Book Read Free

Perfectly Unexpected

Page 7

by Brandy Michelle

  “Yeah. Thank you again.”

  “I’m going to need you to stop thanking me.”

  “Then stop doing so many nice things for me.”

  His lips meet mine once and then twice. “I can’t do that.”

  Jane makes a big splash in the tub followed by a loud laugh. “I’d better go check on her and see if my bathroom is under water. Do you want to run home and change?”

  “We can make a pit stop on the way. I only live a couple of blocks from Trevor.”

  * * *

  After prying Jane out of the tub, which takes a tremendous effort, we go into my guest bedroom to get her dressed. Being an independent three-year-old, she wants to dress herself, so I tell her to choose her outfit and put it on while I go change my clothes. Pushing around the hangers in my closet, I can’t decide what I want to wear to his cousin’s house. I want to make a good impression, considering what happened last night.

  Finally, I decide on a blue maxi skirt and a white top, something both cute and comfortable. Slipping into my sandals, I walk out to the living room and find Logan down on his knees, helping Jane put her shoes on.

  “You guys ready?” I ask, gaining two sets of eyes looking in my direction.

  “I forgot my blankie.” Jane takes off running toward my bedroom.

  Logan stands and walks in my direction, his eyes raking over my body. “You look amazing, Brenna.”

  I circle my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. “Thank you,” I say and meet his lips again.

  “Logan, are you BrennBrenn’s boyfriend now?”

  We pull away from each other, and I turn to face Jane, who is eyeing us curiously and holding tightly to her blanket. Logan kneels, bringing himself closer to her level.

  “Do you think if I asked her she would say yes?” he asks.

  Jane nods her head, and her mouth spreads wide in a toothy smile. “I do; I do.” She bounces up and down on her toes.

  Logan glances up at me with a smile as big as Jane’s. “Well, what do you say, Brenna? Will you be my girlfriend?”

  I laugh at his question and kneel beside him. “I don’t know. Are you sure I should say yes?” I ask Jane.

  She leans in closer to me and whispers, “I like him. He’s really really nice, and he’s cute too.”

  Logan winks at me from behind Jane, looking proud of himself at the praise he just received from a child.

  “I guess since you think it’s a good idea, I will let him be my boyfriend.”

  Jane begins jumping up and down in excitement, and Logan stands, holding a hand out to help me up.

  “I can’t wait to tell my best friend Tanner. Maybe I should text him,” she says.

  “Come on, crazy girl. We need to head out, and you can’t even spell yet, so there will be no texting.” I laugh at her statement, always amazed by what comes out of her mouth.

  Leaving my apartment, we walk to Logan’s car as he holds both our hands. I love the cute relationship he’s formed with Jane. They bonded instantly, and it shows me a side of him that I never imagined.

  We secure the car seat in the back of his Range Rover, and I buckle Jane in. She is chatty during the car ride and talks nonstop, mostly asking Logan everything from his favorite toys as a kid to his favorite cartoons.

  Twenty minutes later, we are pulling through a large metal gate that opens after he presses a button in the car. He makes a few turns, but I am too busy admiring all the beautiful houses to pay attention. My mouth falls open when he pulls into the driveway of a huge brick house. The garage doors open, and he pulls forward, putting his car in park.

  “I won’t be long, but why don’t you guys come inside and wait,” he says, and Jane already has her harness unbuckled.

  “This is your house?” I ask in complete shock.

  “Yeah.” He laughs. “Not what you were expecting?”

  “Not at all. Honestly, I imagined you living in a fancy apartment downtown.”

  “I actually did until recently. It hasn’t been long since I moved in. I’m still getting used to all this space. Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour.”

  We exit the car and follow Logan through the door inside his garage. We enter the largest laundry room I have ever seen, which leads into a large, open kitchen.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I say, turning in a circle and admiring all the open space.

  “Thank you. Let me show you the best part.” Grabbing my hand, he guides me through the house with Jane on his other side.

