Book Read Free

Crazy Maybe

Page 11

by Justice, A. D.

  With the darkness of the club and the cover of the oversized tables, no one can see his hand as it slowly glides farther up my thigh, then under dress, until he reaches my soaked panties. When he feels the wetness, he moans in my mouth but continues his exploration. He parts my legs a little more and then his fingers push the flimsy material of my panties to one side. He lightly strokes the wet folds between my thighs, spreading my juices and soaking his own finger in the act, before he pushes it into me and I gasp.

  He pulls his head back slightly to watch me as his hand keeps up its ministrations. His thumb finds my nub and applies circular pressure while his finger moves agonizingly slowly in and out. He’s still trying to avoid calling attention to us but I know that determined look in his eye. He’s returning the favor of my torturing him a few minutes ago. He’s going to make me come right here in the club, at the table with all our friends, and he knows I can’t stop him without everyone else knowing.

  He turns towards me slightly so that his back partly shields me from the rest of the group as his finger and thumb continues to have their way with me. His mouth is on my neck, giving me open mouth kisses and pushing farther into pure bliss, as a second finger joins the party going on between my legs. But the rumble of his deep voice that nearly pushes me over the edge as he hums against my ear, “Tell me who this belongs to, Andi. Say it.”

  I have no idea how he expects me to speak right now. I’m fairly certain I’m not even breathing. With an extra oomph, his fingers send a bolt of lightning through me and my fingers clench around his arm, holding on for dear life. “Say it, Andi,” he demands.

  “Yours, Luke. Only yours,” I answer breathlessly, still clutching his arm.

  “If it’s mine, I want to feel it come for me. Now.” If I had the capacity for thought, speech and breathing right now, I would show and tell him how much I freaking love this show of alpha-male dominance. But since I can do none of the above at the moment, the only thing I can do is just as he commands. He covers my mouth in yet another sensuous and knee-buckling kiss just as I’m about to scream, thankfully muffling the sound to a whimper that’s ignored by everyone else.

  I’m still coming down from my Luke-induced high when I see him lick his fingers. That is so fucking hot. Without a word or making a scene, Luke stands, grabs my hand and pulls me up with him. We head to the dance floor and I take it for granted that we’re about to actually dance. But my man has another idea for me….a better idea, actually.

  He leads me through the throngs of people on the dance floor until I realize we’re heading to the back of the stage. At the other end of the long corridor that spans the entire width of the club is a bathroom that’s for performers only. Since there’s no karaoke tonight, it would only be used the band who is currently getting set up onstage. He locks the door behind us and I wrap my arms around his neck, going in for another kiss.

  He cups my face in his hands, kissing me so thoroughly, before tearing his mouth away and running his hands down each side of my body. Once he reaches the bottom of my dress, he pulls it up until it’s around my waist. Then he grips one side of my panties and jerks them, ripping them completely off me. I’m noticeably shocked at this – turned on, but still shocked – and he smirks as he puts them in his pocket. His hands now on my hips, he quickly turns me around and bends me over the sink as he readies himself behind me. The mirror is low enough that I can see him and he can definitely see me.

  “I can’t wait until we get home. I have to be inside you,” he grunts. In one second, I feel the head of his impressive erection at my entrance, and with a quick thrust, he’s buried deep in me and I’m biting on the back of my hand to keep from screaming in sheer pleasure. His thrusts are hard and deep and I’m quickly close to coming again. He’s hitting the right spot every time, stretching me to take him fully in me. I know I’ll be sore again but I don’t care – he feels too good.

  He knows – he can feel it and he urges me on. “Now, baby,” and again my body complies, as if it’s completely under his spell. He feels my sugar walls squeeze him, vibrating and quivering around his thick shaft as he plunges into me, his releases a guttural moan and unloads into me. He leans over and lightly bites me on the back, like he’s a tiger who’s just claimed his mate. And he can claim me as many times as he wants to.



