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Page 13

by Alison Golden

  “Not my fault he wouldn’t listen to me,” Diana said.

  Kieran shrugged. “Clive will always be Clive. He’s a bull-headed analyst and will never be more than that. He just won’t accept it.” Kieran paused for a moment, “So,” he drew himself up tall. “What’s going on?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that, Kieran. I’m sorry,” Diana said gently. Peter glanced between the two of them.

  Kieran looked up to the ceiling and sighed. “Well, I guess we’ll speak soon then,” he said sadly. Peter felt for him. It was never easy when your girl moved on. And up.

  Diana approached Kieran and leaned up to whisper something in his ear. He softened, drawing her into his arms and giving her a big hug.

  “You look after yourself out there.” Kieran looked straight at Peter. “Whatever it is you’re doing, bring her back in one piece, you hear. You might have to tie her up and lock her away to do it. And then you’ll need to find a very remote place to hide.”

  Peter grinned. “I hear there are job openings in Alert.”

  Kieran laughed. “Might just be far enough away.”

  “I so love it when you two talk about me as if I’m not here,” Diana said.

  Kieran and Peter shook hands but said nothing. “Well, I guess we should get going. It’s really late,” she said.

  It was almost midnight. They left CSIS headquarters and twenty minutes later, pulled into VPD’s parking lot.

  “If only traffic were always like this in Vancouver,” Diana said with a sigh.

  “Wouldn’t that be something? Too bad we can’t work nights all the time,” Peter replied. “Donaldson’s waiting for us. I’m going to have to make a few calls before we talk to him or it might be too late.”

  “Too late for what?” Diana asked.

  “I need to get put back on active duty. I don’t know how long it will take to renew my security clearance. I doubt it will be in time for our trip, but it can’t hurt to try. I want the request to be on the right desk first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “You go ahead, and I’ll make a few calls too, to speed up the process.”

  Peter looked at her in surprise. “You have no idea how quickly people move when the request comes from TFI,” she said with a grin.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “No, thank you,” she said.

  “What for?” he asked in surprise.

  “For coming with me. And for not being angry that I put you on the spot like that.”

  “Did you really think I’d let you go off on your own? You’re my partner, and I’ve got your back, no matter what.”

  Diana smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime,” he said with a wink. “By the way, you’re going to have to tell me about you and Clive Inglewood.”

  “Yeah, I will. It’s a long story, though.”

  “It’s a long flight to Kandahar,” he reminded her.

  She nodded. “True.

  “Okay, come on. Let’s make those calls and give Donaldson the bad news.”

  “He’s going to have kittens, isn’t he?” Diana said.

  “Probably not. As long as VPD doesn’t have to pay for our little jaunt, he’ll be fine.”

  At two in the morning, Diana finally walked into the lobby of her apartment building. “Hi, Larry,” she greeted the doorman.

  “Hi, Ms. Hunter, working late again?” the man inquired with a smile.

  “What can I say? The criminal element doesn’t seem to need as much sleep as us mere mortals.”

  Larry laughed. “I highly doubt you’re a mere mortal, ma’am.”

  “Thanks, Larry. You have a nice night now,” Diana said with a grin as she got onto the elevator.

  “You too, ma’am.”

  She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment. She would have to get used to sleeping when and where she could again.

  Peter had been right about Donaldson. He’d actually been pleased they were going. Vancouver was his city, and he had a proprietary interest in what went down here, criminally speaking. If something really nasty was going on, he wanted to be in on it. Peter and Diana were his “in.” Donaldson had been smart enough not to ask too many questions about why they had been called away, he was just satisfied they were staying on the job and that VPD wasn’t paying for it. In the meantime, he’d promised to continue digging into Greene and keep an eye on Kloch.

  She took a deep breath. She’d have to get her gear out of storage tomorrow.

  When the elevator doors opened, she stepped into the corridor. The area around her apartment was dark. She made a note to speak to the building manager about getting the light fixed. And she’d have to speak to Terri about taking care of Max for the next few days.

