Perfectly Unexpected

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Perfectly Unexpected Page 9

by Brandy Michelle

“We’d better get her home so she can fulfill those love messages she has been sending,” I tease but am also ready to get back to Logan.

  I haven’t received any new messages from him in a while, and it’s more than likely because he and Jane are sleeping. We already discussed that she and I would spend the night at his house since I would be getting in late, and after drinking, I wouldn’t be driving. Jane was ecstatic when she heard the news and packed a bag with enough clothes and toys to last a week.

  * * *

  “Thank you so much for the ride home, Bethany,” I say as we pull into Logan’s driveway.

  Gabby’s house was the first stop, and with a quick goodbye, she was out of the car in a flash, rushing to get to her husband.

  “Don’t mention it. It was great seeing you again.”

  “I know. I haven’t been around too much lately. Next time we have girls’ night, you have to come with us!” I exclaim.

  “What about me?” Tanner asks, turning in his seat.

  “Umm, Tanner, did you miss the part where I said girls’ night?” I look at Bethany and roll my eyes.

  “Which sounds perfect for me. Besides, it’s obvious you can’t be let out on your own without getting into some kind of trouble.”

  “I told you, I had everything under control. I was just about to crush his nuts when you interrupted me.”

  Tanner cringes when I mention the nut crushing. He looks out the window and turns back to me.

  “Looks like you’d better go.”

  Confused by his rush to get me out of the car, I glance out my window and see Logan standing just outside his door. Dressed in dark lounge pants and a white shirt, I have never seen anything sexier.

  “Yep,” I say, popping the p. “You kids have a nice night.”

  Opening the back door, I ignore the laughs coming from inside the car as my body gravitates toward Logan.

  His hair is in a state of disarray, and it makes me want to brush my fingers through it just to mess it up more.

  I climb the final stair that brings me to him and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands claim their spot on my hips, and it feels a million times better than the stranger earlier.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” his sleep filled voice asks.

  I nod my head and press my lips to his. “I did. How about you? Jane wasn’t too much trouble?”

  “None at all. We both fell asleep on the couch watching cartoons. I just moved her into the guest bedroom.”

  “Thank you for watching her.”

  “Anything for you,” he says, sweeping his warm lips across mine. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  Entering the house, everything is dark except for the dim light coming from the television. I venture down the hallway to check on Jane in his guest room. Her sweet little form is bundled up with a hand tucked under her face, grasping the pink blanket in her fingers. She goes nowhere without it and refuses to fall sleep without it in her clutches. Trying to wash it is always a big task.

  Careful not to wake her, I kiss her forehead, and thankfully, she doesn’t stir. Turning to leave, I am surprised to find Logan standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Entwining his fingers with mine, he pulls the door until it’s cracked and leads me through the house to his bedroom.

  He heads straight into his bathroom, shutting the door behind us and twisting the lock.

  “Late night shower?” I ask, backing up until I bump into his vanity.

  His head shakes back in forth as he stalks closer. With his hands on my waist, he lifts me and sets me on the counter. The skirt of my dress is bunched up, and the ice-cold granite causes a rush of chills to run through me. Or it could be the look in Logan’s eyes as his thumbs caress my cheeks.

  “I forget what my life was like before you. You consume my every waking thought and my dreams are nothing but you and a future together. I never imagined falling this hard or this fast, but God, Brenna, I love you so much.”

  When the words leave his full lips, I stop breathing. Literally stop breathing. I fear that my mind is playing tricks on me because there is no way Logan Tate just told me he loved me.

  “Did you …?” I trail off with a wetness building in my eyes.

  “I did.” He punctuates his next words with a kiss after each. “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Kiss.

  “You.” Kiss.

  Reluctant to break our gaze, I blink and tears release from where I have been trying to hold them back. His thumb catches them and gently wipes their trail.

  Swallowing down the lump lodged in my throat, I grasp his wrists. “I don’t know what to say,” I stumble over my words, but when I see the expression on his face fall, I backtrack. “No, that’s not what I mean. I love you too, Logan. It’s just your words were so sweet compared to mine.”

  “Hearing you love me is all I need.” His deep blue eyes pierce mine before his mouth descends upon mine.

  He threads his fingers through my hair and pulls my head back, allowing his warm tongue better access. My legs circle around his back and pull him closer to my body, causing his erection to hit against my core.

  I knew my feelings had grown significantly for Logan, but I didn’t realize just how much until the moment he looked me in the eyes and confessed his love for me. At that point, there was no question in my mind or heart how I felt about him. Maybe we haven’t been together that long and things are moving too fast for some, but how can you argue with your heart? The feelings I possess for Logan are completely different than anything I have ever experienced before, even with my last and only serious relationship.

  “I need you,” I whimper, lifting his shirt and pulling it over his head, then tossing it on the ground.

  He grabs the material of my dress, rips it over my head, and throws it behind him.

  “Did someone forget half of their undergarments?” he asks when he notices my bottom section is bare.

  “No,” I respond innocently, batting my lashes. “I just removed them in the restroom before we left the bar.”

