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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 31

by Piquette Fontaine

  Part of me was still ringing, still glowing with happiness, celebrating the realization of a fantasy I'd had for several months on end.

  Part of me, though, was already lecturing myself, kicking my own butt before our bodies had even separated. What are you doing, Chloe? What the hell did you do??


  I was playing with fire, and I knew it. Over the course of forty-eight hours I'd banged both my supervisor and the company CEO, at a job I could not possibly afford to lose. What the hell was I thinking?

  I now had several hard choices to make, choices I never even imagined I would be forced to make.

  Liam or Chandler? Liam or Chandler?

  My job? Or risking termination because I couldn't keep my childish crushes to myself?

  It was so ridiculous. I'd never in a million years thought I would have a shot with either of the men who'd been the center of my female wet dreams throughout the months since I started working there. And then when the chance had come along at last, to finally have what I wanted from Liam, I let my insecurities drive me straight into Chandler's arms the evening after.

  What the hell had I done???

  I'd left the office that night, and excused myself from Chandler's company for at least the weekend with the excuse that I already had plans to visit my parents. He said he understood, but he would love to get dinner sometime if I was interested.

  Of course I was interested. But what the hell was I supposed to do? I had no idea how to handle the situation I was in, and avoiding the confrontation altogether was the only possible course of action I could think of.

  The weekend came and went, going by too fast but feeling totally lonely in my predicament. I woke up Monday morning, and had one foot out my door when I decided I just couldn't bear to face up to my mistakes just yet.

  “Hi Joanne, this is Chloe. Hey, listen, I came down with something over the weekend, and I don't think I'll be able to make it in today.”

  “What a surprise,” she said, and hung up on me.

  I stayed at home through Wednesday that week, using up way too many of my sick days as I tried and failed to figure out what on earth I should do. I figured both Liam and Chandler would see pretty transparently through what I was trying to do, but even so it was better than having to face them directly and confront the truth.

  Plus, without me there, it wasn't like either of them knew the full truth- both of them would think I'd just stayed home to avoid any awkwardness with them in particular. They had no real way of knowing that I'd slept with both of them, and that now I was doing my best to avoid facing up to my mistake.

  Monday came and went.

  Then Tuesday.


  I remembered Thursday that both men were going to be out of the office for a last minute business meeting before the holidays. With the Christmas party that Friday, it occurred to me that I should at least make sure everything had been taken care of in my absence, you know, finish what I started as it were, and make myself seem a little bit less conspicuous. Plus I didn't think I should keep using up my sick days for this, so it was best to show up at the office when the problems I was trying to avoid weren't actually there.

  “Hey Joanne! I'm back. I'm all better now, I think.”

  “I'm overjoyed.”

  “Is everything taken care of with the Christmas party? The catering, entertainment and all that?”

  “Yes, I had the great pleasure of doing your job for you in your absence, in addition to my own responsibilities here at the front desk. It's been a really terrific experience.”

  “Oh, thank you Joanne. You're a real life saver...”

  She didn't say anything, but just rolled her eyes at me. What a mean old woman...

  With not much else to do, I kind of just spent my day doing more of the filing that I'd started on before planning of the Christmas party. I worked slowly, nervously looking around all the time to make sure the coast was clear of both Liam and Chandler.

  I skipped my lunch at noon, and decided to take it at the end of the day instead. Sometimes, after meetings, the men would return to the office for the last hour or so of the day just to catch up on whatever they might have missed. I didn't want to be here in case one or both of them showed up, and so the minute the clock struck four o'clock I zipped out the door, glad to have made it through the day, but relieved to finally be out of there.

  I had no idea what tomorrow could possibly have in store for me, but I was in no hurry to find out...


  The day of the Christmas party, I woke up and got dressed in this sort of skimpy slut elf costume. Before I'd gone completely awol, I'd been supposed to play one of Santa's elves at the Christmas party, Santa being played, as per tradition, by Chandler himself. My heart really wasn't in my role, but I couldn't keep shirking my work responsibilities forever.

  I made my way down the street, dressed in my skimpy little green dress, the fabric clinging desperately to my breasts and buttocks, my legs wrapped in skin tight red and green stockings. People, mostly men, all turned to gawk at me as I made my way down the street, probably thinking how ridiculous it was for such a plain and unattractive girl with glasses to be dressed in such a revealing outfit.

  I didn't care anymore. Let them look at me. I was in no hurry to get to the office today, and if the cruel stares of the people on the street was the price to pay for walking to work instead of taking a cab, then so be it.

  I held my breath as I stepped into the elevator, and rode it slowly upward to my floor. Out of curiosity, I looked to the side to see that my sex handprint was still there on the steel wall, smeared by now, but largely intact. Damn, I thought. Someone needs to fire this building's cleaning staff...

