One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1) Page 45

by Ali Parker

He moved in like a snake, striking hard as he pressed his lips to mine. The world disappeared as I wrapped my arms around his waist and lifted up, meeting his passion with something blistering hot - my own need to belong to him.

  He pressed his tongue deep into my mouth, and I turned my head and opened up, sucking hard as I dug my fingers into the top of his ass and groaned into his mouth.

  He deepened the kiss and jerked me farther against him. I could almost hear Frank speaking, but nothing mattered.

  His fingers brushed down the side of my neck as he broke the kiss and pressed his head to mine, panting softly.

  "I want you so fucking bad," he whispered and went in for another kiss.

  By the time we pulled apart, the room was empty and emotion rolled over me in a way that left me crippled.

  "I'm going to my room." I turned and half-stumbled to the door as tears burned my eyes. I wanted that passion in my life more than I wanted my brother back. More than I wanted my mother to be a mother. More than I wanted my career to blossom into something that made me feel worthy.

  I wanted him. Period.

  Chapter 17

  Four Days Later


  She wasn't herself for the rest of the week, or at least not the girl I'd come to know in a short period of time. Her cockiness had waned, her confidence dimmed. This odd need to protect her rolled over me about halfway through the week, and I had to try hard to pull myself back. What I thought was going to be a great time together ended up being awkward and tense.

  By the weekend, I was worn the hell out.

  "All right buddy. You're up for this one." Frank popped me on the back as I stood beside the scene they'd recreated of a beach party. Extras milled about everywhere, looking casual as if in the throes of an actual party on the beach. Riley was beside Deza and had her arms over her chest. The faraway look in her eyes haunted me.

  "Right. Watch how it's done." I wagged my eyebrows and caught a glimpse of a smile from her. Deza rolled her eyes and motioned for me to get to it. It was almost time to break for the day.

  Marco walked up to the bar and glanced back at me. "You ready, boss?"

  "Yeah." I patted his back. I'd been an ass for most of the week to the guy because Riley seemed to find a friend in him. I had to get over myself. We had at least ten months of working together as a team. As childish as I wanted to be over him getting her attention, I couldn't jeopardize all we had going on.

  "And action!" Frank yelled from the side of the scene.

  I moved through the motions, talking with Marco for a few minutes and catching the eye of a few women. The creepy-looking guy who moved along the edge of the party slipped onto the scene, and I turned, letting him know that I was onto him. His sprint off the scene, and my own in following him left us done for the day.

  "Great job." Frank smiled at me before moving up to talk to the extras.

  "What are you girls up to for the rest of the day?" I slipped my hands into my pants pockets and made sure to eye both Deza and Riley.

  "I'm going to read a good book on the beach. You?" Deza pulled off her sunglasses and cleaned them on her t-shirt.

  "I'm not sure. I don't want to be alone. I know that." I glanced toward Riley. "How about you, pretty girl?"

  "I'm not sure. I think I'll walk the beach and look for seashells. Charlotte collects them, so taking a few back to her would make up for being gone."

  "Charlotte, as in Jade?" I smirked as she laughed. It was the first real emotion I'd seen from her in days. "Can I come with you?"

  "Yeah. It's a free beach." She was back on lockdown. "I'm going to grab a coke. You want something?"

  "I'll take one too. Thanks." I waited until she left to turn my heavy stare onto Deza. "All right. Spill. What the fuck is up with her? I didn't do anything. I promise." I lifted my hands as if in surrender.

  "I know. She's struggling with keeping fantasy from reality. You know how hard that is. Remember your first love scene? You were so convinced that Trish was in love with you that you started looking at rings." She gave me a cheeky grin.

  "I did not." I ran my fingers through my hair and glanced over to watch her talk with the bartender. "Does she think I'm in love with her?"

  "Are you?"

  "Is that a joke? I don't know what love is. I'm in lust with her for sure." I shrugged. "It's acting, D. It was a hard lesson for me to learn too, but she's got to separate it or her life is going to be far more hard than it should have to be."

