sorry, I had plans.”


  I didn’t really feel like I needed to explain myself. “Yes, just some advisor duties.”

  “Well, no worries. Maybe this weekend when I have the girls.”

  Shit. I had my weekends mixed up. The weekend that Maddie’s parents would be in town would be another solo weekend for Juliette.

  “Actually,” she pipes up. “I have the girls for the next two weekends. My ex will be out of town.”


  “Well, perhaps the following weekend I can come visit you and see your family?”

  “Or, you could come by this weekend?” she says hopefully. “I really do need a few more things in the city, so I was thinking of making an extra stop this week,” she trails off and I jump in before she can finish her thought.

  “Actually, I have a lot of meetings this week, and I’ve had to plan a trip this weekend for the students I’m advising, so really the following weekend works best.”

  “Oh,” her voice deflates. “I didn’t realize you had so many duties as an advisor.”

  “Yes. That’s the idea. Advise the students. Show them the city.”

  “Well,” she hedges, “I guess you’re a good person for that since you have such a history with the city.”

  “Right.” I’ve almost reached the main building for my meeting. “I hate to cut this call short but I’m getting ready to step inside for a meeting. Let’s get in touch sometime next week to set up my visit. Perhaps I can stop by for lunch?” A daytime visit will be much safer than one in the evening.

  “Sure,” she says slowly, “lunch. Well, we can talk and figure something out.”

  “Great! Talk to you soon!”

  I don’t wait for a response. I hit the end button, drop my phone in my bag and hurry into my meeting.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I feel a bit overwhelmed when I leave my lesson with Luc. Mostly, I’m overwhelmed by his sheer musical genius – the man is crazy talented. But I’m also overwhelmed by his compliments. I don’t think he would just say those things to me. Saying that I was better than him. How could that even be possible? No one is better than Luc Pascal.

  I feel a little light-headed and I think that I maybe need to eat. Aside from being both flattered and confused about Luc’s comments, I also am insanely happy over having such a great lesson. We made so much progress, and Luc’s constructive criticism is really helping me. I’ve never felt like I’ve been able to work with someone who understands music and guitar the way that I do. And Luc and I are completely in sync when we work on music.

  I hurry home to hang out with Cleo, but a note on the fridge tells me that Philippe stopped by unannounced and the two went out for a late lunch. I roll my eyes. I doubt that I’ll see Cleo for the rest of the day-- or night, for that matter.

  I decide to make myself comfortable and I slip into a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I have schoolwork to do, but I’m not in the mood and I end up sprawled across the couch and watching a movie. I wonder what Luc is doing and I’m tempted to text him, but I don’t want to seem too needy. I just spent the night with him, as well as part of the day, and he did say that he was going to call me.

  As it gets closer to dinner, I make myself something to eat and stare out at the Eiffel Tower. I try to take everything in, to savor the moment and realize that I’m incredibly lucky to be sitting in my posh Paris apartment, eating my meal while gazing out at one of the most famous landmarks in the world.

  I’m excited for my parents to visit, so after dinner, I start making a short list of some things that I want to do while they’re here. I doubt my dad will be up for shopping, but I know my mom will be game for a few hours of hitting up some of the Parisian boutiques.

  I decide to take a hot bath and go to bed early since I’m still feeling sore from last night, though I’m not complaining. I also didn’t get much sleep in the first place. Cleo still hasn’t come home and I lock up the apartment, figuring I’ll be by myself tonight. I love Cleo the way I would love a sister, but I feel like we’re drifting apart in Paris. Maybe it’s because we’re both caught up in our own love affairs. I make a mental note to try and spend more time with her while we’re here, and fall asleep soon after my head hits the pillow.

  I hear from Luc the very next morning, and can tell right away, that he’s not happy.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, as I get dressed for my class.

  “So apparently I was supposed to write a syllabus section on guitar composition and somehow, I missed this fact.”

  “Oh.” I’m not sure where this is going.

  “And it’s due Monday morning.”

  “Oh.” That doesn’t sound good. Especially since we have the group trip to Versailles scheduled for Saturday.

  “Right. So I’m going to have to hole up for the next three days and work on it. I want it finished before we go to Versailles. And if I need to edit anything, I can do it Sunday.”

  “Sure. I understand.” I was definitely disappointed but I know that Luc has a job to do.

��m really sorry. I want to see you, but I need to get this finished.”

  “I understand. I’d offer to help you, but I doubt there’s anything I could do.”

  He laughs darkly. “As much as I would love to see you, you would be a little distracting. You would be helping me in other ways.”

  I sigh. It was going to be miserable not seeing him until Saturday, and even then, we would have to act completely normal.

  “Well, I’ll miss you. Let’s plan something for the start of next week.”

  “Definitely,” he agrees in a husky voice. “I don’t know how I’m going to last that long not being able to touch you.”

  My heart flutters and my sex clenches. Somehow this phrase is both touching and seductive.

  We hang up and I mope around my room, my earlier energy vanished. Cleo comes home just in time to shower before class and we make our way to campus. She asks why I seem down and I give her the short version. She explains that Philippe will be tied up with a project this week anyway, so we can have lots of girl time.

  True to her word, Cleo and I do have lots of girl time over the next three days. We hang out as we catch up on work, go get pedicures, and make dinners together. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with Cleo. By the time Saturday morning rolls around, I’m excited to explore Versailles with the others in our group.

  We all meet early on in the morning at a designated bus stop that goes out to Versailles. Ava and Grace are chatty, and they come over to Cleo and me right away. Ava seems to have forgotten all about Luc and informs us of a new love interest she met in a café.

  I listen half-heartedly, until Luc appears and I tune Ava out completely. He looks so handsome with his wild hair and I-don’t-give-a-shit look of torn black jeans and a worn black sweater.

  “Hey guys,” he greets us, his eyes lingering on me for just a second longer. I think I see a flash of desire, but he quickly hides it, slipping his sunglasses down to cover his eyes. Seconds later, the bus pulls up and we all pile on.

  Even though I’ve seen Versailles before, it’s different visiting with Cleo and our friends from the program, and the sexual tension between Luc and me is too hot for words.


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