Perfectly Unexpected

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Perfectly Unexpected Page 8

by Brandy Michelle

  Spread across the hardwood floor, Jane has completed one of the new princess puzzles Logan gave her. I am shocked at how fast she was able to put it together, and by the beaming look on her little face, I know she is proud of herself.

  “Wow, you did so well, Jane. You are getting better and better.” I walk closer and kneel on the floor beside her.

  “I love puzzles, BrennBrenn.”

  “Maybe you should say something to Logan,” I say, motioning toward where he stands.

  Jumping to her feet, Jane launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you, Logan. I love them, and I love you. You’re the bestest.”

  “You are very welcome, pretty girl. And I love you too.” He picks her up and throws her into the air, catching her before repeating it again and again. Her happy giggles fill the house, and it upsets me to think about all the things her mother is missing out on.

  * * *

  After dinner, we all relax on the sectional couch—me resting against Logan and Jane leaning against me—and watch one of Jane’s favorite cartoon movies. It’s incredible when I think back to how much my life has changed in the past week. Where I was spending most nights working and closing down a bar, now, I am working at one of the largest law firms in the city and my nights are spent taking care of this sweet angel. I have never been in a hurry to get married or start a family, but this is definitely something I could get used to. That thought also scares the life out of me because this isn’t permanent. Lynne can show up any day now and take Jane back, and things with Logan have no guarantees because it is still so new.

  Looking to my left, Jane is sound asleep with her blanket clutched tightly in her arm. In her excitement to see Logan, she left her ratty, pink lifeline in my car and didn’t realize her mistake until we sat down for the movie. Logan, of course, ran outside and retrieved it for her, continuing to be her hero.

  “She out?” Logan whispers in my ear, causing chills to spread down my body.


  “Why don’t you guys just sleep here?”

  I turn my head, meeting his navy eyes. “I don’t know if that’s okay yet. I mean, this whole thing is so confusing, and I don’t even know what the proper way to do all this with her and us. I bet this wasn’t the welcome home evening you were planning.”

  A smile pulls at his lips, bringing my attention to them. “You’re right, it’s not. But it doesn’t mean I enjoyed it any less.”

  Rolling my eyes at him as he kisses my head, I reply, “You don’t always have to be so sweet.”

  “For you, it’s easy. Trevor called me about tomorrow night.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “You don’t seem too excited. Do you not want to go out with Gabby?”

  “No, that’s not it,” I say. “I just don’t know about leaving Jane.”

  “If you don’t feel comfortable, then don’t go. Gabby will understand. But I will be there, and I’ll make sure nothing happens, babe.”

  The way he says it sounds like I don’t trust them to watch her, but that’s not the case. If there was one person I knew I could trust with her, it would be Logan—without a doubt.

  “I know you will; there is no question about that. It’s just that I leave her all week while I’m at work, and now I’ll be doing it again to go out. I just feel terrible.”

  “Have you heard from your sister?” he asks.

  I exhale deeply and shake my head. “No. She still hasn’t returned any calls or messages. Today the phone actually rang, but it still went to voicemail.”

  His fingers are so relaxing, rubbing up and down my arm. I could get lost in just this simple touch.

  “I don’t want you to get upset, but I think it’s time to do something, babe. You know, she’s way beyond the point of abandonment. How are you going to feel when she shows back up and wants Jane?”

  My chest aches at the thought, and I need a moment to sort through my feelings. It’s not as though I haven’t spent hours agonizing over the possibility of Lynne popping back up just to take Jane back. But to hear it out loud makes it seem so much more real.

  “It would kill me,” I admit honestly.

  “You have rights too. I see how attached you have grown to having her around, and I would hate to see you hurt. Hell, after one day with her, she wrapped herself fully around my heart, and I’d do anything to protect her.”

  “Monday morning, I will talk to Richard and see what we can do. I need to stop protecting my sister and focus on Jane. She is the one who deserves it.”

  The conversation stops, and Logan tightens his arm around me while we finish watching the cartoon. When the movie is over, he carries Jane out to my car and buckles her in, placing a kiss on her sleepy head. She stirs in her sleep and reaches her arms out, wrapping them around Logan’s neck.

  “Good night, baby girl.”

  “‘Night, Logan,” she mumbles, closing her eyes once again.

  The car door closes and strong arms encircle my body, leaving me feeling safe and warm. We sway back and forth in his driveway as he sprinkles kisses along my neck. Being with Logan is unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and I love every minute of it.

  “How about tomorrow you girls come back over and bring your bathing suits. I’ll make breakfast and then we can spend the day in the pool.”

  A tiny moan escapes me as he nips at my ear. “That sounds good. Jane will love it.”

  “Then I will see you in the morning,” he says, opening my door for me.

  Chapter 9

  “Would you be an angel and grab us another round whenever you get a chance?” Gabby asks Joseph, the new hire at Déjà vu.

  When the girls convinced me to come out tonight, my only request was to pick where we went. I’m not much for a club or rowdy crowds, but after working here for so long, I feel completely comfortable. There were no arguments, and both girls were more than willing to spend the evening in familiar territory.