  Shaking his head, his hands reach behind me to unhook my bra, and I slip mine into the elastic of his pants and push them over his ass. I lick my lips when his glorious erection pops out and the pants pool at his ankles.

  Pulling my ass closer to the edge of the vanity, he lines himself at my entrance and an audible gasp escapes me when he pushes inside. He stills for a moment while our eyes lock. His lips crash against mine, and soon, his hips fall in sync with his tongue—both thrusting at the same pace.

  “God, Brenna, you always feel so good.”

  “Don’t stop,” I breathe out, feeling my pending release.

  “Never,” he says, changing the angle slightly to penetrate me even deeper.

  He hits the spot, and it sends me in a whirlwind of pleasure I feel through my entire body. With his lips on mine, he masks my moans and keeps moving inside me. Soon after, he reaches his own release, whispering my name across my mouth.

  We remain in position, me with my arms and legs wrapped around him, until we are both able to control our breathing. As soon as he removes himself from my body, he realizes his mistake.

  “Shit, Brenna, I’m sorry. I was so caught up in the moment I forgot the condom. Shit.” He keeps looking from my face to the area between my legs.

  Jumping off the vanity, I place my hands on his chest and feel the rapid beating of his heart.

  “It’s okay, Logan. I’m on birth control, so that’s not a worry.”

  His spirits seem to lift briefly but fall again. “I shouldn’t have been so irresponsible without speaking with you first. I haven’t been with anyone since Melody, and we always used protection.”

  “As good as it is to hear that,” I start and glance down at my naked form and motion to his, “now is not exactly the best time to discuss your ex-fiancée.”

  “I’m screwing this all up,” he says and takes a deep breath before starting over. “That was amazing. So much so that I don’t know I could ever go back to we
aring a condom with you. Unless you ask me to because, God knows, I will do whatever you ask.”

  I giggle at his rambling, causing his navy eyes to snap to mine.

  “How about that shower?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his middle and kissing his chest.

  “Sounds like a good idea. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  With the hot water raining down on us, Logan takes a great effort to show me just how much he loves me. He takes his time massaging the shampoo into my scalp and the soap across my entire body and proceeds to help rinse me clean.

  I have never had someone take such care of me, and it’s an erotic experience all on its own. Logan finds simple ways to spoil me each day, and while I naturally want to overthink and analyze every single detail, I choose to live in the moment instead.

  I fall asleep wrapped in Logan’s arms with nothing but positive thoughts for our future and get the best night’s sleep I have had in a very long time.

  Chapter 10

  “Do you have a minute, Richard?”

  His head lifts from the file in his hands, and he smiles while removing his glasses.

  “Of course. What can I do for you?” he asks.

  Stepping into his office, I take a seat in one of the chairs stationed in front of his large wooden desk. I promised Logan I would finally talk to his uncle about what was going on. I have spent the day a ball of nerves waiting for the right moment to approach Richard. Today, like a typical Monday, has been nothing short of hectic. The day was coming to an end, so this was my chance.

  “Jane isn’t just visiting me,” I begin. “Well, not exactly.”

  “Go on,” he says, wearing a worried expression.

  “One night, I received a cryptic message from my sister to come get Jane. She said she couldn’t do it and to tell her she loved her. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for me to keep her, and Lynne has a tendency to be dramatic, but I haven’t heard from her since that night. I keep trying to call and get nothing. She hasn’t even returned my messages. She hasn’t once called to check on her daughter. I don’t know what is going on, but I’m concerned.”

  For some reason, I avoid telling him where we found Jane, and luckily, he doesn’t press for more information regarding that.

  “Do you think something happened, or that your sister may be in some kind of trouble?”

  I want to laugh when he asks the question because Lynne always finds trouble. She has since she was a little girl, but it is hard for me to imagine her doing something to keep her away from her daughter.

  “Lynne and I don’t come from the greatest upbringing. I have always been repulsed by the things around us, but while I left and never looked back, my sister stayed. I know she’s made several bad decisions along the way, but I don’t know what could have happened for her to leave Jane.”

  “Is there anyone else you know of who may be in contact with her? Friend or family?”

  When I consider the question, I realize I don’t know all that much about my sister’s life. We never discuss her friends or what she has been up to. Mostly, I am too afraid to ask, and my first questions tend to be about whether she has a job and how everything is with Jane.

  “I don’t know much about her friends. She bounces back and forth between houses but stays with our mother the majority of the time.”

  “Have you reached out to your mother since Lynn took off to see if she has heard from her or knows anything?”

  “No,” I answer immediately. “We are estranged and haven’t spoken in quite some time. Besides, even if she knows anything, she wouldn’t tell me.”

  Richard sits back in his chair, nodding his head as he processes the information.

  I always hate telling people about my family because, most of the time, you can see the judgment in their eyes. They automatically assume you are no different from the rest of them.

  With Richard, there is no sort of judgment in his eyes, much like when I told Tanner and Logan. My nerves begin to settle when I realize he isn’t going to fire me for having a messed up family.