  That charming little reminder of what Liam and I had done in here made my stomach tighten more than ever as the elevator lurched into place at my floor.

  When I stepped into the office, the party had already started. The first thing I heard was Dave from the accounting apartment singing along badly to Jingle Bell Rock, and several people around him at the karaoke cheering him for his efforts, probably all a bit drunk on egg nog. The bustle of activity as people moved through the office celebrating made the decorations I'd put up look even more festive somehow, and somehow I couldn't help but finding this gratifying, as nervous as I might have been.

  As I moved along at a snail's pace through the office, I began to smell some kind of delicious aroma, and I realized that I hadn't even found out who we'd hired for the catering. Whatever it was, I wanted some, and fast...

  I craned my neck around in curiosity, looking for the source of the tasty odor, when suddenly I heard a bursting of cheers from one side of the office. I turned, and found my eyes darting to the spot beneath the mistletoe, where Chandler and I had copulated furiously on the floor a week ago. My eyes went wide, and I couldn't help but smile as I saw old mean Joanne in the arms of a young, muscle bound intern in a suit and tie, the two of them making out unabashedly, both probably also a little bit drunk on egg nog. Everyone around them cheered them on, and actually burst into applause as the intern reached back and squeezed Joanne's ample butt in his hands, as though she was some young beautiful girl in her twenties.

  Damn, I thought to myself, if my circumstances were different, this would have turned out to be a pretty awesome party after all.

  I was so distracted that I didn't even notice as Liam came up behind me. I started as I felt him place a hand on my hip, and instinctively recoiled.

  “Woah! Take it easy,” he said. I felt my heart racing, but I paused for a moment to study him. He was wearing a pair of cloth reindeer antlers on his head, as well as a glowing red nose strapped with a black elastic band around his face.

  It reminded me of another glowing red body part I'd seen on him here only a few days ago...

  “Chloe! Hi! How are you feeling? Is everything alright?”

  “What? Yeah, I... Everything's great,” I said, trying to force some holiday cheer.<
br />
  He sighed. “Look, I'm a little bit worried. I think maybe we need to talk about what happened. I'm really into you, and I didn't mean to make you think-”

  “Think what? Oh... No, I didn't think anything,” I said, practically slurring my words. “Look, Liam I- can we talk about this later?”

  He stared blankly at me. “Um... If that's what you want, I guess?”

  “No, it's just... I'm supposed to play one of Santa's elves, and Mr. De Louise...”

  “Oh, no, of course,” he said, shaking his head. Maybe the holiday party isn't the best place to talk about this after all. Maybe after work you and I could go get a drink, and-”

  “Yeah, yeah, sure I- I just need to go...”

  I realized what I'd just done the moment I turned to walk away from him. I'd managed to evade him easily enough, but my excuse meant that now I would now have to go and confront Chandler, whom I was also trying to avoid. I swear to God, sometimes I can be such an idiot...

  I crept slowly across the office in the direction of Chandler and a small group of co-workers, laughing just as much as anyone else around the office as he declared the people on his lap either naughty or nice, and sent them away afterward with this year's company Christmas present.

  Chandler lit up at seeing me, his attention immediately pulled from the chubby middle aged man currently crushing his thighs.

  “Well there she is! My missing elf!” he said, in a voice meant to sound like Santa Claus. The drunk partygoers all around him burst into applause, probably without really knowing what they were cheering for. “Why don't you come on up and have a seat on Santa's lap? And you can uh... Tell him what you want stuffed in your stocking this year?”

  He winked at me, and the entire crowd burst out laughing and whistling. It would have been the stuff of a sexual harassment lawsuit if he and I hadn't had the history together that we did.

  The chubby guy took his leave of Chandler's lap, and received his company gift from some non-elf employee filling in for me next to Santa's throne. Then the other employees who'd been standing in line for their turn stepped out of the way for me to come through, and I approached shakily, praying for some way to avoid having to do this.

  I knew I couldn't possibly be so lucky though...

  Slowly I took my seat on Chandler's lap, and my instant thought was having sat down on his pelvis the previous Friday, right before I started wriggling and writhing all over him like a mad woman.

  “OH!” he exclaimed in mock surprise. “I can tell right away that someone's been a very, very bad girl...” Again the crowd laughed, and I shook with nervousness.

  Knowing that sooner or later I would be forced to confront this, I turned to look into Chandler's eyes. Beneath his Santa costume, I could still see the sexy billionaire stud I'd ridden in the middle of the office floor, and for a very brief moment I felt myself becoming more at ease with the situation. I settled into Santa's lap, loving the returned warmth of his body up against me, the intensity of his gaze against my own. I noticed his jolly Santa persona beginning to slip, as the attraction I felt to him gave way in his own eyes, and the two of us looked into one another like sex-crazed animals. Gently he reached up, out of sight of the other party goers, and placed a hand on the small of my back, caressing the spot beneath the elf dress, causing me to burn for him.