  I’m standing in the backyard at my parent’s house and my bottom jaw is resting on the ground in front of me. Brandon takes the opportunity to provoke me.

  “You’re going to catch flies in that hole of yours if you don’t shut your mouth,” Brandon says dryly.

  Whatever. I close my mouth but still look disbelievingly at Andi. She’s adorable, standing there looking a little shy and unsure of herself. My mom is gushing at her, hugging her close over and over again. I think Mom may break her soon because she hugs her tighter and tighter with each embrace. Not that Andi’s complaining about that, but my little vixen is a little embarrassed at all the attention she’s generated for herself.

  “Andi, I just can’t believe you did this! I just can’t get over it!” Mom has said that at least ten times since we got here a few minutes ago. Yeah, we get it Mom, you’re shocked.

  “It’s nothing – really. I just wanted to do something for you and this is the only thing I knew you wanted,” Andi tries to explain, hoping my mom will just drop it already.

  No such luck. Mom is gushing and running around the back yard to touch everything at least once.

  Dad has called Brandon, Greg and I over to their house early this morning because not only has Andi ordered the patio furniture my mom wanted from the catalog, but she’s ordered the whole back yard scene that Mom wanted to create.

  Everything’s here -- the hot tub with a waterfall that creates the illusion that the hot tub is spilling over into the pool, the outdoor kitchen area with appliances, the matching furniture that goes all around the backyard, and all the brick pavers needed for the walkways and retaining walls. She also arranged for several workers to be here to help get everything set up.

  Andi smiles at me sheepishly, “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

  I smile and start towards her but Brandon beats me to it. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and presses the side of his head against the side of hers. “It’s beautiful, Andi. Just like you. Mom and Dad love it, sweetheart.”

  I push him away and give him the don’t-fucking-touch-my-girlfriend look, which he completely ignores. I put my arm around her and pull her close to me, “How many times can I say it? You are amazing, Andi.”

  Her beautiful smile lights up her face as she says, “Luke, you did such a great job at the youth center with the landscaping and directing the boys. Think you can take over here and make sure it gets done the way your parents want?”

  I start to answer but my dad answers for me, “That’s a great idea, Andi. Linda – why don’t you and the boys here,” gesturing to me, Brandon and Greg, “divide it up. I have some work I need to finish inside.”

  Mom is more than happy to push us to various parts of the yard to start working on her dream yard. Andi announces she’ll get drinks and snacks together and my father follows her into the house. Mom is absolutely thrilled with everything. Even though she keeps saying over and over that she can’t accept all this from Andi, she hasn’t slowed down in giving orders of exactly how she wants every single piece installed or where it should be placed.

  The thing is, I know Andi will never miss the money that she’s spent for my mom’s little slice of heaven here. Everything is top of the line and spare-no-expense kind of nice, but Andi doesn’t even consider the money when she buys something for someone else. She only considers that person. I’ve never even seen her look at a price tag. If it’s something she knows one of us needs or wants, she gives it without question.

  I felt like a total asshole, but after I started training with Mack, she bought me all new boxing gear. And I don’t mean the cheap, knock-off stuff.
I mean top of the line, best name brand, everything I could ever possibly think of needing – gloves, headgear, mouth guards, speed bag, shorts, tanks, boxing shoes, running shoes.

  Most things went into a huge gym bag she bought and it was all just in my apartment one day. She never said a word about it and she was literally offended when I tried to pay her back. I’ve found other ways of thanking her and doing little things for her. But I’ve realized she genuinely likes to help others – just like she does at the youth center.

  So her generosity today doesn’t really shock me. I just had no idea she ordered all this and I’m a little confused as to why she didn’t tell me. But then I think I may know why – she doesn’t do this for praise or attention. She wouldn’t have wanted me to make a big deal of it or tell my mom and ruin her surprise. Andi really amazes me with how loving and giving she is after all she’s been through. Where most people would become cold and couldn’t care less about others, Andi’s childhood problems made her want to be a better person.

