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The First Dawn (The Sci-Corp War Saga Book 1)

Page 14

by Justin Alexander

  She was a child again, kneeling in church, her back is wet with blood, tears streamed down her cheeks, while waves of pain wracked her tiny frame. Behind her the priest stood tall, the bull whip gripped tightly in his wizened hands, spewing forth more hatred and commandments. She can do nothing, her feet were chained to the ground, and as always she cannot escape. All she could do was try and push the agony from her mind, to withdraw into herself and seek out that sanctuary that she could retreat to.

  It was then she saw him, one of her fellow orphans, abandoned by the universe and given over to the Sci-corp. He was tall for his age, already muscles could be seen beneath the robe. He stared at her and even through the haze of tears she could see the warmth and kindness that burnt within him. The priest saw the boy too and shouted; his own rage flared. The boy did not speak, instead he strode past her. She pivoted around and watched as he stood in front of the priest. Her silent protector and saviour, he was almost as tall as her shrivelled torturer.

  The priest attempted to push the boy away, but calmly he grabbed the old man’s withered arm, forced him down onto his knees, and pulled the whip loose and tossed it away. Then her protector struck out, the force of the blow shattered the priest’s nose and sent geysers of maroon liquid into the air. He then allowed the man to fall to the ground, she watched as the priest’s ancient and bent hands began to grasps his broken face. The boy turned to her, removed his own robe and wrapped it around her and held her in silence. For the first time in her life she felt safe. For hours they had sat there, in silence just holding each other.

  A strong, deep voice disturbed her recollections, “What did the old bastard want?”

  Clarissa opened her eyes and saw the man, the boy had become standing before her. Raylan Brook was his name, which she had only found out much later. He was taller now, more powerful even, yet so much the same. Three angry scars bisected his still boyish face and his once long blonde hair was close cropped, yet the eyes were still the same, baby-blue and they still looked upon her with the same warmth and kindness.

  “What do you think?” She purred playfully, and she edged closer to him.

  He peered down at her and beamed. Once again she saw the boy, “I can only imagine,” he reached out, pulled her in closely and kissed her, his tongue exploring her lips softly. She gave into the embrace and allowed him to take control of her. Then she took his head in her hands and returned the kiss with even more vigour, her tongue almost duelling with his. She could feel desire surge within her, a soft ember at first, yet quickly the wildfire spread and she had to fight to keep her body under control. Even now twenty years after he had saved her, she still adored him as much as she did then, perhaps even more.

  Time fell away and Clarissa was lost within his grasp. Eventually she forced herself to pull away, her eyes still barred, she traced her tongue across her lips and could taste him. “We have a job to do,” she whispered.

  Raylan grinned and the years fell away, “Yes indeed Agent, what are your orders?” his temperament was infectious and she found herself giggling.

  “Stop it we have serious business here,” she fought to speak.

  Raylan shrugged, “We always have important business, its part of our job.”

  She stared at him for a moment and thought that her heart might actually explode, “I love you,” she managed to sigh.

  “I love you too,” he ran a gloved hand over her cheek, “My angel.”

  She was silent for an instant as memories again stirred, “Do you remember when we first met?”

  “Of course I do,” his face turned, most wouldn’t have spotted it but she knew him too well, anger flashed in his eyes. “That old bastard was beating you,” his nostrils splayed and she could see his hand grip the assault rifle that hung at his side more forcefully.

  “Yes but you saved me,” she took his face in her hands. “You were my guardian angel, you saved me, and set me free.”

  He released his weapon allowing it to suspend leisurely from its strap and his hands drifted to her back, softly finding the scars, “I wasn’t soon enough though.”

  “You couldn’t have done anything, you weren’t even at the orphanage then and you know that I was borne to that place.”

  “That’s true, my mother simply sold me to them,” his smirk returned, this time filled with vitriol.

  “Don’t hate her Raylan,” she replied softly, “You don’t know her pain or her reasons.”

  “I know that she sold me for a hundred credits, that is what my life was worth to her,” his voice was laced with ire, quickly though he brought himself under control and his tone changed. “However if she hadn’t, I would never have met you, so that has to be something.”

  “Well exactly,” she replied impishly, “And think of all the fun you would have missed out on,” her hand slithered down and reached between his legs tenderly.

  His lips curled, “Well that is a good point.”

  “Someone is excited,” she smiled as she felt him in her hand.

  “Well I hope you will take that as a compliment, as that’s what you do to me,” he grasped down and took her head in his hands and began to kiss and nibble her ear fondly, “Just think about how much fun were going to have after this is done.”

  “Don’t worry, I always do,” she murmured, as heat began to once again swell inside her.

  “Well good just remember that,” he said as he stepped back, pulling himself up to his full height. “I’m not sure that my head is going to be fully on the operation though.”