  “Okay, give me some time to look into everything. But, Brenna, I have to ask. Are you prepared to accept the job of being Jane’s guardian if it comes down to that?”

  “Absolutely,” I respond without a single moment of hesitation.

  “I’m happy you came to me with this. Give me a day or so and we will sit back down and go over everything I have at that point.”

  “Thank you so much, Richard. Just let me know what I owe you.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “I’m not going to charge you, Brenna.”

  “Richard, I know how valuable your time is, and I can’t be taking it up with something so menial and not pay for it.”

  I have put together invoices for his clients, so I know the amount he charges per hour, but I couldn’t expect him to do anything for me free of charge. I wouldn’t have the easiest time paying his fee, but I would never expect him to work free of charge.

  “Nonsense. I would never take your money.” He looks down at his watch. “Listen, the day is just about over. Why don’t you pack up and go on home?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind staying.”

  “No. Get out of here and enjoy your evening,” he says, waving me off.

  “Okay. Thank you again, Richard.”

  We both stand from our chairs, and Richard walks me to his door.

  “My wife wants to have a big family dinner this weekend. I’m going to call the boys tonight and inform them, but we would really like for you and Jane to come as well. Ruthie would really love to meet you, and I can’t wait to meet the little girl who my grandson can’t stop talking about.”

  “Sounds great,” I say, but inside, I’m not feeling the same.

  “See you tomorrow, Brenna.”

  Walking to my desk, I shut down the computer and grab my purse before heading out.

  Old habits die hard, and I still get nervous about not being good enough and not fitting in. It’s a feeling I have been dealing with my entire life, and that was before I started hanging out with people who had more money than I could ever imagine.

  From everything I have heard about Ruth, she sounds lovely and just as kind as the rest of them. But I still can’t shake the feeling that I am way out of my league.

  * * *

  After I pick up Jane from Gabby’s, we drive to my apartment, and as usual, she talks the entire way about how she spent every minute of the day. It still amazes me that she hasn’t really asked about her mother or when she will be back to get her.

  A huge weight has been lifted off me since speaking with Richard today, but at the same time, I worry about what the future holds. It also left me wondering about my mother and if she has any idea what is going on. I would like to think she misses her granddaughter, but I also remember the woman she is. Selfish and only thinking of herself.

  After fishing my keys out of the overstuffed purse slung over my shoulder, I push the door open and usher Jane inside. She takes off to the kitchen on the hunt for tape so she can hang the pictures she colored for me today.

  My phone beeps from my bag, and after digging around in the mess, I decide it’s time to get a smaller purse. There is a new message from Logan but also a missed call from an unknown number that must have come through during our drive home. With no waiting voicemail, I forget about the missed call and open Logan’s message.

  Logan: What are my two favorite ladies doing?

  Just walked in the door. Are you still working?

  Logan: Finishing up right now. Would you be interested in having dinner in the park?

  There might be a slight interest …

  Logan: Slight? Hah! Meet me at my place and I will pick up food on my way home. We can walk to the park.

  Sounds good. We will see you in a few.

  Logan: I love you.

  I love you, too.

  Jane is over the moon when she finds out we are going to have a picnic in th
e park; so much so that she rushes me out the door. Pulling into Logan’s drive, I realize I had set my phone down on the kitchen counter and forgot to grab it on our way out.

  Unbuckling Jane from her car seat, we walk up to his door where she proceeds to press his doorbell four times. We are met with silence, and it’s obvious that Logan isn’t home yet. I take a seat on the steps and watch Jane dance around with only the music in her head. It never ceases to amaze me how well she can entertain herself and the imagination she has in that adorable little head of hers.

  Luckily, it isn’t too long before the Range Rover pulls into the drive and the garage door opens. Jane begins jumping around, and I have to remind her to stay with me until Logan has parked and shut the car off. The minute she hears the engine die, she is loose from my hold and dashing into the garage after Logan.

  “I hope you weren’t waiting too long. Traffic was a mess.” Logan steps out of the garage with Jane in one arm and takeout bags in the other.

  “No, we haven’t.”

  “Are we going to the park now?” Jane asks.

  “If you can spare two minutes for me to change into some regular clothes, we can be on our way, sweet girl.”

  She claps her hands together and nods.

  The weather is beautiful this evening, making our dinner in the park thoroughly enjoyable. When Jane finishes her food, she takes off for the playground area just a few yards away.

  “How did today go?” Logan asks as I collect the takeout containers and stack them back in the bags.

  I know he is referring to my talk with his uncle, and I am surprised it took him this long to ask about it.

  “It went well. He is going to look into it, and we will go from there. The embarrassment never eases each time I explain the stories of my childhood or how my sister disappeared and left her daughter behind.”

  Wrapping his hand around my wrist, he gives a gentle tug and pulls me back down on the bench beside him.

  “No one holds that against you. The choices made by your parents are not something you had any control over. Even your sister; her decisions are not yours. And I think it’s pretty damn admirable how you stepped up for Jane without any thought or questions. I was there that night for the entire thing. You never blinked or hesitated when it came to jumping into action. Jane’s really fortunate to have someone like you on her side.”


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