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A Favor

Page 13

by Fiona Murphy

“Has to be, got to make sure any man who looks your way sees just what he’s up against.” He slides on the ring with a small smile and then brings my hand up to his. “We’re going to get married fast. I love you too much to wait. ”

  My heart clenches at his words. “Me either, fast works for me.”

  “I agreed to buy in as partner with Taylor. You have a choice, you either work for me or you can stay home and paint full time. If you stay on and work with me it will only be until our babies come.”

  “Babies?” It’s a whisper of excitement and hope.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m going to fill you so full until you beg me to stop.”

  “Another way to make sure men see that I’m yours? With your baby in my belly and on my hip?”

  “You learn fast.” He kisses me as he rolls me under him.

  “I learn you fast.” I correct him.

  “Yes you do. I know you love this house, I’ll buy it from Taylor at the appraised price and both of our names will be on the deed. We’ll fix up your studio, make it more comfortable for you in the summer.”

  “Yes, Sam, whatever you say Sam.”

  “That’s my girl, now tell me you love me, I’m going to need hear it every day.”

  “I think I can do that. I love you, Sam. I love you so much, now make love to me and show me your love.”


  “I can’t believe he stole my secretary and the favor came out to a lot more than I thought it would.”

  “Oh please, you knew he wouldn’t allow her to keep working for you. It won’t be for long though, she told me she’s going off the pill when they come back from Italy, so it wouldn’t have been long before she quit anyway. That favor was nothing compared to what you got in return and you know it. Two weeks paid for her honeymoon compared to getting Sam and all that comes with him. You can huff all you want but I know it’s just to cover up how happy you are.

  I can’t believe it’s so simple and pretty and she managed to pull this together in only six weeks.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but don’t tell Sam and Zoe all that. I like using Zoe’s guilt a little, she found a replacement house and low balled the offer and she got it no time at all. I’m pretty sure it was the guilt that helped.

  What’s really hard to believe is that apart from the dress, the rest of it is all Sam. Zoe would have been happy with a bouquet and minister and I had nightmares of you two poring over swatches but Sam hired someone who made his money talk. It is only thirty people but still, for a backyard wedding even as a guy I’m impressed.”

  “Taylor, I’m pretty sure it’s her having Sam that given her the confidence for the low ball offer. I can’t believe she’s not crying at all, she said Sam told it would ruin his day if she cried so she had to promise to only smile and she’s done it. I never thought I’d see the day when her happiness came through as a smile instead of tears. It’s really annoying when you’re right but you were so right about them. I’m sorry I doubted you for a second.”

  “Hmm, if I’m right about this do you think I could be right about us having a baby not being as scary and won’t turn out as badly as it had for you before? I’ll be there the whole way through, my love, you let me do all the worrying.”

  “Sometimes it’s scary how well you know me. When Zoe talked about going off the pill I knew then I was ready to do the same thing. I’m not saying I won’t be a little scared but I know with you, what ever happens we’ll get through it together. Remember, babies can be loud and demanding little things.”

  “I think I’m ready for it, if you are.”

  “I am. Sam and Zoe are beginning to look desperate. Let’s leave and I’m sure other will follow, it will stop Sam from throwing people out. When I went shopping with Zoe for her honeymoon I found a few things I liked, why don’t we go home and I’ll show you and we’ll start working on a baby.”

  “You, my beautiful wife, are a genius and the love of my life. Let’s go.”

  Abby Has Gone Wild

  It was just supposed to be a one time thing, posting a naked picture of herself on a social website that has hundreds of other women doing the same thing. Only it very quickly hooked Abby on the high of knowing that others desired her body. Until it’s just one man that has her full attention. Jack is gorgeous and he wants her and it’s Abby’s worst luck, she believes, that he’s in the same city of Austin. Abby isn’t ready for more than what she can give from behind the safety of her keyboard. But Jack won’t take no for an answer when her body and her moans are telling him yes. Tracking her down Jack is even more enticing in person than from behind the computer and she can’t ignore that her body wants him just as badly as he wants her. Jack won’t give up on her and Abby has to decide if she’s willing to give up the safety of being alone to let Jack in.

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  His Hostile Takeover

  Ellie Shaw has been in love with Greg Turner since she first met him at sixteen. It doesn’t matter that now at twenty four he still treats her like a kid sister, Ellie still loves him. So why did her body go haywire when she first met Dmitri Markhoff? Dmitri was taking over the company she had worked so hard to keep going, Ellie wasn’t part of the bargain. Okay, she needed the job as a personal assistant he was offering and it was only for three months. That was more than enough time to save money so that once the three months was up she could support herself while she found another job. When the three months was up she would be back in Alexandria and back near Greg. She loved Greg. Hormones and never having been touched was all that was making her feel the way she did about Dmitri. She was sure of it. Besides all of that, men as gorgeous as Dmitri Markhoff didn’t look twice at women like her, who wore a dress size in the double digits, they went for models that were a size zero.