  My dad has been distant again today. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him man to man to ask what’s wrong. Right now, there’s no way I could get any information out of my mom because she’s too excited over her yard project. And if I walk away from the “crew” she assigned me, I know I will be in a lot of trouble. Mom is scary when she’s mad – even to a grown man – and I don’t want to be the one to catch the brunt of all that is Mom’s fury.

  Just ask the poor guys who are in her “crew” right now. They’re looking longingly at my crew and Brandon’s crew, wondering how they drew the short straws in this game of chance. My guys are chuckling to themselves as they listen to Mom chastise her crew for putting the pavers down wrong side up. She won’t listen when they try to explain that there is no wrong side up with pavers – she’s determined to have the perfect patio, down to the very last concrete block.

  After two hours, I realize I am really thirsty and wonder where Andi is with those drinks she was making us. I look around but I don’t see her anywhere outside and no one else has a drink. I am instantly glad because for a second there I thought she forgot about me. But now I’m worried because this isn’t like her at all. She loves doing things for others and I know she wouldn’t have left us to do all the work anyway. I make my way to Brandon and with each step that foreboding feeling gets worse.

  “Hey, have you seen Andi lately?” I ask Brandon.

  He thinks for a second before replying, “No, I haven’t actually. That is strange,” he says absently as he looks around the yard. “Hey – where’s Mom?”

  Now that he said that, I realize I haven’t heard Mom fighting with her crew for a while. “Maybe they’re both in the kitchen making us something to eat.” I say the words but even I don’t believe them.

  Brandon obviously doesn’t either because he gives me the look that says yeah, right. “You think Mom would leave all this to go inside and cook for us? Ah, no, I don’t think so.”

  We tell our crews to take a break and we both head for the back door. When I step inside the kitchen, I know something is very wrong in the house of the Woods. There are empty cups sitting on a tray – the ones I’m sure Andi said she’s make us a couple of hours ago. There’s no food being prepared. There’s no one in the kitchen. Brandon and I look around and then back at each other. Then I hear muted voices coming from the formal dining room.

  I slowly push open the swinging door to the dining room and hear Andi sniffling. She’s crying? I can see my dad sitting at the head of the table but I can’t see Andi. I move through the doorway and Brandon and I both freeze in our tracks at the sight in front of me. What. The. Hell?

  Dad has a manila folder on the table in front of him with Andi’s name written in black marker on the front. He’s looking at her like she’s some sort of insect to be stepped on and scraped off his shoe. Mom is sitting to the right of Dad and she has tears streaming down her face, but she’s completely silent. Andi is at the other end of the table that is directly opposite Dad, with tears streaming down her face and holding what appears to be photos in her hand.

  “You could’ve just told me you needed it. I would’ve just given it to you.” Andi’s voice is barely above a whisper but I hear so much pain in it that I feel my own heart break. She is staring at the pictures as she says it, but I know she’s talking to my dad. Even though I have no idea what this is about. She continues whispering, “Sam, you don’t know what this could do to you. Please don’t do this.”

  “What the hell is going on in here?” I bellow. I feel like I could take someone’s head off right now.

  Dad stands and his words just about knock me to floor, “Luke, did you know Andi was committed to a mental institution for trying to kill one of her foster parents? She’s unstable, son. You can’t trust her and it’s best if you stay away from her. For your own good.”

  “No! That’s not true. Luke, you have to believe me,” she pleads with me, crying and looking terrified. I look back and forth between my father and my lover, not knowing what to do. My loyalty to each of them is being tested right now and I have no idea why.

  Dad walks over and rips the photos from her hands and thrusts them through the air at me. “Here, see for yourself.” I take them from him and stare in disbelief at the pictures of a very young Andi in a mental hospital wearing a hospital gown and fighting with orderlies and nurses. Dad gives me the court documents to read.

  Fifteen year-old female attacked her foster parents, attempting to murder the foster father and harming the foster mother in the process. The court recommends defendant be reprimanded to juvenile detention center until she reaches the age of 21; however, after compelling testimony from the foster parents, the court agrees to reprimand Andi Morgan to the juvenile mental facility, to be released no earlier than her 16th birthday.