  "I agree." She reached out and ran her hand down my arm. "Coach her and help her understand how things work. You're the only actor here. I'm not capable of even beginning to understand where she's at."

  "Is she in love with me?" Butterflies danced around my stomach at the thought.

  "No, but she's hurt too easily by you just being you. She's sensitive because firstly, she's a young woman in a new world and two, she wants love like the rest of us do."

  "Speak for yourself." I pulled my hands from my pockets. "I'll talk with her."

  "Thank you." She moved back and left me standing there with my thoughts. My eyes moved across her as she walked toward me, but kept her eyes adverted toward the water. Her short strawberry-blond hair had a girlie curl at the ends of it, and her pink lipstick had me yearning to rub it off in the most unconventional of ways.

  "Here you are, Mr. Lewis." She glanced up at me and smiled.

  "Thanks, madam." I took the coke as she pulled her sunglasses into place. I hadn't noticed how impersonal she looked without the expression bleeding through her eyes. I almost asked her to take them off, but it seemed stupid. "You ready to go on this grand seashell hunting adventure?"

  She took a long drink of her coke before moaning and nodded. "That I am."

  I moved in behind her and pressed my hand to the front of my slacks. The sound of her voice was enough to call the beast from its slumber, but her sexy little moans would make sure he stayed alert just in case there was any hope of getting petted.

  "Did you like the scene? The action ones are my favorite." I moved up beside her and couldn't help but to tilt my face toward her, so I could watch her more closely. From afar, she was gorgeous, but up close, she was quite capable of stealing hearts and ruining marriages.

  "I did. Are you open for a word of criticism?" She took another sip of her drink and kept her face turned toward the ground. She knelt and dug a small shell from the sand.

  "From you? Of course. I don't think anyone else's opinion would be welcomed." I knelt beside her and dug out another one.

  "Why is mine welcomed?" She pulled her glasses to rest on top of her head and studied me.

  "Because you're my partner in crime." I reached out and touched the tip of her nose. "And I value your opinion."

  "If you stood closer to Marco during the opening of the scene, your relationship would look more plausible. It's an awkward gap at best." She shrugged. "My best friend and I always stand shoulder to shoulder. I know you're a dude, but Jace and his good friend Dane always stand side by side when they're together."

  "Dane? Jace has a best friend named Dane?" I couldn't help but smirk.

  "What's so funny about that?" Her defensiveness was on the rise.

  "It's just cute." I shrugged, stood up and walked to the water to wash off the shell.

  "Do you have something against Jace?"

  "Yes. He's sleeping with the woman I want in my bed." I stood and turned, confessing without apology. I didn't care if she knew. If she didn't, she was far more dense than I imagined possible.

  "What do you want from me, Ethan Lewis?" She moved to stand in front of me as her expression grew tight.

  "For you to let your hair down and stop fighting against me. We're going to be doing this shit together for a long time. It doesn't have to be love, Riley. It can just be lust." I touched the side of her face, brushing my thumb over her bottom lip as my pulse quickened. I ached for a night with her. "It's not that involved. It can just be part of us taking care of each o

  "No, it can't." She gripped my hand and held on tightly as she glanced out toward the water. "Jace and I are fuck-buddies. I don't need another one in my life. He's doing the job just fine."

  She was stabbing in the dark, hoping to hurt me.

  I dropped my soda can and gripped the other side of her neck as I leaned in and brushed my nose by hers. "I don't doubt for a minute that he's living the high life with a beautiful woman like you in his bed, but are you? Are you sure you're not missing out on something explosive. Are you not interested at all?"

  I locked eyes with her and enjoyed far too much watching her question herself.

  "Do you agree about the positioning with you and Marco at the beginning of the scene?" She searched my face.

  I laughed and nipped at her lips before releasing her. "I actually do. You're spot on with that, even if your transitions still suck donkey dick."

