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The First Dawn (The Sci-Corp War Saga Book 1)

Page 24

by Justin Alexander

  “Very good, have we got those escape pods within our stasis fields?”

  Jasmine shifted to him, “Yes sir!” She snapped a crisp salute, “permission to leave the bridge and conduct the rescue operation?”

  He observed her closely, and then returned her salute mockingly, “Of course Marine.”

  She marched off and he ogled her as she left. He sat back in the comfort of the padded seat, he could certainly get used to this, people saluting him and having his own ship. For a moment he thought of perhaps not turning this mighty warship over to Sci-Corp and simply keeping it for himself. Perhaps becoming one of those pirate lords, or freebooters he kept hearing so much about. Yet he quickly came to his senses, the Corp wasn’t something that you wanted to betray, he had seen two others who had tried, burnt at the stake, and that was not something that he wished to experience at first hand.

  He sat languorously and beamed, everything was falling into place for him. Soon he would return to his new masters and he would have everything he had ever dreamed of. Perhaps even more. If his soul hadn’t been so murky and he had actually believed in a God, he would have thought, he was certainly looking out for him.

  In the second escape pod, the wolf sat over the still body of Daniel, a silent and watchful guardian. Its eyes were heavy with emotion and its tongue lapped nervously at the translucent face mask of the concaved helmet. Across from the animal the young girl sat impassively, staring out into the black void of space. She watched as the mighty destroyer Troy edged towards the lucid radiance of the jump beam. Then she pivoted around and observed in silence as the Eclipse one seemed to buckle in on itself, and explode in a blinding white flash. To her it looked like the birth of a star, or a white hole spewing forth pure light out into the Cimmerian well of the universe. Yet she knew it was neither of those things. Within her mind she heard the screams, as the Dark Ones were consumed in nuclear fire, which was quickly contained by the lack of oxygen and extinguished. She would have smiled if she still possessed the ability and instead she simply glared blankly.

  She glanced at her brother, then reached out a frail hand and laid it lovingly on his shoulder. She sensed emotions she had not felt for years, her eyes brightened for a split-second and then she was gone.

  The wolf glanced up briefly, tilted its head to the side, barred its eyes and settled in for the long journey that was to come. The final great battle after all, had only just begun.



  Vincent limped across the bustling control room, he glanced over his shoulder and saw that his guests were not moving. Yet he could see they were ready to act at any minute.

  “Good morning Doctor,” Captain Nathan Stark said from his place by the command matrix. His beaming smile as always present, “How are we doing today?”

  Vincent stared at the young man, he was every inch the Marine, close cropped brown hair, uniform perfectly pressed, clean shaven. Nathan was a good man, Vincent had picked him especially for this mission and he would need him now. “Good morning Nathan,” he replied, attempting a natural looking grin.

  “Although that term is a bit of a misnomer isn’t it, especially on a planet where the sun basically never sets.” Nathan retorted, his own glee clear.

  Vincent edged next to the young Captain, “Nathan, we have a problem.”

  “What is it Doctor?”

  “We have guests,” He said indicating behind him.

  Nathan tilted his head, so he could see past Vincent, his features dropped immediately and his hand flew to the handle of his sidearm.

  Vincent managed to grasp the marine’s hand before it reached the weapon, “No” he exclaimed. “I think we have more of them in the compound and if your men fire first we are going to have a massacre in here.”

  “Doctor,” Nathan fastened his gaze on Vincent. “I have my orders and they are clear about any Sci-Corp involvement here.”

  Vincent beamed, “I’ve always liked you Nathan, a lot more than most of the other military brats that we have had stationed here. I requested you personally, because of what you did during those food riots.”

  Nathan’s, eyes shifted down. “That’s classified Doctor.”

  “Well I was able to get it unclassified,” he removed his hand from Nathan’s and placed it on the young marine’s shoulder. “I know that you disobeyed orders to fire into a crowd who were looting food, during the worst days of the depression.”

  “I didn’t join Earth. Force to shoot civilians,” he coughed, his words raw and doused with emotion.

  “I know,” Vincent replied, “And that’s what I need now. Look around, this room is full of civilians, I don’t know why Sci-corp are here, but they have an agent with them and they say they have permission to oversee the first test.”

  Nathan shook his head in disbelief, “There’s no way that Earth. Force would have given them permission to be here, this place is beyond top secret.” As he spoke his hand fell away from his firearm. “Ok doc, we’ll play it your way, I am going to have to go and call this is in. I’ll pass the word to my marines not to fire unless fired upon, but I don’t like this.”

  “That makes two of us Nathan.” He paused and drew in a shallow breath, “I just can’t see why they are here though. Sci-Corp wouldn’t have what it takes for an assault, which would be considered an act of war.”

  Nathan glanced over at the Sci-corps troops, “Well I will tell you this for nothing, they aren’t here just to watch a test, they have another reason for this little visit.” With that he turned and marched off towards the small, marine communications room.