  Opening the French door, we step outside onto a stunning patio, complete with an outdoor kitchen and a huge pool. Jane takes off toward the water, and I follow closely behind.

  “I love your pool. Can we go swimming sometime? I don’t know how to yet, but I really, really want to learn,” Jane says, inching her way closer to the edge.

  Whether sensing my anxiety or being nervous himself, Logan scoops her up in his arms before she can get too close.

  “Anytime you want. We just need to get you some floaties, and I’m sure you will be swimming like a fish in no time.”

  “I don’t want to be a fish. I want to be a mermaid,” she corrects him, causing him to chuckle.

  “Okay, mermaid it is. I am going to change real fast so feel free to explore,” he says, handing Jane to me.

  We walk around the first floor of the gorgeous home, and I am in awe of every room. I would never have guessed he just moved in because everything is furnished and decorated, looking as though someone has been here for years. I hold Jane’s hand tightly, afraid she’ll touch something and break it. Everything looks expensive and more than likely way out of my price range to replace.

  I don’t enter any of the rooms with closed doors and remain in the open living space. The kitchen captures my attention, and I migrate back there, running my hand over the smooth granite countertops. I don’t do much cooking at my apartment, but with a kitchen like this, it could become my new favorite hobby.

  Hearing heavy footsteps, I look up to find Logan jogging down the stairs. He’s changed into dark jeans and a fitted navy shirt that pulls my attention to his muscular physique.

  “You look like you’re starving, Brenna?”

  My eyes move from his torso to the cocky smirk plastered on his face; obviously, I wasn’t very subtle in my admiration. When I meet his heated gaze, I see the same hunger in his.

  “I’m starving too,” Jane huffs, breaking our stare and causing me to laugh.

  “Well, we can’t have that. Come on, pretty ladies, let’s go.” He holds his hand out, and Jane quickly latches on.

  The drive to his cousin’s house is short, and as he said, it is only a couple of blocks away. Just like all the other houses in the neighborhood, theirs is stunning. Jane waits for Logan to unbuckle her, and we all walk hand in hand to the front door.

  Logan releases my hand to press the doorbell and laces his fingers back through mine.

  The door opens, and we are greeted by the cop from last night. “Welcome, guys. Come on in.”

  “With everything going on last night, I seemed to have skipped introductions, so Trevor, this is my girlfriend, Brenna and this little beauty is Jane.”

  I hold my free hand out to Trevor, trying not to react to hearing Logan call me his girlfriend. “Thank you for your help last night.”

  He places his hand in mine and then closes his other on the outside, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m happy Logan called. That’s a rough area, and I wouldn’t have wanted you guys to go alone. Whatever help you need with that situation, Brenna, I’m here for you.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Turning his attention to Jane, he leans down and holds his hand out to her. “It’s nice to meet you, Jane.”

  She places her little hand in his and smiles. “I’m making a lot of new friends today.”

  “You’re not done yet.” A gorgeous woman approaches with a little boy beside her. “Hello, Jane. My name is Gabby, and this is TJ.”

kids make their introductions, and after the mention of a playroom, they take off through the house.

  “Hi, Brenna,” she says, wrapping her arms around me in a comforting hug. “It’s great to meet you.”

  “You too. Thank you for having us over on such short notice.”

  She waves a hand through the air. “It’s no problem. I’m so happy you guys are here.”

  “She loves having people over. She spends her days with just TJ, so she craves any adult interaction. Better watch out, she’ll have you over every night.”

  Gabby swats her husband in the stomach and waves him off. “Why don’t you guys go somewhere.”

  Logan kisses my head before heading outside with Trevor, and I follow Gabby to the kitchen. She tells me to take a seat at the island while she finishes dinner.

  “Your home is lovely,” I say, taking a sip of the wine Gabby poured me.