  Dmitri Markhoff is a ruthless corporate raider and had long given up on soft feelings for women. He enjoyed their bodies and paid for it in diamonds and other trinkets. All he wants is Elise’s lush body that has the kind of curves that should come with a warning sign, love isn’t something he’s looking for. When he figures out that Elise is untouched his body goes into overdrive. Even though he’s aware keeping her is wrong when all he wants is sex, he’s having the hardest time letting her go.

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  His Secretary with Benefits

  Laura is a blonde with a bombshell body that has men drooling over her and treating her like a blow up doll, to be used only for their pleasure. Growing up Laura had been taught sex was a dirty thing and it wasn’t to be enjoyed. Her first boyfriend did a good job of making sure she didn’t, same with her ex-fiancé. A job offer comes her way that has Laura’s interest, an assistant is leaving her boss and trying to find a replacement. The only thing is her replacement has to be willing to let her boss have his way with her whenever and however he wants. Laura’s shock is quickly sidelined as the woman describes the complete and utter satisfaction she finds in her boss’s demands. Having never experienced that kind of pleasure before and wanting to know what it’s like Laura agrees to meet Paul.

  The very first time she meets him she knows he’s what she wants, what she needs. It will be mutually beneficial for the both of them. Hot, satisfying sex on tap for the both of them. That’s all she wants, all she’s looking for, right? Falling in love isn’t on the agenda, for either of them.

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  His Back Bay Princess

  Diego Suarez is a Boston homicide cop who comes from a completely different world than Catherine Fisher. He’s the son of Mexican migrant farm workers, she can find the founders of Boston in her blue bloodline. He’d had to endure a stint in the Marines to fund college, she’d gone to a private university and her graduation present had been a three story home in Back Bay where
Diego couldn’t even afford property taxes. They are different, too different for it to work out between them. Cat deserves better than what he can give her, it will never work.

  It doesn’t matter if the only time he feels alive is when he’s with her. It doesn’t matter that she looks at him with all the love she feels for him in her eyes. One day she’ll wake up and figure out she can do better than him. It’s better to never start something that won’t last, can’t last.

  Catherine doesn’t care about money, the having of it or lack of it. All she cares about is Diego. After Diego has been shot and she is asked to look after him she knows she has just one last chance to find out what is keeping Diego from her. She knows he feels something for her, so why is he pushing her away?

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  His Next Chapter

  Lukas Everett is Avery Parker’s new reclusive landlord. He’s gorgeous but damaged, as damaged on the outside as Avery is on the inside. A car accident that killed his wife left him with physical scars that cause him to hide from the world. Avery hasn’t had it easy in her few physical relationships and isn’t looking to get involved with anyone let alone someone as cold and hard as Lukas. Lukas seems just as intent at keeping her at bay even though she knows he feels the same longing she feels. With her mind telling her to run and her body begging her to stay Avery accepts his job offer and she finds Lukas doesn’t just own properties but is a writer that she herself has enjoyed. It isn’t long before Avery demands all the passion she sees in Lukas but will she just be the next chapter in his story or will they find their own happily ever after?

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  The Gangster’s Girlfriend

  Miranda Beckett has been born and bred in Chicago and with that comes the knowledge that the city built firmly on criminal enterprises by every group that could gain ground is still a city where crime is as much of the economy as the retail shops and hotels that line Michigan Avenue. Just like others in Chicago a blind eye is a content eye until it’s all brought into sharp focus by her younger brother one late night. She hasn’t seen her brother in years and the last time she had she’d told him she never wanted to see him again so she knew it was desperation that led him to her door. Before, he’d flat out stolen from her but now he’s pleading for the money. He pleas for the money that he owes the head of the IRA in Chicago and then he threatens that Declan Kelly knows about her and that she has the money and if she doesn’t give it than Kelly will come for it himself.

  Miranda refuses her brother and she knows she’ll be able to refuse Declan Kelly when the time comes. But she’s wrong, so very wrong. It isn’t money Kelly wants, it’s her. Her expertise as an accountant to audit his books and find who is stealing from him, that’s it he tells her but his eyes tell her there’s more.

  Without even being quite sure how and why she agreed, a deal is struck and Miranda wonders how long she can fight the need for a man she can’t have. It’s one thing to know what Declan Kelly does and another to allow herself become involved with him. She is sure she can keep Declan at bay, she has plans to become a gangster’s girlfriend or lose her heart to him. But she’s wrong, so very wrong.

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  Title page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty





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