  Vincent peered at his second, Doctor Robert Fischer who like usual was lost in his work, eyes fixed on the three-dimensional display screen, and his hands gliding over it tenderly, like one might caress a lover.

  “How are we looking this morning, Robert?”

  Without shifting his gaze from the display, Robert replied laconically. “Everything is looking good Vincent, all system checks have been completed, we’re just waiting for the reactor to heat up and we will be ready to finally begin the first test.” His voice drifted off and then picked up again, “I can’t actually believe this day has finally arrived.”

  “Well then let’s not wait a moment longer, shall we get this test started?”

  Robert began to type commands onto the screen, when he spoke his voice was laden with excitement. “Here she goes, Vincent.”

  “SYSTEM’S COMING ONLINE.” The shrill, computerised voice, echoed through the room.

  A small, sleek, spherical drone approached Vincent and he heard April’s voice once again. “Doctor, I see that you have begun the first test.”

  Vincent shifted his attention to the hovering robot and the stations AI. “Yes April that is correct.”

  “Doctor I would advise against this, I am still detecting strange activity throughout the station and in orbit. I would advise a full stop on all test, until I have been able to run a full diagnostic check.”

  Vincent sighed, “April,” he lowered his voice. “We have some problems right now, you understand the concept of trust?”

  The drone floated silently for a moment and then the voice came, “Yes Doctor I can comprehend the idea of trust.”

  “Do you trust me?” Vincent asked.

  Again the machine was mute, then the stillness was broken. “Yes doctor, I trust you, your psychological screening and test have shown, you to be a stable, decent, empathic individual, to whom deception is uncommon.”

  “Good,” Vincent smiled. “Then I need you to trust me now, certain things are happening, which I do not want to go into, but we need to start this test now. People’s lives may depend on it.”

  The robot drifted closer to him, the AI’s own voice reduced. “I sense no trace that you are lying doctor, so yes I will trust you. I will deactivate my automatic defence systems and will rely on your voice command instead.”

  “Thank you April,” Vincent replied.
  “Can I ask you a question doctor?”

  “Of course you can April.”

  “Is trust a purely human emotion?”

  He was startled for an instant, he didn’t really have time to discuss the intricacies of human sentiments right now. “I suppose it is April, although I presume you can have trust with an animal to some extent.”

  The drone hovered majestically, “thank you doctor, you have been most helpful.” With that the robot slipped away.

  Vincent turned his attention back to the test preparations, risking a glance over his shoulder at the agent and her killers. He felt a sharp pain in his leg and reached down spontaneously tracing the augments that had saved his life. Once again he was laying on the transit platform and staring at the balloon, as it glided along the ceiling, blood caked to its handle. While the screams of the injured and dying echoed within his mind. He could feel death once more was close by, and it craved for souls to feat upon.

  Across the room, Clarissa paced restlessly, Raylan her constant shadow.

  “What are you hearing?” she whispered.

  Raylan shook his head. “You shouldn’t worry so much my love, I told you my troops are professional.” He placed a gloved hand over his right ear, allowing him to make out clearly the signals coming over his auditory implant. His sly smile gave her the answer she wanted.

  “So everything is going to plan?” She asked, fixing her gaze on him.

  “We have almost total control of the facility, and with zero casualties so far.” His eyes flashed past her and across the room. “However our young Marine Captain is just about to make the call to Earth. Force and they are going to inform him that we’re not the guests you have made us out to be.”

  Clarissa leaned in and planted a tender kiss on his cheek, “Now it is you my guardian angel that has to stop worrying.”

  “I always like your confidence, my love. However my job is to protect you and I don’t like this area, we have little cover and far too many trigger happy Marines for my liking.” He took her head in his hands, “If they start firing I don’t know whether I will be able to keep you safe.” The tone in his voice was burdened with sentiment.

  She beamed, as once more she became lost within his kind eyes and naturally her hand drifted to her abdomen. She wanted to tell him, that she was all too aware of the danger they were all in. Yet this was the only way that they would all be able to escape the yoke of the Sci-Corp. It was the only way to insure that the family she hoped to forge with him could be free, from all this pointless conflict and perhaps find some semblance of freedom.

  She knew she couldn’t though, so she choose her words judiciously. “I know the risks, my love, but it will be fine,” her gaze shifted over to Vincent. “The good doctor will carry out his test as planned, and then we will be able to take what we need to finally leave this life behind.”

  Raylan released her and stepped back. “Freedom,” he whispered.

  “Freedom,” she purred in reply, “a life finally away from the Corp.”

  “No more killing,” he grinned.

  “I hope no more killing,” she inched closer to him. “A real life, just you and me, a family and a house by an ocean somewhere.”

  “Would that mean I got to see you in a bikini every day?” He smirked like a schoolboy and once again she saw the boy he had been; the one who had saved her so many years ago.

  “Perhaps if you’re lucky,” she teased. “Come on it is time to take our place with the good doctor for his test.”

  Raylan beamed, “You know how much I enjoy a good science lesson.”

  “Perhaps you’ll learn something.”