  “Thank you. I love it here. We’re close to Trevor’s parents, and TJ loves his grandparents. With Logan moving into the neighborhood, it’s almost like the whole family is together. We just need to convince Tanner to leave the city.”

  “Yeah, I don’t see that happening.” I laugh.

  “I know. I’m guessing you are the same Brenna who Tanner is always talking about? I used to always think he had a crush on you, but the way he speaks about you, I can tell he respects you.”

  “Aww, I love Tanner. He’s such a great guy.” I stop and think about what I said. “Well, I’m sure most females won’t agree, but to me, he has always been sweet.”

  She nods her head as she cuts up vegetables for a salad. “He has a big heart. I just wish he would open it up and let someone in.”

  Tanner really is a great guy, but he keeps it hidden under his whole playboy persona. I am grateful for his friendship, and I know he would have much to offer someone when he finally decides to take that step.

  “I imagine the day will come, and he will turn in his player’s card, or at least we can hope.”

  We share a laugh, and she calls the guys and kids for dinner. Sitting around her large family table, Jane and TJ sit at one end in their own little world while Gabby and I listen to the men argue over an upcoming sports game. The simple mundane moments like this is are what I have always craved the most in life.

  In just the first few minutes I was in the house, I instantly fell in love with Gabby. After dinner is over and we clean the kitchen and dishes together, I know without a doubt that she will be a great friend. TJ and Jane seem to get along great, and she is excited to come back and spend the day with him while I work.

  By the time we leave, the kids are worn out. Logan carries a sleeping Jane out to the car, and my heart warms at the gentle way he secures her in the car seat. He is making it impossible not to fall in love with him.

  Chapter 8

  “Just a few more hours and then the weekend will be here,” Tara says as she slumps against my desk with her head buried in her arms.

  I giggle at her position. “Long day for you?” I ask.

  She lifts her head and huffs. “Ugh, it’s been a long week. Charles has this huge case, and we have been working nonstop trying to get everything ready for the upcoming court date. I don’t remember the last time I left here before dark.”

  “That sounds terrible. Are you guys close to being finished?”

  “I hope so. He has family coming into town for the weekend, so we are giving it a rest until Monday. Otherwise, I’m sure we would be pulling another twelve-hour day.”

  “So do you have big plans for tonight?”

  “Yes,” she says, and her smile widens. “I plan to eat dinner with my husband and go to bed with him. How about you? Anything going on this weekend?”

  “Logan is getting back into town tonight, so I think we might do dinner. Nothing too crazy.”

  Looking down at her watch, Tara stands and straightens her dress. “Well, I’d better get back to work so I can leave at five. It’s been great having you here, Brenna.”

  I smile at her compliment and return to work after she leaves. It has been a little over a week since I took the job at the law firm, and so far, everything has been going great. I drop Jane off at Gabby’s every morning and pick her up after work. Every day, she fills me in on the fun she had and all the activities she and TJ did. Gabby has even been practicing the alphabet with her, and she is close to having it down.

  Logan has still been amazing, and I’m not sure I could have survived this past week without his support. Jane has grown very attached to him and has missed him just as much as I have since he left for his trip.

  Logan: Just landed. How about you and Jane come to my place for dinner?

  Sounds good! What should I bring?

  Logan: Just you two pretty girls. I will take care of the rest.

  Well, we can’t wait to see you.

  Logan: The feeling is mutual. Come on over after you pick her up.

  The rest of the day flies by, and before I know it, five o’clock hits and everyone starts to file out of the office. Richard needs to stay late to finish a conference call but tells me to head on out with a wink.

  My relationship with Logan quickly became public knowledge, and even if I wanted to hide it, the surprise lunch date before he left and the delivery of flowers yesterday would have been a huge giveaway. Seeing as Logan has just come out of a long-term relationship-slash-engagement, I was surprised with how well his family took the news and how welcoming they have been with not only me but with Jane as well.

  Walking up to the door, I ring the bell, and Gabby greets me with a smile as I see the kids running around the house.