  When Diana opened the door to her apartment, she was met by a whirlwind of white fur. Max leapt as high as he could, trying to get into her arms. He seemed very glad to see her.

  She bent over and picked him up. “Who’s mommy’s good boy?” she murmured to him as he licked her face excitedly. She scratched him between his ears as she made her way into the living room. She dropped her purse on the table and sank into the couch. Max jumped on her lap. She knew that when he was certain she wasn’t going anywhere, he would relax and settle himself down for a nap.

  A moment later, however, her phone started ringing. She groaned. “Sorry, boy,” she said as she deposited Max on the floor. He let out a disgruntled yip but followed her over to the table. Suddenly, he started barking furiously. Diana looked down and shushed him. “Max, quiet,” she said as she pulled her phone out of her bag.

  “Peter?” she asked. “Is everything alright?” She switched on the lights.

  “There’s a problem,” he said, his tone urgent. “Surgeon’s escaped. We have no idea where he is. They’re scanning the ports looking for him, but he could be anywhere.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said quietly.

  “Why do you say that?” Peter asked.

  “Because he’s standing in my kitchen with a knife to my dog sitter’s neck,” she said.

  “Hello, Diana. Did you miss me?”


  “DIANA!” PETER STARTED to run. “Diana!” he yelled, again. There was no reply. He’d heard Surgeon on the other end of the line. A chill ran down his spine. Surgeon had killed two guards during his escape and instead of fleeing, he’d gone after Diana. Her dog sitter would die just as soon as Surgeon no longer needed her. Would he kill Diana before or after?

  Peter yanked his car door open and jumped in. Within moments, he was tearing out of the parking garage with a squeal of tires. He kept his phone glued to his ear. The line was still open, but the words on the other end were muffled.

  On the way, he raised Donaldson on his police radio.

  “He’s got her again!”


  “Surgeon. Diana’s apartment. We need armed backup stat!”

  Outside Diana’s building, Peter threw his car on to the sidewalk and ran through the doors. Diana’s apartment was at the back of the building, on the third floor.

  “Hey, you can’t park there!” Larry shouted, coming out of his office. He was rubbing his eyes, his hair standing up askew. Peter skidded to a stop and sprinted back to the front desk.

  “I need a key to Diana’s apartment?”

  “Sir, I couldn’t possibly—“

  “Diana and another woman are being held hostage.”

  Larry blanched and dashed into the small room behind the front desk. He ran back out with the key. “I’ll go with you,” the doorman volunteered, squaring his shoulders.

  Peter shook his head and started toward the elevator. “No, stay here. Direct the armed unit to the apartment when they arrive.” He changed direction. The stairs would be faster.

  “Yes, sir, right away.”

  Peter sprinted up the steps, taking them two and three at a time. In a few moments, he was outside Diana’s apartment with his ear glued to the door. He could h
ear voices, but he still couldn’t make out what they were saying. Damn it!

  There was a scratching sound and a low whine through the door. Peter put his phone to his ear again to listen in on what was being said in the apartment. A few moments later, Diana’s voice sounded loud and clear.

  “You look a little tired. Why don’t you sit down? The sofa’s right behind you.”

  Surgeon wouldn’t be able to see the front door from there. Good girl. Peter slipped the key into the lock and turned it as gently as he could.

  “Just let Terri go, Monty. You don’t want her. You want me. And I’m here.”

  “Ah, but while I have the girl, you are much more amenable.”

  The lock quickly clicked open, and Peter eased the door open gently. Max shot through the opening and latched onto Peter’s pant leg with his little teeth. The terrier tried to pull him into the apartment. Peter got down on his haunches and scratched Max’s head to calm him down.

  “I’m here to help her,” he whispered. Max looked up at him and let go of his pants. Peter could have sworn the dog nodded at him. Max then trotted back into the apartment and sat in the hallway, looking at him, waiting for him to make his move. That was one smart dog. Peter slipped inside and closed the door.

