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A Favor

Page 8

by Fiona Murphy

  I watch him open the drawer beside my bed and want to die when I know he see the vibrator he’d outlawed. He pulls it out and looks it over, it’s silicone and shaped very life like in a bright pink. It’s only seven inches and about an inch and a half around, it has nothing on Sam and his eyebrow goes up before he puts it back. He pulls out a box of condoms that I know weren’t there before Sam came into the house, and wonder when he put them there. I’m not angry, I’m just glad he had thought ahead.

  “We don’t need them. I’m clean and on the pill. I want to feel you inside me.”

  His smile is wicked and my breath catches as I can’t take my eyes off him rolling on the condom. “I told you, baby, I need help. This will give us some time for me to last inside you. You’re very tight and this will insure I’m not a two pump chump inside your tight pussy. Plus, I’m going to want to taste you again and I want to taste just your sweetness. You’ll feel all of me, very soon but not right now.”

  A finger teases the slick lips my pussy and he sighs, “I need to taste you again now. The scent of you, makes me fucking crazy.“

  His tongue is greedy, deep and hot. He tastes me everywhere, not leaving an inch of me untouched, drinking me in as if he can’t get enough. When he slides two fingers inside me, my hips buck off the bed, no, I don’t want his fingers I want his cock, I want all of him. His tongue captures my clitoris and sucks until I see stars. At last, I feel the blunt head of his cock seeking entrance inside me and I open to him with a cry of relief.

  “Sam, oh, Sam.” He feels so good, so thick inside me, filling me full of him.

  “That’s it, baby I love when you moan my name like that. You are so damn tight, are you okay?” He stops moving and I can’t stand it, speech is too hard so I give him my answer by wrapping my legs around his waist. My movement causes him to sink deep inside until there is nothing between us, at last skin to skin. There is a body shuddering mix of pleasure and pain because he’s so big. My body yields to him but not easily. My moan of pain is pulled from me, I don’t want him to know but I can’t hide it.

  Sam groans and his head comes down against my ear, “I told you, baby, slow. Are you okay?”

  He’s gone completely still only a light whisper of air against my ear tells me he is breathing. His breath so shallow I can barely feel his chest moving against mine. I want to laugh and cry at once, I’m not okay. I feel so amazing I’m afraid I’ll explode from it. My body is at last softening and molding to fit him, welcoming him into me. I’m so full of him and I feel complete as if only now realizing just how empty I had been without him inside me. Even with the condom’s thin barrier I can feel all of him, his heartbeat throbbing inside me and I want more. My pussy grips his cock and I love the moan of my name in response. “I’m not okay. I’m going to lose my mind if you don’t move inside me. Please, Sam, you feel so good but I need more.”

  His head comes up and his eyes meet mine, without breaking contact he kisses me softly. Then he begins to move and I’m lost in the feel of him. Smooth and slow, he moves out of me and I’m shaking with the sensation that flows through me. He sinks back into me with force and now both of us are trembling, his jaw is clenched as he fights for control. Gradually, he begins moving faster and I can only cling to him. My climax is building and I know he can feel it, harder, faster, I’m begging and my pussy tightens around him. Sam at last gives in and his thrusts are strong and fierce and too fast, too soon, my climax slams into me as hard as Sam and I tumble and slip over the edge of the world. I fall freely, knowing Sam will be there to catch me as I fall.

  Sam is trembling and shaking and I can feel his cock jerking and working inside me as he comes. His arms give way and he comes down onto his elbows, careful of me, even as his body isn’t his own in his ecstasy.

  He is heavy, but I’m happy for the feeling of him on and against me. For long minutes, that’s how we stay and I enjoy the moment, the thumping of his heart against my chest is slowing down. He shifts and his breath at my ear is heavier and he’s moving off of me but I cling. “Sam, no, please.”

  Slowly he comes up on his hands and looks down at me. Pressing a kiss to my forehead, he shakes his head, “I have to, baby, I need to get rid of the condom. I’ll be right back.”

