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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 16

by Piquette Fontaine

  Chapter 3

  I had become a woman obsessed that faithful night with Michael watching us fuck. Generally, our voyeurs tended to be present for nothing more than just a single session or so of fucking, just to keep things spicy, before we moved onto someone else.

  We'd therefore seen nothing more of my old high school crush following that first faithful meeting, but in spite of his physical absence, his presence nonetheless consumed me, day and night, robbing me of all other thoughts.

  I needed to see him again... I needed desperately to experience that which I had once been to skittish and too uncertain to pursue back when I'd first wanted it.

  I needed him inside me...

  Any feelings of guilt or betrayal I may have harbored about all of this were nothing compared to the unbearable lust threatening to smother me, and my guilty conscious did little, if anything, to slow me down in my pursuit of this long anticipated goal.

  I loved Derek... I loved him more than anything in the world in fact. He'd opened up possibilities for me, and developed aspects of my personalities that might never have been fully realized with any other man, or in any other situation.

  But this... This, I knew was an opportunity I could not allow to pass through my fingers so easily. It was a chance that most people never got, giving into their fantasies this way. And no matter how intensely, terribly wrong I may have known my planned actions to be, there was simply not talking myself out of pursuing that which I so dearly desired.

  It wasn't difficult at all to get in touch with him again. Derek and I used a shared e-mail account to answer replies to our personal ad looking for voyeurs, and all I had to do was open this and do some scrolling to find the address from which Michael had initially gotten in touch.

  I then entered this address into a new message from my own, personal e-mail, so that Derek would be unable to find the message.

  I arranged to meet Michael at a bar one Wednesday evening, and as easily with that I was giddy with anticipation. Full of longing and lust and ready for anything, yet anxious and dreading the possible consequences all the while.

  And before I knew it, there the two of us were. Sitting across from one another at the bar, staring into one another's eyes...

  It felt like a dream... Like it couldn't possibly be happening to us...

  “I enjoyed my time at your place the other evening,” he said, smiling, and his voice heavy with innuendo.

  “I... I'm glad...” I said shyly, and then cut straight to the heart of the matter. “Do you remember me?”

  The smile spread even more thickly across his perfect lips, and it was all that I could do to resist lunging over and kissing him on the mouth, right there on the spot.

  “Of course I do... We went to the same school. You were a grade lower than myself. I recognized you the second you stepped into the bedroom, in that- scandalous little outfit you had on...” I blushed at this, and looked away for a moment shyly. Maybe that old self from so long ago hadn't completely died out, after all...

  He continued on, however, “You have no idea how much I wanted to say something to you then, but... Well, I just didn't want to make things too awkward. I didn't know how your husband would react, or how you would react, for that matter. I wondered if you would acknowledge that the two of us knew one another first, and in that case I would have spoken up if I knew it was okay. I just didn't want to fuck things up for you or anything.”

  “That's... That's sweet,” I said, although even then I wasn't sure whether that was the right way to put whatever the hell it was. “You know,” I said, bearing my soul to him, but likely just reinforcing what he'd already put together himself, “Back in high school... I'd always had sort of a... crush on you, I guess...” I know I must have been scarlet with embarrassment at this point, but Michael continued to listen patiently, making me feel less like a fool than he reasonably could have had that been his goal. God, he was a saint.

  “So anyway,” I continued, clearing my throat, “Seeing you the other night... It was just... So unexpected... After all these years, I... Well, it was confusing for me... And ever since then, I guess I just haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I don't know if it's right or wrong, or what the hell it is at all for that matter. But I felt like I needed to tell you, just for my own sake... Just for the sake of saying I told you.”

  “I see...” he said, breathing in deep, and seeming as though he was measuring his words with the utmost care. I waited with immense anticipation, not sure what I expected, or even what I would ideally want him to say. But his words, sure enough, seemed to act as an ideal means of relief for me as they passed steadily from his lips. “You know... I sort of used to think maybe you liked me... And, I guess, I sort of liked you back... I know I must not have seemed all that shy about things, but for some reason I could never work up the nerve to tell you then.”

  My head felt light, disbelieving... It didn't seem possible, that what I was being told could correspond so perfectly, almost perversely to that about which I had fantasized for as long as I could remember.

  “Oh... Oh I see,” I at last managed to stammer, flustered, and my face now pink instead of red. I was like a goddamn mood ring or something.

  “You know,” he said then, moving in close to me, the moment of truth upon us at last. “There's never a time like the present to pick up where things left off... Or where they never took root to begin with...”

  I wanted to say something to this, and my mouth twitched awkwardly, with the intention of forming words, but try my damnedest I couldn't seem to spit out even the faintest squeak in that moment.

  But that was okay. Because now, God help me, his lips were on mine, sucking the air clean out of me, and the need for words was now wholly and splendidly superfluous.