  "You're so vulgar." She smiled and knelt down to pick up another shell.

  "You're not at all curious if we would make a good couple in the bedroom?" I pressed my hand to the front of my slacks again, wishing I had control of my body around her.

  "Of course I am." She glanced back at me, looking more like the woman that took care of me on the plane and less like the angry bitch that slapped me harder than was necessary at the beginning of the week. She had as many sides to her personality as I did. It was almost concerning.

  "Then let me take you back to my room and make you writhe in pleasure. It's a release we could both use." I licked at my lips and tried to still my racing heart. The idea of getting her naked and memorizing every sweet curve of her body had my head spinning. As a man who could have any woman I wanted in the world, I wanted the one before me, and of course she was holding out.

  "I have a fuck-buddy, Ethan. It's hard enough not to fall in love with him. I'm not playing the balancing game with you too." She stood up and walked down the beach away from me.

  "Okay, fine. I think the day will come when we give in to each other, but until then, let's at least build up a tight friendship." I jogged to catch up with her.

  "I'd like that. Just remember that it's just a friendship." She rolled her shoulders before lifting her hands to the sky. "Nothing more."

  "A good working relationship too, right?" I poked her side, causing her to yelp and drop her hands. "We gotta pretend to be hot for each other during the scenes too."

  "I'm aware of that. I can fake just about anything." She gave me a cute smile that had me thinking along the same lines as she'd spoken moments before. How easy it would be to seduce her and let lust bleed into love. It was a fucking scary thought, and yet one that seemed to linger as we continued down the beach.

  "Are you really still thinking about graduating from UCLA?" I slipped my hands in my pockets and kicked at a patch of seaweed.

  "That was the worst transition I have ever seen." She laughed and pushed me from the side with her shoulder.

  I laughed. "Yes, that was horrible. My train of thought went from licking every inch of you to what you planned to do when we get back. Then I realized that you were still in school. You mentioned mid-terms, and I thought, damn... I couldn't manage all that. I wondered how you were doing with it, and if you really planned on finishing."

  She stopped and knelt again as laughter rose up around her. "You're incorrigible."

  "What?" I knelt beside her and pushed, knocking her over.

  "You ass." She reached out and pulled me down with her.

  I moved onto my side and reached out, running my fingers along her arm as she turned on her side to face me.

  "What was incorrigible about asking you if you were graduating?"

  "Not that part." She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest, leaving plenty of leg for me to stare at. I had to remember to send a thank you note to her momma for teaching her to wear shorty-shorts. The bottom curve of her ass peeked out as she shifted and looked out at the water.

  "What part?" I pressed my teeth into my bottom lip and forced myself to look back up at her face.

  "About licking every inch of me." She was a little breathless. I loved it.

  I reached out and ran the back of my fingers down the back of her thigh, curving along her exposed flesh.

  She stiffened beside me. "Ethan."

  "I do want to lick every inch of you." I licked my lips and moved up to sit beside her. "I wanna know how you taste. It's driving me nuts."

  "You're such a whore." She laughed.

  I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pressed my lips to the side of her head. "It's lonely being a whore by yourself. Be one with me?"

  Her laughter made the moment. Something told me that my desire for sex was just a safe way to ask for more. I'd never given myself to anyone in a relationship outside of Deza and Liam. Feeling her worm her way deep inside of me was frightening and thrilling all at the same time.

  Chapter 18


  We'd parted ways after a few more minutes together, which was for the better. I was close to agreeing to just about anything he wanted. The goal was to build my career and give Mr. Ethan Lewis a good dose of reality, but it seemed like he was pulling me into fantasy instead.

  The text I got shortly after getting back to my room and flopping down on the bed was a request for me to have dinner with him. I laughed at the thought of him trying to get through dinner without hitting on me, talking about his greatness or moving the conversation toward his cock in some manner or form. The guy’s modesty hadn't seen the light of day - ever.