  With a sad sigh I allow him to unwrap my legs, unable to help him, I’m so lethargic. He stands, and goes into the bathroom. I hear the water running in the sink. When he comes back out he stares down at me. I haven’t moved an inch from where he left me, I can’t, my body still too weak. His smile is sweet, not smug or satisfied, simply sweet and happy at the sight of me. Getting back into bed, he pulls me into his arms and I sink into him with a happy sigh.

  For long minutes, all I can do is lay in his arms, my head on his chest and enjoying the feel of him. I’m still having a hard time moving. Then he shifts and his hand trails over my stomach and rests under my breast. My body comes alive all over again with that small touch. My hand on his chest moves slowly, lingering as I learn the feel of him. The scarring ends just below his shoulder, his skin is so soft and hairless here and the rest of his chest is silky below the light dusting of hair that seems soft to me. His muscles flex and ripple below my hand in response to my touch but Sam doesn’t say or do anything to stop me. He’s keeping his word, now I would be able to explore him.

  Sitting up, Sam’s arm loosens from around me and his hand goes into my hair. I look and his blue eyes are dark again and I lean down, not looking away and taste the skin of his chest. He pulls me up and over him and kisses me long and deep before letting me go. My senses are swimming from his kiss and both my hands are on his chest in order to stay upright.

  My hands roam over his chest and my tongue follows, loving the taste of him. It isn’t long before I can feel him growing hard against my thigh and I’m wet with anticipation, I’ve wanted to taste him since that first day. I move down his body and marvel at the strength of him but everything is forgotten once I’m in sight of his hard cock and instantly I’m wet for him. He’s so thick that I can understand now why it had been painful at first. His length is also impressive and once again, I worry I won’t be able to take him deep because of how thick he is but I know I want to try. Grasping him at the base, my hand doesn’t reach all the way around and I go up on my knees. All of my attention is on the head as it leaks, begging for my tongue.

  Sam’s hand is in my hair and I look up and his eyes are so dark they’re almost black and holding his gaze I lick tenderly at his leaking slit. He moans my name and I understand his demand for me to say his name in desire. Satisfaction hard and hot hit me at hearing my name come out of him in a moan. Sucking the head of him into my mouth, my tongue plays at the ridge of skin at the bottom of his head and the taste of him has me hungry for more. I open wide to take him deeper and I work the length of him I can’t take with my hand. The feel of him hot, soft and silky has me so wet it shocks me a little at how turned on I am. In the past I had done it to satisfy others but now it was pleasing me. Working him in and out he touches the back of my throat and I open and breathe long through my nose to relax and he’s in and I’m proud of myself. Sam is moaning almost incoherently and I fight not to smile. Knowing I can do this to him has me wet with need. My nose is pressing against his stomach and I moan while I cup his silky soft sac and fondle him. He’s groaning as if he were in pain at my moan but I know it’s pushing him closer to his climax. I can’t take it anymore and I slip my fingers of my free hand inside me and work my tight clit. Sam has taken over and I love the feel of his hands working me on him and surrender completely to his needs.

  I’m so close, only a few minutes are as long as I can last before I come and my moan of release has Sam groaning and encouraging me to do it again and I can’t help not doing it. He moves faster inside me and both of my hands go up to cling to his hips. The feel of his silky sack against my chin and his hard muscled abdomen against me is such an erotic distraction, for a moment between my orgasm and his pace I forget to breath
. Then he comes and I can feel his cock jerk and I swallow and suck in air through my nose. I find the correct rhythm again and gently continue to work Sam until he pleads for me to stop. I understand, he’s too sensitive now, and I allow him to fall from my mouth and lay back down on his chest.

  It’s a long time before he opens his eyes and I had thought he’d fallen asleep. His eyes are a bright blue and he’s intent on me, “Thank you, that was the best I have ever had. I mean it, the only problem is going to be me not being an asshole and begging for it every day.”

  “You’re welcome, I loved it too, you taste so good. Everyday is something I’m looking forward to, begging isn’t something you’ll have to do.”


  I laugh, he sounds so happy but also cautious, “Yes, couldn’t you tell? It turned me on so much I had to slip my fingers inside me, to help me hit the climax I was almost at from having you in my mouth.”