  In so many ways, that first kiss was like I had imagined it might be for so very, very long at this point in my life. Yet in other ways, it was wholly distinct, so much better than I could have imagined despite my damnedest efforts, and it made me absolutely wild with uncontrollable lust. He pushed his tongue so far down my throat that I thought I might just choke, and once I managed to catch my breath I pushed right back. Our mouths were locked in a battle of wits, licking and twisting against one another, unable to get enough. And now, God, his hands were on me, pulling my body in close, his heat seeping through my clothes and scorching my flesh...

  But suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a pang of guilt. A stabbing realization of shame, the picture of Derek flashing up in my mind and drowning out my most intense and earnestly felt desires. I couldn't go through with it... God damn me, I just couldn't go through with it.

  I forced myself to put my hand on Michael's chest, and pried myself loose from him with some difficulty, his lips suctioned to my own as they were and breaking loose only with great difficulty.

  “I'm sorry...” I said, wheezing for breath, my heart thundering in my ears. “I'm sorry, I... I can't... I can't...” I began to storm toward the exit, so abruptly after having just suffocated myself against his perfect mouth.

  “Wait, hold on!” he called after me, getting up to try and persuade me, but I was gone like a bat out of hell from that place, putting as much distance between the two of us as I could, in as short of order as possible.

  I drove home from the bar at lightning speed, tears streaming from my eyes and largely obscuring my vision. I'd just let the opportunity of so many years pass through my fingers, and I felt as though my heart was breaking from sadness.

  When I got home, Derek didn't suspect a thing.

  He wouldn't have, either, I don't think. I could have gotten away with it... I could have given into my fiercest desires, straddled that fucking beast's cock right there on the bar and rode him to climax, and my husband would never have known the difference.

  But I was still that good girl, deep inside, and I knew that. I wasn't the girl who ran off to cheat on her husband, no matter how intense the desire may have been. I was the safe, sexually
repressed wife, never giving into her own lurid impulses for the sake of keeping her marriage afloat.

  I fucking hated myself...

  Days passed, and turned into weeks, and my sense of time became all but distorted. Derek and I's sex life toned down considerably during that period. I told him I needed a break from the voyeurism shit for a while, and whatever screwing that happened to take place during the ensuing span of time tended to be dull and prosaic in nature, without any of that old, spicy flair.

  And then one day, I got home from work to find Derek in our bedroom, dressed in an old-pair of jeans with no shirt, and an unmistakable look of desire in his dark eyes.

  “Hello there...” he said, with that tone in his voice that said, on unmistakable terms, “You and I are about to do some really nasty fucking, aren't we?”

  I was a bit caught off guard by him, but suddenly more aroused than I'd felt in some time. “Oh, hello... Was today go to work shirtless day or something? I must have missed the memo at my office...”

  He laughed slightly. “Something like that... How was your day?”

  “Oh... It was good, I guess.”

  “Good... Good, I'm glad to hear that... But, I bet I can guarantee you that, very shortly, it's about to get a hell of a lot more interesting for you...”

  “Wh- what?” I stammered, confused, but in a fraction of an instant, the reality came crashing in for me full force.

  As if on cue, Michael suddenly stepped out from the bathroom, similarly dressed in a pair of jeans and nothing more, his body sexy and powerful, mirroring Derek's own, and I felt my stomach lurch bizarrely inside me.

  “I... I... I...”

  “Michael here e-mailed me the other day, told me had a wonderful time with us the night he came over... And then he told me some other things... Some interesting things... And I thought you might like it if he joined us again- in a bit fuller capacity, this time around...”

  I was absolutely fucking speechless... The irate, explosive reaction I'd half expected from Derek had yet to rear its head, and he was actually encouraging this- the fulfillment of all I'd ever wanted, all in one setting, the glory, the sheer awe of its reality too great for words to describe.

  And now, oh God, the two of them were circling in around me, their bodies edging in closer, the heat shuddering across my skin, causing me to break out into a sweat.

  “I... I...”

  But there was nothing else to say. No words capable of or necessary for describing what I was feeling in that moment- the stunned look on my face must have said more than enough for both of them.

  And at last, for the second time in my life, my lips were planted firmly against those of my high school crush. Tasting him, devouring him... Until at last he pulled away, leaving me gasping- and I turned, putting my lips onto Derek instead.

  Back, forth, back, forth between the two of them. They were utterly plying my trembling body with kisses, soaking me from head to toe with their love. Tongues rolling across my flesh, teeth sinking into me, ravishing me splendidly in every way. I was cringing with delight, overwhelmed and on fire with lust.

  It seemed impossible... Entirely too good to be true, in fact.

  Their hands, dancing across my body, sliding across the fabric of my clothes and their every, warm, decadent grip threatening to melt the substance from my flesh.