  I shot him a note back that I'd be in the kitchen at six and we could grab something to eat. After laying down the rules about the evening, I curled up in the bed and let my mind go wild. I'd not been daydreaming about what the night would have looked like if we were lovers in an old-fashioned movie for more than ten minutes when Deza walked in.

  "You awake?" she whispered.

  I rolled over and sat up. "Yeah. Just thinking."

  "Everything all right?" She dropped down on the edge of her bed and ran her hands over her hair.

  "Yeah. They're good. I'm excited about filming the boat scene next week. I love being out on the water." I propped myself up on my elbow and studied her. "You okay? You look like something is wrong."

  "I'll be all right." She lay back and let out a long sigh. "I just wish I could figure out how to get Darren to trust me again. It's been ten damn years. It was a mistake to sleep with Zane. I know that now. Hell, I knew that then."

  "Have you talked to him about it?"

  "A million times." She turned over and crawled up into her bed. "He won't listen to me. He thinks that once trust is broken, that's it. There is no getting it back."

  "Do you believe that?" I pulled the covers around me and snuggled under them, wishing I had some advice to share. I was nothing but a kid with a dream and very little positive life experience to back it up. There were days when I was surprised that I wasn't beside my mother, living the hard life in the midst of drugs and whatever else she'd gotten herself into.

  "I don't know to be honest. I'd like to think I'm the kind of person that would give another person a chance if they fucked up, but I don't know if I would. Trust is such a delicate thing, you know? One lie can break it all apart."

  I nodded, but kept silent. My lie about Jace was weighing heavy on me. I'd come clean with Ethan at the beach an hour before, but it still felt like a shitty move on my part. Compounding that was the lie about testing him in his kitchen during our first mentor meeting. He shouldn't trust me at all, and yet I knew that he did. He planned on the two of us protecting each other for a long time to come.

  "Maybe I should just let it go." Deza's voice softened, lost steam.

  "No." I sat up and brushed my hands over my hair. "No. You don't let it go. If you love him, you fight for it. He's worth fighting for, right?"

  "Absolutely." She pressed her palms to her face. "You're right. I haven't been fighting. I've been tiptoeing around the edges o
f our fucked up relationship. I need to dive in deep and risk it all. Maybe then he'll see me for who I really am. I'm a good person. I was young and dumb."

  "He'll see it. He's old and dumb now." I smiled as she chuckled. "Go all in. The worst thing that can happen is that you're rejected and then you get over it. You heal and finally move on."

  "Have you always been an old soul?" She sat up and pulled her phone from her pocket. "I'm going to go call him while I have the nerve to do it."

  "Good. I've got my fingers crossed." I moved to the edge of the bed and pressed my hands against my knees. "Deza."

  She stood and turned to face me. "What?"

  "I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm honestly considering Ethan's proposal for us to take care of each other."

  "I think that's awesome. You guys are going to have to bind together. These films get harder and harder. Taking advice from the other and working to make sure-" She paused and tilted her head a little. "Wait a minute. Like protect each other or like... take care of each other."

  "Both." I rolled my shoulders in and held my breath, waiting for the ass chewing.

  "I see. Well, you're a woman. You know the consequences of giving yourself over to someone only to have the possibility of them rejecting you the next time. Ethan is a fickle creature. Just make sure if you decide to be stupid, and let's get this straight, I think you guys are being quite stupid, that you keep your heart out of the mix. He's an ass in the bedroom because of his issues."

  "His issues?" I stood up as my stomach sickened. Why had I brought up my thoughts to sleep with Ethan with his agent? She and I were growing closer, but there was still a defined line between us. She wasn't my agent yet, even though she was taking care of me much better than Darren ever had.

  "His size." She put her hands on her hips. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed."

  "Why in the world would that be an issue? Men would pay millions of dollars to have what he has." Confusion raced through me. Was there more to the story that I wasn't getting access too?


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