  He looked around, taking stock of the situation. Ahead of him, he could see Diana. She was in her living room, standing sideways to him.

  “I promise I’m not going anywhere. Let Terri go, it’s me you want,” she said. To Surgeon, she’d seem calm and collected, but Peter could see the tension in her jaw and posture. She was angry. She was blinking a shade rapidly so she was scared too.

  “I’d rather not. It’s more fun this way, don’t you think? I can see you better, Diana dear.” Peter couldn’t see Surgeon from his viewpoint, but there was a noise and a gasp from the girl he was holding.

  “I don’t think it’s a lot of fun for Terri,” Diana said.

  Diana made a tiny movement to the right with her head. Peter glanced down and noticed she was making a gesture with her hand. She was using sign language.

  “It’s not supposed to be fun for her or you,” Surgeon said smugly. “It’s supposed to be fun for me.”

  Diana gave her thigh a small pat as though she were calling Max over. Was that “dog?” in sign language? Then she closed her hand into a fist, with her thumb on the outside. Peter was pretty sure that stood for the letter “A.” But then she gave another sign that he didn’t understand followed by another “A,” maybe a “C,” and one more he didn’t know. What was she trying to say?

  “But really, Monty, I thought you wanted to be alone with me,” Diana purred, her voice low and sultry.

  He heard Surgeon inhale sharply. He also heard Terri gasp and then gurgle. He must still have the knife to her neck.

  “That’s true,” Surgeon said. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should let her go.” He grunted and there was a small cry from Terri. “To her death. Then you and I truly would be alone,” he ended viciously.

  Diana shifted on one foot slightly so she could see Peter in her peripheral vision. He shrugged apologetically. She quickly refocused her attention on Surgeon.

  “But wouldn’t it be better to have an audience? I could switch places with her. Terri could watch. See how brilliant you are at what you do.”

  Peter glanced down at Diana’s hand again. She pointed at Max. “ATTACK.” She’d switched to military hand signals. His eyes widened as he looked down at Max. She had to be kidding.

  “I don’t know,” Surgeon sounded both eager and hesitant at the same time. “She is such a sweet morsel. She could be the appetizer. Or perhaps dessert. You are the entrée, my dear.”

  Peter saw Diana’s jaw clench. She was gritting her teeth in irritation. She glanced at him and he circled his finger at his temple. You are crazy, babe.

  She thinned her lips and gave a look he knew all too well. Just do it.

  Okay, she knew her dog better than he did. He waited until she spoke again. “Max,” he whispered under the cover of Diana’s voice. The tiny, delicate, white, soft, fuzzy furball looked up at him expectantly. Trust shone out of his big black button eyes. One of his floppy ears twitched. “Attack,” Peter whispered and pointed toward the living room.

  To his astonishment, Max quietly got up and sneaked in a low crouch along the wall and into the living room. Peter moved to the edge of the hallway, flattened against the wall, gun ready.

  “Sweet she may be, but she isn’t a challenge, is she? And I know you like a challenge,” Diana kept talking. “Am I not the one you’re really looking for?”

  The seconds ticked by. Peter tensed, his muscles coiled, ready to spring into action. He listened for every sound. He heard a low growl and then a snarl. He spun around into the living room as Max launched himself at Surgeon, his tiny teeth like needles piercing Surgeon’s skin and sinking into the muscle around his ankle bone as he took a firm hold.


  Diana reached out and tore the knife from Surgeon’s grasp. She yanked Terri to safety. Peter saw his chance and let off a round just as Surgeon reflexively tried to shake Max off. The bullet caught Surgeon in the shoulder and a high-pitched scream rent the air as he was blasted back against the wall, Max still clinging to his ankle. Peter winced. He felt sure that Max’s neck would break if he didn’t let go, but no. The tableau was surreal.


  “DON’T MOVE!” PETER shouted. Surgeon was trying to shake Max off but he stilled as soon as Peter stood above him, pointing his gun at Surgeon’s face.