  “I’m not sure we really need any more shots, Gabs,” I say, stacking up the empty glasses to make it easier for Joseph to grab them when he returns.

  Gabby scrunches her face up at me and shakes her head. “Yes, Brenna, we absolutely do. I don’t get nights out like this often, so I am going balls to the wall. Also, I plan to go home and have wild drunken sex with my husband. Maybe even make another baby.”

  My eyes widen. “Are you guys trying?”

  “Well, we decided to stop trying to prevent it.” A giant smile spreads her lips.

  “That is amazing. I wish you guys the best,” Claire says, just as our new shots are set down. Lifting hers, she continues, “Here’s to baby making.”

  Gabby raises her glass to meet Claire’s in a flash, but I hold back for a second.

  “At least for Gabby,” I say, causing them to laugh.

  That would be the last thing I would need right now or anytime in the near future. No need to jinx myself.

  The night thus far has been a blast. I haven’t had this much fun out in a long time. Claire and Gabby hit it off instantly, which didn’t surprise me in the least. As more drinks have been consumed, fewer topics of conversation remained off limits. We have talked about everything in the past couple of hours, and I am shocked I’m not more embarrassed.

  It has been extremely hard to refrain from calling or texting Logan to check in on Jane. He has sent a couple of pictures of the kids playing and little updates, so I know she is having a great time and is in good hands. She never even blinked an eye when I mentioned her staying with Logan. I’m not sure which excited her more; playing with TJ or hanging out with Logan.

  “So, Brenna, things seem to be progressing rather well for you and Logan,” Claire says. I look up from my phone and find two sets of eyes glued on me.

  “Yeah, things have been great,” I say vaguely.

  Gabby’s eyes light up before she speaks. “I don’t remember the last time I have seen him this happy. Since you’ve come into his life, he just
seems free; like he can be himself without needing to pretend to be something else.”

  “That’s good because I wouldn’t want him to be anyone else.”

  “He is so cute with Jane too,” Claire adds.

  I smile, agreeing with her statement, and take a sip of my drink. “They have become two peas in a pod, those two. She attached herself to him instantly, and it makes me a little nervous.”

  “Of what?” Claire asks.

  “Nothing is guaranteed in life; we all know that. My relationship with Logan is still so new and has moved quickly. I don’t want her to get her heart broken if something happens and Logan is no longer with us.” Or my own heart. “Not only that, but who knows how long she will be with me. If her mother takes her back, there is no telling when I will see her again.”

  “We can’t focus on the negatives. You’re right; there are no guarantees in life, but Logan is a great guy, and I have complete faith in the two of you. No matter how new it may be.”

  I think about Gabby’s words, and I know she is right; I need to stop worrying about the things I can’t control. Logan has never given me the impression this is something temporary, but I also need to keep reminding myself that he just came out of an engagement.

  The thought of Logan being engaged leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth, and in search of a cure, I wave down Joseph and signal him to bring another round.

  “That’s the spirit!” Gabby exclaims from across the table.

  Before Joseph has a chance to make it back to us, Lindsey appears with three glasses and a smile on her face.

  “Looks like you ladies have some admirers. These were sent over from the guys at table thirteen.” She sets the glasses down, and I get a good whiff of the cinnamon scent and cringe.

  I long ago learned the mistake of mixing liquors, and tonight we have stuck with clears—mainly vodka. Glancing over at the table she mentioned, I see three guys standing and holding their own shot glasses up toward us. I was thinking I might recognize them from working here, but they are all unfamiliar.

  “Well, I guess we shouldn’t be rude,” Claire points out, lifting her drink and motioning for us to do the same.

  We raise them up, look at the guys, and take the shots. I mouth the words, “Thank you,” and turn back around. While we don’t want to come off as rude, I also don’t want to lead them on or give them the impression we are interested.

  Moments later, Joseph shows up with the round I had ordered along with three tall glasses of ice water.

  “You’re an angel,” I say, reaching for the water.

  “Those came from the big guy at the bar.” Joseph laughs.

  We all turn in search of who would send the waters, and I smile when my eyes find Jordan leaning against the bar.

  Claire squeals in excitement and jumps from the table, taking off toward Jordan, who had been gone the last week with his band.

  I look at Gabby and clink my water glass with hers. “And then there were two.”

  “Let’s dance!” Gabby yells, sliding the drink Joseph delivered closer to me. “Down that and let’s go.”

  She is giving me an intense mom look, which I find extremely humorous, but still, I put the straw to my lips and suck down the drink in record time.

  Grabbing my hand, she pulls me onto the dance floor, and we both get lost in the music with our hips and arms swaying all over the place. In my head, we have so much rhythm that we could outdance any professional, but I have a feeling that, in reality, we look like two wasted broads sloppily moving our bodies. We are having fun, though, so who cares.

  One song bleeds into the next, and we just keep dancing. I didn’t realize how much I truly needed this night out until now. I have been stressing nonstop over doing everything right for Jane, and with starting my new job at the law firm, I am busy all day long. I thought I would be able to juggle both the law firm and bartending, but after a couple of days of trying, I realized it would be too much. Ian was more than willing to allow me to take personal time off without having to quit just yet.