  And steadily, they did manage to slip me out of my clothes, peeling me out of my blouse and skirt, leaving me sandwiched between the two of them in nothing but my bra and panties. And even these slid loosely about my form, threatening to slip away entirely at a moment’s notice. Their palms slid beneath the traps and lace, their fingers curled into my body, and I felt like I might trickle into a liquid between the two of them, collapse outright on the spot.

  Derek stood behind me, seizing vicious handfuls of my ass and passionately kissing my neck, while Michael's lips slipped firmly against my own, pushing his tongue in my mouth. One of his hands seized my left tit, squeezing it mercilessly, while the other slid into my panties, fingering the hell out of me as my body surged with desire, every part of me pushing in toward him, and prickling with wet, hot arousal.

  Then, perhaps more astonishingly still, the two men pulled their lips away from my flesh altogether. They leaned in toward one another, and kissed on the mouth across my right shoulder, the sight causing my eyes to grow wide, and my pussy to dampen fiercely with pleasure. They seemed to pick up readily on the fact that I liked it, and responded accordingly. Michael's grip on my pussy intensified, sending a shock of sensations coursing through me, and the two of them twisted their tongues into one another's mouths, pushing against their cheeks in a way that gave me a hell of a lot to think about.

  I didn't know what the hell I'd somehow stumbled into, but it might have been about the hottest thing I'd ever had the privilege of seeing, much less being a part of...

  A bit more twisting and kissing and caressing, and I was led over to the bed, following blindly whatever the hell orders they had in store for me, ready and capable of doing nothing whatsoever aside from pleasing them.

  They finished the job of sliding me out of my bra and panties, and they stared with lust at my naked body as they undressed themselves in turn. Michael laid down on the bed, taking me by the hand, and beckoning me to follow his lead. I turned to see that, in a surreal twist, my husband was the one now sitting naked in the chair at the foot of the bed, his cock in his hand, jacking off to the sight of his wife getting brutally fucked by another man.

  God, oh God was I ever wet right now...

  Michael, gradually, eased his way inside me. The long, sharp blade of his erect penis carved sensually through the floral folds of my femininity, and I let out a whimpering shriek of pleasure as at last he touched down inside me. My body was pressed up against him, and his hands were on my ass for support as he proceeded to glide slowly in and out from below. He dredged his way back, forth, back, forth slowly, very slowly, and then, out of nowhere, pushed me upward slightly, allowing himself some room for leverage.

  All of the sudden, he burst into a furious, brutal pattern of fucking,

  slamming his cock up into me hard from beneath, pounding my pussy with such steady repetition that it made my damn head spin.

  “Oh God... Fuck, fuck, fuck... Yes... Yes... Goddddd....”

  KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! Continued the furious pounding, until at last it stopped abruptly, leaving me panting, on edge, and ready for more.

  And that was when I felt the creaking of the bed springs, sinking beneath the added weight of my husband, adding his body to the bed.

  And holy hell...

  I couldn't say, with any reasonable degree of certainty, whether I was at all ready for what was about to ensue- and yet I wanted it, so fucking badly, that I would just have to experience it and find out.

  He mounted me from the top, sliding his cock up and down against the crack of my ass, teasing me, making me burn with anticipation. Then at last, the game ended, and he proceeded to penetrate me. He squeezed his stiff dick into my overstuffed pussy, cramming it just above Michael's own formidable erection, and stretching me out so gloriously by the time he was inside that my clawed fingers were practically tearing into Michael's skin.

  A moment's pause, then, and the two of them proceeded to fuck me. They smashed me, pounded mercilessly, their shafts grinding up against one another as they stuttered into my body from opposing angles. Drilling deeper and deeper, harder and harder, ripping out moans of the most furious pleasure from inside me. Our sweat mingled, and the rhythm of our bodies seemed to synchronize, and faster, faster, faster, harder, harder, harder the strokes came, until, until, until-


  They plowed their ways fiercely inside me and held steady, the three of us stretched taut and ready to burst. And my lovers, both of them, began to ejaculate inside me, pouring their hot cum all over the place inside my body, drenching me, making my toes curl as they overloaded me, and setting me clean over the edge.

  An orgasm, unlike any I'd ever before experienced, ripped through my body, making me scream and shout and cry with delight, my muscles tensed, my nerves twitching, and my heaving breath like that of a damn animal as I soared through the very roof with pleasure.

  And at last, the two men pulled their dripping cocks out from inside me, and wrapped me up in their arms, kissing me, as well as one another, and the three of us tumbling around in the mess of the sheets with our heads as light as air.

  And God, as far as unexpected reunions are concerned, that one turned out about as well as any I'd ever experienced before in my life.


  Closing The Deal (Part 1)

  Chapter 1

  “I don’t understand why my life is so miserable. Why does my family hate me? And why do I feel like everyone hates me? When I was a child…” My patient continued rattling on about his childhood and how he believed that it was the root of all his problems. It probably was a huge part of it, but not all. I tried to pay attention and not think about how miserable I had been feeling lately.


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