  “There’s always a first time for everything.” He joked.

  Clarissa chuckled, “Come on” she purred, as she began to lead him across the control room.

  Vincent looked over just in time to see the Agent and her brute approach, her smile had returned.

  “Good doctor, are we ready to begin your wonderful test?” Clarissa’s tone was light and almost playful, it made him suddenly ill at ease. Behind her Raylan advanced guardedly his weapon primed and his eyes constantly vigilant.

  Vincent cleared his throat, a nervous tick, he had lived with since adolescence. When he finally spoke his voice was horse, “Yes I think we are almost ready here.” He glanced over towards the Marine post, hoping to see Nathan, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

  “Very good doctor, don’t mind us just pretend were not even here,” Clarissa replied brightly, snaking next to her brute, who Vincent noticed edged his free hand to her body almost instinctively. He was certain now that something was going on between these two, yet that mattered little to his current predicament.

  Vincent turned back to Robert, “How are we doing?” He asked curtly, his nerves on edge.

  If Robert noticed his tone, he failed to acknowledge it and simply said “Well I think we’re ready, when you are, doctor?”

  “Very good,” Vincent responded, “Computer, resume search pattern alpha two.”

  “RESUMING SEARCH,” the high-pitched, computerised voice retorted. This was followed closely by a low hum, as the compounds reactor powered up and began to direct the mighty array outside towards uncharted space.

  Vincent stood in silence. He closed his eyes and felt the familiar purr, resonate through his body.


  A cheer erupted around the control room, Robert spun round, “We’ve done it Vincent, the first humans to have reached out into uncharted space.”

  Vincent did not cheer, or even smile.


  He watched impassively as members of his team, embraced and gave each other awkward high-five’s.


  The sense of euphoria, abruptly drained from the room, the Agent was the first to speak, her tone steady but serious. “What is going on doctor?”

  “I don’t know,” Vincent retorted brusquely, as he began to study the screens around him. “The anomaly is getting bigger, much bigger”

  Suddenly the emergency lights began to flash and klaxons roared into life. The chamber was bathed in crimson, and men and women begin to race between stations. Almost instantly he felt the cold steel of a weapon against his head.

  “What is going on good doctor?” it was the brute.

  “Raylan!” Clarissa exclaimed, and Vincent felt the gun retreat. “I apologize doctor, my guardian is a little on edge.”


  Vincent spun around, just as Nathan was running back his firearm drawn. Raylan had stepped in front of the agent, shielding her, his weapon raised and ready.

  “This is not us doctor,” Clarissa exclaimed calmly.

  Nathan was at his side now, his own gun ready. “Doctor, they definitely don’t have permission to be here and I can’t raise any other areas of the compound.”

  Clarissa eased past Raylan, “You have to listen to me both of you. We have taken your facility, however none of your personnel are injured and we are not the ones that are now attacking. Why, would we need too, we already have control?”

  Vincent studied her for a moment, he was a good judge of character and whatever he may think of this killer, she was telling the truth now. “She’s right Captain, if they already have control of the facility why would they launch an aerial attack.”


  Nathan looked like he was readying his pistol and then holstered it, “I have other problems to deal with now, but we’ll deal with you Sci-Corp people later.”

  It was the brute who retorted, “I can’t wait Earth.

  “Enough,” Clarissa replied, as she paced forward. “We will all have to work together if we are to survive this.” She turned to Raylan, “Get all our teams to free the Earth. Force personnel and tell them to prepare for an assault.”

  “How many troops do you have?” Nathan enquired.

  “Three hundred and some mechs just for fun,” Raylan answered with a broad smile.

  “Christ!” Nathan exclaimed, as he strode over to a console and activated it. “Alert one, I repeat alert one. Scramble all emergency aircraft, we have inbound, and get the defence grid online”

  “Is this a drill sir it’s just that?”

  Nathan didn’t let him finish, “No this isn’t a fucking drill, get the birds in the air now.”

  “April?” Vincent shouted.

  The drone sped over to him, “Yes doctor?”

  “Try and contact the incoming ships on all known channels.”

  “Commencing,” April replied softly.

  “That won’t help,” The agent retorted, as she moved next to him, “They didn’t come to talk.”

  Vincent spun round to face her, “What do you know about these attackers?”

  Clarissa smiled, “I don’t know anything doctor, but I know they mean us harm, a storm is coming and a war.”

  “With whom?” He demanded.

  “Something ancient, it knows what I know though doctor, that this station of yours isn’t just a scanner, it’s a weapon, a very powerful one at that.”

  A voice suddenly resonated over a nearby intercom, “This is Omega one.”

  “Go ahead,” Nathan replied, trying to keep his voice calm.

  “This is Air-Tactical one, we are airborne approaching targets now……Jesus, I’ve got a big fucking signal here……….Air One is engaging.” Then the line went dead.


  Vincent pivoted to the drone, “April are the auto-defences online?”

  “That is confirmed doctor, they are online and engaging now.”


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