  Max remained firmly clamped to the killer’s leg, the tips of his teeth buried out of sight in Surgeon’s flesh. He growled continuously.

  “I’ve got him covered. Armed response are on their way. Do you want to call Max off?” Peter shouted to Diana, breathlessly.

  Diana walked over and stood next to him looking coolly at Surgeon’s prone body, his face contorted in pain. “No, but let’s give his jaws a rest. Ready?” Diana asked Peter.


  “Max, leave it!” she barked. Max immediately opened his jaws and detached himself from Surgeons’s ankle. “Guard!”

  Puffing himself up, Max began to growl again. He stalked round to Surgeon’s face and bared his teeth. Surgeon painfully tried to push himself up and away from Max until a jerk from Peter’s gun stopped him. They could hear sirens in the distance.

  “Reinforcements. This time, I’ll go with him.” Peter said. “At least until they transfer him to Kent.”

  Diana directed her words at Surgeon. “You’ll be going to Kent Institution, our local maximum security prison.” She nudged his injured shoulder with her foot. Surgeon yelped.

  “And after this stunt, as soon as we can arrange it, you’ll be going to Gitmo as our long-term guest.” Peter said, “He killed two cops to get here.”

  “Seriously?” Diana nudged Surgeon’s shoulder again, a little harder this time. “Maybe we should do the world a favor and just shoot him here and now,” she said, her voice cold.

  Peter looked at her in surprise. She meant it.

  “He broke into my home and held someone I care about hostage. He would have happily murdered both of us, all of us. And now you tell me he’s destroyed two families?” She crouched down and got her face close to Surgeon’s. Max growled a little harder. “But it’s all in a day’s work for you, isn’t it? All a bit of fun, Sunshine. You make me sick.” She stood again. “Shooting him wouldn’t be a problem. I’d see it as saving the multiple lives he would undoubtedly take if he ever got away again.

  “Diana, come on, you’re no cold-blooded killer. That’s not you,” Peter said, still not taking his eyes, or his gun, off Surgeon. He’d never seen her like this before.

  She looked at him then, her face hard and cold. “You have no idea how far I would go for the people I care about,” she said. “He should consider himself extremely fortunate he went after me instead of you.”

  Diana took a deep br
eath. “Give me your gun. Call Donaldson with the news.”

  “Sure you won’t shoot him?”

  “Yes, yes,” she said impatiently.

  Donaldson answered immediately. “Yes!”

  “Surgeon is down,” Peter said, with a sigh. “We’re all okay.”

  “Good. ERT there yet?”

  “Not quite. Thanks for sending in the big guns.”

  “Of course,” Donaldson said, seemingly surprised that Peter would even consider he’d take any other course of action. “Twice in one week is some kind of record, though. Don’t get used to it. They’re expensive. Let me call them and apprise them of the situation so they don’t storm the whole building or something.”

  Peter looked at Diana, “ERT will be here soon. They’ll transport him,” he said.

  Diana looked up. “Good. Here, take over.” She gave the gun back to Peter and walked over to Terri. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  The girl nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a bit terrified.” She smiled weakly. Diana put her arm around the girl’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Max is pretty special. I had no idea,” Terri said.

  Diana grinned. “He’s pretty awesome, isn’t he?”

  A loud knock sounded. Diana walked over to the door and opened it, coming face to face with a squad of men in dark fatigues, all armed with automatic assault rifles.

  “Ms. Hunter?” one of the men asked.

  “Yes, that’s me. Thanks for coming.”

  “No problem. We understand the suspect has been subdued.”

  Diana nodded. “But you’re going to have to come in and see to believe it,” she said.

  She invited them in with a sweeping gesture and they swarmed into her hall. It seemed tiny now that it was filled with six very big, heavily armed men. “That way,” she pointed to the living room.

  They filed in while she shut the door and locked it. “Good to see you again, Hopkinson,” one of the men said.

  “You too, Stockton.” Peter put away his gun. He wouldn’t be needing it now that there were several assault weapons in the room all attached to fierce looking men who knew how to use them.


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