  His eyes darken and he grabs my hand and sucks my fingers into his mouth and sighs and I’m wet all over again. “You shouldn’t have had to do that. I should have taken care of you.”

  “Sam, don’t do that, please don’t regret anything. I loved it when you took control and fucked my mouth. I’m going to tell you right now you are so big and feel so good, I’m not going to be able to ever successfully pull off a sixty nine position because I want all my focus on you, every time.”

  “If that’s what you want, I have to admit I thought the same thing, the first time I enjoyed you. You taste so good, yes I wanted to come with you but even your hand on my cock would be a distraction I couldn’t take. I love just enjoying the taste and hearing your little moans and sighs.”

  Hearing exactly what I want to hear I’m content against him and my fingers trace over the scary looking tattoo on his chest. A skull and daggers that read Rangers Lead the Way. I hate this tattoo, I really do. Closing my eyes, I’m shocked at the feeling of tears welling up.

  “Zoe, why are you crying? Look at me.”

  I shake my head and try to turn away but Sam won’t let me hide. He rolls until I’m under him trapped and then the tears escape.

  “Sweetheart, please talk to me. Are you hurt?” He sounds desperate and scared and it surprises me and I shake my head.

  “I hate it, okay, I hate that damn tattoo and that they used you and you were hurt and they just spit you out used and in pain.” I try to hide again but his lips brush against the path of my tears. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t say you’re sorry for your feelings. I want you to know though that I don’t regret it, the years and even the way it ended. Knowing what I know I’d do it again, in the end the good years out weighed the bad of it all. The Rangers gave me a family when I had none. When it ended we were still a family, holing up and healing in Florida, I was with a former Ranger, the job in Chicago, a former Ranger and coming here, it was Taylor wanting me because I was once a Ranger. You came to me and pulled me out of that festering wound as you called it because you needed the knowledge of what the Rangers taught me.

  I’m not going to tell you how to feel but hate is a strong negative emotion and you feeling it on my behalf for something I treasure, baby, I sure wish you wouldn’t.” He kisses me soft and gentle and I sigh with relief, he wasn’t freaking out that I was being emotional about him. Which was actually freaking me out a little bit, I can’t remember the last time I cried over someone. Quickly, his kiss becomes hot and I’m right with him.

  Sam pulls away and looks down, “Are you okay?” I can only nod and he smiles and my chest tightens at the sight of it and I pull him back down to me. His kiss is ravaging I can only cling to him. My will gone completely, his mouth travels down to my ear, “Get on your hands and knees for me, Zoe.”

  It’s a command and even though I feel weak from want I don’t hesitate to do as he says. He moves back on his knees and reaches for a condom. I’m on my knees before I find my breath. “Please, no condom Sam, I want to feel you inside me.”

  His hands are on my hips and he chuckles, “If that’s what you want, I’ll give you what you want.”

  “Thank you.” I moan as he teases the lips of my pussy with the head of his cock. Pleadingly, I press back and he gives me exactly what I’m pleading for and pushes hard and deep in one thrust and I cry out from the amazing pleasure pain of him deep inside. Falling to my elbows I push back against him begging for more. His thrusts are hard and fast and I’m close to coming so quickly I’m in a daze of disbelief and then it crashes hard into me and I cry out for Sam. He’s moaning as my pussy clutches him in reaction but he keeps moving right through my orgasm and he keeps my trembling right into a second one that ripples through me until my nipples hurt and I rub them into the bed. This time as my pussy milks him with my orgasm he lets go and comes deep inside me and I love the feel of him inside me.

  With a groan Sam lays down beside me and pulls me into his arms. I cuddle into his side and I’m asleep in seconds.

  Hours later Sam kisses me awake and I moan his name and without thought I’m reaching for his thick cock and guiding him into me. My legs wrapping around him eagerly and Sam takes me fast and with an edge of desperation. I pull him down to kiss him, trying to soothe him. He feels so good, I’m so full of him that it doesn’t take long before I hit my climax and he follows almost immediately. I know he was waiting for me and I kiss him again, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

  I settle back against the covers and watch him get out of bed. I know he’s got to go to work.