  “So,” he said, resuming in his low, chubby sounding voice, “What do you want for Christmas you bad, bad girl?”

  “I- I-” I could feel my lip quivering. Beneath my dress, against my stockings, I could feel something beginning to grow in Santa's lap. I felt the familiar heat of his long, hard cock, growing erect up against me, squeezing upward through his velvet suit, pressing between my thighs. I found myself growing wet down below, transfixed by him, unable to tear my eyes away from his beautiful face.

  “Well?” he prodded, raising an eyebrow at me, and this time using his normal, seductive voice.

  “I... I um...” But then, at the height of my desire, as the sweat was pouring along my skin and stinging my eyes, I for some reason turned, and looked over my shoulder to see Liam, standing nearby, watching. I don't think he knew what was going on between the two of us from the distance he was standing, but the sight of him there was just too much for me.

  I couldn't handle this...

  “I'm... I'm sorry... I need to go...”

  I rushed off suddenly, scrambling out of Chandler's lap and through the crowd of partygoers waiting in line.

  “Chloe?” I heard Liam calling in the far distance.

  “Chloe, wait!” echoed Chandler.

  Both men rushed forward, and tried to catch up with me, but I had too much of a head start. With every other room in the office occupied, I hurried for the one refuge I could find. I rushed into Chandler's vacant office and locked the door behind me, then I crash landed at his desk, holding my head in my hands.

  I heard them knocking several times for a minute or two, urgently pleading with me to let them in, but then they stopped, a little bit abruptly.

  After that, I didn't know how long I'd been sitting there, trying to hide myself from the outside world. It might have been ten minutes, or twenty, or forty-five.

  The only thing I knew was that I'd screwed everything up...

  I'd never meant for it all to happen this way. All I'd wanted was someone to love at Christmas. My only mistake had been thinking that no one could ever fall in love with me, and then having no idea how to react when two powerful, sexy men both fell in love with me at the same time.

  But even if it was unintentional, there was no doubt in my mind that I'd completely ruined everything. Neither man would want to be with me now, not after what I'd done to them. They would either fire me, or else let me keep my job and leave me feeling so humiliated that I ended up quitting myself.

  I couldn't stop crying, and my head was starting to ache, and just when I thought all was lost I heard a knock at the door.

  I looked up. It was gentler this time. Less urgent.

  “Chloe, this is Chandler,” came the CEO's calm, reassuring voice. “Liam and I have had a talk... We think we finally understand what's going on now. Could you please let us in?”

  I swallowed. My chest was tight with fear, and I didn't want to have to confront this face to face. But what choice did I really have?

  I moved to the door, and opened it, letting the men inside.

  In came Chandler, followed by Liam, closing the door behind him. Locking it.

  Oh God.

  They both looked at me, their expressions unreadable. I gazed at them with wide eyes, trembling, one hundred percent at their mercy.

  “We think there's been some confusion,” said Liam, a little bit too calmly.

  “Yes,” I said, shaking my head back and forth, trying to come clean. “Yes... I'm so sorry...”

  They didn't say anything, but I knew they both knew. In the time they'd spent outside that office door, they'd both confided in the other that my reason for holing away in here was that they'd fucked me, and that I was probably embarrassed about it. And in this way, they realized that they'd both fucked me, and that this was at the root of all the confusion.

  There was therefore no denying it. All I could do was explain myself, and hope for the best.

  “I'm so sorry,” I repeated. “I'm just not used to men being into me... Especially not men like you too. I didn't know what I was doing, or what I wanted. I just... I just...”

  That was all I could say, before I ran out of words completely. I tried to say more, but my mind was a blank. Honestly, what else could be said?

  But then something happened...

  Chandler placed a warm hand on my own, reassuring me.

  Liam came up from the other side, and placed his palm on the side of my face.

  I was being surrounded...

  “It's okay,” said Liam, “Really. We understand.”

  “R- really?” I said, astonished.

  “Really,” said Chandler, nod
ding. “And in fact, there's plenty of room at the top, if you catch my drift. And if you're into that sort of thing...”

  I froze.

  “Wh- what?” I said, stupefied. I thought I got their meaning, but-

  Before I could doubt the sincerity of his invitation, the men were lifting me up to my feet between them. My body was sandwiched between them next to the desk, their warm muscles mere inches away from me.

  This couldn't be real... This couldn't be real... This couldn't be real...

  But then Liam leaned his body toward me, lacing an arm around my waist, and planted a long, warm kiss on my mouth. He pushed his tongue in me, and left my shivering, until at last he pulled back, leaving me wide eyed, astonished.


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