  “Come on in. Jane has been an angel, just like every other day.”

  “Would you even tell me if she wasn’t?” I ask, laughing.

  She considers my question and then shakes her head. “Probably not. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. We are going straight over to Logan’s for dinner.”

  The kids go running by again in a flash of giggles and disappear around the corner.

  “They both took a good nap today, so they are going full speed. So I was thinking ... what do you say we have a girls’ night sometime?”

  “Like a girls’ night in?” I ask since I can’t very well go out when I have Jane.

  “No, girls’ night out. I’m long overdue, and now that I finally have a friend I enjoy spending time with, I told Trevor I was cashing in.”

  I laugh and can understand her need after spending the week with two wild kids running around her house. She keeps reassuring me that having Jane isn’t a problem and that she loves finally having another girl in the house, but I still feel bad, especially when she refuses to accept any money from me.

  “What will I do with Jane?”

  Her smile widens. “My wonderful husband offered to keep the kids for us, and I have no doubt he will get Logan over here as well.”

  “I don’t know,” I say, unsure about leaving Jane.

  “Come on, Brenna. We both need it, and you can invite your friend Claire. I would love to meet her after all the wonderful things I’ve heard about her from you.”

  The more I think about it, the better it sounds, and I know Claire would love a night out. I would have to make sure Jane is one-hundred percent comfortable staying with the guys, but if Logan is here, I doubt she will hesitate.

  “When were you thinking?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  My mouth drops open, and I laugh. “Wasting no time, I see.”

  “No way. I don’t get many opportunities like this, so when I get one, I jump on it. Sleep on it and let me know tomorrow.” She hands me Jane’s bag that I keep a couple of extra outfits in.

  “I will talk to Claire and get with you in the morning.”

  “Perfect. Now, let’s go round up a kid for you.”

  By the time Jane says her goodbyes and we make it out of Gabby’s house, an hour has already passed since I first arrive. Picking
her up is never a quick job and typically takes about that long. She is never ready to leave, but tonight when I finally mentioned going to Logan’s, she jumped up and was ready to go.

  She has been talking nonstop since she got in the car, much like every other day, and I am thankful the ride to Logan’s is short because I can’t even keep up with what she is going on about.

  Logan meets us in his driveway, and after she is unbuckled, Jane runs full force into his legs, wrapping her little arms around him. He picks her up and swings her around in circles as she giggles uncontrollably, before lowering her back to the ground.

  “Hi,” he says, pressing his lips to my forehead. Lowering them to my ear, he whispers, “I want to do so much more but not in front of the little eyes.”

  My temperature rises as I imagine the things I would like for him to do. It has been a long three days.

  Once we enter the house, Logan shows Jane the new puzzles he bought for her, and she gets right to work, putting the first one together. Grabbing my hand, he pulls me into the kitchen and lifts me onto the counter, out of view. Luckily, my skirt isn’t a pencil one because he wouldn’t be able to slide his body between my legs like he is currently doing.

  “I thought that might buy us some time,” he says just before his lips slam down on mine.

  He cradles my head in his hands, and my fingers grip his shirt, pulling him in closer between my legs. His hardness rubs against my core and leaves me wanting more, but Jane is just in the other room.

  When we finally break apart, I am left panting, attempting to catch my breath. Logan rests his forehead against mine, his thumbs gliding along my jaw as he presses soft kisses to my lips.

  “I think it’s obvious that I missed you.”

  “When are you leaving again?”

  Pulling back slightly, he moves his hands to my thighs. “So far I don’t have any travel planned next week. I should be able to work out of my office.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I say, nipping at his lower lip.

  “Logan! BrennBrenn! Come look!” Jane exclaims from the living room.

  Grasping my waist, Logan lowers me from the counter making sure my body slides down the front of his before my feet hit the floor. With a sexy smirk, he drops another kiss on my lips, and grabbing my hand, we go see what all the excitement is about.


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