  “Luke, please. It’s not what you think. It’s not what it looks like – honestly! Please let me explain,” she’s begging me, I hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes.

  How can this be? How can I not know the person I’ve fallen in love with? How could my little vixen betray me into thinking she’s someone she’s not? So many things are running through my mind and I keep coming back to the same thing. She’s been playing me. She’s been lying to me all this time. And I’m getting really pissed off about it.

  “Not what I think? There are pictures here, Andi! I’m looking at the damn court documents! How could you keep something like this from me? You were in a fucking mental hospital! You tried to kill a man!” My voice is harsh and accusing. My eyes cutting her to shreds. I’m pacing the room like a caged lion and I’m ready to start breaking shit.

  “Luke. You promised me. Remember? You promised to believe me - me. I need you to keep that promise to me right now – right this very second. Please, Luke. Please,” tears are running unchecked down her cheeks, soaking her face and her neck. She’s not even wiping them away now.

  She’s reaching out her tattooed arm to me touch me, to seal the bond between us and remind me what I’d just recently promised her. Her eyes are burning through me with so much pain and fear. Her voice tells me she’s terrified. She’s trying to keep it reined in but at the same time silently remind me about those scars on her arm. Her outstretched hand is apprehensive to touch me, afraid I will shun her touch. And I do.

  I step back from her like she’s infected with the plague and hold up the photos and the court paper. “Is this what you meant when you said I’m supposed to believe you? I’m supposed to take your word that this isn’t real,” I shake the photos in her face, “but your words are real? Is that what I’m supposed to do?”

  Her answer is simple, and to the point, and is like a dagger in my heart. “If you really love me, then yes. Do you think I’d do any less for you?”

  “How am I supposed to believe that you haven’t been just trying to fool me all this time? That you’re not just pretending to be someone you’re not?”

  “Luke, listen to Andi. I don’t
care what that fucking paper says, you know her, man,” Brandon interjects, and spears my dad with a menacing glare. Brandon taking up for my girl, when I’m obviously not, pisses me off worse and I take it out on Andi.

  “No. I don’t fucking know her at all,” I yell at Brandon while pointing at Andi. “This whole relationship was built on lies. How can I love someone who lies to me? I’ve been betrayed before and I won’t fucking fall for it again.” The venom I spit at her visibly wounds her and though I wouldn’t have thought it possible, her tears increase.

  “You don’t mean that, Luke. You know that’s not true, I would never betray you,” she sounds defeated. Broken. Infinitely sad. But she doesn’t look away from me. Her eyes are still begging me. Her bottom lip is quivering and she’s close to sobbing now. The tightness in my chest threatens to take my breath away.

  “Did she even bother to tell you about her birthday coming up soon?” Dad asks accusingly.

  I shake my head no. “What about her birthday? What’s the big deal about not telling me?”

  “Her birthday is a big deal, son. She inherits the rest of her father’s billions then. Doesn’t it seem strange that she hasn’t told you anything about it?” Dad asks sardonically.

  “Luke, man. Don’t. Do. This. You will be sorry. I promise you that,” Brandon warns me. He spears my father with his cutting eyes, “This is insane.”

  I turn my anger on Brandon then spew, “You know as well as anyone that I’ve had my fill of lying, conniving women, Brandon.”

  I shake my head in disgust and storm out of the room, throwing the photos in the air behind me. Brandon shouts obscenities at the back of my head but I keep walking and ignore him. I hear Andi’s sobs of pain but that doesn’t stop me either.

  I keep going until somehow I arrive at my apartment and only now does it occur to me that I left Andi behind at my parents’ house. I left her without a second thought as to her welfare, how she’ll get home, or how badly I’ve just hurt her. At this moment, all I am focused on is how the owner of my heart could have kept something this big from me. How the fuck could she have betrayed me like this?


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