  “Did you get any sleep?”

  “Yes, thank you, you are magic. I need a shower and need to get dressed. From now on, we’ll share this room?” It sounds like a question, but it’s not and I nod.

  “I’ll move your things in tomorrow.”

  He’s gone with a kiss and I rest with my eyes closed. I love hearing the sounds of him moving around the house. Hearing him open the door I open my eyes and see him with his keys.

  “Sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.” His kiss is soft but possessive and I watch as he leaves again.

  It’s a long time before I get the energy to get up and take a shower, a part of me wants to fall asleep with the scent of him on me but another part of me can’t sleep because the smell of him has me hot and wet all over again for him. I take a long shower and with a sad sigh wash him off but tomorrow he’ll be home and we’ll do it all over again.

  That’s the thought I cling to as I fall asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I’m awake earlier than I want to be, I usually like to sleep until nine on the weekends but not today. I’m awake by eight and then I remember last night and a goofy happy grin comes over me. I run to Sam’s room and start packing it up. Finding my lost panties, happy laughter bubbles up as I remember that first day and how scared I’d been but how right Sam would turn out to be.

  I sigh when I see the new clothes hanging up with the tags still on them. Guys, is all I can think. Better safe than sorry, I sort through and take everything into the laundry and turn on the washing machine. I’m odd but the few things I actually enjoy doing is laundry and dishes. There isn’t much else that’s personal, except a picture of I’m assuming his parents in front of their house, and that makes me sad. Would he move more in later?

  The deal I made with Taylor comes back to me and I’m biting my lip, Sam is not going to like it when he finds out about it. Rubbing my eyes I push back the thought, I can only take it one day at a time, what if Sam gets bored before it even comes to that? I can’t even go to that thought, it’s painful. If he’s still here when it came to that time, we’d deal with it then. That thought dealt with I run to get dressed.

  With the hopes of a long day of nothing but sleeping and sex I find a long skirt, loose and in pinks and purples and match it with a loose pink top that slides off the shoulder.

  I’m in the laundry room removing the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer when Sam finds me. I don’t hear him until he’s almost on me and then he
’s backing me up against the dryer for a long kiss. In a daze we both pull away and I know what he’s thinking before he says it and shake my head.

  “Two minutes and we’ll go back to bed, two minutes.”

  He nods and backs away and I load his shirts into the washer, the other load had been his jeans and cargo pants and underwear. “What are you doing? Are those my clothes? Why the hell are doing my clothes?”

  I set the dryer and lead the way to the bedroom, “Because you’re a guy and didn’t do it yourself. Sam, you shouldn’t wear clothes off the rack, they put chemicals on them and sometimes they sit in dusty warehouses for ages. It isn’t a big deal.” I bend over the bed and push out my ass towards him. “I’m not wearing panties, you’ll find that out when you lift up my skirt.” I hear him tear open a condom packet and sigh with regret, I do so love the feel of him. Seconds later he pushes into me and I’m so wet he’s home in an instant.

  We both groan and he starts slow, too slow for me. His hands pull off my top and his hands toy with my breasts, teasing and light and then tweaking and punishing. I plead for more and he quickens, he can feel my orgasm building and his hands move to my hips holding me in place for his pounding thrusts. Harder, I beg and he gives me what I need and I break apart under him, my whole body shaking and he’s right there with me. I fall onto the bed and crawl over, to give him room.

  The water turns on in the shower and I allow my eyes to drift close. He’s back sooner than I expect. He slides into bed and pulls me into his arms and falls asleep quickly and although I’m not tired I drift to sleep with him.

  I wake up and spot the clock, I’ve been asleep a little over an hour, his clothes should be done. Getting out of his arms isn’t easy, I don’t want to wake him up but every time I inch away he pulls me close. For a long minute I consider laying there with him until he wakes up but he needs a lot more sleep and the idea of the clothes sitting and waiting are making me crazy. Slowly I roll out of his arms and make it to the edge of the bed. His big hands are on my waist.


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