  Hands grab my hips right before someone whispers in my ear, “I’ve been watching you move from across the room, and it’s so hypnotizing that it brought me right to you.”

  The unfamiliar voice causes me to turn. Reluctant to free me, he keeps his hands on my body. I instantly recognize him from the table who sent the shots over, and giving him a friendly smile, I attempt to step away, but his hold only tightens.

  “Sorry, that wasn’t my intention,” I say, clutching his wrists and yanking his hands off me.

  “Come on, now. Don’t be like that. You seemed more friendly when I sent you the drink. Is that what it will take for you to move that sexy body against mine? You need another drink, baby?”

  “No, I don’t. I turn unfriendly when someone touches me uninvited.” I glance behind me to see Gabby in conversation with another one of the guys from the table, but she seems at ease.

  “The way you were shaking that ass was nothing but a billboard, flashing the invitation.”

  His hands reach out for me again, but I step back. “And your words and actions are a flashing billboard for getting kneed in the nuts. Don’t touch me again.”

  His eyes light up as though I just offered him a challenge, and I am instantly both creeped out and uncomfortable.

  “Dirty talk. That’s okay, baby. I like it a little rough,” he says with a sneer, taking a step closer toward me.

  I’m one second away from plowing my knee into his crotch when a deep voice booms from behind me.

  “She told you not to touch her. I’d advise you to back off. Now.”

  Tanner comes to stand in front of me, shielding me with his body between mine and the asshole. I want to be pissed off that he thinks I need him to come to my rescue. I obviously had the situation under control and was about to teach this guy a lesson. But I think better of protesting because I have never seen Tanner this angry. I am used to the fun, flirty, and joking around Tanner.

  “Look, big guy,” the asshole says, sarcastically, “how about you step away and mind your own business.”

  “She is my business.” Tanner jerks his head toward where Gabby stands with the other guy watching the scene unfold. “And so is she. It would be in both yours and your friend’s best interest to just walk away.”

  The guy holds up both of his hands in front of him and begins to back away. Tanner doesn’t move an inch until he is out of sight.

  A hand touches my arm, and I jump in surprise, but calm once I realize it is just Gabby. Tanner’s back is still stiff and rigid, and his hands are clenched tightly in fists at his side.

  When he finally turns around, I have a huge smile on my face.

  “I’m not going to lie, Tanner. That was on the verge of hot,” I say.

  His face lights up, and his ever-present cocky grin reappears. “Verge? You and I both know that got you all worked up. How about you, Gabs? You both finally realize you are with the wrong one in the family?”

  “Let’s not get too carried away,” Gabby jokes.

  Tanner chuckles and wraps an arm around each of us, walking back to the table we previously occupied. When we reach the table, Gabby moves out of his arm, and I softly elbow him in the side.

  “You know I had that situation under control, right?”

  He peers down at me, sizing me up. “Yeah, I’m sure he was really scared of you.”

  “Whatever, jerk. How long have you been here anyway?”

  “Long enough to know you should have sent those shots back to where they came from.”

  “Who turns down free alcohol?” Gabby scoffs. “Brenna knows the entire staff, so it’s not like we were in danger of someone slipping something into the drink.”

  “While that may be true, it doesn’t mean that guys like him aren’t expecting something in return. You guys just need to be more careful.”

  “Aww, Tanner, you big ole softy,” I say, swatting him in the chest. “Who would have pegged yo
u for the responsible one?”

  He shakes his head but smiles. “Yeah, yeah. How are you ladies getting home?”

  Gabby and I both share a look.

  “Well,” I start, “Claire was supposed to be the designated driver, but then we convinced her she needed to have more fun and drink with us. So we agreed that we would just get an Uber to take us back to Gabby’s.”

  “Lucky for you, there will be no need to call for a ride. I will make sure you both arrive safely, and since Claire disappeared with Jordan, I would imagine she no longer needs a lift home.”

  “You would be correct. But haven’t you been drinking? You can’t drive us.” Gabby waves her finger in the air in a scolding manner.

  “Get out of here with that.” Tanner laughs, pushing her hand back down. “I didn’t drive here tonight. My trusty DD is right over there.”

  I follow the direction his hand is pointing and spot Bethany sitting at the bar. She waves her hand in the air with a smile, and I return the gesture.

  “Yay!” I exclaim, jumping on my toes. “I love Bethany. You’d better not be messing around with her because if you hurt her, I will disown you.”

  Tanner raises his hands. “Easy killer, she is one of my best friends. That’s something I couldn’t chance losing. She is right up there with you, sweet cheeks,” he says with a wink.

  Gabby giggles next to me, and when I look over at her, she has her eyes glued to her phone. Her fingers are typing away swiftly, and there is a red tinge to her cheeks.

  “Are you sexting with your husband?” I ask, and she only blushes more. “You dirty little slut.”

  “I can’t help it. He is just so sexy that I am turned on all the time. You’ve seen him in uniform, Brenna, so you know what I am talking about.”

  “Too much for my ears,” Tanner says, pressing his hands against his ears to block out Gabby’s words.


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