  She shook her head “Don’t worry neither is mine,” her grin broad and playful and her heart full. Since that night so long ago, they had been inseparable, he would sneak into her room at night, as children they would just hold each other as friends, seeking comfort and security together. As each grew, this changed, hormones took over and eventually, friendship turned to an all-consuming love. They had to keep these feelings secret from the Corp, who frowned on such things, to them emotion was a needless distraction from the cause of both religious and scientific perfection. She had learnt early how to lie to those who controlled her though and even when she had been sent off for Agent training she had managed to convince them that Raylan needed to come with her, to train as her personnel protector.

  Now she understood that soon they would have to escape the brutal control of the Sci-corp, before this war consumed them all.

  “What’s wrong?” Raylan asked.


  Before she could say another word he spoke calmly, but with force, “Don’t lie to me Clarissa, you know that I always know,” his smile again.

  She closed her eyes for a moment, “It’s this mission.”

  “I know you don’t like these,” he waited. “Neither do I, I have never enjoyed killing, however it is our mission and we have no choice.” Unconsciously his hand edged again to her back, “You know this better than anyone. This is our life.”

  She peered into his eyes and once again saw the sea there. “We do have a choice.”

  Raylan shock his head, his features drawn, “You know they would find us, wherever we go,” his fists clenched, “and I wouldn’t be able to stop them, not all of them.”

  “I think I have a way.”

  His beam returned, “What have you got some kind of secret plan that you’ve been working on without me.”

  “Something like that,” she teased.

  “Really well I am all ears.”

  Her face shifted and her voice dropped, “I think I have a way that we can be together and away from this madness, but you’re going to have to trust me.”

  “This sounds like one of those times, I am going to need a safe word.” That familiar mischievous façade fell upon his face.

  “Don’t worry no handcuffs you have my word.”

  His timbre took on a more serious edge, “Talk to me, tell me what you’re thinking?”

  “It’s not ready yet, my guardian. However after this mission is over,
then we will be ready.”

  For a moment it seemed like he wanted to ask more, but instead he grinned, “Ok my angel I trust you. You know that, I will do whatever you want, kill anyone, do anything, if it means that we can be together.”

  “Well this is going to need no killing my love,” she said, “We cannot have any lethal force on this mission.”

  He stared at her deeply, concern heavy in his gaze, “You want non-lethal force, used against heavily armed and well trained Marines, who once they realize what’s going on will reply with deadly force. Do you understand what you are asking for?”

  She took a minute to frame her response, “If the mission goes as planned then, they won’t realize what’s happening until its too late anyway, we will take them by complete surprise. Yet we must try at least to make sure no Earth. Force personnel are killed,” as she stared at him she could see he was beginning to piece her plan together.

  “No casualties” he took in deep and thoughtful gasp, “My angle you know I would do anything for you and so I will do this. I will order the troops to use non-lethal weapons only, and get the techs to re-programme the mechs.” He drew closer to her and held her gaze, “I however will keep my weapon ready and if I need to, know that I will kill every last one of them, if you are in danger.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me, my love,” she smiled, “You know that I can take care of myself now, I am no longer that little girl.”

  “No, you are quite the warrior women, in fact you may even be a better shot than me.”

  She interposed, “there’s no may in it, I am a better shot.”

  He chortled. “Ok then you are a better shot,” his features shifted yet again, “But I am serious, these marines will not be playing around, if it looks like things are turning, I won’t hesitate and you know there’s nothing you can say to change my mind. I will never let anyone hurt you.”

  “I know Raylan, but don’t worry,” her hand slid over his face, tracing his own scars, the result of an Earth force assassin who had found them in bed. She could still see his knife flashing and the splash of warm blood upon her bare skin. “This will work and if it does we will be free from all this war,” intuitively she reached down to her stomach, feeling for the new life that now grew inside her, she battled the urge to tell Raylan. She had only known for several days, and had wanted to tell him for every second of it, wanted to share this with him, yet she knew how he would react. His instincts would be to run straight away, to fight and kill everything that tried to stop them. Because he knew as she did, if the Corp found out about the child they would take it for themselves.

  However if she was right, if her plan worked, then they would be free from all this and could start their own family like so many normal people. Perhaps find a quiet place somewhere on a beach, after all she had always loved the ocean. Money would not be a problem she had seen to that, setting up hundreds of accounts over the last two years, they would be able to live comfortably and raise their baby, maybe even children if they were lucky and find some serenity.

  “There’s something that you want to tell me. I can see it in your eyes?” Raylan probed softly.

  For an instance she found herself beginning to tell him, her own half-truths unravelling, yet she was able to catch the words in her throat. Soon it would be the right time and she could already see the smile that would greet her, the love and unbridled delight she would witness in his eyes. “It’s nothing, I am just worried about this operation, if it works we will be finally be free, free from the Sci-corp and free from this war.”

  She could tell from his expression that he didn’t quite believe her, but he stifled down the craving to push her any further.

  “Ok my angel,” he took her hand lovingly, “We will do what you want.” He beamed and his pitch lowered to little more than a murmur, “I love you.”

  She stared at him, “I love you too my guardian.”

  Her eyes followed him as he walked away to brief the rest of the team. He would make a great father, a gentle giant, how would cherish, love, care, play with and teach their children. She allowed herself to envision this new life, playing on the beach, the feel of the sun upon her skin, she would have to wear a t-shirt to cover her scars but maybe she would be comfortable enough eventually to allow them to be seen. She would do everything to make her dream come true, even burn down the Sci-corp if it came to it and kill her God. She smirk as she thought of watching the monster himself die, she had never taken any joy in killing, yet she would take a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction in ridding this universe of such a parasite.

  Her eyelids slid closed and within her mind the plan began to play out once again.


  The five, sleek, metallic mark three serpent, fixed wing fighters, swooped low over the barren landscape. They kept a tight arrow head formation as they moved over the three doomed structures that made up the Earth. Force. Research. Station (EFRS) omega three.

  In the cockpit of the first ship Flight leader Kristen “Razor” Douglas peered out through the reinforced glass and down at the dead planet. The surface of which was so barren not even bacterium could survive. It was the perfect place to build such an installation, millions of light years from the nearest colony and with no life or resources, it possessed quite literally no reason for anyone to visit it.

  “What a piece of shit rock,” she thought as she began to bank her fighter up through the dense, acrid clouds. She hated this job and she craved to be back near civilisation. It wasn’t the fact that they were out in the darkness of uncharted space, millions of light years from the nearest human settlement, it was the fucking boredom. Even when they weren’t up running these bullshit patrols the only thing to do was to sit in the tiny mess room, drink recycled beer and watch old crap movies on holo disk. They weren’t even allowed to use the holo-network so they couldn’t even download anything new, as no unauthorised signals were allowed to breach the bases firewall. Still at least she only had two more weeks of this rubbish and the tour would finally be over. Then it would be back to the bright lights of one of the core systems, actually breathe some fresh, clean air and drink a nice ice cold beer or two. Maybe even get laid a few times, yeah that was living and the living would be good.

  “Keep it tight,” She whispered into her vocal implant.

  “Roger that Razor,” various voices echoed through the receiver in her left ear.

  As her ship tore through the filthy, poisonous brown haze that shrouded this world, she levelled off and put her ship into hover-mode. She activated the scanners and sat back for a minute and shifted her sinewy frame in the padded seat.

  Her mind wondered as it so often did, she considered her life and how she had got here, the wrong side of forty, still alone and still as directionless as she had been at twenty. She had given up on the idea of family and children when she had joined the special operations division and accepted that her life would be solitary. Most people wouldn’t understand, that she had never wanted the husband and the two little ones running around, she didn’t dislike the idea of children and in fact she had a Godson and Goddaughter that she loved dearly. Yet she had just accepted early in life that she wasn’t mother material, it wasn’t built into her D.N.A and she had come to live with that.

  “Alright scanners are hot let’s just kick back,” she uttered.

  “I hate these goddamn patrols what do they think we’re gonna find out here, we’re millions of light years from the nearest living thing and no fucker knows we’re even out here.” The familiar whinny voice belonged to pilot second class Peter “Babe” Lodge, the youngest pilot in her team and by far the most annoying.

  “You’re always complaining Babe can’t you just sit back in silence and enjoy the view.” The retort, came from Pilot first class Claire “Pool” Hunt.

  “Hey Pool no one asked you to join in,” Peter chided.

  Kristen decided to step in before all the children started throwing their toys o
ut of the prams, it was always the same when you were coming to the end of an assignment, the tension which had been building for six months started to bubble over. “Alright all of you shut the fuck up, the scanners are nearly done and then once we know the scopes are clear we are going to escort the transport ship in.”

  Peter interrupted, “What bullshit are they bringing in now some more toys for the boys in white to play with.”

  “Yeah bet you wish it was something you could play with Babe am I right?” Pilot second class Bill “Lost” Evans added his voice doused with sarcasm.

  “Fuck you lost.”

  “Alright that’s it radio silence from now on,” Kristen replied curtly, tired of the fighting already, sometimes she would allow it to go on, after all it let them all get it out of their system. For some reason though, today she had just had enough. The screens in front of her beeped to life to confirm what she already knew, that the scanners had finished and the skies were clear as they always were.

  “Orbital one this is flight leader scopes are empty and you’re cleared for atmospheric burn.”

  “Roger that flight leader we’re inbound to your location.” A voice crackled.

  She glanced up and watched as the immense star ship began to enter the outer atmosphere of the planet, a ring of orange flames encompassing it quickly as the planetary burn began,

  “All call signs prepare for escort,” She said, as the transport vessel emerged into the lower atmosphere just above her and began to level off.

  The five serpent fighters broke formation and drifted effortlessly to form a defensive ring around the vast transport vessel.

  “Orbital one welcome to beta-prime the coldest place in this part of space.” She joked.

  “Good to be here flight leader, I’ll remember to keep my thermals on.”

  “Roger that orbital one, if you want to keep your bits attached to your body, follow us in, flight leader has the ball.” Kristen replied before she grasped the flight stick and slid her fighter down through the mists. The thought that she only had two more weeks on this miserable planet brought a sly grin to her face, she could make it she was sure of that and then there would be no more of these bullshit patrols.


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